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Chapter 94 The Shadow of Destruction

On the wide road, the metal secret dragon strode forward like a Tyrannosaurus Rex that was preying. On its back, An and Guleya were happily looking at the surrounding scenery.

"Is this the puppet technology of the holy city? It's so interesting!"

Looking at the scenery in front of her, An was very excited. The unhappiness of being forced to throw away the luggage by Duanmu Huai had already dissipated. Of course, Manalia also has similar techniques, but those dolls are shaped by magic in a short period of time. Once the magic power is exhausted, they will return to ashes directly, so mechanical units like the metal secret dragon are still very attractive to them.

"We didn't come out to play..."

Looking at the appearance of the two, Duanmuhuai shook his head silently, but it doesn't matter, adventurers who have just left are like this, at least compared to the idiot I saw in Bretonnia, these two are already very good . Considering that they were all born as pampered princesses, it's pretty good to be like this. As for the rest... let reality teach them.

Thinking of this, Duanmu Huai looked at Lorena again.

"Lorena, you must be in the north."

"Yes, my lord knight."

Lorena, who was praying, opened her eyes and nodded when she heard Duanmuhuai's question.

"We met many refugees from the north in Manalia. They all said the same thing. There are evil dragons raging in the north, and everyone is afraid to stay outside."

"Hopefully we're on the right track."

Duanmuhuai can only say so. After all, many national boundaries in this era are not clearly divided, and most of them are divided by natural boundaries. For example, the border between the empire and Bretonnia is separated by the gray mountains, but the gray mountains are the territory of the dwarves...

The same is true for Manaria. The northern border is located near the river, but there are many people living on the other side of the river, so strictly speaking, the dragon is already attacking humans, but it has not invaded the core of Manaria. Territory, so it will be regarded as not posing a threat to them for the time being.

People are always like this, they don’t shed tears when they don’t see the coffin.

"Mr. Knight, how should we find the evil dragon?"

At this time Owen also asked, after all, everyone only knew that Fafna and its evil dragon army were raging in the north, but there was no detailed location coordinates.

"Well, first of all, we need to find the villages and towns destroyed by the evil dragon, then find the evil dragon army, then overthrow those stupid big lizards, then ask them about the location of Fafna, and then determine the route..."

"Hey? Do you want to be so troublesome?"

Hearing this, An suddenly cried out.

"Mr. Knight, you were so decisive in what you said before, I thought you already knew where Fife was!"

"That's what adventure is all about."

Duanmu Huai gave An a white look.

"Adventure is often like hunting. You have to look for the traces of the prey, determine its whereabouts, track and find the lair, and then think about how to kill it. Fafe is not an idiot. If you knew where its lair is, the two countries The United would not be so troublesome."

That's right, one of the reasons why the joint team couldn't be sure was that although everyone knew that Fafnir was in the north, no one knew the exact location. It was simply unrealistic to search for such a large piece of land in the north by hand. Therefore, even if an adventure team is sent out, they don't know how many years it will take them to find Fafna.

"It's so troublesome..."

"If you don't want to, go back."


Hearing Duanmuhuai's merciless words, An pouted and hugged Guleya.

"Greya, Mister Knight is bullying me!"


Looking at the appearance of the two, Duanmu Huai shook his head speechlessly, but soon, he cast his gaze forward again, and then, Duanmu Huai's eyes froze.

"There is a small town ahead, let's go and see the situation, maybe we can get some clues."

"Small town?"

Hearing this, An hurriedly raised his head and looked forward. I saw a small town in the distance on the horizon.


"Why is there smoke? Could it be a fire?"

Hearing An's question in doubt, Owen opened his mouth, wanting to explain something to her, but Duanmuhuai gave him a look, signaling Owen not to talk too much.

To deal with such a naive and silly girl, it takes realistic beatings to wake her up.

And when the group finally came to the town, they were all stunned by the scene before them.

I saw that the small town in front of me had completely turned into a burnt ruin. There were charred, smoky wreckage of houses everywhere.

Not only that…………

"Too much..."

Looking at the scene in front of her, An's face turned pale, her lips trembled, and Guleya next to her was also stunned and speechless.

In front of them were several charred corpses. These corpses still maintained the appearance before death. Some people could be seen kneeling on the ground begging for mercy, some were running for their lives, and some were trying to protect their children... Of course, in the end Everything was in vain, and everything turned into scorched earth under the jet of dragon's breath falling from the sky.

"Ojis, Lorena, search to see if there are any survivors."

Duanmu Huai was used to this kind of scene, after all, he had seen worse scenes than this when dealing with followers of evil gods. So he just calmed down quickly, and ordered Augis and Lorena to search for survivors.

As for the two princesses... let them calm down here.

Duanmu Huai was very familiar with searching for survivors. He strode through the wreckage of the town while scanning the life fluctuations around him. According to Duanmuhuai's experience, if there are survivors, they will usually hide in the basement or cellar.

Sure enough, soon, Duanmuhuai found a life reaction in the ground of a wreck. He circled around the ruins, and then found the door of the cellar—it was covered with all kinds of sundries. If no one found out, it might only be a matter of time before these people died inside.

"There are survivors here, come and help."

Duanmuhuai yelled, and then began to clean up the sundries above the cellar door. At this moment, the others rushed over when they heard Duanmuhuai's shout. Soon, Duanmu Huai cleaned up the debris above the cellar door, then opened the door, and signaled Owen and Lorena to go down to check the situation——with his size, he might not even be able to turn around when he went in.

"Mr. Knight, what are we going to do?"

An and Guleya stood beside them at a loss, not knowing what to do. They must be feeling very uncomfortable now, but they don't know what they can do.

"Just stay out of the way."

Duanmu Huai didn't take it seriously, and quickly gave the answer, and the two didn't speak, just stood there obediently.

After a while, Owen and Lorena walked out with a few people. There were men and women, old and young, about four or five of them. Everyone looked haggard and miserable.

"what's the situation?"

It wasn't until this time that Duanmuhuai stepped forward to ask Owen, and the latter quickly answered.

"They are people who live here. Because the dragons suddenly attacked this town, they had to hide in the cellar in a panic. They planned to wait for the dragon to leave before coming out, so they have been hiding until now."

"Ask them where the dragons came from, what they know about them, and..."

Duanmuhuai paused for a moment, looking at the refugees over there.

"Give them some food and money and let them go."


Owen had no better way, he could only nod his head, and then he returned to the group of survivors again, and began to talk to them in a low voice.

Soon, Duanmuhuai saw one of the little boys looking up at him, and then he ran to his side quickly. looked up at him.

"Are you going to kill those dragons?"


Facing the little boy's question, An and Guleya were at a loss, while Duanmuhuai just nodded silently, while the little boy lowered his head.

"Please, please, kill all these dragons! They... They destroyed my home, Buck, Mary, and others are all dead! Please avenge them, please Kill all those giant dragons!!"


Hearing the little boy's entreaties full of anger and sadness, Gu Leya's face turned ashen and said nothing, and An didn't know what to say. Only Duanmu Huai gave them a meaningful look, and then looked at the girl in front of her. The little boy nodded.

"Of course, that's what we're here for."

Then, he spoke.

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