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Chapter 95 Hikijaide Cave

In the end, these survivors took the money and food given to them by the crowd, and left the ruined town with grief and pain. Looking at their backs going away, everyone didn't speak for a long time. But Duanmuhuai withdrew his gaze, looked at An, and snorted coldly.

"Okay, Your Royal Highness, now you come and tell me that when the people of Manaria who have lost their homes, friends and relatives due to the attack of giant dragons, in front of you, please kill those dragons for their sake. How will you persuade them to live in peace with the dragon when it comes to revenge?"


Faced with Duanmuhuai's inquiry, An Yi was speechless for a while. She opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but when she saw the charred house in front of her again, the carbonized corpse and the shattered When she was talking about everything, she didn't know what to say.

"But, but... that's not the Dragon Clan of Regnes..."

"But they didn't stop either."

Duanmu Huai coldly interrupted An Yong's timid defense.

"In the eyes of the victims, standing idly by is an accomplice. Not to mention... Regnes' dragon is also a dragon. For them, it is meaningless to distinguish the difference between the two, because The dragon will not help them anyway, are you right?"


This time, facing Duanmuhuai's reprimand, neither of them spoke, but Duanmuhuai turned around.

"Okay, let's move on, at least we have a target location."

Rescuing these survivors is not in vain. According to these survivors, those giant dragons flew from the frozen mountains in the north. Since they have not encountered these giant dragons before, it is very likely that they are still in the frozen mountains. among. Although searching the entire mountain range is still a big project, it is better than wandering aimlessly.

After that, An and Guleya didn't speak a word along the way. Although they had heard the report before, only after witnessing all this with their own eyes, did they truly realize how terrible the pain, anger and hatred are. . Even children are not spared, he yearns for the death and destruction of all giant dragons from the bottom of his heart, and this kind of hatred cannot be resolved with a few words of course.

The speed of the metal secret dragon was very fast. At dusk, a group of people rushed to the foot of the frozen mountain range. Owen tried to persuade the two princesses to have something to eat, but perhaps the blow they received was too severe before, so that neither of them had much appetite.

"Okay, how long are you going to be depressed!

Looking at the depressed two princesses sitting on the metal secret dragon, Duanmuhuai was so angry that he slapped Ann on the back, then stretched out his hand and grabbed Guleya's tail.



Being attacked suddenly, the two princesses screamed in fright, while Duanmuhuai stared at them fiercely.

"How is it? Are you sober? This is not the time to make you sad, but we are on an adventure, and we may encounter enemies anytime, anywhere! Who are the two of you here in a daze? You can defeat the evil Dragon? Don’t forget what you are doing here! If you can’t stand it, get out of here quickly! This is not a child’s play!”

"I, I won't go back!!"

Hearing this, An suddenly jumped up.

"I swear, I must destroy the evil dragon and avenge the people of Manaria! I will be with Guleya! At that time, we will return to Manaria with the corpse of the evil dragon! I want to Tell the people that it was Guleya who helped us defeat the evil dragon together! Guleya is not a bad person!!"

"Me, me too..."

At this moment, Gu Leya also nodded vigorously, but for some reason, a blush appeared on her face.

"I will also work hard to eliminate Fafnir, no matter what, this is my responsibility as a dragon!"

"very good."

Hearing the two people's answers, Duanmuhuai nodded in satisfaction.

"Now eat something and get ready to fight!"


"This, this is of course no problem, but Mr. Knight......!!"

At this moment, Guleya raised her head and looked at Duanmu Huai, with tears in her eyes and flushed face.

"Also, please let go of my tail, I'm almost out of strength......"

"Oh, sorry."

I have to say that this tail feels quite good when grasped, fat and soft, very easy to touch.

"However... after seeing that scene just now, Mr. Knight can still eat?"

It's no wonder that An has such thoughts. After all, they just saw the charred human corpses. It's normal to have no appetite. So watching Duanmuhuai and the others eat as usual, the two princesses felt somewhat incredible.

"if not?"

Duanmuhuai let out a soft snort.

"People only have the strength to fight when they are full. If you don't eat, it's your business. But if you encounter a surprise battle, because you don't have enough energy to eat and you are finally killed by someone, that would be interesting. Manali The most powerful mage in Asia was killed because he was hungry? I can live a year with this joke!"


After this, the two princesses who cheered up finally returned to normal, ate something, drank some water, and somewhat recovered some energy. Although they are still not very energetic, for Duanmuhuai, it is enough for the two of them to recover to a fighting state.


"Mr. Knight, you say fight? Who are we going to fight?"

"Of course it's a dragon."

Facing An's stupid question, Duanmu Huai also answered speechlessly.

"But...there are no enemies nearby?"

Owen also raised his own doubts. He heard Duanmuhuai say he was going to fight just now, and thought he and the others were in an ambush. He was so scared that he quickly searched around, but he didn't even find a ghost.

"The enemy is not here, but we can draw the enemy here."

Duanmu Huai chuckled and raised his head to look at the frozen mountains in front of him.

"You have also heard before that the giant dragons that attacked the villages and towns all flew over from the frozen mountains, so it is very likely that they are still in the frozen mountains. But here is so big, if we want us to find it, we still need to find it." I don’t know how long I’ll be looking for it. So, just lure them out.”


"How to draw it out?"

"Look at me, cover your ears."

As Duanmuhuai spoke, he walked to the front, and then he summoned two servo skulls to fly into the sky, and then Duanmuhuai turned on the directional amplification mode.

Then, facing the frozen mountains, he took a deep breath.

"You lowly and vile winged lizard reptiles, come out and die for me!!!"

Accompanied by Duanmuhuai's roar, the deafening curses echoed throughout the entire frozen mountain range.

"What's the matter? Are you scared? You cowards! You're so big, you're less courageous than pine nuts! If you have the ability, let's see how your grandpa beats you to the bone!!!"

"Fife is mentally handicapped, and the people under him are also a bunch of scumbags?!!!"


Even if they covered their ears, everyone could hear Duanmuhuai's thunderous roar and insults, and when they heard his roar, the group of people looked at each other, speechless, and didn't know what to say for a while.

However, at this moment...


An angry dragon roar erupted from the mountain, and immediately after, everyone saw several black figures emerging from the sky and rushing towards them.

"Sure enough, they are a group of idiots with no brains."

Duanmu Huai chuckled and gripped the hammer tightly.

"Okay, get ready to fight!"

It has to be said that although Duanmuhuai's method was crude, it was really effective. In the blink of an eye, everyone saw several black shadows descending from the sky and surrounded them.

"The lowly thing, are you blaspheming the majesty of the dragon?!"

The leader of the black dragon glared at Duanmu Huai angrily, opened his mouth, and let out a ferocious roar. Just standing here and looking at its huge body is enough to make people feel frightened. However, Duanmuhuai was carrying the hammer and was not afraid at all.

"I should tell you this, winged lizard, I..."

"Please wait a moment!!"

However, at this moment, Guleya suddenly spoke, interrupting Duanmuhuai's speech. She put down her cloak, raised her head, and looked at the dragon in front of her.

"I would like to ask...are you...the ones who wiped out the small town in front of you?"

"Small town? You mean the monkey's lair?"

Perhaps because of seeing the same race, the black dragon gave an answer.

"Yes, we did."

"Why? Is there any festival between you?"


Hearing Guleya's inquiry, the black dragon snorted coldly.

"The monkeys have nothing to do with us, we just want to have fun, what a fun entertainment it is to watch those stupid bipeds scream, run, and die under our flames ! Our Dragon Clan is the pinnacle that dominates all life, and other lives are only worthy of being our playthings!"


However, before the black dragon finished speaking, suddenly, with a roar, the dazzling magic radiance shot straight into the sky. Everyone turned their heads, only to see An clenched his fists and stared at them angrily.

"Just... just for fun, you took the lives of those people? Destroyed their homes? I will never forgive you...!! Heroic Spirits!! Heed my call and destroy the enemy! !"

As he spoke, An raised his hand high. The next moment, a heroic knight with a figure as tall as a dragon, wearing armor, and holding a spear and shield appeared out of thin air. He raised his spear high and pointed at the The black dragon in front of him rushed over!

"Do it!!"

At this moment, Duanmuhuai also jumped up, raised the hammer in his hand, and swung it down at the dragon! !

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