Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 243 The shadow ball comes out and everything is destroyed

The six people on both sides began to summon their own elves.

Cuckoo Pigeon, Yeib, Devouring Beast.

There is still no change in the lineup, and there is a high probability that it is because the opponent only has one main elf and one auxiliary elf, and those three are probably the strongest combat power of the three from Hengqin Middle School.

On the other hand, on this side of Yechuan, there are ethereal leaves, ice cloth, and chrysanthemum leaves.

"Then, according to the plan, we will deal with the weakest opponent first, and then finally besiege the humanoid elf together."

Compared with the previous method of concentrating fire at City No. 1 Middle School, Hengqin Middle School instead considered starting with the weak ones. Probably because considering the previous performance of City No. 1 Middle School, they directly focused fire on Flying Mantis and ended up getting crushed by everyone. .

"Who do you think will win this battle?"

In the audience, people began to discuss who had a greater winning rate, but everyone still supported Silver Middle School. After all, Ye Chuan's personal strength is too strong. It can be seen from the previous team competitions that he is simply the only one. It can be described as a monster.

"No matter how strong it is, all the elves are not powerful. Look at the second elf sent by Ye Chuan. It shouldn't be particularly strong. At least it cannot be as strong as the Flying Mantis."

Some people have also begun to say that Ye Chuan's Youyou is not the main force. For humanoid elves, many people feel that this is just a bad taste of the rich, because it is extremely energy-consuming for the elves themselves to maintain their humanoid appearance. One thing, if we still have to fight, then our strength will not be too strong.

Just after killing the Devouring Beast instantly, everyone felt it was just an accident.

"As the team competition begins, let us wait and see whether Yinshan Middle School is better or Hengqin Middle School's tactics are more powerful." At this time, the host said.

"The battle begins!"

As the referee's voice sounded, the battle began immediately. As soon as the game started, the people from Hengqin Middle School immediately commanded the elves to attack Jucaoye.

Because in their investigation, two girls were the weakest among the Yinshan Middle School team.

One of them took medicine early, and the other one was named Gu Qi.

And this rustic girl with a mushroom head is Yaozao.

Seeing that the elves were all attacking him, Yaozao looked a little flustered and said:

"Chrysanthemum grass leaves, use the grass flute!"

It was impossible to resist with attack skills, and it was impossible to escape. I thought that Ye Yibu had rushed over with a flash of lightning at this time, so there was no other way. Ju Caoye could only use the grass flute to try to make the last effort.


At this moment, Gu Youling stretched out his hand and pointed, and Bing Yibu stepped forward, directly spraying out freezing light that converged into an ice shield in front of Ju Cao Ye, directly blocking Ye Yibu's lightning flash. , and at the same time, it merged with the sludge bomb and disappeared.

"You Ling!" After seeing Gu You Ling helping him, Yao Zao glanced at her movedly.

"Don't stop." Gu Youling continued, and Bingyibu launched an attack.


At this time, the Cuckoo Pigeon flapped its wings and rushed downwards directly towards the chrysanthemum leaf. Sure enough, the bird elves, especially the ferocious large birds like the Cuckoo Pigeon, were still a threat to the grass elves like the chrysanthemum leaf. Very big.

"Gugu Ge, continue the attack!" Luo Wusheng ordered:

"You are the strongest bird in the world!"

Maybe it's because Luo Wusheng is better at hot-blooded things. Everyone saw that he looked thin and wearing glasses, but they didn't expect that when he started directing, his style would change into a hot-blooded anime style.

"Dove, you are the best!"

"Come on, pigeon!"

That Luo Wusheng didn't give any instructions, he just kept cheering for Cugu Pigeon. At this time, Cugu Pigeon, with the encouragement of the trainer, showed amazing fighting power, which immediately put Ju Caoye into trouble.

At this time, Ye Yibu and Ice Yibu, two opponents who had just finished fighting, chose to fight again with Ice Yibu when Ye Yibu refused to admit defeat.

The Devouring Beast chose long-range support, and the purple sludge bombs made the field stink, full of rotten stench.

Although Yinshan was at a disadvantage at this time, everyone looked at Ye Chuan, because the real protagonist has always been the boy with black hair, dark eyes, and deep eyes.

"Youyou, are you aiming well?" Ye Chuan looked at this scene and suddenly asked with a faint smile.

"Youyou No. 1 is taking aim. The target has been locked. Please give instructions from Ye Chuan!" Youyou didn't know when she transformed herself into a camouflage suit, and then pretended to show a telescope gesture.

"Youyou No. 1, Youyou No. 1, please launch." Ye Chuan also started playing with her with interest.


Youyou stretched out a finger with a smile, and the next second, a giant shadow ball with a diameter of more than ten meters emerged, appearing darkly above the battlefield.

"This is?!"

"Let me guess, what is that, an enlarged version of the shadow ball?"

After seeing the faint shadow ball in the audience, everyone was stunned. What was that?

Yinshan’s classmates who were watching the live broadcast said they were very calm...what a ghost.

At this time, the students of Yinshan Middle School also expressed their shock, because although Youyou's previous shadow ball was very big, it was not that outrageous. This time's shadow ball was several times the size of the previous one, right?

"I didn't expect Youyou's strength to become stronger again. There was obviously no training." Ye Chuan touched his chin at this time, seeming to be curious about Youyou's rapid growth rate.

This little guy obviously draws comics every day, and he hasn't evolved yet. How come his strength has improved so quickly?

At this time, the shadow ball was slowly floating on Youyou's finger, and it was purple-black in color. It was like a star emitting light from the inside. Not only that, there were purple lightnings undulating around it, and energy arcs were constantly beating.

Just by looking at this shadow ball, you can feel the heart-stopping terrifying energy inside. At this time, all the elves were stunned and looked at the behemoth.

"Youyou, must kill!" Youyou stretched out his hand and pointed, and the huge shadow ball was like a falling comet, dragging its purple-black flame tail and crashing towards the Devouring Beast——

"Swallow?" The jelly-like body of the swallowing beast curled up into a ball. What the hell is this?

It has never seen this scene before.

Before he got close, Yeyibu felt the violent power of the shadow ball, but he was unable to stop the shadow ball from falling. Finally, the shadow ball like a meteor fell to the ground...

Boom, like a nuclear explosion, the energy set off terrifying energy fluctuations at the center of the landing, producing an extremely violent explosion of power in an instant.



"what is that?!"

The burst of energy directly set off a hurricane, blowing the clothes of each trainer. Not only that, the elves located in the center of the shadow ball were submerged in the energy explosion.

As soon as the shadow ball comes out, everything is extinguished.

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