Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 244 An Shiyu is missing

After the nuclear explosion, the entire battlefield was reduced to ruins. Of course, if it weren't for the fact that the energy of the ghost system could not cause substantial damage to the site, otherwise the entire battlefield would have been directly wiped out.

"Ah this..." Ye Chuan had no idea that Youyou was so much stronger than before.

Not only can this shadow ball be used against opponents, even Jucao Ye and Bing Eevee were instantly killed. With one ball, it directly hit their teammates.


At this time, Gu Youling and Yao Zao looked directly over. Unexpectedly, their elves were not defeated by the opponent, but were directly stabbed in the back by Ye Chuan's Youyou.

Ye Chuan touched his nose embarrassedly.

At this time, Youyou was lying on the ground with a soft face: "Woo, Youyou doesn't have the strength anymore."

As usual, as long as you use the shadow ball, all your physical strength will be emptied.

Ye Chuan coughed dryly, and after Youyou floated again, he looked at the referee:

"Referee, can you announce the result?"

The referee touched his explosive head caused by the shadow ball: "The whole Hengqin Middle School cannot fight, Yinshan Middle School wins!"

All around, there was deathly silence.

The audience in the auditorium were shocked and speechless after seeing Youyou's terrifying shadow ball. Is this a shadow ball?

You fucking call this a shadow ball? !

Is this a nuclear bomb? !

Someone else recorded it and wanted to upload it to the Internet, but at the moment when the shadow ball exploded, all the recording devices strangely malfunctioned for a while, causing the video to have a black screen for a brief period, and it was not recorded at all.

"This is..." Many people showed strange expressions. Are they disturbed by the shadow ball?

"Youyou, number one in the world!" Youyou said proudly, raising her chin after recovering some of her strength.

"Thank you for your hard work." Ye Chuan smiled.

At this time, Youyou floated into Ye Chuan's arms, rubbed her little face against his chest and said, "Isn't Youyou very powerful?"

"Yeah, yeah, Youyou is the best." Looking at Youyou's bouncing hair, Ye Chuan reached out and touched her head.

After taking back Youyou's elf ball, the host not far away finally came to his senses:

"Ye, Ye Chuan's performance was really unexpected. This shadow ball not only killed the opponent instantly, but also sent his teammates off the stage..."

"Finally, let us congratulate Yinshan Middle School for advancing to the finals!"

After the host finished speaking, the audience also shouted excitedly. The shadow ball just now was so awesome to watch. Such an impactful skill is difficult to see even in the Global Elf League.

At this time, after Teacher Jiang saw the mess, he couldn't help holding his arms and complained:

"That guy's son is indeed a freak. The big monster gave birth to a little monster. Where did they get those weird ghosts from?"

Teacher Jiang couldn't help but recall Ye Chuan's father, Ye Shuang. That guy's main elf is also Gengar, but his Gengar is more special and is better at controlling skills, especially resentment - it can directly make the opponent motionless, better than freezing. The skills are even better.

Because frozen things can also be thawed, Ye Chuan's father's Gengar is like draining your physical strength, leaving you with no strength to resist at all. As expected, none of the ghosts in the old Ye family are normal.

Teacher Jiang thought that Ye Chuan's ghost was given to him by his father, but he did not expect that Youyou discovered it at Yinshan Middle School.

A little ghost who loves to scare people.

At this time, the winner of the other group's semi-finals was also decided.

City No. 3 Middle School and Dou Yi Middle School, Dou Yi Middle School came out better in the end, but their faces were not very good.

Because——Ye Chuan is so fucking perverted.

The shadow ball they just saw on the battlefield next door was so frightening that they thought it was a bomb that had been detonated. The mushroom cloud that soared into the sky was simply a nuclear bomb strike.

"Why don't you shoot? If you try again, you'll score twice."

The people in Douyi Middle School already wanted to surrender. If that weird humanoid elf fired another shadow ball, it would be even more outrageous than a bag of rice carrying several floors.

"Where's your fighting spirit? It's already the finals. What are you afraid of?!" The teacher from Douyi Middle School had a look of hatred on his face. It was already the finals. Unexpectedly, the members of his team were failing before they even started fighting, and they all started to get scared. :

"That shadow ball must not be released again. Otherwise, why would it participate in a college league with such power?"

After hearing what the teacher said, the players' mentality suddenly became much calmer. Yes, the passes to the provincial league are right in front of them. How could they give up so easily?

"Gan!" roared angrily, Dou Yi Middle School showed its strongest fighting spirit!

However, they have all forgotten that the people in Yinshan Middle School are only first-year students. In the coming year, no one knows how terrifying Ye Chuan's strength will be.

The final day is tomorrow, so after the semi-finals, everyone returned to the hotel to rest.

That night.

The evening breeze was slightly cool, and Ye Chuan sat beside the bed, wiping the Poké Ball with a clean cloth.

Because the material of the Poké Ball is easy to attract fingerprints, Ye Chuan will wipe the fingerprints on it every once in a while.

In fact, there are many films for Poke Balls on the Internet, but Ye Chuan still likes the feel of naked balls, so he has never applied films to Poke Balls.

"Bu?" Mumu Xiao shook his chubby body, then walked to Ye Chuan and spread his wings.

"What's wrong?" Ye Chuan glanced at a certain ball and asked.

"Bubu!" Mumuxiao made a move. After Ye Chuan took a look, he frowned slightly:

"You said Shiyu disappeared?"

Mu Mu Xiao nodded.

"It's so late." Ye Chuan said, taking out his mobile phone and calling An Shiyu.

As a result, a ringtone came from the bedside. Ye Chuan took a look and found that An Shiyu's cell phone was actually placed on the bed without being taken out.

After discovering that Nizi went out without her mobile phone, Ye Chuan had no choice but to press the mobile phone number and call Jiang Xue and the others.

"Hello?" Jiang Xue's voice soon came from the other end of the phone.

"Um... have you seen Shiyu?" Ye Chuan asked.

"It's with me." After Jiang Xue finished speaking, Ye Chuan breathed a sigh of relief;

"Tell me, remember to bring your mobile phone next time you go somewhere."

At this time, Jiang Xue's voice was heard talking to someone else on the other end of the phone: "Ye Chuan said you shouldn't run around, remember to stay by his side, he can't leave you."

"Hey - Aye, you idiot." came An Shiyu's shy voice.

"The quality of your report is too bad." Ye Chuan complained when he heard that Jiang Xue was completely different from what he said.

"Well, it probably means the same thing." Jiang Xue said with a smile.

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