Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 274 Don’t talk about martial ethics

"My, my name is Mu Xiaoling, and I'm here to apply for a security guard job." After the little girl finished timidly, Ye Chuan took a look at her resume and found that she was eighteen years old...

Ah this.

Are legal lolita gathering together?

Ye Chuan glanced at the baby-faced Sophie next to him, and then at Mu Xiaoling. He thought for a while, and then asked:

"Well, although security is not a very hard job, it still requires some ability to be competent. After all, look at that old man just now. He is so old and he still comes here to do something like a twerk whip."

As soon as Ye Chuan finished speaking, a head popped out of the door next to him: "It's the Pine Cone Jelly Bean Lightning Five-Continuous Whip."

Ye Chuan: "..."

Uncle, it turns out you haven’t left yet?

After hearing this, Mu Xiaoling immediately said: "I have seriously practiced fighting skills and orthodox Chinese martial arts. I am much better than that uncle."

As soon as she finished speaking, Mr. Ma Guobao, who was wearing martial arts uniforms outside the door, left with a displeased expression on his face: "This young man..."

"In that case, you two might as well try your best." Ye Chuan said slowly after seeing this scene.

"No problem!" Mu Xiaoling agreed immediately.

"This..." Ma Guobao on the side pondered slightly.

"What's wrong?" Seeing the other party's hesitant look, Ye Chuan asked.

"I have been practicing martial arts for decades. It is a bit against the rules to compete with a young girl like this, because according to seniority, this young girl has to call me master." Ma Guobao said slowly, as if he felt that he and Mu Xiao In a spirit competition, it feels like the big one is bullying the small one.

"It's okay, old man, just come and come!" Mu Xiaoling clenched his fist and said.

Although the old man resisted again and again, he was finally sent up by Ye Chuan. At this time, the two of them were facing each other in the battle field.

"Then, stop here and let's get started." Ye Chuan said.

Mu Xiaoling's timid appearance suddenly changed after she assumed a fighting stance. Her eyes were sharp as if she wanted to find flaws in the old man in front of her. However, in her eyes, the old man was full of flaws at this time. Could it be that Is it intentional?

At this time, Ma Guobao still said calmly: "Little girl, come on."

He looked like a master, and it looked like the elders were fighting with the younger ones.

After hearing this, Mu Xiaoling became cautious, then she stepped forward and punched out!


Ma Guobao fell down in a daze and lay motionless on the ground.

Mu Xiaoling: "..."

Ye Chuan: "..."

Sophie: "..."

"You were careless, you didn't dodge!" The old man quickly stood up and finished speaking quickly. After hearing this, Mu Xiaoling clenched his fists when he saw that the other party had stood up again.

At this moment, Ma Guobao stepped forward and slashed at Mu Xiaoling's neck with his palm.

"Boom!" After Mu Xiaoling saw how slow the opponent was, he easily dodged Ma Guobao's palm, and then directly uppercut him and hit the opponent's chin heavily.

This time Ma Guobao was lying on the ground and started foaming at the mouth.

After seeing this, Mu Xiaoling looked at him innocently, then looked at Ye Chuan and the others in the distance: "Well, he seems to have fainted."

Ye Chuan: "..."

Ye Chuan silently took out his mobile phone and then dialed the ambulance number.

But before carrying the stretcher, the old man was still talking about young people not respecting martial ethics, mouse tail juice and so on...

"Well, can I be a security guard?" When Mu Xiaoling saw that she had defeated her opponent, she looked at Ye Chuan and asked. After all, her family had some difficulties and urgently needed her to make money to supplement the family income.

"Okay, your strength is still good." Ye Chuan nodded. After all, the girl's fighting posture just now was very mature. It seems that she has some training ideas.

"Then, do you want to cover it?" After hearing this, Mu Xiaoling suddenly became happy, but she tried to ask again.

"If it's covered..." Ye Chuan glanced at Sophie. After all, he didn't know the details of the gym as well as Sophie.

"Master, the gym has a rest room for employees. If necessary, we can arrange one for her," Sophie said.

"Yeah, that's fine." Ye Chuan nodded, then looked at Mu Xiaoling and said, "Keep it covered."

After hearing this, the other party's eyes lit up instantly: "Okay!"

In this way, the recruitment was almost complete. Ye Chuan and Sophie spent some time organizing the gym and officially opened it.


At this time, An Shiyu came over. She looked at the organized gymnasium and blinked her big eyes: "Hey, it's really impressive."

"It's okay." Ye Chuan wiped the elf ball in his hand. Then he noticed the lunch box in An Shiyu's hand and said:

"Let me, Kangkang, cook something delicious."

After An Shiyu heard what Ye Chuan said, he immediately raised his chin proudly and said:

"They are all Aye's favorite food!"

"Really?" Ye Chuan smiled slightly.

After eating the sumptuous lunch prepared by An Shiyu, Ye Chuan saw the girl sitting in the audience and asked, "Aren't you going home?"

"No reply, I want to see Aye fighting." An Shiyu said with a smile, and the round Mumu Xiao in her arms also spread its wings:


"On the first day of business, no one should come to the door." As soon as Ye Chuan finished speaking, Sophie trotted over in a hurry:

"Lord Master, someone is here to challenge you!"

"So fast?" Ye Chuan was stunned for a moment. Isn't this speed a little faster? But then again, he never knew there was a gym here. Could he be a passerby?

Soon, a man walked in under the leadership of Sophie. He was probably in his twenties. When he saw Ye Chuan's young face, he was slightly startled:

"Are you the supervisor?"

"Well, I am Ye Chuan, the acting gym leader of the Xianyu Gym. Do you want to challenge the gym?" Ye Chuan stood there and asked.

"Salted Fish a bit interesting." Hearing this, the man took out a Poké Ball and said:

"To be honest, I am an elf trainer who likes to travel and challenge gyms everywhere. Even though I accidentally passed by and found a gym, I will not show mercy."

"Okay." Ye Chuan smiled.

Then, the man walked aside and started to install his own camera and other photography equipment. After Ye Chuan saw this, he became curious. Was he going to take a picture of his battle?

"I'm still an outdoor anchor." Seemingly seeing Ye Chuan's expression, the man explained aloud:

"Because anchors are quite profitable these days, it can be considered as a supplement to some extra income."

"So that's it." Ye Chuan had never experienced the feeling of being short of money, so he took out the elf:

"In that case, let's get started."

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