Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 275 The first battle of the acting museum owner

The battle started soon. At this time, Sophie suddenly ran over and asked softly:

"Mr. Gym Leader, what are the rules of our gym?"


Ye Chuan was stunned for a moment, but he quickly realized that after all, the battle rules of the elf gym were set by the gym owner, and Aunt Xueling had never done this from the beginning, so Sophie, who was in charge of the part-time referee, I don’t know what the rules for victory are.

"Just a normal 2V2. Challengers can change elves freely." Ye Chuan said slowly.

"Yeah!" Sophie nodded, and then returned to her referee position. At this time, the battle began, and Ye Chuan directly summoned his fire dinosaur.

"Fire dinosaur..."

After seeing the fire dinosaur, the man took out his Poke Ball, the white light flashed, and a Cammy turtle appeared.

The Cammy turtle is similar in size to the fire dinosaur, but has advantages in attributes. As the three specially selected water elves in the elf center.

After seeing the elf, Ye Chuan thought about it and said with a smile:

"Then, you attack first."

"Okay." The man smiled.

At this time, the camera next to him slowly recorded——

The battle began, and Cammy Turtle took the lead in attacking:

"Kami Turtle, use the water gun!"

"Hey!" Cammy Turtle sprayed out a stream of water gun and shot at the Fire Dinosaur. After seeing this, the Fire Dinosaur dodged back, relying on its flexible body to continuously dodge the water gun.

"So fast..." After seeing how fast the fire dinosaur was, the other party was obviously stunned for a moment, and then said in a deep voice:

"Kami Turtle, use high-speed rotation!"

The Kami turtle retracted into its shell, and then its body began to spin at high speed. The next second, it was like a top, and it hit the fire dinosaur at a very fast speed. After seeing this, the two claws of the fire dinosaur burst into flames. Yan, directly grabbed the shell of Cammy turtle with force!

"What?!" After seeing this, the man was slightly startled. The fire dinosaur actually caught the Cammy turtle with his bare hands?

At this time, the Cammy turtle stretched out its head. After seeing the terrifying strength of the fire dinosaur, it sprayed a water gun and planned to sneak attack on the opponent.

"Bah-" The water gun hit the fire dinosaur, and the attribute suppression resulted in quite good power. When Ye Chuan saw this, he said calmly:


The fire dinosaur opened its eyes in the water gun, and with a buzzing sound, the flames on its claws began to gather flame breath, and the next second, it exploded instantly!

"Boom!" The terrifying explosion caused Cammy Turtle's body to fly backwards and then bounce on the ground.

The Cammy Turtle shook its head, and then stood up with difficulty. After it saw the fire dinosaur in the distance, it didn't know why a fear flashed in its heart. It was obvious that its attributes should be dominant, but the momentum given to it by the opponent was... It was extremely terrifying, as if he was the weak one.

"Come on Aye!!!" An Shiyu shouted loudly next to her. She didn't know when she changed into cheerleading clothes and performed a cheering dance for Ye Chuan, which made Ye Chuan suspicious of this girl. Did you learn it behind your back?

Of course, Pikachu also dances very happily, and the bounce is extremely full.

"Ahem." After Ye Chuan withdrew his gaze, he returned his attention to the battle.

At this time, the Cammy Turtle had launched another attack on the Fire Dinosaur. After seeing that it could not defeat the Fire Dinosaur in close combat, it kept using its water gun, as if it wanted to suppress the Fire Dinosaur. But after the Fire Dinosaur saw this, it was He rushed over like a cannonball.

"Boom——" The claws were burning with flames.

Blast out directly!

"Boom!" A terrifying explosion sounded directly, and the Cammy turtle flew out again, and then lay motionless on the ground.

"Kami Turtle, lost the ability to fight." The battle was quite straightforward. The man in the distance never expected that this fire dinosaur was so powerful, and easily defeated Cammy Turtle, which had advantages in its attributes.

So strong...

The man began to look at the gym trainer in the distance again. After all, Ye Chuan was too young, which gave him the illusion that the other person was not strong. But he was wrong. The other person was not only very strong, but also Yes, it's still ridiculously strong.

"Huh, it seems I was careless." The man took out the elf ball, took the Cammy turtle back, and threw the second elf ball directly:

"This is my strongest combat power, I'm showing off my shame!"

White light flashed, and an extremely large armored tyrannosaurus appeared. Not only that, the body of this armored tyrannosaurus was covered with metallic color. This kind of metal-like rock elf has extremely powerful defense. This is a rock. The result after crystallization.

"Hmm." Ye Chuan pondered slightly after seeing the Armored Tyrannosaurus. Speaking of which, he had just played against the Armored Tyrannosaurus in the Campus Cup...

After the fire dinosaur's power was fully restored, Ye Chuan had always wanted to know whether it could kill the armored tyrannosaurus with one punch. It was a pity that there were not so many opportunities in the competition, but now, a freshly made and fragrant armored tyrannosaurus was once again on the scene. before.

Ye Chuan and the fire dinosaur smiled at the same time.

"Huh?" Seeing the smile on Ye Chuan's face, the man suddenly had a bad feeling, but he didn't think about it too deeply at this time, because the armored tyrannosaurus had overwhelming power and strength against the fire dinosaur. level of combat effectiveness, so no matter how powerful the fire dinosaur is, it will be difficult to defeat an armored tyrannosaurus.

At this time, the live broadcast room inside the camera was also rolling with barrage——

[Come on, handsome brother who commands the fire dragon! 】

[66666, this wave, this wave is the armored tyrannosaurus killing the opponent instantly. 】

[Fast forward to when the anchor takes down the president of the Salted Fish Gym. 】

[Aren’t fire dinosaurs good at long range? Why is it that this gym trainer keeps asking Fire Dinosaurs to approach the battle, training wrong? 】

[It must have been a mistake in training. It simply ruined this fire dinosaur. What a pity. 】

[Fire dinosaurs play melee combat, can you be a trainer? 】

There are more and more barrages in the live broadcast room. In fact, most of them are not elf trainers. Many are cloud trainers. That means there are no elf. The analysis is clear and logical. Those who don’t know think that they are high-level trainers. trainer.

But these are not. Instead, most of them are viewers who like to watch live broadcasts and have no interest in training elves or have no funds to invest.

At this time, after they saw that Ye Chuan's Elf Fire Dinosaur actually approached Zhanliu, those Yun trainers who were accustomed to reading illustrated guides expressed their opinions. Some even thought that Ye Chuan was ruining the Fire Dinosaur. It's a complete waste of the opponent's talent.

But the next second, on the screen of the live broadcast room, an orange-red figure rushed in front of the armored tyrannosaurus, and then punched out——

The flame explosion penetrated the armored tyrannosaurus, which took several steps back and finally fell to the ground covered in charred black.

...There was silence in the live broadcast room


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