Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 386 Familiar People

Jiangliu City has a river and is close to the sea.

So the food here has a lot of this kind of food. Of course, there won't be any Braised Carp King food here.

As early as fifty or sixty years ago, the Trainers Alliance issued a ban on eating elves. However, except for a few types of elves, the taste is not necessarily better than ordinary animals. In addition, when the elves are in danger, There will be aggression.

"Bu~~~" Mu Muxiao stood on An Shiyu's shoulder and started crying hungry early.

Ye Chuan and An Shiyu walked to a snack street at this time, and the delicious smell came from them.

"Handsome girl, try this seafood pancake, it's delicious."

"Charcoal grilled lobster, are you interested in checking it out?"

At this time, many stall owners greeted them enthusiastically. Ye Chuan and An Shiyu looked at each other and sat down at a random stall.

Although they can go to big hotels to eat, An Shiyu believes that delicious and unique food in every city is hidden in corners and small shops.

Although Ye Chuan didn't quite agree, he wasn't very good at cooking, so he just listened quietly.

"Charcoal-grilled lobster, seafood pancakes...please use them slowly." The shopkeeper brought out the hot food and placed it in front of Ye Chuan and An Shiyu.

Ye Chuan put on his gloves and took a bite of the pancake. He found that it was delicious, salty and sweet, and had a very crispy texture.

"It's quite delicious." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, the Mumu Owl on the side opened its beak:


"Are you sure you want to eat?" Ye Chuan looked at the wooden owl's beak and asked with a smile: "Isn't it better for you, a grass bird, to eat tree fruits or something like that?"

Mumu Xiao looked at the cake straightly, and it seemed that he really wanted to eat it.

"Here." Ye Chuan handed it to Mu Mu Xiao, who pecked it a few times and then started eating.

"I really like it." Ye Chuan was a little surprised.

However, some elves can indeed adapt to human food, such as Pikachu and Gardevoir. Although elves can theoretically eat anything, elves also have their own tastes.

At the same time, after some elves evolve, their tastes will also change at the same time.

The simplest example is the Steel-Armored Crow. After it evolved, it started to like eating food with metal powder. You must know that it was completely indifferent to these before. An Shiyu has a rich reserve, so he can naturally feed the steel very well. Kaiya customizes exclusive delicacies.

The illustrated book says that in addition to hunting insects and eating wild tree fruits, steel-armored crows in the wild also use some stones containing metal substances to strengthen their defenses.

As for the exclusive food customized by An Shiyu, in addition to high-end flying elf food, it also contains energy cubes to restore physical strength, energy cubes to strengthen bones, some energy cubes for seasoning, and some rare metal powders mixed in it.

A food that takes into account a series of effects such as strengthening strength, nutrition, and deliciousness. Ye Chuan estimates that no one other than An Shiyu can make it.

After all, this girl often buys tree fruits to make energy cube experiments, and has already tinkered with many energy cubes with special effects.

This is also why the elves like An Shiyu very much.

After all, although the previous elf food was quite delicious, it would still feel monotonous after eating it for a long time, but An Shiyu was different. Her specially made elf food directly made the elves in Yechuan feel that this was the most delicious thing they had ever eaten in their lives. , and I will never get tired of it in my lifetime.

"Bubu!" At this time, Mumu Xiao, who was eating the cake, seemed to have eaten too much at one time, and it was stuck in his throat until his face turned pale from holding it in.

It spread its wings and finally accidentally rolled to the ground, its round body bouncing.

Then, Mumu Xiao rolled all the way and slipped onto the road outside.

Ye Chuan: "..."

Finally Mumu Xiao rolled to someone's feet and was picked up by a pair of hands.

"Well, interesting little guy." A male voice sounded slowly.

A man who looked to be in his mid-twenties picked up the dizzy Mumu Owl, then stretched out his fingers to take out the piece of cake stuck in its mouth.

"Bu!!" Mumuxiao breathed a sigh of relief and lay softly on the man's hand.

"Mumuxiao, are you okay?" An Shiyu was chatting with the boss about how to make seafood pancakes, and just now she noticed that this guy actually rolled all the way to the roadside outside.

"Beautiful lady, watch your elf next time."

The man smiled softly, his slender eyes scanning An Shiyu's cheek.

"Thank you, thank you." An Shiyu took the wooden owl and then poked its face with her finger:

"Really, don't do such dangerous things."

After hearing this, Mumu Xiao had no choice but to nod his head obediently.

At this time, when the man was about to continue saying something, Ye Chuan put a hand on An Shiyu's shoulder, and then pulled him behind him.

At this time, Ye Chuan's expression was dull, even a little indifferent.

"Aye?" This was the first time An Shiyu saw Ye Chuan's expression, and she asked in a strange voice:

"What’s wrong with you?"

When the man saw Ye Chuan standing in front of the girl, he smiled and said, "What's the matter?"

"You..." Ye Chuan narrowed his eyes slightly.

At this time, the stall owner on the side suddenly came over and said cheerfully: "Isn't this the owner of the stall? How many cakes would you like?"

The owner?

The Elf Gym Leader in Jiangliu City?

The man shook his head: "No, I have something else to do."

"Really, but it's all thanks to you that happened last time. I will come to thank you another day." The stall owner smiled.

"You're welcome, it's just a little effort."

At this time, many people in the food court were greeting the man, as if they all knew the owner.

"Then, I have something else to do, so I'll leave." After the man glanced at Ye Chuan, he smiled at An Shiyu, then turned and left.

"Aye..." An Shiyu saw that Ye Chuan's mood was a bit wrong, so she asked in a low voice:

"What's wrong?"

Then she thought about it, could it be that the strange man talking to her made Aye jealous?

An Shiyu couldn't help but smile.

"That man... I know him." Ye Chuan let out a breath and then said slowly.

An Shiyu was stunned and her face turned rosy. It turned out that she had guessed wrong.

But if they were acquaintances, how could they not recognize Aye?

"Don't he know Aye?" An Shiyu asked curiously. ’

"I don't know him, but he seems to have forgotten what I look like." A faint smile appeared at the corner of Ye Chuan's mouth, recalling a year ago——

A heinous explosion occurred at Yinshan Middle School.

Someone used the Squid King to hypnotize students and brought a thunder ball into the classroom where it exploded, seriously affecting the image of Ginzan Middle School at the time.

Although it was later said that the real culprit was caught, Ye Chuan and Sister Qianlan had arrested this guy at that time, so they naturally knew that the person on the TV was a top fake.

And Ye Chuan also deeply remembered that guy's waveguide aura and the face hidden under the mask.

At this time, Ye Chuan looked at the man's back in the distance and narrowed his eyes slightly.

He is actually the Elf Gym Leader of Jiangliu City!

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