Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 387 I only belong to you

"Aye..." An Shiyu saw Ye Chuan's expression, stretched out her hand and pulled his sleeve: "Are you okay?"

"Well, it's okay."

Ye Chuan nodded, then stretched out his hand to touch the girl's head and smiled.

The two returned to their seats, but at this time Ye Chuan no longer had the desire to eat. He thought for a moment, and then looked at the boss:

"Boss, that person just now is the leader of the Elf Gym, right?"

After hearing Ye Chuan's question, the boss immediately smiled and nodded: "Yes, Mr. Zhang Gen is a famous celebrity in our city and the owner of the elf gym in this city."

"How many gyms are there in this city?" Ye Chuan asked.

"After all, Jiangliu City cannot compare with those big cities. This city was just a small fishing village decades ago, and of course it only had one gym." The boss smiled.

"That famous person..."

"That's because Mr. Zhang Gen is an upright man and a warm-hearted person. He has helped many people in this city. If you want to ask who is the leader of the trainer alliance, some people may not be able to answer it, but in Jiangliu City, if you ask Mr. Zhang Gen, almost everyone knows him."

When the boss spoke, he did not hide his praise for the man in his tone.

Ye Chuan frowned slightly.

Celebrity, right?

After eating, Ye Chuan and An Shiyu got up and prepared to go to the Elf Center first. After all, they all came to a new city and needed a place to stay.

Arriving at the nearest elf center, Ye Chuan checked into a room and took a short rest.

But in his heart, he kept thinking about the guy named Zhang Gen.

There is no mistake, everyone's waveguide power is unique. Ye Chuan has mastered the waveguide power for so many years, but there has never been a mistake.

But could the so-called warm-hearted and good man and the guy who caused the Yinshan bombing be the same person? !


What's the point?

But the most important thing is that the guy who carried the bag has been caught and the case has been closed. It is estimated that Yinshan Middle School does not want to continue to toss.

After all, the Yinshan explosion last year was criticized by keyboard warriors on the Internet. Now the memory has finally faded. If a real murderer emerges, all the old things will be unearthed. This is Yinshan. What Shanzhong didn’t want to see.

"Hmm." Ye Chuan lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling in a daze.

"Aye?" At this time, a beautiful face appeared in front of him, with soft long hair falling to his cheeks, and a pair of jewel-like eyes flashing with worry, as if he was worried about himself.

"What's wrong?" Ye Chuan asked.

"What's going on? He's clearly out of his mind. Is it because of that man?" An Shiyu said, kneeling on Ye Chuan's lap.

"Roughly the same."

Ye Chuan didn't want to tell An Shiyu about this. After all, there were some things that this girl didn't need to know. When Ye Chuan was young, he had seen too many things with his sister-in-law who was the leader of the alliance, and one of them was Partly, perhaps it was something that was unacceptable in Shiyu's eyes and even a little beyond her cognition.

"Then, do you want to challenge the gym?" An Shiyu asked.

"I won't go for now..." Ye Chuan just finished speaking. When he saw An Shiyu's beautiful eyes looking directly at him, he changed the subject and said with a smile:

"Shiyu, how about taking a walk with me?"

"Take a walk?" An Shiyu's attention was attracted, and then he tilted his head and thought for a while:

"For a walk... didn't we just walk a long way?"

"Just go out and get some fresh air, it's like going on a date." Ye Chuan said.

An Shiyu blushed slightly after hearing this, and then looked at her clothes. She was wearing a white Ibrahimovic T-shirt and denim shorts today. They were completely energetic and common clothes, but they didn't seem suitable for dating. .

"Let's go." Ye Chuan directly took An Shiyu's soft little hand and walked out of the room.

"Wait, wait a minute, Aye, I want to change my clothes."

"It's okay, I like whatever you wear, Shiyu."

"Well, idiot..."

Arriving on the first floor, this is the hall of the Elf Center. In the rest area next to it, many trainers gathered there and chatted. Ye Chuan took a look and was about to walk out of the Elf Center with An Shiyu. , An Shiyu suddenly pulled Ye Chuan:

"Aye... there seems to be a battleground here. Do you want to train the elves?"

Seeing the cute look of the girl with her eyes shining brightly, Ye Chuan thought for a while, and there was no problem. After all, he only came out to breathe in the first place.

And one of An Shiyu's hobbies is watching him fight.

After seeing Ye Chuan agree, An Shiyu turned around happily: "I'm going to change into my cheerleading uniform!"

But the next second, Ye Chuan grabbed his arm: "No, you can just wear this."

"Really?" An Shiyu looked at her own outfit. In fact, it was still too everyday.

"And..." Seeing her staring at his clothes, Ye Chuan withdrew his gaze and slowly moved away:

“The cheerleading uniforms are too revealing and I don’t want others to see them.”

Hearing the possessive words, An Shiyu couldn't help but blush. She pulled Ye Chuan's clothes, then stood on tiptoes and whispered in his ear:

"Don't worry, I won't show it to others. I only belong to you."

Ye Chuan was stunned for a moment, and then when he saw the rare mischief in An Shiyu's eyes, he reached out and pinched her cheek, and then led her to the battlefield.

There are a lot of battle arenas, and it feels like you have seen the center of the battle.

The elf trainers inside were fighting and discussing. Ye Chuan and An Shiyu were standing there. The combination of handsome men and beautiful women attracted many people's attention.

"That couple is pretty good-looking...are they brother and sister?"

"You're stupid, you look like a couple with the smell of killing a dog, okay?"

Ye Chuan looked around and finally found a fighting place with no one around.

After you swipe your alliance card, the venue will start charging and you can use it. After all, the damage caused by you fighting or training the elves is the responsibility of the elf center to deal with the aftermath. Naturally, it is impossible for someone to open such a big building. Those who do charity will naturally charge a certain fee.

Ye Chuan released the Flying Mantis, and he was still thinking about how to invite others to fight. As soon as the Flying Mantis appeared, its black and domineering appearance immediately attracted the attention of a large number of people. No matter where it was, the heterochromatic elves were still eye-catching.

At this time, several people were already eager to try, but they seemed to be speculating on the strength of the Flying Praying Mantis and did not come over.

Ye Chuan waited for a while, and then took a look at his flying mantis:

"Is it because our flying mantis looks so scary that no one comes here?"

As if understanding Ye Chuan's gaze, Flying Mantis slowly closed his eyes.

This is called handsome.

Finally, a man came over and asked tentatively: "Handsome guy, how about a battle between elves? I'm very interested in your flying mantis."

It was a man who looked to be in his early twenties, and there was a purple-black beetle-like elf beside him.

This elf is called Heracross and has huge horns and powerful limbs.

Unicorn elves, whose attributes are both insect and fighting, are good at strength. The favorite food of this kind of elves is sucking nectar and tree sap. It is said that Bulbasaur hates Heracross because Bulbasaur's buds often cause trouble. Heracross came over to take a sip.

The Flying Mantis and Heracross are the elves on the ceiling of the insect system's combat power.

"Okay." Ye Chuan smiled when he heard the other party's invitation.

"Then, Ah Ye, shall I be the referee?" An Shiyu looked around and asked in a low voice after seeing that no referee came.

"You know how?" Ye Chuan was stunned for a moment, and then a look of curiosity appeared on his face.

"After all, I often watch Aye's battles, so I have learned a bit." An Shiyu stuck out her tongue cutely:

"By the way, I also took the exam for the apprentice elf judge certificate."

Ye Chuan: "?"

When did you take the exam?

But since An Shiyu said so, Ye Chuan nodded, and then An Shiyu walked to the referee's position.

Speaking of which...

Ye Chuan suddenly thought of something. If An Shiyu had just gone back to change into cheerleading uniforms, then if he was the referee at this time, would he stand in the referee's position and cheer for himself?

After thinking about it, it always seems interesting.

But now is not the time to think about this. Ye Chuan looked at his opponent, then smiled and said: "My name is Ye Chuan."

"Luo Guan." The other party replied. After all, it is basic courtesy to give each other names in an elf battle.

"Okay, please get both sides ready!" After An Shiyu finished speaking, he made a knife-like cut with his white and tender palm:

"Game start!"

After the battle began, Luo Guan directly ordered:

"Heracross, toned!"

"Lo!" Heracross tensed his body, and then layers of brown power flowed through his body. This is a bodybuilding skill. You can use bodybuilding to tighten your muscles in a short period of time to improve yourself slightly. strength and defense capabilities.

However, the Flying Mantis still did not take action at this time.

He just looked calmly at Heracross swinging his limbs in the distance.

"Come on, use the corner collision!"

After seeing that the Flying Mantis had no intention of attacking, Luo Guan seemed to understand something and gave the order directly.

Yes, he was underestimated. At this moment, Heracross spread his wings and flew over, the horns on his head shining brightly.

Its speed was not slow, and its horns carried heavy power, as if it could directly push its opponent away. However, when it rushed in front of the flying mantis, a sword suddenly flashed across -

The back of the Flying Mantis' sword struck Heracross on the neck.

"Crack." The sound of the carapace breaking slowly sounded, and Heracross flew sideways and fell to the ground.

Just using the back of the sword, he easily repelled Heracross' attack.

When Luo Guan saw this, he seemed a little surprised, because the Flying Mantis couldn't compare to Heracross in terms of power. How could such a knife-back attack be so powerful?

Could it be that it's hierarchical suppression?

Luo Guan looked at Ye Chuan's face and felt something was wrong. At such a young age, his elf couldn't be that strong, right?

Although he was confused, Luo Guan quickly collected his thoughts and continued to issue instructions:

"Heracross, use missile needle!"

Since melee combat is not easy to use, Luo Guan plans to use long-range attacks to create loopholes in the flying mantis.

Several missile needles were fired towards the Flying Mantis like missiles, dragging chaotic trajectories. After seeing this, the Flying Mantis disappeared instantly.

Following several rays of sword light, the missiles split into two in mid-air, and then exploded!

"What?!" After seeing this, Luo Guan was stunned for a moment, then cut off the missile needle in mid-air?

Are you filming a TV series? Kill the bullet with a knife.

But at this time, the flying mantis had appeared in front of Heracross, and the scythe was swung out again.

Heracross quickly blocked it. At this time, the Flying Mantis still used the back of the knife to attack, and was directly blocked by the opponent.

"Crack." A spiderweb-like crack opened under Heracross' feet.

It was obvious that the elf was not good at brute force, but the Flying Mantis' scythe put immense pressure on Heracross. The black sword was like a boulder, pressing heavily on Heracross's arms.

But the Flying Mantis still looked like an understatement.

"So strong..."

At this time, many trainers around saw this scene and were slightly surprised.

The Flying Mantis is a speed elf, good at fast attacks, while Heracross is a power elf, good at melee bursts. They are obviously top-level insect elves with their own characteristics, but they found that this Flying Mantis is not only ridiculously fast, but also In addition to being able to chop bullets with a knife, he was even so powerful that Heracross was unable to move.

"Heracross, show off your momentum!" Luo Guan said immediately.

"Hera!" Heracross propped up his arm, and then lifted the Flying Mantis' scythe up bit by bit.

But the next second, another scythe swept straight at Heracross's chin.

"Hera..." It was knocked away by the terrifying power brought by the scythe, and fell heavily to the ground, losing its ability to fight.

"Shiyu." Ye Chuan withdrew his gaze at this time and said to An Shiyu who was in the referee's seat.

At this time, An Shiyu reacted and immediately said:

"Heracross loses the ability to fight!"

After saying that, she took a long breath, and Ye Chuan smiled slightly.

"So strong, no match for him." At this time, Luo Guan took the elf back to rest, then walked to Ye Chuan and said.

Ye Chuan nodded slightly and then smiled in return.

Ye Chuan's terrifying strength has discouraged many people from coming to fight. Although everyone is looking at his flying mantis, no one dares to challenge him.

"Liar!!!" But at this moment, an angry voice suddenly sounded, and then several men walked up to Ye Chuan angrily.

"?" Ye Chuan suddenly blinked strangely when he saw the angry expressions of these people.

"You liar, how dare you show up here." The man in the lead glared at Ye Chuan.

"Do you have any misunderstanding?" Ye Chuan was stunned and said.

"Haha, you're just pretending, didn't you say you wanted to sell this elf to me?" the man said coldly:

“After receiving the deposit, they blocked me!”

At this time, people around began to whisper, but Ye Chuan and An Shiyu still looked confused.

"I think you have mistaken the person. I have never sold my elf." Ye Chuan said.

"You are still arguing that this is not your account and this is not the photo you gave me?!" The man took out his mobile phone and showed the chat history and photos in front of Ye Chuan.

This is a series of chats about buying elves, accompanied by photos of trading elves.

And the elf in the photo is none other than Ye Chuan’s flying mantis!


Ye Chuan seemed to have remembered something.

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