Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 498 The arrival of an acquaintance

After hearing the voice on the phone, Ye Chuan was a little surprised, and then said, "Gu Qi?"

That's right, the voice on the other end of the phone belongs to Gu Qi. Come over to watch the game...

Could it be.

Ye Chuan asked: "Are you here?"

"Hehe, it's not just me, everyone else is here." Gu Qi said with a smile, and the girl's voice could be vaguely heard on the other end of the phone.

"Teacher, will you ask for leave?" Ye Chuan couldn't help but laugh.

"Tomorrow is Saturday and Sunday, where can I ask for leave?"

"It seems so..." Ye Chuan glanced at the time and found that today was indeed Friday, but Gu Qi and the others actually came all the way to cheer him on, which made Ye Chuan a little touched.

"But you haven't bought a ticket yet?" Ye Chuan asked.

After all, it’s hard to get a ticket now, let alone when the finals are approaching. As early as the first day of the competition, all the tickets were sold out.

"We have tickets, An Shiyu gave them to us." Gu Qi said on the other end of the phone.


Ye Chuan was stunned for a moment, then glanced at An Shiyu's side and found that Nizi had gone to the bathroom and seemed to be washing up. After all, she would have dinner later.

Ye Chuan walked to the bathroom, looked at An Shiyu who was washing up with white lotion on her soft lips, and asked:

"Did you buy Gu Qi's tickets?"

An Shiyu's eyes curled into cute crescents, and then she said, "Well, Gu Qi and the others said they were coming a few days ago, but they couldn't get tickets, so I helped keep an eye on them."

"You actually hid it from me." Ye Chuan stretched out his hand and gently pinched the girl's cheek.

At this time, the other end of the phone was still talking. After Gu Qi and Ye Chuan chatted for a few words, they went to find a place to stay with others.

"Just come to my place." Ye Chuan said to come to our hotel.

"It seems so. What's the name of your hotel?"

Ye Chuan sent the address to Gu Qi.

"I received the address, let me take a look..." Gu Qi muttered. After a while, he said:

"I'm talking about a seven-star hotel?!"

"Wouldn't it be expensive to stay for one night?"

At this time, Yaozao's voice sounded on the other end of the phone: "I'll just pay."

"Little rich lady Yaiyao, give me a hug."


"I'll reimburse you, so don't worry and come here." Ye Chuan couldn't help laughing while listening to the conversation on the other end of the phone.

"Hey, then we're not welcome."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Chuan glanced at An Shiyu and asked, "Shiyu, I'm going to pick up Gu Qi and the others. Do you want to come with me or stay in the hotel alone?"

"I'll go too." An Shiyu said softly, then looked at herself in the mirror and straightened her clothes slightly:

"Aye, my clothes seem a little wrinkled."

An Shiyu was wearing a light blue dress, but the floral decoration on the chest was a bit messy. After Ye Chuan took a look, he smiled and said: "There is order in the chaos. It's quite nice. At first glance, it looks like someone An outstanding work by an artist.”

An Shiyu immediately gave Ye Chuan a roll of his eyes and boasted.

"Wait a minute, I'll change clothes first."


"You go out and don't peek!"

"Because we all take a shower together... we can't even look at each other?"

"No, if you don't give it, you won't give it!" Finally, An Shiyu couldn't help but drive Ye Chuan out with a blushing face.

Ye Chuan stood next to the door of the bathroom and shrugged. They were already an old couple. An Shiyu was still as shy as before, but occasionally he still had a particularly open side.

After An Shiyu changed into casual clothes, she held Ye Chuan's hand and walked out of the bathroom together. Gu Qi and the others came to the hotel in a taxi. After waiting at the door for a while, Ye Chuan saw these acquaintances.

The three people who got out of the car were Gu Qi, Yao Zao and Jiang Xue.

"Hehe." Gu Qi gave a thumbs up: "Are we going to be fast?"

"It's okay. Just got off the plane?"

"Otherwise, we're not living outside." Gu Qi said, then glanced at Yaozao next to her: "I wouldn't mind if we share a room with Yaozao."

The next second, a foot appeared on his instep. There was no doubt that the owner of this foot was Yaozao.

Yaozao still wore his thick-soled glasses, and he didn't know what technology was used to make the glasses look so thick without affecting Yaozao's vision at all.

"I'm here to see my junior win the championship." Yaozao said.

"I will." Ye Chuan also smiled.

"Did you know that the president has also been watching your game all day long?" Jiang Xue on the side suddenly said with a smile:

“I’ve fallen behind a lot at work, and I don’t know how long I’ll have to stay up late.”

"Really?" Ye Chuan began to worry that Sister Qianlan would be overwhelmed by work again and would be at a loss.

"There are so many people." At this time, a voice rang.

Ye Chuan and others turned their heads and found that Ye Lin and the others were back. Ye Xiaoyi and Ling were following behind them, holding a lot of things in their hands, but Ye Lin was empty-handed.

"What did you buy?" Ye Chuan asked.

"It's just the ingredients for barbecue." After Ye Lin finished speaking, he glanced at An Shiyu:

"I really like the barbecue cooked by Sister Shiyu. Let's have barbecue today."

"Eh..." An Shiyu blinked, seeming a little strange as to why Ye Lin liked to eat the barbecue she cooked. You must know that she had never cooked barbecue some time ago.

"This is this?" Gu Qi looked curious. He had met Ye Xiaoyi and Ling for the time being, but he didn't know about Ye Lin.

But it looks like...

"Your sister?" Gu Qi asked.

"Well, we look alike?" Ye Chuan smiled.

"They are quite similar. If you were older, I would believe that they are father and daughter." Gu Qi scratched her head.

Ye Lin glanced at Gu Qi and suddenly said: "Are you a boy or a girl?"

Gu Qi was stunned for a moment, then pointed at herself: "Male..."

"As a man, you are cuter than a woman. Have you considered dressing up as a woman?" Ye Lin asked.

"If you think about it, you have to take a test... Hey, I'm a boy, why should I wear women's clothes?!" Gu Qi said immediately.

Ye Chuan: "..."

Did Gu Qi say something strange just now?

At this time, An Shiyu said with a smile: "Okay, in that case, let's have barbecue tonight. I remember that the rooftop of this hotel has a very wide space. We can borrow it."

"Will the hotel agree?"

"Yes, after all, there is an open-air barbecue restaurant on the rooftop itself, Aye..." An Shiyu looked at Ye Chuan:

"Let's go buy ingredients."

"That's no problem." Ye Chuan nodded: "But first I'm going to help Gu Qi and the others open the room."


After settling Gu Qi and the others, Ye Chuan and An Shiyu went to a nearby supermarket to buy ingredients for barbecue.

"Mutton... mutton fat..." An Shiyu's jewel-like eyes were looking at the information on the shelves. Unintentionally, she seemed to have met someone.

"Ah, I'm sorry!" An Shiyu noticed that she had knocked something in the hand of the person next to her and dropped it to the ground. She quickly bent down to pick it up and handed it to him:

"I'm so sorry for losing your stuff."

Standing opposite An Shiyu was a man, about 27 or 28 years old. The man looked at An Shiyu, then suddenly grinned and said:


"But my plate of meat seems to have been scattered. Can you change it for me?" the man said, holding a plate of minced meat in his hand.

"If we just change it..." An Shiyu looked at the minced meat in the man's hand, and then said a little embarrassedly:

"The quality of this plate of minced meat is a bit bad. It will be difficult to sell it if you put it back. So, just give me this plate of minced meat and I will get you a new one."

As she said that, An Shiyu put the broken meat in the man's hand into her shopping basket, and then got a new one for the other person.

"What a kind little girl. Then, I'll leave first." The man said, turned and left.

After An Shiyu saw the other party leaving, he continued to select ingredients.

At this time, Ye Chuan also walked back from the shelf on the side, with a piece of lamb chops in his hand:

"I'm back, and the lamb chops seem very fresh."

"Put it in." An Shiyu raised his hand and pointed at his shopping basket.

"Will it be heavy?"

"It's okay." An Shiyu shook her head and said it was just a small matter. After all, she often buys ingredients alone and carries them back in large and small bags from time to time, so naturally she doesn't feel they are heavy.

"Okay, let's go buy seasonings."


Night, hotel rooftop.

The food on the grill was sizzling with oil, making everyone around him greedy.

Seeing everyone looking at her eagerly, An Shiyu smiled and said, "You can eat it later."

"An Shiyu, you can really do anything..." Seeing An Shiyu skillfully flipping the roast and spreading the ingredients, Gu Qi on the side couldn't help but murmured: "This technique of yours can't be done outside." You can’t do that at a new year’s barbecue stall.”

"That's too exaggerated. Here you go." After An Shiyu finished baking a handful, he put it on the plate and handed it to Gu Qi:

"for you."

"Thank you." Gu Qi immediately took the medicine and ate it.

Ye Lin was also staying by the oven at this time, staring at the string with bright eyes.

"It's not possible yet." An Shiyu said.

"Yeah, I know." Ye Lin nodded.

"But Xiao Yelin...why do you like to eat kidneys?" An Shiyu couldn't help but ask curiously. After all, if she remembered correctly, kidneys should be...

"Smells." Ye Lin said without hesitation.

"I haven't eaten it before," An Shiyu said.

"I heard that this food can be eaten by men to increase physical strength." Ye Lin said.

"Really?" An Shiyu asked.

"Yes." Ye Lin nodded. At this time, the kidneys were also roasted. After An Shiyu packed them, he handed them to Ye Lin.

Ye Lin toasted two more slices of bread by himself, and then took another piece of cheese.

The fragrant two-bread bun filled with cheese and roasted kidneys. Ye Lin took one bite, and a happy blush appeared on his face.

"It does look delicious." Ye Chuan took a look.

"I won't give you anything to eat." Ye Lin chewed like a hamster, one cheek bulging.

"I won't steal it from you." Ye Chuan said.

At this moment, Ye Xiaoyi came over at some point, with several skewers of mutton on the plate in his hand.

"Master, eat meat." Ye Xiaoyi whispered.

She didn't take a bite, because Ye Xiaoyi found that Ye Chuan didn't take a bite, so she left it for him to eat.

"Thank you." Ye Chuan touched Xiaoyi's head, then picked up a bunch and said:

"You can eat it. It won't taste good after it cools down. Especially the mutton fat is the most fragrant when it's just baked."


After Ye Chuan ate a piece of meat, he then bit another piece and moved it next to An Shiyu.

When An Shiyu saw Ye Chuan coming over suddenly, she wanted him to be careful about the barbecue grill, but she found that Ye Chuan was biting a piece of meat with a smile on his face.

Ye Chuan smiled: "Huh?"

An Shiyu's pretty face suddenly turned pink: "How can you feed people like this?"

She secretly glanced at the others and found that their eyes were not on her side. She blushed and stood on tiptoes, taking the piece of meat from Ye Chuan's mouth with her mouth. Then An Shiyu stepped back and chewed, and saw Ye Chuan... With a wicked smile on his face, he stretched out his little hand and patted him:

"Bad leaves."

"I feed you food and you call me bad."

"It's just bad." An Shiyu stuck out his tongue.

At this time, Ye Chuan also took out the elf ball, intending to let the elf have barbecue together.

There was a flash of white light, and the fire dinosaurs ran out.

However, only the fire dinosaur and the round land shark are interested in barbecue, and the other elves are not very interested in barbecue.

Even a foodie like Mu Muqiu likes tree fruits, and not all elves like eating barbecue.

"I've prepared vegetarian dishes too." An Shiyu seemed to have been prepared, taking out some fruits and vegetables and starting to bake them.

Mumuxiao and the others finally came together, chattering non-stop.

After enjoying a sumptuous meal, Ye Chuan and the others also returned to the room to rest.

After all, there is a game tomorrow, so we can't wait so late.

Touching his full belly, Ye Chuan breathed out: "It feels good to eat."

"Be careful, you won't be able to sleep later." An Shiyu smiled sweetly from the side. After all, not many people can sleep soundly after eating too much.

"Then let's do some exercise after meals." Ye Chuan said with a smile.

"You should exercise after eating to be careful of stomach problems." An Shiyu said immediately, then turned around to get clothes to take a bath. She didn't eat much barbecue tonight, so she wasn't as full as Ye Chuan.

"Ah, abandoned." Ye Chuan leaned back on the bed and said in a contrived tone.

"Idiot Aye, let me rub your back." An Shiyu suddenly understood what Ye Chuan wanted to do and whispered.

"Hehe." Ye Chuan walked into the bathroom with a smile.

The night passed.

At eight o'clock, Ye Chuan got up early and rubbed his sore waist.

An Shiyu got up earlier and prepared breakfast. He just packed it up from the first floor. After all, it was troublesome to borrow the kitchen so early, and he didn't have enough time.

However, breakfast is carefully selected by An Shiyu, ensuring a fairly balanced nutrition.

And it seems that because the food eaten last night was too greasy, there are almost no fried dough sticks or other foods in today's breakfast.

"Eat." An Shiyu put his hands on the table to support his face: "You will be participating in the competition later, so you must take good nutrition."

"Okay, housekeeper." Ye Chuan teased.

An Shiyu immediately shrugged his nose, as if he didn't like this title.

"Yes, my dear wife!" Ye Chuan suddenly looked serious.

"Idiot." An Shiyu reached out and patted Ye Chuan, amused by Ye Chuan's serious expression.

After eating breakfast, Ye Chuan took the elf with him and smiled at An Shiyu:

"Then, it's time to set off."

An Shiyu, like a gentle wife, tidied up the wrinkles on Ye Chuan's clothes and said softly:

"Come on, Aye."


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