Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 499 Waveguide and Mind

The eight-to-four competition kicked off with the anticipation of many spectators.

Dozens of helicopters are moving in mid-air, recording the process of every game from every angle. Some of these data will be uploaded to the Internet for people to watch, and some will be used as learning materials for some schools.

As a top competition, it naturally has reference significance. Especially the youth group competition is very popular among middle school wizards. Although the global competition is the best, students cannot learn it because it is too far away. On the contrary, the youth group is quite suitable.

"Welcome everyone!" The host stood on a self-destructing magnet monster, holding a microphone:

"Today is the scene of the eight-to-four contest in the youth group of the National Trainer Competition!"

"Since there are nine players in total, the final winner will be determined in each group!"

There are nine people in four groups, and there are three people in Chi's group, so lots will be drawn during the competition. One person will get a bye, and the other two people will fight. Then the winner will fight against the trainer who got a bye, and finally the group will be decided. First.

"It can be seen that Chi seems to be very confident." Ye Chuan was standing in the queue, glanced at Chi at the end of the queue, and couldn't help but smile.

"Then, let's introduce each player one by one!" The host also said with a smile.

"First of all, the upcoming battle is between players Mouton and Yechuan!"

A man walked out at the same time as Ye Chuan.

"Eh?" An Shiyu, who was in the audience, immediately showed a slightly surprised expression when he saw the man, because the face looked a little familiar.

While buying ingredients yesterday, An Shiyu accidentally bumped into someone, and this person was the man who was about to fight Aye!

At this time, the host introduced Mouton and Ye Chuanhou——

"Your girlfriend is a great girl." Mouton glanced at Ye Chuan and said.

"?" Ye Chuan showed a confused expression.jpg, and then nodded subconsciously:


The host then continued to introduce other people.

"Then, the other group is Lu vs. He Fei!" After the host said, a man with a hedgehog head and a weak boy wearing glasses also came out.

"Blue player versus chocolate player!" Blue and a woman wearing Lolita came out.

"And the last group of contestants Ye Chi, Shan Huang, and Ye Ming!" the host added:

"Because there are three people in this group, lots will be drawn later to arrange the order and byes!"

"Okay, actually, I believe everyone knows almost all the information about the contestants, but..." the host suddenly pretended to be mysterious and smiled: "Today's game actually invited a mysterious guest, guess who it is? "

secret guest?

Many viewers started to discuss it.


Four Heavenly Kings?

"Then I won't show off today. I'm going to invite the leader of our Elf Trainer Alliance!" the host said loudly:

"Miss Ye Xiaoke!"

Leader? !

Many people were stunned for a moment, and then looked in the direction pointed by the host. There was a black-haired woman sitting on the referee's bench with a serious expression and a very noble temperament.

"Is that the leader? I seem to have seen it on TV..."

"He looks quite young. I thought the leader was a man."

"The temperament looks good."

Some people lamented that they could actually see the leader of the alliance here. You must know that this is a big shot who can only be seen on TV.

At this time, the self-destructing magnet monster at the host's feet also moved to the leader's side. The host smiled and said:

"Leader, what do you want to say to our players?"

Ye Xiaoke heard this and took the microphone. She looked down at the many contestants in the audience and said lightly:

"You are all the mainstay of the trainer world. Being able to stand on this stage shows that you have put in corresponding efforts, and this competition is not the end. No matter what the result is today, I hope you can gain something, and then with this in mind I will move forward to a higher stage with this harvest, and I am looking forward to that day.”

After he finished speaking, the audience burst into applause.

"Then are there any players you are particularly interested in?" the host asked from the sidelines.

"A player that I pay special attention to?" Ye Xiaoke replied: "Not that I pay special attention to, but I pay attention to every player, whether it is player Ye Chuan's amazing sword, or the green player's fire-breathing dragon, or the blue player's Super Blastoise left a very deep impression on me..."

After finishing speaking, her voice paused: "I hope we can see a wonderful game today."

"Okay, thank you leader for your answer. Please take your place. The game will start soon."

"The first game, player Ye Chuan versus player Mouton!"

"The game starts immediately!"

At this time, Ye Chuan took a second look at the woman in black on the referee's bench. This person was naturally his sister-in-law. She usually doted on Ye Chuan as her own son and was also the leader of the Trainers Alliance.

However, Ye Chuan was a little surprised that his sister-in-law looked so serious and serious outside.

You must know that when he was very young, his sister-in-law would make cute faces at him, and she also liked to act coquettishly towards her father like a little girl.

"Sure enough, everyone needs to wear a mask outside." Ye Chuan sighed.

At this time, he was also placed in a command position on the battlefield.

The format of the sixteen-to-eight competition is 3V3, the eight-to-four competition format is 4V4, and starting from the semi-finals, it will be a 6V6 battle.

At the same time, starting from the quarterfinals, the competition venue will be randomly generated, so there will be a lot of randomness, making the battle more difficult.

"Next, let's start the elf battle between player Ye Chuan and player Mouton. Both sides can use four elfs and have three opportunities to exchange elfs." The referee said:

"Both sides please take your positions, let's begin to select the battle site!"

Then, the giant screen next to it began to scroll, and finally stopped in a vast ocean.

"Water type venue!"

The battlefield began to shake violently, and with a burst of mechanical sound, the original ordinary battlefield sank and disappeared, and finally a giant pool appeared with several stone platforms on it.

"Water system?" Ye Chuan thought slightly after seeing this place.

"Please send elves from both sides!" At this time, the referee said.

Ye Chuan took out the elf ball, thought about it again and again, and finally threw it out with the referee's whistle.

The elf ball drew lines in mid-air and flashed with white light.

"Boom!" A gust of wind blew up, and the steel-armored crow appeared——

Its huge body landed on the stone platform, causing ripples in the water around the stone platform.

On the other side, Mouton also summoned his elf.

A blue figure fell into the water, causing a huge splash.

Along with a deep cry, a ferocious head appeared from the water——


"Huh?" Ye Chuan's waveguide power suddenly trembled. He was slightly startled, and then looked towards Mouton in the distance, and found that his eyes also had a faint blue light.

Waveguide user?

"That's it." Mouton smiled.

Then the power of his waveguide began to become stronger, and instead began to suppress Ye Chuan's waveguide.

"..." Ye Chuan said nothing and began to increase the power of his waveguide.

The elves on both sides stayed quiet, but the contest between Ye Chuan and the other party started quietly. At this time, the audience started talking after seeing that neither of them moved, and the host also said in confusion:

"It's strange. We saw that players Ye Chuan and Mouton didn't move. Are they waiting for something?"

After Ye Chuan and Mouton confronted each other for a while, Ye Chuan suddenly smiled and released the power of the waveguide.

The blue light in Mouton's eyes slowly faded: "What?"

"Bogui has been fighting against the energy of not being able to direct wholeheartedly." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, he shrugged:

"Steel Armor Crow!"

The steel-armored crow suddenly flapped its wings and flew up, and finally started to take action!

"Gyarados, destroy the death ray!"

At this time, the Steel Armored Crow rushed towards Gyarados, and the opponent spit out a ray with a destructive aura from his mouth, which directly hit the Steel Armored Crow!

"It hit. The destructive death light hit the Steel Armored Crow firmly. However, the Steel Armored Crow is a steel elf and is resistant to ordinary moves. I'm afraid this blow will not be able to exert its true power."


At this time, the steel-armored crow ignored the destruction and death light, and forcefully grabbed the side of the Gyarados with its steel claws, and then pecked the Gyarados with its beak!

The steel beak collided with the body of the Gyarados, making a sound similar to a hammer hitting a rock. The strength of the Gyarados's body was a bit scary, and the peck by the steel-armored crow seemed to have no effect at all.

At this time, Gyarados also curled its tail, and finally wrapped around the body of the steel-armored crow and pulled him into the water!

"There was almost no stiffness after destroying the death light?" Ye Chuan was stunned for a moment, and then showed a bad expression, because the water was not the place where the steel-armored crows fought. At this time, the pool was shaking crazily, and a lot of water was splashed out.

At this time, the steel-armored crow in the water would definitely not be able to receive Ye Chuan's instructions, so he released the power of the waveguide——

A burst of electric current sounded, and the waveguide power released by Ye Chuan was intercepted by Mouton.

"Isn't it necessary?" Mouton grinned.


Ye Chuan could feel that this guy's waveguide power was stronger than his own, so he could completely suppress himself while giving instructions to the underwater Gyarados. This was undoubtedly a super disadvantage for Ye Chuan.

If this delay continues, it is estimated that the Steel Armored Crow will lose its ability to fight.

Ye Chuan took out the elf ball and finally shot it into his hand and took the steel armored crow back.

"Swap the elves. It seems that player Ye Chuan has no way to let the steel-armored crow escape, so he chose to exchange the elves!" the host said.

Ye Chuan looked at the elf ball in his hand, and then threw another elf ball.

A flash of white light——

"Ouch." Youyou came on stage.

"It's Geng Gui. Ye Chuan replaced Geng Gui!" the host explained. Perhaps because he saw Youyou's mega evolution yesterday, he no longer used the humanoid elf to describe Youyou.

At this time, Gyarados poked its head out of the water, and a violent jet of water spewed out from its huge bloody mouth——

Water cannons!

The menacing water cannon was fired at Youyou, without giving the other party a chance to react.

"Provoke!" Youyou suddenly turned into a white air ball, and the water cannon penetrated it, but missed.


Then he glanced at Ye Chuan faintly.

Because she could feel that Ye Chuan did not use the power of the waveguide. If there was no connection with the power of the waveguide, then the battle would mostly rely on Youyou's own judgment. You must know that the situation in the battle between elves changes very quickly, and the trainer is not With a machine gun mouth, it is naturally impossible to shout out every move.

The biggest advantage of the power of waveguide is that this step is omitted. Even if the trainer does not speak during the whole process, the elf can still know the trainer's thoughts.

At this time, Mouton suddenly raised his hand: "May the Holy Light bless you."

As soon as he finished speaking, the necklace around his neck glowed and began to connect with Gyarados.

"That's..." Ye Chuan came back to his senses and immediately stretched out his hand: "Youyou!"


The mega evolution stone burst out with light, and the two elves were enveloped in rainbow light at the same time. After a few seconds, mega Gyarados and mega Gengar appeared——

"Both sides are mega-evolving at the same time. Oh my God, isn't mega-evolution valuable now?" the host said in surprise.

"How can I see it so often?"

Gyarados' originally slender body has become much thicker, its fins have become more ferocious and wide, and its face is still ferocious.

But Youyou still turned into the image of a fat white man.

As soon as he came up, he showed off his moves, causing the audience in the auditorium to cheer: "Oh oh oh oh oh!"

At this time, Gyarados condensed a black energy ball and shot towards Youyou!

Shadow ball!

Youyou flicked it like jelly and dodged the shadow ball.

But at this moment, Gyarados rushed towards Youyou fiercely, its sharp teeth glowing darkly!

Bite into pieces!

One bite, fiercely biting Youyou's body!


"It turns out that the shadow ball is just a bait, what Gyarados really wants to use is to crush it!" the host said.

Youyou escaped and teleported to another stone platform through the shadow.

"..." In fact, Ye Chuan knew what Gyarados wanted to do just now, but his usual command habit made him forget to convey it to Youyou. After all, in the past, as long as his thoughts moved, the elf could feel it.

"Provoking." At this moment, Youyou looked at the half of her body that had been bitten to pieces, her bloody eyes filled with grievance.

Ye Chuan was slightly silent.

"What's wrong?" Mouton looked at Ye Chuan and said with a smile, "Are you annoyed that you can't use the power of the waveguide?"

"No." Ye Chuan suddenly shook his head: "You said it wrong."

"Oh?" Mouton was a little surprised.

"Thanks to you, I realized that I relied too much on the power of the waveguide." Ye Chuan smiled, then narrowed his eyes:

"Actually, the minds of the elves and I have been connected for a long time, so why do we need the power of waveguides!"


"Eula!" At this moment, Youyou floated and released dozens of clones on the spot!


Mouton was a little surprised when she saw Youyou releasing her shadow clone.

Ye Chuan snapped his fingers:

"Ball ball."

Youyou condensed a shadow ball, and then the dark black energy ball continued to expand, swallowing up all the surrounding light in an instant, like a small black hole, constantly releasing oozing pressure.

"This is……"

"Hit me a ball, hit the street!" The shadow ball let go, dragging its dark black flame tail and falling towards Gyarados——

"Buzz buzz-"

There was a loud noise, and the energy poured from the shadow ball overwhelmed Gyarados.

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