"I think today's journey will come to an end. At noon, Xu will entertain you all. Abandoned is an ancient capital with a long history. You can stroll around and take a walk."

   Give Guyi and Huang He to Xu Hao, and Qin Yu intends to slip the number.

   "Dong Qin, can I have dinner at night?" Gu Yi stopped him and said softly, "I want to talk about the details!"

   "Details? If you don't mind multiple people." Brother Yu obviously couldn't get rid of the little pumpkin these past two days.

   Leaving him at home alone, Brother Yu is happy to do so.

   The consequence is that Little Pumpkin will sue his mother, and Brother Yu can't force him to swear!

  Because of the vows.

   Brother Yu would never want to see it verified on Little Pumpkin! !

   Obviously, his words misunderstood Guy.

   She thought that Qin Yu was going to bring a female companion, which was obviously disrespectful to herself.

   Or, he has no interest in himself?

   "Okay, see you tonight." Reluctantly smiling, Gu Yi was already regretting it in his heart.

   Why do you want to be so reckless to take the initiative to invite a man, or a man who is not interested in yourself.

   No more interest in talking, Gu Yi returned to the sky, lying on the massage seat, closing his eyes and sleeping for a while.

   "He is not interested in me? Huh???"

   "Did I do something wrong? Or does he not care at all?"

   "I'm not as good as his women...ha, what a joke."

   "Shoo...no, I'm not angry!"

   If Guyi had a chance to meet Xu Yue, she would have learned that she was not the first woman to be struck by him to doubt herself.

   Seeing that she was disappointed, she sat back in the car sullenly.

   Brother Yu was a little confused, but after thinking about it, he decided to give up.

   Woman, it's really elusive!

   was thinking about the roar of the locomotive coming into his ears, Qin Yu looked back, it was his beloved Z


The roar of    also attracted the entangled Guy, and the moment she opened her eyes and looked at it, the breathing light just turned on.

   The red halo extends forward from under the driver's seat, and finally forms the shape of a scabbard, and the halo gets stronger and stronger.

   The bright red beauty is amazing, and it goes out in no time!

   lights up again but looks dim, like a tamed beast waiting for its owner.

   "This breathing light is so smart." Gu Yi thought in surprise.

   Taking the locomotive from the driver, Qin Yu said "Thank you," and sat on it straddling his legs.

   straighten the body and raise the pedals.

   Brother Yu ignites and puts into gear, lowers the mask and twists the throttle.


   Amid the low and obedient restlessness, the locomotive slowly drove towards the main street.

   again roared, the body suddenly ejected and started, and disappeared at the end of the corner while speeding through the shuttle.

   Maintaining the speed limit all the way, Qin Yu smoothly rushed to the school gate before the get out of class bell.

   Let go of the feet, take off the helmet and put it on the hood.

   Qin Yu politely nodded to the reception teacher who greeted him: "I'll pick up Qin Luo."

   "Hello Mr. Qin, the children are standing in line, would you like to go in and sit down." Seeing the room pointed by the other party.

   Several older brothers were chatting happily with the reception teacher inside. Brother Yu shook his head dumbly: "No, I have something else!"

   This kind of socialization of the promotion course, or leave it to my mother to handle it.

   He just needs to ensure the health and safety of the little pumpkin.

   In layman's terms: Just stay alive!

   "Brother, my elder brother came to pick me up."

   There will be a little pumpkin who will be four years old in one month. His words are much clearer than before, and he will never call his eldest brother a big pot again.

   Unless he did it on purpose...

   Now, he is about to show off to his friends, the most handsome and coolest in the world, his own brother.

   At this time, how could he shoot himself in the foot?

   "My eldest brother's motorcycle is super handsome, he is the fastest when he rides, hey~ all the cars are left behind by him.

   He can ride the same way as an airplane, faster than an airplane, do you know? "

   "Whhhh, we will overtake the plane..." Seeing the little pumpkin dancing and dancing, he described how he drove the locomotive to overtake the plane.

   Brother Yu's eyebrows have already risen with a black ‘well’ pattern.

   Let him continue talking for two more minutes, do you want to ride this locomotive to eject and take off, break through the atmosphere, and go straight to Mars? ? ?

   By the way, come back and forth with another bend, flying life!

   "Okay, little clever ghost."

   Qin Yu leaned over and picked him up, put him in his arms and sat down, covering his mouth by the way.

   "We should go home, there is a date, see you next time."

   Under the gaze of the blind worship of the little kids, Brother Yu was about to die on the spot, turning the throttle and fleeing in embarrassment.

   Believe it, they believe it!

   These little **** kids, can't they have their own thoughts?

   Doesn't mean that children nowadays are very precocious, what about their mature thoughts?

   The little pumpkin, with his hands gripped and his mouth finally free, waved excitedly: "Goodbye, we are about to take off."

   "..." Brother Yu really wants to take off right now.

  Because it is not far away, the parents of the child are staring at him with a kind of "self-experience" eyes.

  So that, Yu brother even gave up his biggest hobby.

   That is to appreciate the fashionable hot moms who come to pick up the babies during school time.

Before    left, he heard a hot mom bend over and whisper to the cute little girl next to her.

   "Baby, is that little fool the boy you like?"

   "...Well, I admit he is a bit stupid, but you can't kill the child's innocent love."

   "Oh, baby, of course I won't do this, but can you introduce his brother to me?"

   "You already have a dad..."

   Finally, Brother Yu saw the mature side of their generation.

   Obviously, girls who are naturally sensual are more mature than dull silly boys.

   It's just that the figure doesn't look like Han Jia.

   This kid, cheated? ? ?

   When I got home, Brother Yu asked about this during dinner, "Isn't Yaoyao your favorite?"

   "Big Brother, how can a man like only one person, that would be too shabby." Little Pumpkin replied confidently.

   "Do you know what Xun is?" Qin Yu was speechless.

   shook his head, Little Pumpkin said solemnly: "Everyone does this, and Yaoyao and I are breaking up."

   "...Why?" Yu Ge was speechless X2.

   "Because she can't stand other girls giving me gifts, they have to like me, and I'm so helpless!"

   Little Pumpkin shook his head with an innocent expression, and sighed heavily: "Hey, it's really distressing to be so charming."

  The topic ends here, and Brother Yu is worried that he will continue talking.

   Waiting for a meeting is not going on a date, but being hung from the beam of the house and smoking.

   After lunch, Little Pumpkin began to slap herself in the room.

   First use father's hair gel to style her hair, and then use mother's foundation to make herself a face.

   In the end, he wore a funny suit and boat shoes that could fit him.

   Click, click~

   "Brother, do I look handsome?"

   Little Pumpkin dragged his suit and costume, and put his head on his hips in a hot-eyed posture.

   "Go back, wash it off in 10 minutes, and put on your little jacket." Qin Yu said blankly.

   Click, click, click...

  Failed to act handsome.

   10 minutes later, Little Pumpkin walked out of the room wearing a small shirt, handsome denim jacket and jeans, and a pair of simple joint sneakers.

   "Go." When he came to the garage, Qin Yu straddled Z


   "Big Brother, can I drive my own car?" Little Pumpkin pointed to the mini G in the corner, and said with a look of anticipation.

   Qin Yu watched him silently, Xiao Pumpkin lowered his head and said aggrieved: "I promise her that I will drive her for a drive."

   "I can promise you, but I must take you away." Qin Yu picked up a safety rope from the tool rack next to it.

   Little Pumpkin lowered his head dejectedly, and asked after a moment: "Then, can I take her for a drive in the park?"


   "Yeah, brother is the best."

   Hugging Qin Yu's thigh happily, Little Pumpkin took the initiative to help him connect the two cars together.

   Then, I sat in my mini G and waved happily: "Handsome guy, let's go."

   took a small pumpkin along the road to "Lin Yin Jia Yuan," which is the most romantic dating cafe nearby.

   Even on weekdays, it is full of girls with fashionable dresses and delicate makeup.

  Waiting for the prince charming in his mind to appear, please drink a cup of sweet love coffee.

   The cheapest is 58/cup, and the price of sweetness is a bit expensive.

   Actually, as long as a lot of saccharin, any taste is sweet!

   Obviously girls don't think so, and there is nothing wrong with occasionally being romantic and extravagant.

   "Mu Mu." Pulled by the brother's motorcycle to the entrance of the cafe, the little pumpkin waved excitedly through the window.

   "Mom, look, he has a car." Mu Chuci happily pointed to Pumpkin's car.

   "Yes, he is so amazing!" Chen Yujiao said with a smile.

   parked the car and asked the receptionist at the door to temporarily take care of the small pumpkin's mini G, and Qin Yu led him into the cafe.

   Chen Yujiao and their daughter Mu Chuci have stood up, smiling and waving to the little pumpkin in greeting: "Hello, Qin Luo."

   "Hello, sister."

   Little Pumpkin’s mouth is like smeared with honey, and one elder sister in one mouthful, called Chen Yujiao, is full of heart. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com

   Qin Yu also smiled and greeted Mu Chuci, who was wearing a princess tutu and wearing a crown, exquisitely like a fairy princess: "Hello, Mu Mu."

   "Hello, brother." Mu Chuci greeted him shyly.

   Seeing her cute and cute look, Qin Yu was proud of her heart, "No loss is my old Qin family, this vision, this choice, this..."

   Where's the little pumpkin?

   looked forward, Qin Yu saw him in Chen Yujiao's arms.

   The little guy was lying in Chen Yujiao's arms, saying happily: "Sister, you are so beautiful, I like you so much!"

   "Haha, you little guy, your mouth is too sweet." Chen Yujiao smiled from ear to ear.

   "Sister, if I can grow up quickly, I will marry you as a bride."

   "That won't work, I'm already married."

   "It doesn't matter, I can **** you over, excellent talents are worthy of you."

   "Haha~" Chen Yujiao was going crazy.

   How this child was born is so good at talking, he will definitely be a dead man who saddens countless little girls in the future.

   But even so, Chen Yujiao still likes him so much. Who can refuse sweet talk?

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