Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 1025: Lake tour

   The little pumpkin lies in Chen Yujiao's arms, as if forgetting that his "girlfriend" is by her side.

   Before the atmosphere became more embarrassing, Qin Yu almost forcibly took him from Chen Yujiao's arms.

   "Little pumpkin, Mu Mu is still waiting for you, don't you want to take her to the park for a ride?"


   pushed him in front of his little girlfriend, and Xiao Pumpkin finally moved away from the ‘ripe fruits’ that did not fit his age.

   "Hehe, he is so cute." Chen Yujiao picked up the coffee and took a sip.

   There were some milk foam on the pink lip glaze, and Chen Yujiao licked it with the tip of her tongue.

   "Little pumpkin, I think you should go now."

   Brother Yu, who saw this scene in his eyes, doubted what would happen if he waited any longer.

   enchanting, charming, sexy, elegant, gentle...

  All temperaments are mixed together, exuding fatal temptation.

   The whole cafe was quiet, and everyone was attracted by the scene of licking red lips.

   The elite man in the suit at the table next door, with crystal water stains shining on the corners of his mouth.

   If it wasn't for Yu Ge's rich experience, she would have to take away her consciousness for everything she said.

   "What's wrong?" Chen Yujiao obviously didn't realize what she had done.

   Qin Yu tilted his head to the next door and smiled: "What do you mean?"

   his eyes turned, he saw the pig brother-like appearance of the other party, his eyes met when he was greedy and possessive.

   Chen Yujiao's face was reddish, and she hurriedly picked up coffee to hide her embarrassment.

   The housewife living around her children and family makes her almost forget how attractive she is!


   Chen Yujiao was choked by coffee and put the cup on the table, coughing.

   reached out to grab the tissue, someone already handed the tissue to the front.

   "It's okay!" Qin Yu said with a light smile as she covered her mouth with a tissue and raised her head.

   "It's okay, thank you."

   Chen Yujiao shook her head, thought about it and suggested: "Why don't you go to the park now, what do you think?"

   "It depends on what the little protagonist said today." Qin Yu cast his eyes on the little pumpkin and Mu Mu.

   Knowing that he can go to the park now and take a drive, Mu Mu happily wielded his princess magic wand.

   Little Pumpkin is also very happy because he likes to drive.

   Especially with his little girlfriend. Just now, Mu Mu has agreed to his'marriage proposal. ’

After   , they will be lovers.

   But what should lovers do?

   The little pumpkin driving the car is confused. He can't figure out the difference between a lover and a friend!

   A few seconds later, Little Pumpkin gave up pursuing the truth.

   Anyway, now he is taking his little girlfriend for a ride by the lake, they are very happy.

   Keep a safe distance of two or three meters between each other, Qin Yu and Chen Yujiao followed side by side.

   "Children's world is so good!" Chen Yujiao looked at the children in the car enviously.

   innocent and simple.

   You can feel the happiness from the heart and get happiness in one sentence!

   "Even if you let you go back, you wouldn't like playing rubber bands with a bunch of little kids, wooden people."

   Hearing him say this, Chen Yujiao smiled lightly: "It is because I can't get it, so it looks precious, doesn't it?"

   "That's right." Qin Yu nodded in agreement.

   Looking at his face value sealed by the mask, Chen Yujiao curiously asked, "Where is Mr. Qin, in the entertainment industry?"

   "Why do you ask?" Qin Yu asked back.

   "Because, most people are not like you." Chen Yujiao pointed to his mask and smiled.

   Qin Yu pinched the mask and glanced, and said with a laugh, "I only brought this if I felt too annoying."

   "Come on, the little girls will definitely find you to strike up a conversation." Chen Yujiao smiled.

   "It's not just the little girl who strikes up a conversation." Brother Yu said with lingering fear.

  The past is too unbearable to look back, so it's better not to mention it.

   "You haven't answered my question yet." Chen Yujiao asked again, she always felt that Qin Yu was familiar.

   But I suspected that he had admitted wrong, a handsome guy like him.

   If you have seen it in entertainment gossip or celebrity magazines, you will definitely not forget it.

   "Miracle Company, I work there." Qin Yu said frankly.

   He has nothing to pretend to be poor, and he has a special hobby to find true love.

   When someone asks, he will speak out!

   only for women.

  90+ women...clean women...

   "Wow, it turns out to be a big man." Chen Yujiao clasped her fists in a weird way and nodded: "Disrespect and disrespect!"

   "Where, where." Brother Yu clasped his fists in reply, jokingly: "Is it my turn now?"

   "Haha, I am a full-time housewife, responsible for taking care of the children at home."

   In Chen Yujiao's smiling expression, a trace of loneliness flashes fleetingly.

   Had it not been for Brother Yu who had been staring at her, he would have not noticed this unwilling loneliness.

   "Family and career are equally important. Being a housewife is in neon, but it is the dream of all women."

   Qin Yu said with a serious expression: "Only if you marry well can you be qualified to be a housewife."


   Chen Yujiao said funnyly: "So, the housewife is the winner in life?"

   "At least you win at the center line, and you don't know the end point."

   "Why?" Chen Yujiao asked.

   "No one knows if this car will break down halfway, turn into another track, and pull other players, what do you think!"

   Seeing the flustered and sad in Chen Yujiao's eyes, Brother Yu knew that he was right.

   In this age of impetuous people, housewives, where is such a good time.

  When I meet a man who doesn't go home, no matter how much hope and enthusiasm he has, he will be exhausted.

   It seems that Chen Yujiao is about to run out of energy.

   "Stop talking about this, the little guys have gone far, I'll take a look."

   Qin Yu hurried forward, leaving her space to calm down by herself.

   caught up with the little lover in front, Qin Yu stopped the car and said, "Does anyone want to row a boat?"

   "Me." The two little guys raised their hands and cheered in unison.

   "Okay, let's go buy tickets now." Taking them to the ticket booth, Qin Yu asked for a manpower boat.

  The electric boat is very convenient, but I can't experience the fun of boating at all.

   When Chen Yujiao caught up, Qin Yu had already completed the formalities and only waited for her to board the ship.

   "I'm a little afraid of water." Standing on the shore, Chen Yujiao hesitated and said, "Why don't you take Xiao Luo to play? Mumu and I are waiting here."

   "Mom, I also want to row a boat." Mumu held her hand, grievingly suffocating tears.

   Qin Yu said: "Actually, it's not that dangerous. I have a life jacket, and I am very water-based."

   "Big brother is super powerful, he can catch big fish in the sea, so big."

   Little Pumpkin stretched his arms to the limit, and the exaggerated description made Chen Yujiao relax.

   Look at her daughter's tearful appearance, wanting but not daring to speak.

   "Well, then you have to be obedient, you can't move, you know?" Chen Yujiao exhorted.

   Mu Chuci nodded obediently, put on a life jacket with his mother, and boarded the boat with the help of Pumpkin.

   Let two little guys sit in the middle, Chen Yujiao sits on the bow, and Brother Yu sits alone on the stern.

   "Okay, let's go!" Qin Yu shouted with the oar in his hand.

   "Yeah, let's go." The little pumpkin stood up excitedly and made a ‘rush’ gesture.

   The hull shook slightly, and Chen Yujiao clung to the boat gangs on both sides with an ‘ah’: "Xiao Luo, be careful, be careful."

   "Sister, my name is Little Pumpkin, not Xiao Luo." Little Pumpkin turned and knelt on the seat, looking at her and said seriously.

   "Okay, I see, Little Pumpkin, sit down quickly." Chen Yujiao said nervously.

"Sit down."

   Hearing the sound coming from behind, the little pumpkin instantly turned and sat in a position, putting his hands on his legs and straightening his waist.

   looked forward, like a pacesetter who heard the command.

  Qin Yu, with an expressionless face, smiled again: "Okay, everyone relax, I will paddle very slowly."

   Single person with one oar, Qin Yu controlled the wooden boat to swing into the lake.

   Halfway through the journey, the nervous Chen Yujiao finally relaxed and let go of the boat that seemed to be caught by her to deform.

   In fact, her fingers can't stand the intense exercise for such a long time.

   She can't stand her new Kodan Crystal Nail Art too!

   "How do you feel?" Qin Yu asked with a smile.

   "Not bad." Chen Yujiao looked around with enjoyment. On the fluttering lake, the boat swayed with the ripples.

   A refreshing breeze blowing across the waves, blowing away all day's fatigue and sorrow.

   Taking a deep breath, Chen Yujiao suddenly liked the feeling of boating. Why did she never want to try before?

   Once a woman thinks about it, the problem becomes extremely serious.

   Because, no one has ever tried it with her.

   When she mentioned being afraid of boating, her most trusted husband just told her, "In this case, we can go home early."

   He never tried to encourage himself, to be brave to try, or to give himself support and courage to let her overcome fear.

   The good mood was crushed by bad memories, but it was deeply suppressed in a certain corner.

  Wait for fermentation until it swells...explodes!


   The little pumpkin shot at everyone in a gesture of firing with his hand, "Bangbang, you are dead."

   "I have a fairy magic wand that can resist your bullets and watch me turn you into a little ant."

   Mumu waved her beautiful and exquisite magic wand, UU reading www. uukā gave out a crisp, happy smile.

   The laughter of the child is the most contagious, and soon the laughter on the boat changed.

   Qin Yu has been taking them around the entire lake, docking on the shore, fiddled with the wicker with a paddle.

   Enjoying cool in the shade of the trees, splashing in the center of the lake, and applauding excitedly at the splashes that are lined up by the oars.

   Until they saw a group of ornamental fish, they gathered in a crowd to swim away.

   "Big brother, big brother, fish, fish, chase, I want to watch fish." Little Pumpkin pointed to the school of fish and kept urging.

   "Okay, hurry up."

   Qin Yu raised the oars, and yelled in the second form: "No one can stop me, realize it!"

   Raise the pulp, fall, and lean back.

   switch sides!

   Raise the pulp, fall, and lean back.

   switch sides!

   At first, Chen Yujiao thought he was just comforting her brother, trying to chase those fishes.

   But soon she discovered that the boat was flying straight toward the school of fish like an arrow.

   Whenever the school of fish adjusts its direction, the bow of the boat will also adjust accordingly.

   Always keep a straight line between the two until it catches up with the fish, the little pumpkin happily raised his hands and shouted: "Big brother is great~"

   "Brother is great." Mumu, the little lady sitting obediently, clapped her magic wand happily.

   Little hands are red, and I don’t want to stop...

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