Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 1079: initiative

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When the whole shooting is over, the negatives are handed over to the workers behind the scenes. Watermark advertising testWatermark advertising test

Qin Yu and the girls went to the hotel to celebrate. It was a day worth celebrating.


In the box, everyone toasted to celebrate the smooth cooperation.

"Sister Meihua and the others are okay?" Park Shin Hye was a little worried when she didn't see her agent.

The others are the hosts and masters.

They can take care of themselves, only they and Meihua are from Hancheng District.

Therefore, she was worried that Miss Meihua would be uncomfortable or feel uneasy without her company.

"They are right next door, with the staff."

Qin Yu pointed to the next room and asked, "Should you ask them to come together?"

"No, no need." Park Shin Hye waved his hand again and again.

She didn't want to be the one to be a disappointment, whether it was Li Xin or Song Tie next to her.

They don't seem to want someone to interrupt the party.

Even myself is superfluous...

Park Shin Hye can perceive their hostility towards themselves, not only in their identity, what they have done, their looks, and other things.

There is another important reason, xenophobia!

This is the inherent instinct of living things, even human beings are no exceptions as advanced animals.

Besides, he is still a potential threat.

From the shooting to the end, such a long time has been enough for Park Shin-hye to understand the current situation.

Both of them liked Chairman Qin, and Song Tie had the upper hand for the time being.

They have had a very close relationship.

It's not a kid.

Park Shin Hye still has this power of observation.

Li Xin wants to get in and do three small...

Maybe it should be called another name: confidant!

There is more than one confidant beside him, Miss Song Tie should be very clear, right?

Looking at Qin Yu, the other party responded with a smile, causing Park Shin Hye to lower her head in a panic.

The heart was like a fawn, beating in panic.

It's really hard to resist his charm, why would anyone be so perfect, Asi...

Park Shin Hye fanned her hand and drank the herbal tea in the cup.

And she did not realize that she accidentally drank the wine as herbal tea.

It wasn't until the aftertaste came up that Park Shin Hye suddenly reacted, "Ha...spicy...ha, ha, water, gudong..."

Park Shin Hye gulped down after receiving the tea cup delivered to her eyes.

So spicy, so spicy!

After drinking several cups of tea in a row, she felt better.

"Xinhui's drink volume seems to be very good, and he drank it all in one go." Qin Yu smiled and squinted up the wine glass and drank his head up.

The guests are so bold, how could this owner be rude.

Park Shin Hye was embarrassed and didn't know how to respond, tacitly accepting the other's praise.

In my heart, he scolded himself a dog-blood spray.

Careless, careless.

If this goes on, he will definitely get drunk.

However, it doesn't seem to feel anything!

"Drink, I need... and... Oppa..." Park Shin Hye flushed with watery eyes.

His eyesight was blurred, and he was shaking his teacup, looking for someone to toast.

Park Shin Hye, who had the stamina, became like this with a cup.

So Qin Yu took out the wine cup logically and gave her a tea cup to continue drinking.


Qin Yu touched her, looked at Li Xin and Song Tie, and said, "Drink slowly, I don't want to drink three drunks together."


The jealous Song Tie followed the way of Park Shin Hye, shaking his body and said coquettishly.

The look of madness can melt the bones.

"Sounds good, call it a few more times."

Qin Yu raised his head happily, ‘zizily’ tasting the glass of wine.

Seeing his cheeky appearance, Song Tie hummed annoyedly: "If you want to be beautiful, people don't want it!"

The shy attitude of this little daughter is more attractive than before.

Li Xin watched the two flirting and cursing, with her white teeth biting her lower lip, bleeding quickly.

If Song Tie weren't there, maybe she wouldn't have noticed it yet.

But at this moment, watching the interaction between the other party and Qin Yu actually stimulated her.

Why can she do it, I can't?

Is this nuclear lithium?

Whether it is to fight for breath or to prove its nuclear lithium nature, Li Xin began to interact with Qin Yu frequently.

However, Li Xin's face was still too thin.

It's like learning from Park Shin Hye and Song Tie to act like "Oba" and "Brother", but she can't do it.

Obviously people in their 30s, bah, shameless!

"Dong Qin, I will toast you again." Relying on the good amount of alcohol, Li Xin opened the way with wine.

Brother Yu also refused to come and quietly started'Happy Hour. ’

After a few cups, Li Xin looked at him with blurred and affectionate eyes, strong male hormones.

Like a deadly and dreamy poison, it penetrates into the body bit by bit until it reaches the soul.

I don't know when, half of Li Xin's body was in his arms.

Looking at Song Tie, who was overturned, Brother Yu laughed dumbly and fought each other...activated...



The celebration banquet lasted until midnight, and Li Xin and Song Tie returned to their rooms under the supervision of their agents.

Only Park Shin-hye stayed, leaving Lin Meihua tossing and turning all night, unable to sleep.

When I saw her again the next day, Lin Meihua's mouth was like a machine gun.

"Xinhui, you won't really..."

"Axi, what do you think, you silly girl?"

She doesn't know that doing this is not good for herself?

These capital predators, the practice of throwing them away when they are used up, have told her how many times.

In addition to being used as a plaything, what benefits can she have.

Why doesn't she understand this crazy girl?

"Ah...what are you going to do now?"

"Oh, West..."

Park Shin Hye didn't respond to emotional criticism.

Leaning on the sofa with loose eyes, her mind ran out of the Nine Clouds a long time ago, and Lin Meihua didn't hear a word of what she said.

The radiant look was quite different from the past.

Seeing her energetic performance, Lin Meihua could only accept this helpless fact.

Now, she has to arrange the next itinerary.

Taking advantage of Park Shin Hye's energetic and abnormally good condition, I rushed out a few more announcements.

This is the end of the matter, Lin Meihua can only hope.

After she recognizes reality, she won't be so impulsive and reckless next time.

Give it away for nothing.

Keng Keng...

Stepping forward to open the door, Xu Meixin came.

Lin Meihua was taken aback for a moment, and smiled like a flower: "Secretary Xu, do you have any instructions from the president?"

"Lin Broker."

Xu Meixin smiled and said, "May I go in and talk?"

"Of course, please come in, Secretary Xu, these days are too busy, I have forgotten the etiquette, what would you like to drink?"

"Don't bother, sit down and talk."

After Lin Meihua sat down, Xu Meixin said, "The boss doesn't want Miss Xinhui to work too hard. I hope she can rest for a few days.

Later, a new contract will be delivered, and the company decided to hire her as the image spokesperson for Dahan City. "

"In the later period, we will put a large number of advertisements in various channels to increase the exposure of Miss Xinhui."

"Also prepare a few suitable roles for her. Please Ms. Xinhui to choose suitable roles."

Hear a series of arrangements, including the famous awards ceremony in Chuo District, red carpet and speed car endorsements.

Lin Meihua is stupid, is this the master's handwriting?

The other party was not a white prostitute, which was quite different from what she thought.

"Secretary Xu, how many people are there in the endorsement of Speed, are they global?"

Lin Meihua tried her best to stay calm, but her heart was hot.

This time, Xinhui was really lucky.

"The endorsement of Hancheng District, 6 candidates are tentatively selected, and the list will be sent over later."

Xu Meixin didn't mean to laugh at Lin Meihua's conjecture.

A soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good star.

It's normal to want to be famous.

It's just that she thinks too far in terms of global endorsements.

With the current topical attention of Speed, only the endorsement of Hancheng District is already an exception.

"Then I will leave first." Xu Meixin got up and said goodbye.

Lin Meihua personally sent her out, looking at her after she left.

Then he ran back to the room like flying, pulling Park Shin Hye and saying loudly, "Xin Hye, we are going to make a fortune."

Park Shin Hye looked at her happy, nodded cooperatively and said, "Well, Sister Mihwa, can I take a day off?"

I thought the other party would refuse, but Lin Meihua said without hesitation: "Resting, just rest."

"This time, you can rest for a few days if you want. I'll arrange the next schedule. They dare not say anything."

Under Park Shin Hye's surprised gaze, Lin Meihua took her mobile phone to the meeting room to arrange follow-up event announcements.

Of course, all of these activities cannot be dismissed, otherwise, the liquidated damages alone could make the company go bankrupt.

But part of it was pushed back, and the others were postponed.

I believe they will be happy to cooperate with her on the itinerary when they learn that Park Shin-hye will film the speed car as an endorsement.

When Park Shin-hye finishes taking the endorsement of the speed car, his value will inevitably double.

At the cost of one dollar, you can do a ten-dollar thing.

Who refuses, who will refuse?

Please do more of this kind of good thing! ! !

After dialing the phone and hearing the eager and polite answer from the other party, Lin Meihua was fluttering with her flattering attitude.

At this moment, she no longer felt that Park Shin Hye was making a fool.

The luck of this girl is also great.

Later, Li Xin and Song Tie also received invitations to endorse the advertisements in the Central District of Speed.

The endorsement fee is not high this time, just the normal market price!

But the influence, popularity and recognition brought by this advertisement can make them ascend to the sky in one step.

The net worth can be doubled if nothing is said, and the hidden income is more valuable than the money in hand.

It would be great if we can maintain a long-term cooperative relationship with

In other words, is it possible that the miraculous spacecraft needs an endorsement in the future?

Li Xin's agent, who first thought of this, looked forward to the future a little bit more.

As she thought, this time it was really profitable.

As for the personal relationship between the artist and the boss, it is all trivial.

Whenever there is a need to meet in the future, the broker will not only not block, but will also actively cooperate.

Or the boss directly orders, he can arrange it.

The agent doesn't resist at all like this kind of person who has contacts and doesn't play prostitution.

Instead, I expected them to be able to communicate for a long time, regardless of the outcome.

At least when interacting, it can bring enough benefits and exposure to their own artists.

It would be great if there were more scandals.

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