Scanning system:

Song Tie:

Age: 37.

Height: 168cm.

Weight: 47.6kg.

Specialty: Crystal muscle, strange spirit, delicate doll.

Face value: 93↑ [face value 92] [temperament 90] [fortune 4]

Body: 92↑【Development potential*】

Mood value: 81↑【Mood is beautiful and beautiful】

Favorability: 90↑[The more you love, the deeper you are]

Freshness: 92-[Please close your eyes in dark]

The four-star potential, after Yu Ge's careful development, only one star remains.

She also changed from a flat A girl to an ebb and flow...

The wave created by himself makes Yu brother proud.

It's very Nice!

Look at Park Shin Hye's data...

Park Shin Hye:

Age: 35.

Height: 168cm.

Weight: 50kg.

Specialty: Acting expert, cute, cute, little chic.

Face value: 90↑ [face value 90] [temperament 88] [wealth 2]

Body: 90↑【Development potential**】

Mood value: 75↑↓【Top predators are good at after-sales】

Favorability: 98↑【Sir, please......】

Freshness: 96-[healthy cute girl, cute and loveable]

Looking at the numbers above, Yu Ge focused his attention on the minimum value.

Since when, his preference for sisters is higher than Fanghua girl, always feel that something is wrong.

Keng Keng~

When I was about to check the reward, there was a knock on the door.


Xu Meixin walked in with the documents in her arms. She came to report to the boss about the recruitment of new recruits.

"Boss, this is the list of new supplements in the secretary's office." Xu Meixin put the folder on the table.

"Huh? Is it the internship period again?" Qin Yu said, opening the folder.


The first resume is a surprise. The owner of the above photo, based on Yu Ge's years of experience, has a face value of at least 95.

Unless Xu Meixin's work makes a mistake, let the photo become a fraud.

Otherwise, Yu Ge's guess is absolutely correct.

Look at the distribution department at the bottom corner, the secretary room...


This score did not run away.

Age, 22 years old.

It is the age of Youth Fanghua, "It turns out that it has nothing to do with age, it is pure and simple..."

"Boss, what are you talking about?" Xu Meixin asked without hearing.

Simple, what is simple?

"It's nothing, the people in the secretary's room have already arranged it." Qin Yu returned the document to her after seeing what was needed.

Xu Meixin obediently accepted the document, and the gift she prepared was placed on the first floor.

The boss has seen it.

On the surface, she was told to look at the arrangement, and the subtext was "Well, I'm very satisfied, go ahead!"

So, I did a good job this time!

Although, the boss has not touched any secretary other than himself so far.

But recruit a few more young and beautiful people, and it's good to put your eyes on them.

Appreciate more beautiful things in order to maintain a happy mood.

This was said by the boss himself, and Xu Meixin never forgot it.

When Xu Meixin left, Qin Yu opened the map first.

There really is one more red dot above, from 72 to 73...

In other words, with so many 90+ girls in the company, Brother Yu can resist not touching it.

"As expected, I should let the rumors outside look at it." Qin Yu said and opened the reward panel.


"Congratulations to the host for tasting a new flavor, a lot of rewards, triggering random rewards."

"Reward 1: The second generation of super **** gene·protobody."

"Reward 2: The first-generation orbital defense zone structure and draft hypothesis."

"Reward Three: Records of secondary processing and quenching experiments on titanium and rhodium alloys."

Three people, three rewards, reasonable.

The value of these three rewards is the reason why Qin Yu gave them the endorsement of Speed.

Only the second generation of Super God Gene and Primordial Body is worth 50,000 faith points.

Reward two and three are the most precious knowledge in all rewards and malls.

Their value is immeasurable, because Qin Yu did not find them in the mall.

Judging from the title, they are more like precious handwritten manuscripts.

Someone who participated in the experiment, personally recorded valuable data.

And this reward, for the first time, brought Yu Ge the greatest wealth of the miracle company, titanium rhodium alloy.

Without it, the Interstellar Project could not have been carried out so smoothly.

There will be no [Xing Tian] [Creator] [Assaulter] and later King Kong-class cruisers.

There will be no Martian immigration plan, and there will be no extraterrestrial ecological base for everyone to feel at ease.

These are all based on the support of titanium rhodium alloy.

Otherwise, only the material can block the development of the plan.

Now, Brother Yu has once again been rewarded in the category of ‘notes’.

I hope the contents will not disappoint him.

Half an hour later, Bei Yi put the black suitcase in front of him.

"Thank you, don't let anyone disturb me in the next two hours."

"Okay, boss."

After Beiyi went out, Qin Yu opened the suitcase according to the password provided by the system.

What I saw was not two isolated manuscripts.

It was a box of manuscripts and drawings, dozens of black leather-covered notebooks, and torn and discarded pages.

Qin Yu picked up a broken page at will: "2276 in the ephemeris, midsummer, sunny. ’

‘The weather is good, today is a good day to do experiments, but I don’t want to move at all. ’

‘It’s so comfortable in the sun...’ Cross out.

‘I actually fell asleep, all to blame for the **** good weather. ’

‘Ah, it’s already dark. It seems that today’s experiment cannot be done. What should I eat tonight? ’

Putting down the broken page, Brother Yu looked like he was about to vomit.

No wonder it was torn off and discarded, what the **** was written on it.

Picking up another broken page, the missing corner behind'Ephemeris Year 2279...' disappeared.

‘It’s a sunny sky, it’s a rare and good sun. Let’s get some exposure to the sun before experimenting. ’

‘...I’ve slept, it’s dark already, it seems there is no way today. ’

‘Tomorrow I must...’ Cross out.

‘I have six-winged flying fish for dinner and add my secret sauce, it tastes...’

The diary ended here, and there were traces of water soaking on it. Brother Yu waved it and threw it away.

You don't have to ask to know, it must be the saliva of the diary owner.

‘The Ephemeris Year 2281...basking in the sun, falling asleep, eating barbecue. ’

‘Ephemeris year 2297...bath in the sun, fall asleep, eat snake soup. ’

‘Ephemeris year 2314...bath in the sun, fall asleep, eat stew. ’

Occasionally interspersed with a few articles to cheer up, repented of the broken pages, a few confessions scribbled on it, they were crossed out and torn off before they were finished.


So, this is this "food diary?" ’

In addition to sleep, it is to eat.

Brother Yu began to wonder if the system had sent the wrong goods?

‘Ephemeris 3111, the appearance of titanium rhodium alloy is great, but I can do better, haha...’

The scribbled handwriting rejuvenated Brother Yu, and quickly looked down.

‘Well, I can...’

Leave blank.

‘Ah, the weather outside is so good, I can’t help but go out in the sun again. It’s already dark. Let’s eat tonight and continue the experiment tomorrow. ’


The broken pages were kneaded into a ball by Brother Yu, with blue veins jumping on the forehead.

What are you...playing with me?

However, from the time record, Yu Ge still draws many conclusions.

First of all, the other party's life span is at least more than a thousand years, 2276-3111 years, 835 years have passed.

The other party did not appear to be anxious at all, as if he had infinite life.


The other party likes to bask in the sun very much, and will go whenever the weather is good, and it is easy to get sleepy as soon as the sun is in the sun.

Or lazy!

If it is really a longevity clan, it would be normal to have no concept of time.

Furthermore, the other party is good at eating.

The names of the ingredients mentioned in the diary were unheard of by Brother Yu, and they sounded dangerous.

Like a six-winged flying fish, a star-eater...

Looking at the pile of torn pages that he had left aside, Qin Yu decided to start with the diary.

Perhaps these broken pages are really trivial things that will be torn off by the owner and thrown away.

But Brother Yu felt that the system would not be so boring, so he sealed up a bunch of trash.

In short, he was a little bit fed up.

Now I need to wash my eyes with the text. As for the remaining pages, I will select them after reading the others.

Picking up the first black leather notebook placed on it, Brother Yu opened it lightly.

‘The game is fun, I won everyone today and I will continue tomorrow. ’

‘I’m the number one again, I’m amazing. ’

‘Three consecutive championships, haha, Leon, you really are a genius. ’

"Four consecutive championships..."

"Five consecutive championships..."

"One hundred consecutive championships..."

"Fuck." Brother Yu raised his hand, his notebook slammed on the wall, and fell to the ground.

A silly batch of food and sleep?

A teenager with internet addiction?

System, are you sure that this is a reward, not a torture that you deliberately play with people?

Unfortunately, the system remains as cold as ever.

Looking at the stack of notebooks, Brother Yu gave up.

I'll look at the drawing first, is this always ok?

Unfolding the drawings, Brother Yu finally found something serious.

Recorded above is a semi-finished sketch a circular building, full of various facilities.

There are cockpit, weapon compartment, master control room, passage, airport, rest cabin...

Rotation speed...weight...gravity fixed track...

Use and manufacturing difficulties, there are many scribbled calculation formulas.

It can be seen from the fact that the drawing was only half completed, the other party failed to solve the difficulty in the end and moved it from the drawing to the reality.


Qin Yu looked at other drawings again and found that from the beginning of the final draft, to the step-by-step processing.

This drawing in my hand is already the most complete...

No wonder it is really perfunctory to call "the first-generation orbital defense zone structure and hypothesis draft."

After finishing the drawing, Qin Yu stared at the notebook and the broken page, choosing with difficulty with a fluctuating expression.

Should I read "Food Diary" or "Internet Addiction Notes" first...

MD, so hard to choose!

Pick and pick, and put all the broken pages in the box on the table.

Qin Yu picked up the notebook and began to read carefully one page after another...

After 5 minutes, the corners of the eyebrows jumped with black veins.

After 10 minutes, the hand holding the notebook was shaking.

20 minutes……

30 minutes……

The picture gradually calmed down, and Qin Yu's eyes lit up with green light, staring greedily at the writing inside without blinking.

All the ideas about the orbital defense zone are recorded between the lines.

The overall idea is a hundred times ahead of the semi-finished products shown on the drawings!

Only limited by the material and technological foundation, cut off all the whimsical ideas and make it more realistic.

However, Brother Yu has abilities that the former owner did not possess.

Those drawings are far less valuable than the ideas in the notebook, they are the real treasure.

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