Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 1125: It's better to go back

Start at the pinnacle of life https://

Thanks to the prosperity and progress of the society and economy, and the desperate competitiveness, the stores dare not even take a break during the Chinese New Year.

Crystal transparent strap...

Brother Yu bought several pairs smoothly, mixed them into New Year gifts, and gave them to Song Yuqiao together.

"What are these?"

"Skin care products, eye creams, stockings, essences, body lotions and the like."

"Buying so much, how can I use it up?"

It seemed that something strange was mixed in, Song Yuqiao really wanted to remember, and the gifts were full of eyes.

Taking the large and small shopping bag in his hand, Song Yuqiao placed it in the corner of the wall and pulled him to the kitchen.

"Come and give it a try, I just cooked abalone porridge." Putting on heat-proof gloves and lifting the ceramic lid.

Song Yuqiao stirred the porridge with a spoon, filled a small bowl, and blew gently by his mouth.

Then, it was brought to Qin Yu's mouth: "Taste it, is it good?"

His face was full of expectation, and his small eyes were shining, how could Brother Yu refuse.

Besides, I wore a floral apron...

Simmering on low heat for four hours, the abalone porridge tastes more delicious than it just tasted.

It’s just a bit of a waste stockings...

Suck, drink two bowls of sucking!

Qin Yu smoothly washed the dishes and put them on the dish racks, and carefully visited the room in the living room.

The story came several times, but he hadn't carefully observed the arrangement of Teacher Song's house.

The bookshelves are full of textbooks, lesson preparation materials, and some loose books.

There are a lot of urban emotions, and it seems that women no matter what occupation they are.

The longing and beautiful longing for ‘love, love’ is indispensable in the bones.

The chaise longue in front of the window sill, next to it is a small round table that is exactly high and low, and there are water stains on the bottom of the cup.

Judging from the depression on the sofa, Teacher Song must often lie on it.

With a book in hand, tea or coffee on the table, lie down on the chaise longue and enjoy a moment of quiet.

The sun shines on the body from the window, and the person shining is relaxed physically and mentally.


Just imagine, a strong literary and petty bourgeoisie blowing in.

"I didn't expect you to be such a Teacher Song." Qin Yu jumped on both feet, and lay down on the soft sofa.

Resting on the head, enjoying the warmth brought by Zhengyang.

Today is a rare sunny day!

He fell asleep on the sofa in a daze, until Song Yuqiao was ready for dinner, he gently patted him to wake him up.

"Woke up."


Stretching, Qin Yu found that it was dark outside.

"I made a few small dishes, would you like a drink?" Teacher Song took out a bottle of Moutai and asked teasingly.

"Can you do it?" Brother Yu defiantly asked.

"It's okay to drink a little."

Taking off the apron, Teacher Song changed into a black evening dress.

The skirt is irregularly cut, with tassels hung on it, and crystal transparent tube socks are put on the legs.

Stepping into the **** and enchanting pace, he came in various styles, "Thank you, Mr., for your pity for so many days, and the little girl is very grateful!"

"Tonight specially prepared good food and wine, please taste it, sir."

Seeing her pretentious posture, Brother Yu stretched out his hand and put his arms around her belt into his arms: "There is only good wine and food, how can it be?"

"Sir, don't be greedy!" Song Yuqiao pressed his finger on his lips to stop what he wanted to say.

"Since ancient times, the beauties have been so frustrated. The little girl knew that she could not stay with her husband, but she should have forgotten above the Accord..."

"You can forget each other when you know each other. I don't know you thoroughly yet."

"Then what do you want?"

"Why, go back?"

A romantic dinner in the restaurant becomes room service in the bedroom.

People are lazy in their bones, and it is more comfortable to eat in bed.

In the middle of the night, the two who had finished their dinner were about to fall asleep.

Teacher Song's phone rang suddenly, "Hey, mom..."

"Little Joe, something happened to your dad."

Song Ma's choked cry on the phone made Song Yuqiao feel sleepy.

"What's wrong, say slowly, where is my dad?"

"In the hospital, I went out for a walk in the afternoon and hit the battery car. The temporary examination revealed that it was a lumbar spine fracture, which may be at risk of paralysis."

There was a loud hum in his mind, and the two words paralyzed scared Song Yuqiao.

"Little Joe, Little Joe..."

"Auntie, this is Qin Yu."

After answering the phone, Qin Yu sat down with Song Yuqiao, who was in a trance, and asked which hospital the two were in.

"Don't worry, Xiao Qiao and I will rush over now."

"Okay, okay, slow down your journey, ooh..."

Before Qin Yu could say anything, Song Yuqiao jumped into his arms after hanging up the phone.

"What to do? What to do?" Song Yuqiao was in chaos, and accidents always came so suddenly.

"It's okay, it's okay." She gently patted her back to comfort.

Qin Yu whispered: "Let me make a call. You will clean up first. I will accompany you to the hospital. Auntie will definitely need someone to accompany you."

Lifting her head to wipe her tears, Song Yuqiao forced herself to calm down: "Yes, go to the hospital first, go to the hospital."

Wiping tears while tidying up.

Qin Yu walked to the side and dialed Xu Meixin's number: "Secretary Xu, I have an emergency here."

In the Tang Dynasty Hospital, Song's mother was staying with Song's father in the emergency room, like a lonely old man without any care.

Seeing another nurse passing by, Song Ma, who heard her wife groaning, stopped her: "Nurse, what do we say here?"

"Wait a second, we will deal with it when the doctor is done."

"But I have been waiting for more than ten minutes, and his pain is not good. Isn't he going to prescribe some medicine first?"

"Without a doctor's order, we can't take the medicine. I'll urge it again."

"Okay, thank you."

Waiting anxiously, another ten minutes passed, Song Dad hurt more and more, but still no one came.

Seeing his wife sweating profusely, Song Ma's patience is running out, "Nurse, nurse, we have been waiting for a long time."

"Auntie, there was a car accident ahead. The doctors are all emergency treatment. You can wait a while."

"But I'm also very anxious, he can't speak because of pain."

"We are already working on it, wait a minute."

The other party left in a hurry, and Song Ma could only wait helplessly.

In the next second, several older, majestic doctors in white coats walked into the emergency room.

"Song Baoping, who is Song Baoping's patient?"

When the other party called her wife's name, Song Ma quickly raised her hand and said, "Here, Song Baoping is here..."

Twenty-five minutes later, Qin Yu drove a street fighter to Tang Dynasty Hospital.

"Mom, I'm here, which ward are you and my mother in... OK, I'll come up now... Qin Yu is with me, and he came with me."

When they came to the emergency room, the two saw Song Ma, who was alone.

Quickly ran forward, the tears that Song Yuqiao had just stopped bursting again: "Mom, where is my dad?"

"Little Joe, you are here."

Hugging her daughter, Song's mother wiped away the tears from the corner of her eyes and pointed back: "The doctor took him to the operation, just left."

"How come the operation is done so quickly, what did the doctor say?"

Speaking of her wife's situation, Song's mother responded with mixed joy and sorrow: "A few professors, orthopedics and surgery, are all chief directors."

"I took a look at your dad's situation and said that he would have an immediate operation. They will do their best to get your dad to recover."

In the previous scene, the doctors and nurses in the emergency room looked stupid.

A group of hospital leaders who would never come to the emergency department in the past rushed to see them one after another.

The scared doctor on duty rushed to greet him, only to know that the other party was here for the patient.

Or a common patient with a lumbar fracture...

Although in the eyes of normal people, lumbar vertebral fractures are already a big disease, and they may crush a family at once.

But in the eyes of doctors, it is indeed a common disease.

It's just the situation, which is a little more serious.

Nor can it be blamed on the cold-blooded doctors, who have never dealt with fatal cases every day.

Is it necessary to make a fuss about this kind of indestructible thing?

The big guy who came here didn't say much, they all understood the situation, and the doctor was just following the rules.

Can't be right, but there is nothing wrong.

Besides, aren't they here?

Subsequently, the general director of the Department of Surgery and Orthopedics offered to perform the operation on the patient himself.

It's not in the past, not the arrogance that the stabbing case does not take.

The nurses who helped Song’s hand wash the hands said: “I have been in the hospital for three years. This is the first time I have seen so many big men in the emergency department.”

It feels like full-level big guys gathered in Novice Village, super shocking.

Seeing Ma Song's eyes became more curious and awe, ‘you have so much energy, you should use it sooner! ’

"Did so many directors come together?" Song Yuqiao, who was assured, couldn't help but asked curiously.

"Yes, it's entrusted by others."

Mother Song took her daughter's hand, looked to Qin Yu and asked, "Xiao Qin, it's you!"

"it's me."

Qin Yu readily admitted and comforted: "It's okay, Uncle will definitely be able to come out safely."

"Well, thank you, Xiao Qin."

"Auntie, you are too polite. UU reading"

As she was talking, Song Yuqiao suddenly remembered the perpetrator: "Where is the person who hit my dad? Did he run away?"

"No, don't worry."

Song Ma pressed her hand and motioned to her to calm down, "I just let the patrol take it away, saying that I am going to record a confession and ask questions!"

"What the **** is going on?" Song Yuqiao wanted to know what happened.

"Unexpectedly, your dad walked around, halfway through the road and jumped at the red light. The old man didn't pay attention either."

"When the driver of the battery car saw the green light, he went straight away. Without noticing your dad, the two of them ran into each other like this."

Both were wrong and didn't pay attention to the surrounding situation.

But it was just an accident, and no one wanted to make this happen on purpose.

After the incident, the motorcycle driver took the initiative to call the police and coordinated with the paramedics to take Song Dad to the hospital.

"Xiao Qin, we don't wrong people, whoever should be responsible is whose responsibility."

After explaining to her daughter, Song's mother told Qin Yu a few words.

The old couple can't afford to be ashamed of all the lives of being upright.

"Hand over to the patrol, let's wait for uncle's news first."

Qin Yu just gave an explanation. As for the specific process, Xu Meixin and the people below did it.

However, Xu Meixin knows his character.

There is definitely no bullying, the most is to fight for more advantages and compensation for Song Dad.

The specific situation is dealt with in a specific way, and it depends on the investigation results of the patrol to make a final conclusion.

Whose fault is, whose responsibility is greater.

When the survey results come out, it will naturally become clear.

Father Song's operation lasted more than four hours. When the light in the operating room went out, Song Yuqiao and Song Ma, who were waiting anxiously, stood up immediately.

The doctor who came out hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "How is it, doctor, did the operation succeed?"

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