Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 1126: It's a showdown, my heart is big

   Take off the mask, the smile on the doctor’s face is the best answer.

   Song Yuqiao and Song Ma cried with joy when they heard the answer "The operation was very successful" from the other party.

   "Great, thank you, thank you doctor."

   Song's mother's nervous expression suddenly relaxed, tears flowed out uncontrollably, and she bowed to the doctor frequently to thank her.

   Her heart was tense and strong, and the embankment collapsed at the moment the doctor said "successful operation".

   "You are too polite. I will send the patient to the intensive care unit later, and rest well."

   Looking at the back of the other person leaving, Song's mother threw herself into her daughter's arms and sobbed.

   Looking at her face full of fear, she kept sobbing like a child's mother.

  ‘It turns out, she is just bracing for it! Song Yuqiao's heart was sour, tears overflowed his eyes.

  Special care VIP ward, like a double room in a hotel.

   Accompanying hospital beds, bathing, and separate toilets are all available, making it easy to live in.

   "Xiao Qin, thank you, I will trouble you this time."

   On the hospital bed, Song Dad, who had just woken up, thanked him weakly.

   "Uncle, you are welcome, this is what I should do." Qin Yu sat on the chair beside the hospital bed.

   With his waist straight, his hands on his knees, and a smile on his face, chatting with Dad Song.

  Compared with the brief meeting last time, Dad Song obviously has plenty of time to prepare.

   Who is in the family, and what plans are there for the future?

  Study, life, and work are not going well!

  The most important thing is, of course, the future happiness of my dear and daughter.

   "Have you talked about the future?"

   "Have you thought about this?"

   Qin Yu knew that this is a topic that can never be circumvented.

   Fortunately, he has already thought about how to answer!

   "I'm sorry, uncle, I might not get married."

   Qin Yu's answer caused the air in the ward to freeze.

   The air-conditioning seemed to drop below zero in an instant.

   Song's mother, who was listening with her ears erected, turned her gaze to her daughter, her face full of anger and blame.

   Song Yuqiao lowered his head, not knowing how to explain it.

   At the same time, my heart is full of complex emotions.

   He won't get married. Is this the final announcement to himself, or the answer?

   "What did you say?" Father Song was about to sit up anxiously.

   Qin Yu hurriedly stepped forward and held his shoulders, and said: "Uncle, don't get excited, listen to me slowly."

   "Let go, let me go..." After struggling hard for a few times, he found that the shoulder he was pressing on did not move.

   Song's expression gradually became weird, and his voice became smaller and smaller.

   I seem to be...suppressed by this kid, so angry!

   Watching Dad Song calm down, Qin Yu explained softly: "Uncle, there is a reason why I say this."

   "The genetic modification project of Miracle Company, I wonder if you have heard of it?"

   "That's it, it has changed people very powerfully, like superhuman genes."

   "Yes, people who have been transformed will have a life span of five hundred to one thousand years."

   "Really?" Not only Song Dad, but Song Ma and Song Yuqiao all screamed.

   This is too incredible, longevity?

   "Even if it is only 500 years old, it will be a huge impact on society as a whole."

   "For 500 years, who can guarantee that I can always love someone for 500 years."

   Looking at Dad Song’s complicated expression, Qin Yu continued: “Maybe someone can do it, but I’m not that person.”

   "I'm not making excuses for myself, I just don't want to deceive them."

   "Marriage...Except for that, I can give Xiao Qiao whatever it is."

  Daddy Song raised his brows and said angrily: "Are you money? Am I selling my daughter?"

   "No, I didn't mean that." Qin Yu knew that everything he would say would be wrong.

   After all, he didn't do it beautifully.

   But, this kind of thing is always to be faced, no matter how you can escape, you can't escape.

   "No? I think you mean that."

  Dad Song's tone increased, and he said sternly, "Is our family short of money? Although it's not rich and expensive, it's a pretty good life, I..."

   "Dad!" Song Yuqiao suddenly said, interrupting his father's accusation.

   "What's wrong, do you still have to protect him?" Father Song stared at his daughter angrily.

   "Xiao Qiao, don't talk." Song Ma stepped forward to pull her.

  Unexpectedly, Song Yuqiao was very determined this time, looking directly at Dad Song and saying, "Dad, don't talk about it."

   "This is my life, it's up to me to decide..."

   "Qin Yu, come out, let's talk alone." After that, Song Yuqiao turned and walked outside the ward.

   "I'm sorry, uncle and aunt, I will go first." Qin Yu bowed and apologized to the two elders, and Qin Yu quickly followed.

   "Huh ~ what's this?" Father Song's sigh floated from the crack of the door.


   The door was closed, and Qin Yu saw Song Yuqiao standing with his back to him.

   "Little Joe." He opened his hands and hugged her in his arms.

   Song Yuqiao didn't struggle, which made Brother Yu a happy heart.

   "You really don't plan to get married, no matter who it is?" Song Yuqiao's tone trembled in a cold tone.

   "Yes, no one knows." Qin Yu answered very positively.

   The atmosphere fell silent, a little sad, but it seemed relieved after getting the answer.

   After a long time, Song Yuqiao turned to face him, eyes flushed.

   Qin Yu felt distressed and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, "Sorry, my heart is very big and I pretend to be too many people.

   But I really like you, this is true..."

   "Really?" Song Yuqiao repeated, looking directly into his eyes.

   "Really." Qin Yu emphasized again.

   Song Yuqiao wanted to find a trace of hesitation or withdrawal, even if it was just a pause of uncertainty.

   She will turn around decisively and leave him...

   Yes, no!

   His tone is so decisive and determined, without a trace of hesitation or hesitation.

   "No one can do it."

"will not."

   got an affirmative answer again, and Song Yuqiao felt aggrieved inexplicably.

   Why do I have to compromise? Why do I have to like him.

   Nasty ghost, badass, radish.

   scum man, dead scum man...

   slapped him **** the chest, and Song Yuqiao vented his unwillingness.

   Until the strong arms, he hugged her tightly in his arms, making her unable to move.



   After venting presumptuously, Song Yuqiao raised his red and swollen eyes to look at him and said, "You go first!"

   "Uncles and aunts, I will leave after I've solved it." Qin Yu said earnestly.

   Song Yuqiao smiled dumbly, with red and swollen eye circles, his pitiful temperament made people feel distressed.

   "What can you solve? I will get angry when I see you. You will only add chaos here, let's go!"


   "Don't do it, I will solve it. How can there be parents who have won their children in this world, they will accept it."

   Song Yuqiao knew that she would make her parents embarrassed, but who made her fall in love with this big carrot.

   Can't spare him so easily, Song Yuqiao thought fiercely in his heart, ‘Punish him and stop going to bed in the next few days. ’

   To drive away the uneasy Qin Yu, Song Yuqiao went to the bathroom first.

   Cleaned up the tears on the face with water, and added a makeup to make the eyes look better.

   Then he turned around and returned to the ward, ready to persuade his parents.

   "What about the other person, did you drive him away?" Dad Song said with satisfaction when he saw that there was only one daughter.

   "It's the right thing to drive away, this kind of carefree man shouldn't give him a chance, you girl, too, why don't you keep your eyes open..."

   said, the resistance in my heart gradually disappeared.

   Looking at her daughter's red and swollen eyes, she suddenly felt a little disappointed and regretful.

   Knowing that their daughter’s boyfriend is Qin Yu, they went back and checked a lot of news on the Internet.

   The more I look at it, the more shocked I am, and I feel that what family taught such a child.

   The galaxy must have been saved in the last life, and the entire universe has been rescued because of this.

   Otherwise, how could such a son be raised?

so amazing!

   Mentioned with relatives, everyone was unbelief from the beginning to full of envy in the end.

   not only looks handsome, can make money, but also has a lot of cooperation with the court.

   Supported various technologies of the imperial court, donated money and materials to the patrol house and yamen.

  Founded a charity organization to pay attention to the education of left-behind children.

   Every time there is a catastrophe there, the miracle also donates money and materials, and sends their people to the scene for rescue and disaster relief.

   Run wherever there is danger, RRT, it seems to be called this.

   is humble and low-key!

   did not say that because of the money, young and domineering, showing off and comparing with others!

   Judging from a few contacts, he is indeed very polite and a good boy.

   Except for more scandals, there seems to be nothing to fault.

   At that time, relatives talked about the scandal. Although the two couples tried their best to refute, they were worried and worried.

   Unexpectedly, it became a reality today.

  The more I think about it, the more angry I get, but I don't seem to hate him that much anymore.

  Dad Song is also very contradictory and can't figure out what he is thinking.

   "Dad, I want to be with him."

   Looking at his tangled father, Song Yuqiao said firmly.


   Song's father instinctively opened his mouth to refute.

   His daughter's firm red and swollen eyes left him speechless.

   Seeing her husband's misfire, Song's mother refused to follow her, "Did you have a broken head? Have you thought about it in the future, huh?"

   "I thought about it." Song Yuqiao smiled.

   "He said that he will never get married in his life. UU看书"

   "Furthermore, it will give me a guarantee, whether it is money, shares, or anything else, it will let me and give you peace of mind."

   "We may have a child in the future, and he will have whatever he ought to have."

   Hearing Song Yuqiao's madness, Song's mother jumped angrily: "You stupid girl, if he says you believe it, if he says you believe it?"

   "I believe it, even if it is fake, I will admit it."

   Song Yuqiao took Song's mother's hand and whispered softly: "Mom, I really want to bet once."

   "Even if I really find another one, just like you and dad, get married, have children, and live a life of peace and stability."

   "Can it really work? You don't know the current divorce rate. That piece of paper is just like a child's play."

   "It ends today, and tomorrow is all over the streets, no one can say for the rest of life."

   "At least this, I chose it." Song Yuqiao spoke out her own thoughts.

   That's right, at least she chose this one herself.

   Even if she loses, she admits it.

   "You, you are stupid." Song's mother made her daughter speechless.

   was anxious beside her, but didn't know how to convince her.

   This stubborn temper is exactly the same as his Lao Tzu.

   By the way, my wife is obedient to this daughter.

   If I changed to a son, I would smoke her mouth long ago and say something like "I chose it." You choose a shit!

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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