Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 1149: Mine Girl

Dai Dai still didn't get what he wanted, and the boss obviously treated himself as a takeaway.

Eat when you are hungry, and throw it away!

Fortunately, the big shot is generous, not only for meals and tips.

Even the cost of lost work has not been reduced...

After swallowing hard, Dai Daixin said, "This throat, don't even think about speaking for at least half a month."

In the room, I was smiling and silent for Qin Yu's tea-making Wanwan.

"You look very proud?"

Hearing this question, Wanwan whispered: "It's not proud, or it's funny."

"Talk about it." Qin Yu also wanted to hear what makes her interesting.

"There are so many people chasing her outside, and many of them are men who are wealthy and have extraordinary backgrounds who regard her as a goddess."

She glanced at Qin Yu with her eyelids, teased and smirked: "But she wants the boss with a single mind."

"Why, your boss is not worth it?"

Qin Yu leaned forward, looking directly at her aggressively.


Wanwan nodded earnestly and snickered: "It's not the best choice, according to common sense."

Qin Yu fell silent, leaning back on the sofa and lay down.

This is true. From the standpoint of a bystander, Dai Dai clearly has a better choice.

Is it not fragrant to be regarded as a goddess and held in the palm of your hand?

Don't look at her envy of Wanwan, there are ready-made choices around her if she thinks about it.

Keep her clothes comfortable and moisturized.

But people are cheap!

I always turn a blind eye to the people around me, and I just want to catch the mirage in the distance.

The best is what you can't get, and it's the same for everyone.

The more Qin Yu hung her appetite, the more active she was wearing Dai, and the more aggressive she was.

Looking at the women around him, except for her, Shen Chuxia and Xu Yue are the most proactive.


Naturally there are other factors, but his erratic attitude is also the key.

The two of them put it bluntly, the most important job every day is to deal with Miracle Company.

Serve the company's needs well and maintain friendly and cooperative relations.

Do your best to strive for more performance!

Whoever does a good job will rise fast, and you will have a great time chasing me.

This is doomed, the daily theme of the two people's thoughts is: Qin Yu.

When you mention the company, you think of him.

And then think of ‘what is he doing? ’‘Why haven’t you contacted yourself for so long, have you forgotten me? ’

‘What does he think in his heart? ’‘How can I satisfy him? ’

Then it will lead to self-association, and even the future...

The more you think, the more mental and emotional investment.

Just like stocks that are locked up, there will be some gains from time to time.

People are reluctant to let go, and can't hold it.

Worrying about the gains and losses day and night, the deeper and deeper, the whole heart is locked.

Even if you know that there is no result in the end, you can't see or hear.

What's more, waiting is suffering!

Occasionally there are gains, but it is the double pleasure of mind and body.

Including spiritual and material satisfaction.

All kinds of factors add up to make people want to stop!

Otherwise, licking the dog can't turn over.

The mundane world is prosperous and dazzling, how can you care about the pugs that are spinning around you?

"How about the game?"

The game cabin sent by someone last time was placed in the evacuated guest bedroom.

"I'm still getting used to it, I've died many times." Wanwan fiddled with the broken hair on the sideburns, looking embarrassed.

She has just been addicted to "Ghost" after playing for a while.

She is in the early stages of being addicted to food and vegetables, and she was affectionately called "Girl in the Mine" by fans. ’

It also makes people aware of her wealth!

I just went online, not long after I walked out of the refuge, I kept feeling how real the picture is and how beautiful the scenery is.

Seeing a red-eyed rabbit jumping out, the next moment people were gone.

The fans exploded on the spot, ‘what’s playing games, is it to give rations to the devil rabbit? ’

‘Retire, let’s see Jill for the anchor of such a dish? ’

"Prepare for 4 hours, live broadcast 1 minute, 2333~"

Is joking, ready to leave the live broadcast room.

In the next second, Wanwan was alive.

But it can't prevent the loss of the number of people. The number of viewers in the live broadcast room has dropped by hundreds or hundreds.

Consuming the whole can only measure the stick, just die for it!

This kind of operation is quite rare, but it's not that no one has ever done it.

Presumably this newcomer's live broadcast was impulsive, and I did it without even thinking about it.

Now, I can't figure out what it's like to regret in my heart.

After all, an energy bar is 20,000.

Unless there is a mine at home, who doesn't feel bad about it?

Fun is fun, and it can't change the fact that she is picking her feet.

Sure enough, it died shortly after it was launched.

This time, I didn’t even know how to die, and my eyes went dark, and the prompt ‘you’re dead’ popped up.

Simple and straightforward!

At this time, even the old fans couldn’t stand it, and they swiped on the public screen, “Let’s not go, it’s good to chat. ’

‘This game is not for you, find a factory to work! ’

‘I’ve never seen anything like this in my life! ’

Everyone complained, saying, ‘It’s gone, I don’t have to watch it. ’

The old fan also plans to jump back to the ordinary live broadcast room and wait for Wanwan to chat online.

Next moment, eh~

I live again.

‘Fuck, are you so stiff? ’

‘Forty thousand yuan, I’ve lost half a year’s salary. ’

‘Hey, is this a rich woman? I am your long-lost adopted son! ’

Fans who just said they are going to leave, this will not go anymore.

One by one stared at the screen, planning to see how many times she was going to die.

You die twice in a row, this is a card bug, have you even swiped unlimited ‘Resurrection Coins’?

Energy bars, also known as ‘resurrection coins. ’

It's just that the whole platform can't find a few that really use it as a ‘resurrection coin’.

After all, the basic effect of energy bars is to increase the duration of the game.

The correct way to use it is to add an energy bar to keep it online for 120 hours.

A chance to die once, offsetting the 50 hours of game time, is painful enough.

Bring it to resurrection, "Grass, come again???"

Seeing Wanwan in the live studio resurrected for the third time, the water friends were shocked.

The old fan even called out: "I didn't expect you to be such an anchor."

"No wonder it's pure chat, there isn't even a fan base, is there a mine at home?"

"The rich woman is by my side?"

"What kind of rich woman, call her mother."

"Mom, is there still a son in our family?"

What's the secret of the live broadcast platform? The news spread in a few minutes.

A large number of water friends poured into the live broadcast room, wanting to see what the beautiful and rich women look like.

Not to mention, neither the beauty nor the wealth has disappointed the water friends...

For a live broadcast, a whole box is used up-12 can only measure sticks.

In addition to the 3 purchased in the game cabin, there are 15 measuring sticks in total.

The total value is 300,000, which is enough to pay a set of down payment in second-tier cities.

This is a game, I suspect that we are not playing the same game.

However, some people spit out strangely: "Which union is responsible for setting up people, and will start bringing goods to make money in a few days, right?"

"I beg you, anchor, please don't let people jump?"

"The union uses bad routines, and there is a fool's letter #*¥@#¥&@"

Believe that Wanwan Shuiyou said that the anchors have always been Buddhists, and they only chat before playing games, and they don’t even have a fan base.

It's impossible, as they said, people are just boring, and live broadcasts pass the time.

The two sides quarreled in the live broadcast room.

"Believe it or not, I crawled along the network cable and hacked you to death."

Wanwan was also overwhelmed by this situation, and happened to see a water friend asking: "Did the anchor stock a warehouse of energy bars?"

So, Wanwan, who was about to change the subject, raised the equipment and said openly, "Take a look at it."

In front of the guest room, Wanwan pulls the door outward.

The whole room is filled with special black explosion-proof boxes used by Miracle Company to hold energy bars.

This picture-refresh the live broadcast record.

There is a strong analysis of the big guy: "From the picture, there are 10 boxes in a stack, and 7 rows to the left.

Because of the height problem, we can't see how many columns there are, but based on the normal room area, there are definitely 5 columns. "

"So the lowest value of this house energy bar is 84 million."

"I'm talking about the least, the specific number may be more than this, and it is possible to exceed 100 million."

"It's no longer whether there is a mine at home, at least there are two gold mines to dare to play like this."

Wanwan is also known as the "Mine Girl". It is said that her family has several mines abroad, including rare and gold mines.

Some say it is a diamond mine, and some say that her family is engaged in rare earths.

In short, Wanwan suddenly became angry.

Although the fire is inexplicable, it is still a money-losing prodigal.

But the flow is there!

Later, we will see how she retains more water friends and realizes the flow smoothly.

"Starting at the Peak of Life" Source:

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