Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 1150: Zhou family come and let go

Regarding the realization of this matter, Wanwan apparently did not care at all.

For this reason, he carefully tested his tone: "Boss, if I can't make money, will you dislike me?"

"make money?"

Qin Yu amusedly took a picture on her plump rear bridge: "I'm afraid you are boring if you have nothing to do. When do you need to make money?"

Wanwan happily jumped into his arms, and wrapped his arms around his neck.


"Thank you boss." Wanwan said happily after sending a fragrant kiss.

"Are you happy to be Mi insects?" Qin Yu looked at her amused.

If she really wants to be a rice bug, Yu Ge himself has no objection.

"Yeah~" Wanwan nodded happily and said, "I will also find something to do, but people don't want to work so hard."


People have their own ambitions, some want to be rich and noble, some want to be wealthy and settle down.

Someone is willing to take control of their own destiny and achieve a career!

Others are willing to depend on others and enjoy life as a worm that eats together and waits to die.

Xu Wanwan said that he didn't want to work hard anymore.

An Anxin is a big boss of rice bugs, what are the reasons for living so hard?

"You like it yourself." Qin Yu didn't think about her achievements from the beginning.

Otherwise, she won't give her the secondary card to use.

"If you want to buy it by yourself, there is no need to save money deliberately."

"That..." Wanwan muttered, lowering his head, kicking his legs, "Can I buy a car?"

"I should buy a car, I forgot."

When Xu Wanwan mentioned this, Qin Yu remembered that she hadn't provided her with a car.

She should be equipped with a daily family car for her own use. Occasionally, when family members come, we can drive them around.

Besides, when going home during the Chinese New Year, there must always be a trolley supporting the scene.

So that her relatives and friends knew that she was too early to be in Hudu.

"Is there a car you want to buy?"

Qin Yu took out her phone and opened the APP to help her choose a car.

"Aeolus is good, what do you think of red?"

Wanwan already has promising models, although it is not the first choice.

But making rice worms requires the consciousness of being rice worms, enough is enough.

Buying such an expensive car, what if the boss feels that he is too prodigal and hates himself?

"Fengshen?" Qin Yu's expression was startled.

Look at Xu Wanwan looking up at herself, her eyes tense.

I immediately guessed her thoughts. Is this because she is worried about spending too much money and being rejected by herself?

Funny and distressingly squeezed her cheek, Qin Yu said softly, "Reassure and boldly choose, what is the car I want most in my heart?"

"Yes, okay?" Wanwan was cautious, as if testing her owner's patience, cute pet.

"Yes." Brother Yu responded in a gentle voice.

Xu Wanwan's face was reddened, and she leaned her head on his chest embarrassedly.

"X6, BMW X6, I like it since the first time I knew it."

"That's it."

With a palm of his hand on the sofa, Brother Yu said decisively: "Go, let's go now."



In the garden house, Qin Yu still failed to watch the car with Wanwan.

Ask her to use the secondary card to swipe one of them, and people will come to Shen Bing.

Last week, there are people here!

That's right, it was the Zhou family from Zhou Xue and Shen Bing.

Before, Shen Bing invited him to eat at home for this.

When the Zhou family asked Zhou Xue, she felt that she was light-hearted, even if she mentioned it to Qin Yu, it was useless.

So, after tossing around to find Shen Bing, he said something to her.

I thought she would disagree, but she didn't expect that Shen Bing would just think about it for a few minutes before agreeing.

"I will try, don't hope too much."

After hearing Zhou Xue's message, the Zhou family had no hope in their hearts.

At the beginning, Shen Bing was abandoned for the benefit of the family.

Who would have thought that one day in the future, he would beg on her.

Never thought, just when everyone didn't report hope.

The other party had the same opinion, and it was in the western-style building he bought for Shen Bing.

So, the Zhou family came.

It was not the head of the house, but the leader of the third generation. By all accounts, Shen Bing should have called his cousin.

"Should I call you Shen Bing now, or..."

Seeing his cousin's appearance that has not changed for many years, Zhou Haocun has complicated eyes and is full of emotion.

"Shen Bing." Teacher Shen looked cold.

Perceiving her rejection of others thousands of miles away, Zhou Haocun smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Made a big mistake, it's too late to say anything!

This will talk about the past again, and it will only make people disdain.

Suppressing the turbulent emotions, Zhou Haocun looked at Qin Yu.

"Mr. Qin, what does my Zhou family need to pay to get the quota!"

Zhou Haocun came this time precisely for the training camp quota.


Qin Yu waved his hand with a smile, and said under the incomprehensible gaze of the other party: "Ten places are the same as other families."

After listening to what he said, Zhou Haocun was stupid.

Under what circumstances, the precious quota is just obtained?

Then he deliberately stuck on the Zhou family's quota before, and why!

Just because someone came to beg for mercy, let out a sigh of relief?

But the other party neither uttered humiliation, nor took the opportunity to vent their dissatisfaction, and confided all their inner grievances.

Just one sentence, no more!

Zhou Haocun really didn't understand. Before he came, he was prepared to be scolded.

It was Shen Bing who slapped him a few times, and even the other side humiliated him to get out.

He thought about how to deal with it, but now...

Zhou Haocun was stunned.

"that's all?"

Looking at Zhou Haoran who was at a loss, Qin Yu tapped his finger on the tabletop and said: "Yes, that's it."

Without waiting for the other person to speak, he continued: "According to what I mean, it is absolutely impossible for the Zhou family to get a spot!"

"But Teacher Shen said that when she went to Hudu, she was unaccompanied. It was Elder Zhou who called her old friend to make arrangements."

"For these years, I have been taken care of. Although I am not rich, I have no worries about food and clothing!"

"She remembers this love, and so does the Zhou family's grace."

"This time I begged me to return the quota to the Zhou family, and the points were returned."

"From now on, Shen Bing and the Zhou family will not owe each other."

As Qin Yu looked at Shen Bing's expression while speaking, Zhou Haocun looked at everything.

The words are full of tenderness, full of care and pity from the heart.

The relationship between these two people is not simple!

But as soon as this discovery appeared, it was forgotten by Zhou Haocun.

Jane is not simple, it has nothing to do with him.

On the contrary, what Qin Yu said earlier made him sigh secretly.

The family's calculations are probably going to be frustrated.

To say that the two owe nothing to each other, but in fact they are saying, "There is nothing more to do."

From today onwards, Shen Bing is Shen Bing, Zhou's family is Zhou's family, and Zhou Bing is long gone.

"Xiaobing, what happened back then..."

"Needless to say, at that time."

Shen Bing's cold expression softened slightly, "Everyone is still young, let the past pass!"

"From now on, if you visit as a cousin, you will definitely have a pair of chopsticks on the table."

"Others, forget it."

Hearing what she said, Zhou Hao had slight regrets, but he felt reasonable.

The entanglement in my heart is also relaxed.

"Well, I'll take the children here as a guest when I have time." Zhou Haocun said with a smile.

"Yeah." Shen Bing nodded lightly, responding.

"Then... I'll go first."

Today is not a good day to leave the past.

Besides, he was a man, he just wanted to talk to Shen Bing, and he didn't know where to start.

So, it's better to bring your wife and children together another day, and it's not too late to talk about the old days.

Shen Bing got up and saw him off, although he didn't say anything, he also showed his attitude.

This is still treating him as a family member, and what I mentioned earlier is not just talking about it.

So Zhou Haocun left with a smile.

This time, not only completed the task assigned by the family, but also re-acquainted with the cousin.

For Zhou Haocun himself, it is already full of rewards!

As for the other ideas in the family, whoever wants to let him do it himself, Zhou Haocun himself didn't plan to say more anyway.

Shen Bing didn't drive him out of the house, and invited her to be a guest in the future.

It was already to give him enough face, Zhou Haocun himself felt that the other party had acted too much.

"You really give him face." In the room, Qin Yu felt the same way.

According to him, Zhou's family didn't even have to come forward.

Qin Yu would never see him, let alone any training camp qualifications.

As for why the Zhou family did not have a quota, it was naturally Qin Yu's greeting...

Although Shen Bing has never complained, he has kept everything in his heart since he heard Zhou Xue say what happened back then.

When the training camp is established and the quota is released.

Qin Yu specifically confessed that all the Zhou family quotas were deducted and none were given.

Whatever the reason, just do it.

Which boss makes a decision, but also to explain the cause and effect to the subordinates.

But as the person involved, Shen Bing personally interceded with him, and Qin Yu had to take it seriously.

Besides, she also found a good reason!

In any case, the Zhou family has the grace to nurture her.

Furthermore, even though Elder Zhou didn't try to protect her from staying, he was still powerless.

Finally, they secretly called an old friend, please take care of him!

This allowed Shen Bing to work in Shanghai opera and settle down.

"This kindness is always to be paid back." Shen Bing said.

Therefore, Qin Yu agreed to return the quota to the Zhou family, but asked the other party to pick it up in person.

Not to humiliate and laugh at each other in person.

Qin Yu is not too young to do such naive things.

He just wanted to speak clearly and let the other party understand what was going on.

The quota is deducted by oneself, in order to feel comfortable!

It was returned by Shen Bing, in order to repay the kindness.

It's just such a thing. How to do it depends on the Zhou family's own choice...

As a relative, whoever Shen Bing is willing to walk with, that is her freedom!

But if he has other unnecessary thoughts, Brother Yu persuades him to dismiss the thoughts as soon as possible.

For Zhou Haocun, who came today, he had a good impression.

Know how to measure, know how to advance and retreat!

There is no pretentiousness, less talk about what should be said, and no more talk about what should not be said.

More importantly, he could see that he was sympathetic to Shen Bing's experience back then, but he was slight and could not say much.

Said it was to weigh the pros and cons, and thought it should not be said...

But as long as there is no fall, just like Shen Bing said, let the past pass!

After some things are put down, others are not bypassed.

But myself...

Shen Bing was very satisfied with his current life, and no longer wanted to hold on to the past.

From now on, here is my root!

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