Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 1153: Classic look

As the saying goes: a singer who is not a leggy singer is not a good model!

Mildew is called a triathlon.

Just watching her and the team's rehearsal is heart-pounding.

Tactical shakes are even more charming!


Although occasional ghost animals still do not affect her charm.

In just a few minutes, the staff who took advantage of their free time to watch the rehearsal broke out in a sweat.

Some people call their voices hoarse, they are true fans!

The moldy who ended the single rehearsal stepped on black mid-cut hollow high-heeled sandals and squatted down on the edge of the stage.

Qin Yu from below stretched out his hand and smiled gracefully.

Holding his hand, he jumped off the stage nearly two meters high.

"Miss Taylor."

The bodyguard responsible for the safety of the stage at the back was stunned.

Even if there was nothing wrong with the mildew, Qin Yu was tightly hugged in his arms, and cold sweat came out of his back.

The concert is coming soon, if she accidentally gets hurt.

Who can afford this responsibility?

Regardless of their burly bodies, this pot can't move their backs!

"Miss Taylor, please don't do such a dangerous move."

The two bodyguards jumped down with their hands on the edge, looking at the mildew seriously.

The look is serious, and he makes it clear that he will never give up if he fails to achieve the goal!

This is their job.

If you take the money, you must take the responsibility!

The team hired them to protect her safety.

If under my own care, there are still mistakes.

Not only was the concert affected, but also his own money and reputation.

Who would hire two idiots who don't even have a good goal?

But if the goal doesn't match their work, it's difficult to do it.

Looking back apologetically, Moyu assured the two of them: "I am so happy that there will be no next time."

In this way, the two are satisfied.

Take a few steps back one left and right to follow the mold.

Like two black-faced evil spirits, the faces are written-strangers do not enter.

Qin Yu smiled and said nothing about the scene that happened before him.

They are just doing their job...

However, Qin Yu felt the breath of the mutant.

Moreover, the mutations in the entire team are more than these two individuals.

"They are my newly hired bodyguards. It's too messy outside."

"Did you not see the person I sent?"

Although he didn't go to the scene, he sent someone to protect the mold.

Moreover, it is still an elite team in the RRT.

Customized stealth [Assaulter] is also indispensable, or he can rest assured to let this silly girl run around.

"After seeing me on the plane, I left."

Those who are well-equipped, less talkative, and more like killers than bodyguards.

After she boarded the flight to Hudu, she disappeared.

In their words, "There is no safer world in this world than the Republic."

Therefore, it was useless for them to follow, so they went back to their lives.

"That's right, the Republic is now the safest."

Qin Yu nodded with a smile, saying, ‘this must be Ilibera’s arrangement. ’

Asking her to send someone to serve as a bodyguard for Momo. It was Qin Yu's face that didn't kill people.

Counseling is impossible.

Mainly respect the boss and be loyal to the company!

Being responsible for her itinerary abroad is the limit of Ilibera's patience.

Send people inland and continue to protect this ‘useless’ woman.

Ilibera said that people can't stand this grievance.

RRT is BlackRock's main combat force, the backbone.

It is to maintain the west coast and the south.

As well as the subsequent occupation of the central and southern and central regions, the huge territories are stable and peaceful by force of deterrence.

In order to protect a woman, two elite teams were transferred.

They should have been active on the battlefield, performing important beheading operations.

Women will only slow down the progress of BlackRock's siege.

If Qin Yu hadn't bypassed her to order in person, Ilibera would not have said anything to send out the two most elite teams.

But later, Ilibera was very thankful that he did it.

None of the concerts performed by Momo in foreign countries went smoothly.

Every concert, RRT must be vigilant.

I don't know how many mutants tried to sneak by her side, the purpose is also strange.


Signed a photo with her, and she has to see her embarrassed when she is mischievous, and she becomes a mutator who boldly expresses love and seeks the original taste...


Kidnapping for blackmail, wanting to take the opportunity to make a fortune.

To ruin her, can't wait for her to die.

Or a jealous woman, a **** who couldn't ask for it, a perverted psychological distortion.

If it weren't for this tour, Ilibera would not believe that there are more people who want her to die than they want to die by themselves.

Fortunately, there are two elite teams.

Otherwise, it is impossible for her to return to Hudu alive.



Not only her own safety, but the death threat letter she received also brought great mental pressure to her.


Successively experienced betrayal by her boyfriend, successive backstabs by her girlfriends and company.

Create a strong heart for her!

Therefore, even under heavy pressure, she successfully completed the world tour.

It is to create one classic scene after another.

Returning to Hudu this time, the mold must be full of firepower, drawing a perfect end to this journey.

"Now, I need to vent as much as I want." He put his arms around his neck, said moldy and passionately.

The rehearsal ended early, and the black face guarded outside the locker room door.

It wasn't until the night fell that the door of the room opened from the inside.

Holding the drowsy mold, Qin Yu nodded to the two of them and said: "Go to the hotel, she needs to rest!"

At five o'clock in the morning, the assistant led the team to push open the door of the locker room.


Looking at the silver glittering diamond tassel miniskirt dropped on the ground, the assistant hurriedly stepped forward to pick it up.

"Who did it, this is Taylor's classic look, you guys..."

The touch of the slap on the clothes made the assistant frown.

Looking back, there were several cracks under the skirt.

Look at the tassel below, it is full of gaps like the mouth of an old man.

"No no no no…"

Lift the skirt and observe carefully, the safety at the bottom has also become tattered.

This, what happened?

Qin Yu, who was sleeping peacefully in the hotel, was awakened by a rapid ringtone.

Seeing that there was no response from mildew, Qin Yu picked up the phone and glanced at it.

Mai Lin is her new assistant.

"Taylor, there is bad news for you. Your silver stage suit was destroyed."

"The other party must be a pervert, UU reading did strange things to it."

"But don't worry, we will catch him, but the costumes on the stage may have to be changed this time."

"We don't have time to make the same thing again... Tyler, are you listening?"

Brother Yu took the phone and said helplessly: "Taylor is resting and can't answer your call."

"Oh, god...who are you?" The assistant was surprised, man.

Why did a man pick it up? Could it be that Tyler was kidnapped.

What did he do, damn...

"Don't worry, she is safe and will call you when she wakes up."

"As for me?"

Brother Yu was full of nasty fun, and laughed: "I am the one who destroyed that dress, the pervert in your mouth."

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