Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 1154: Star Destroyer

Keng Keng~

"Shao Qin, this is Steward Yao, and your guest has arrived."


Hearing the response in the room, Old Yao opened the door.

The younger sister in silk pajamas leaned on the sofa and watched the news on TV.

Qin Yu stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, swaying the wine glass in his hand and looking out at the Bund.

What's the weather today...

"Please, don't fight anymore" is probably the best interpretation.


Looking at the sisters standing at the door, Qin Yu nodded to Lao Yao.

The opponent backed away and closed the door smoothly.

Shao Qin likes the habit of hitting ten, Old Yao knows...

"Dong Qin...Teacher Taylor."

The change of environment and status made them no longer able to face Qin Yu with the attitude of a nightclub.

He is now the founder and chairman of Miracle Company.

Miracle maker, technology giant, business giant!

The major shareholder of his own studio, behind the owner is like a great backer for Taishan!


In short, no matter how your children and grandchildren lose your family, it takes more than ten generations to lose wealth.

And they are just small artists signed by the company.

In front of the opponent, even breathing must be careful.

As for mildew, she is not a gentle and beautiful girl at work.

At the rehearsal site, the performance of the mold is strong and domineering.

From beginning to end, no one was given a chance to interrupt.

Like a brutal dictatorship in ancient times! !

No matter who it is, there is only listening in front of her.

"Hi, Ye."

"Relax, it's time to rest now."

The mildew smile on the sofa patted his side and said: "Come here, let's talk about the details!"

Looking at Qin Yu, they apparently believed in their own people more than Mildew.

He gave this opportunity, and he called the sisters to the hotel.

Therefore, it is better to listen to the boss of the boss first, and decide what to say before deciding what to do next.

"It's the mold looking for you to talk about the stage details!"

The index finger holding the wine glass cocked and pointed at the mold, Qin Yu dried the amber liquid at the bottom of the glass, put the glass down and walked out.

"I'm going to start work, you guys talk slowly."

Although I really want to accept ‘sisters,’ this mature combination born of him.

But now, it doesn't seem to be the best time!

By the end of the global tour stage, the sisters dare not say that they are world-renowned, at least in the Republic.

The top-flow combination developed from scratch, will it be more interesting when harvesting!

The only regret is that I failed to personally participate in the development process.

Bringing the door, handing the sisters over to Momo for training, Qin Yu drove to the town.

As a queen, train a girl group that has just debuted.

For her, it couldn't be easier.

Qilin found the fleet of white houses hidden above the sea.

Including aircraft carriers and submarine formations carrying nuclear bombs, they are hiding in the Bering Sea area.

The resumption of communication this time seems to be action.

Kirin has taken control of the Medusa flagship in the near orbit of the moon and locked the fleet formation.

Just wait for an order to destroy the entire fleet.

A white house on the other side of the ocean.

In the middle of the empty reception room, a table lamp was lit.

The figure shook in the dark, and no one wanted to be a bird.

Finally, the puppet president of the White House first said: "Everyone, we are running out of time."

BlackRock is pressing harder and harder, and the living space they occupy is getting less and less.

If this continues, Deckerberg will also fall.

If you lose it, the White House will completely lose all hope.

Now, it is possible to stop BlackRock, only Deckerberg.

In any case, we must ensure its safety.

"Why must we go to war with BlackRock, maybe we can negotiate."

Someone proposed to start negotiations with BlackRock, as long as they can coexist peacefully, even if they give up part of their interests.

They are afraid of being beaten!

The continual vitality of the opponent made BlackRock see no hope of victory.

Since it can't be beaten, then beg for mercy.

No shame, who hasn't had a difficult time yet?

Perhaps this is the right choice, just look at BlackRock.

Reflecting in Miracle Company did not let the father and daughter lose their rights.

Instead, with the help of the company's power, rapid development and expansion, occupying half of the territory of the Bald Eagle.

If they also surrender to the company, get the company's full support!

The White House can completely annex the Morgan Lowe Saint Ross Consortium and take the East Coast and other places.

Then, it is a good idea to separate things from BlackRock and not interfere with each other!

It's better than having an account book, packed in a body bag and stacked in rows.

Going farther, the White House is the once political center after all.

Rule the entire bald eagle!

If the company has the idea of ​​reunifying the bald eagles, then...

It is not impossible to restore the glory and rule of the past.

The company only needs to hide behind the scenes to be a father, and that's it!

Anyway, this is the style it is best at.

It is difficult to understand this kind of thinking without understanding the deep-rooted culture of the Republic.

Success is to show off, to show off, isn't it a person's nature?

Why do you have to hide yourself and humbly deny your achievements.

This is very difficult for foreigners to understand!

"Yes, does the other party refuse?" Someone raised an objection.

If the company refuses the surrender of the White House, how should they respond?

"Don't forget Deckerberg's experiment." Someone said aloud.

The person who had previously proposed to surrender said again: "What's wrong with those experiments, do you really think that the company is doing charity?"

"Their genetic engineering, without human experiments, how can they have the results they are today!"

"Should we contact each other first and try their attitude before discussing?"

"What if we are to surrender all rights?"

This question hits the lifeblood and silences everyone.

It is unacceptable for anyone to surrender all the power and power in his hand.

In case, I surrender my power, and you go back and ask me for trouble after the fall, won't you be reduced to a slaughtered fish?

Even if I want to resist, it's too late...

Seeing everyone fell into silence, they stopped talking.

Sitting in the center, the shadow suddenly proposed: "I propose to order the fleet to aim at the west coast and threaten BlackRock to retreat."

After a moment of dead silence, an "approval" echoed in the darkness.




"Then proceed as planned. The fleet was ordered to lock San Francisco, and no new instructions were received after 2 hours."

"Blow it up." The solemn tone was heavy.

Starting a nuclear war on the mainland is the last thing they want to see.

Everyone knows the consequences of doing this.

Regardless of right or wrong, the first party to initiate a nuclear war will be criticized and scolded!

Spurned by the world, nailed to the pillar of shame in history.

But they really have no choice...

On the way to the small town, Qin Yu has also been considering whether there is any way to avoid a nuclear war.

After thinking about it, as long as they have this kind of power in their hands.

When encountering a life and death crisis, they will inevitably use nuclear bombs to fight back.

Rather than hesitate to move forward, it is better to choose to take the initiative.

It is the best result to take a small bogey!

Taking the elevator down, Qin Yu came to the command center. On the screen was the Pacific Fleet accelerating towards the coastline.

Teacher) Boss." Jingyuan, Cui Geng, and Shi Cui are all there.

"When did you come back?"

Qin Yu stared at the big screen and asked with a smile.

"I just arrived today, the other party is going to use a nuclear bomb?" Jing Yuan asked uncertainly.

Even if you get the notification, you can see the fleet speeding up on the screen with your own eyes.

She still couldn't believe that someone really wanted to start a nuclear war.

"Just guessing."

Qin Yu retracted his gaze and stopped paying attention to the slowly accelerating fleet.

"Kirin, let's start!"

Following the order, the Medusa flagship, which has been targeted by state agencies, moved in the near orbit of the moon.

The bow of the ship equipped with the Star Destroyer turned around, and UU reading directly aimed at the blue planet.

In the next moment, a large amount of material condensed in the center of the giant barrel.

Under the compression of the energy-gathering ring, its quality increases at an unimaginable speed.

"It is 3.725% charged and ready."

Subsequently, a filter screen appeared above the barrel, slowly descending to cover the front end of the barrel.

The compressed energy material gushes out and is divided into thousands of energy beams by the filter.

Travel through space and shoot straight to the blue planet.

"Warning, found a lot of unknown energy..."

"Warning, the atmosphere has been breached, and we have been locked."


Boom boom boom~

On the sea, the flames are like torches, reflecting the entire sky into orange.

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