Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 1156: 2 large pots

The white house is gone!

This happened before, although it was not so thorough, not even a foundation was left.

But there is nothing to be excited about, who doesn't know that there is a puppet sitting inside.

Go in for a pig, how should the bald eagle turn and how to turn...

But the news that came later made the big guys uneasy.

A beam of light fell from the sky and wiped out the White House and the entire Pacific Fleet. There will be wreckage floating in the sea.

What is even more worrying is the accuracy of the beam.

Destroyed the entire fleet without causing any additional damage.

Even the nuclear-powered engine on the ship did not show any leaks.

This is the Republic's shot? ? ?

Therefore, the other side is to change the national policy of peaceful rise!

Everyone knows that it is the company that does it, but the company and the Republic wear a pair of trousers.

The two families are like brothers, without a nod from the Supreme Council of the Republic.

The company dare to touch the red line of ‘stability and peace’?

A celestial lady scattered flowers, putting everyone in the world in danger, and one after another ordered the subordinate institutions to restore the battlefield and find a change against the'light beam'.

Even if it cannot be confronted, at least a way to avoid it must be found.

For a time, various doomsday fortresses and safe houses were widely recognized and sought after.

The rich and powerful men also activated their own spare secret safe houses, hoarding a large amount of living supplies in preparation for the coming of war.

The successor of the White House claimed to have entered the highest security level, and all the high-levels sneaked into the top secret base in Cheyenne Mountain.

By this, he deceived the stupid public.

Whoever wants the truth about the White House is Cheyenne Mountain, that's stupid enough to bubbling.

At this time, the big man behind the White House has long been gone.

Cheyenne Mountain is the target thrown out to attract firepower.

Throwing the pot over the company and the Republic, and stupidly telling each other where he is going to hide.

Is it for fear that the other party will not dare to kill him, clamoring and provocative deliberately seeking death?

"It certainly won't be Cheyenne Mountain."

Looking at the map displayed on the screen, Qin Yu rubbed his chin a little uncomfortably.

He didn't even intend to recognize the pan of the Pacific Fleet, anyway the ship sank.

Now no one cares about salvaging them, making the scars firmly to infer who did it.

As long as you don't recognize it to death, it's nothing more than bullshit.

But I never thought that White House could not save the fleet, so he blew himself up.

Taking advantage of the situation, he threw the two pots on the company's head, and it almost blocked the cap.

Don't underestimate these two pots, the bald eagle is split and fights every day.

The human head is smashed into a dog's brain, but the white house is also the old ruler.

Most people still agree with it a little bit.

Even if he didn't notice it, he could show it in words and deeds.

So, even if it is divided.

There are still many people who flow into the special zone from various states to join the White House to defend their homeland.

No matter what ethnicity or era, patriots are indispensable.

Besides, we beat ourselves, that's the same thing.

You, an outsider, ran over and directly **** my former boss.

Do it, do it!

It was so arrogant that even the house was blown up, and it didn't hide it at all.

Is it a bit too much? ? ?

For a time, the rebellious mood spread among the people and even affected the territories that BlackRock ruled.

Especially in the central and western and southwestern regions that have just been conquered.

The situation that had stabilized was once again chaotic and disorderly...

Every day there are mutators or so-called rebels, starting new wars in the city.

Companies, factories, transportation channels, and warehouses controlled by the company were all attacked.

The worst part is that someone actually snatched 2 power armors.


Ilibera jumped onto the table, condescendingly overlooking Yuri in front of him.

"Why do they know where the power armor is?"

"This should be me asking you." Yuri won't be scared by her.

Standing tall is amazing, if it's not for you to be a woman, but also the head of the West Coast appointed by the boss himself.

You fell on the ground as soon as you jumped up. Who would seduce you in a miniskirt?


Ilibera looked terrifying, but knew that he was not to be blamed for this kind of thing.

RRT is responsible for escorting and guarding, but in fact they don't know what they are guarding.

All relevant materials related to the ‘Power Armor’ are all top secret.

Requires M7, or a security level above P6.

In order to access the relevant information, this is only the theoretical data and actual audio records of the power armor.

To know the movement and storage location of ‘Power Armor’.

The level of confidentiality is even higher, that is, the level of vice president and project leader.

Who leaked the news? ? ?

Even if it is a bad personality, Ilibela is bold and reckless.

I didn't dare to accuse any of these people without any evidence.

If you can be the vice president of the company, there is no force behind it.

Even if you were originally a lonely family, as your status improves, a bunch of supporters will gather behind you.

Take the former deputy chief engineer of Vulcan and current chief engineer of Titan, Qi He.

He is not a child of a family, and the family conditions are also very ordinary.

In ancient times, it was a poor family.

But since he became the chief engineer of Titan Heavy Industries, he has naturally surrounded a group of forces that support him.

Many of them come from Shangdu, Hudu, and aristocratic families from all over the world.

There are also large and small capitals and entrepreneurs.

These people not only made heavy bets on Qi He, sending money and supplies.

Send the family son to Titan Heavy Industry to work for him.

Even the various materials required by Titan Heavy Industries can be half sold and half free.

Just to get on the great ship of miracle and tie myself to it.

It's not over yet!

Anyone who has a girl of the right age in the family can’t wait to squeeze someone into his bed.

Boil the rice first, and I'll talk about it later.

In short, it is unconditional support.

So, move a Qihe.

It was tantamount to moving all the people and forces behind Qi He who placed their bets on him.

Laozi laid down his capital just to get on this big ship.

It's not easy to be so interesting, let you get rid of people.

All the previous investments have been squandered?

Come on, you say you won't kill you!

This is just Qi He, let's look at a family like Xu Hao.

The power gathered behind him is terrifying!

Just a Three Qin Association, let him remain invincible.

Xu Hao, Yang Chengjun, and Li Xiao are the troikas of the Three Qin Club.

One is in the headquarters and the other is responsible for external development.

There is also Li Xiao, who seems to be outside the company, but in fact it is deliberately arranged like this.

Bai Ze and Ye Jinlan can reach Tianting directly.

Qin Yu directly contacted these two people if something happened, and conveyed his opinions on his behalf.

Ye Jinlan and Bai Ze will also come to tell him if there is any major event above.

It's not anything, it has to alarm the upper-level bosses.

Just like in a company, you don't have to report to Qin Yu for everything.

Today, I decided to expand the production line, starting with the formulation of a plan.

Both parties have intentions for site selection, inspection, and contact with the local government, and then the contact will be formally started.

Land, price, policy support, and the difficulties inside, then come to the formal contract.

Then the bidding starts, UU reads the design plan at, and the construction party enters the site.

Purchasing equipment according to the plan, price, negotiation...

Then to the actual progress of the entire project, completion acceptance, equipment admission, personnel recruitment, salary and benefits, etc.

Finally, it is officially started and put into operation!

How much thought has been spent, how much manpower and time have been invested, what difficulties have been encountered, and how have they been resolved.

Qin Yu doesn't need to understand.

All he needs to know is: the project initiation time, the project budget and duration, and the final acceptance and start-up.

If it is from the bottom up, any work must be reported to him.

Qin Yu has ten heads, and he has to be nailed to his seat 24 hours a day to listen to the report.

The following cooperation and contact with local yamen will all be handled by someone.

Li Xiao is this person, acting as a lubricant and middleman between the company and various government offices.

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