Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 1157: Despised?

The power armor is lost, whereabouts are unknown.

For such a big matter, Ilibera has no right to call the shots, and can only report it to the headquarters.

However, she asked BlackRock to announce to the public for the first time that the explosion of the White House had nothing to do with the beam.

As an opponent, the satellite controlled by the consortium naturally regards the White House as the main surveillance target.

Whenever a satellite passes by from above, it will be stared at.

Just before and after the explosion of the White House, there was only the skyrocketing fire in the images captured by the satellite.

There were no beam fluctuations, and the energy monitoring agency did not detect energy fluctuations before the explosion.

This shows that someone deliberately planted the blame.

The Miracle Company subsequently issued a statement: The warships near the moon are not ours, but the aliens who reached the earth through the star gate.

Out of concern for the overall situation of global peace, we have strongly condemned and protested against the alien-owned warships.

This bullying of the weak is extremely immoral.

I hope the commander of the battleship can give a reasonable explanation.

We will continue to pay attention to developments and contribute to global peace and development as much as we can.

Barabara's announcement made the big guys swear shamelessly.

There is such a shameless person in the world, can he be shameless?

The alien warship, still expressing condemnation and protest?

This is a republic!

Unfortunately, no one believed the nonsense in the announcement, not even a punctuation mark.

If I believed it, I would be a idiot.

The corrupt country wanted to make a statement on this immediately, questioning the company's statement and alluding to the Republic as the black hand behind the scenes.

Then they received the message.

Its own fleet is locked by positional energy, but the radar can't find the shadow of the enemy at all.

Now, the entire fleet is in panic.

‘Come on, this is a warning! ’

The prime minister's office was silent.

After a long time, the Secretary of Defense suddenly said: "I think the announcement of BlackRock and the miracle is true."

"I also agree, if the other party has such a technology, why not use it?"

"The Republic has always advocated peaceful development."

"Yes, they are a peace-loving nation and will not take the initiative to provoke war."

"This must be the conspiracy of the White House. I suspect that they blow up the White House themselves to create a conspiracy."

"Damn conspirators, we should expose their ugly faces."

"As a gentleman, how can you just ignore it?"

"Yes, expose their evil cheeks."

"Just do it..."

Everyone expressed their opinions righteously, as if the previous proposal to refute the company's announcement was not made by them.

"Rebut, how can it be rebutted?"

"The Chinese government and the company have a friendly foundation for cooperation and regard each other as sincere friends."

"The company has always made many contributions to the world's science and technology. The Republic is even more a lover of peace.

It is the first to announce that it will not actively initiate a nuclear war and will not use nuclear bombs against non-nuclear countries. "

"Never proactively provoke any country or organization, and actively run in the United Nations to bring hope for peace and development to all countries."

"We sincerely believe that the Republic and the company are friends of people all over the world..."

"I am a little bit shameless than shameless." The prime minister who talked about on TV made Qin Yu convinced.

This shameless degree alone is enough for him to learn for a lifetime.

"Did you really blow up the White House?" Mildew asked with a tangled expression and complicated eyes.

"Do you believe it?"

Qin Yu glanced at her, and the tears accumulated in his eyes made him feel soft.

Sighing, Qin Yu explained: "I didn't make the White House."

"Really?" The tone was raised.

Looking again, there were no tears in his eyes.

The eyes are bright, like a clear sky.


Qin Yu nodded and said curiously: "Have you considered filming in the past?"

With her acting skills, taking two figurines is not the same as playing.

"There are too many trophies at home, and the statuette this year is so ugly."

Mildew put his long legs under his buttocks, spitting out disgust on his face.

What little golden man, do you have my gramophone fragrance?

Twelve phonographs are lined up. Among them, they won the first prize three times and won the album of the year.

There are too many trophies to be placed in front of the mantelpiece.

The little golden man?

Sorry, there is a little desire to want it!

"If you go out like this, you can easily be beaten to death, you know?"

Qin Yu rolled his eyes, why didn't she find out that she still had the attributes of Tsundere before.

"Sorry, in the field of music, my old lady is like that."

Mildew jumped off the sofa arrogantly and stood barefoot in front of Qin Yu.

The right hand is imaginary holding it like a microphone, singing lively.

"Ohoh\'oh, Ohohoh..."



Even if it’s just wearing simple silk pajamas, holding an ‘air microphone,’ no soundtrack, no accompaniment, no stage.

The mold at the moment, still shining like the sun.

This woman is glowing, and the stinger can't open his eyes!

Separate the long, upright legs and shake his head confidently and tactically.

The **** and charming in every move, the pride and conceit in the bones, as if to declare to the world: "The old lady is standing there, there is the stage."

"When I pick up the microphone, the eyes of the whole world will focus on me... All the people present are rubbish."

I have to admit that once this woman speaks, she is completely changed.

Brother Yu doubted whether she had a double personality.

She is on the stage, even if the whole world is going to be overshadowed by it.

And she is the only light!


He stretched his hand forward with his waist leaning forward, and the **** red lips were close at hand.

At this moment, Qin Yu was drunk!



Long night, coming down from the creaking dining table.

Qin Yu dialed the front desk and ordered a supper for four.

"There will be a concert tomorrow. Are you so crazy you don't plan to be on stage?"

Seeing the mildew that came wrapped in a bath towel, Qin Yu was full of admiration.

Worthy of being a great ocean horse leg, the wildness and endurance in his bones are not comparable to others.

Just look at the solid wood dining table that is about to fall apart and you know how wild these two hours have been.

"Are you underestimating me?"

Mould sat on the sofa and put a pair of long, tight and stylish legs on his lap.

Tossing his hair chicly said: "Compared to the intensity of the loop this can only be regarded as a warm-up."

After speaking, he looked at him provocatively, "So, do you think you are very good?"

I'm dangling~

Am I being despised? ?

It was the first time that Brother Yu was questioned by a woman about his combat power.

Madam, don't think that you have horrible legs and you can do whatever you want.

Do you know, saying the wrong thing... will kill you.

"It seems that my worry is unnecessary."

Brother Yu raised his brows and walked towards the door with a smile.

Open the door and hang "Do Not Disturb" at the door.

Click, the door lock is locked.

It's all like this, what else to eat? Let's wait outside!

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