Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 1159: Unlucky

Beizhou Laboratory.

Shi Cui and Jing Yuan, who were supposed to be in the hive, stood side by side, looking at the cobweb map that was gradually taking shape on the screen.

"How long did they dig?"

Looking at the densely packed lines like capillaries, they keep expanding and extending the lines.

Jing Yuan's expression was full of surprise, and the area ascertained was 120,000 square meters.

The red dots that extend outward still have no tendency to stop.

"Leader Jing."

"Huh?" Jing Yuan cast her gaze to him.

"Raging Nanoworms, are there any more?" Shi Cui's eyes flashed, as if planning something.

"What are you doing?" Jing Yuan asked flatly.

"Do a little makeover."

Shi Cui pushed the frame and pointed at himself under the suspicion of the other person: "Give it to myself."

"Are you sure?" Jing Yuan looked solemn.

The most important thing about the raging nanoworm is the word ‘raging’ in front.

They are not docile little milk dogs. After implanting them in the body, Shi Cui doesn't worry about being eaten clean?

"That's what I should care about, isn't it?" Shi Cui refused her kindness.

As one of the giants of the research institute, Shi Cui has his own pride.

For his own transformation, he does not need guidance from outsiders.

"In the biological laboratory, there is the last group."

With her approval, Shi Cui was not interested in continuing to watch.

Turned around and walked to the laboratory to get the precious materials needed for his transformation.

At the same time, the underground laboratory of Fort Dekker.

The piercing alarm sounded abruptly, and Fati, who was reporting to the boss in the office, gave a startled expression.

"Fati, what's the matter?" the person on the other side asked.

"A little problem, I will solve it."

After Fati closed the communication, he pressed the answering machine: "This is Fati, what happened?"

"We have been invaded, and the intruder has not been found yet."

"No intruder?"

"Yes, all areas are normal, and there is no trace of any enemy."

"This is your answer..."

Fati hung up, and his body exploded into a cloud of black mist.

The mist flowed out of the gap under the door, drifting along the channel to the depths of the base.



"Nanoworms have been discovered."

In the control center, the engineer who controls the nanoworm looks serious.

"Did they find it?" Jing Yuan asked calmly.

"No, not yet, but it was only a matter of time before it was discovered."

"Then make it more difficult for them, take the initiative to expose some nanoworms, and cover other nanoworms to complete the map."


In the underground base, some nanoworms were actively exposed.

They formed a dense swarm of flying insects and took the initiative to fly to the energy control area.

It looks like the enemy’s purpose is to destroy the base’s power first.

Cause chaos, and then attack the base.

Or for other ulterior purposes...

"Stop them, never let them get close to the control zone."

The black mist condensed in the air, and Fati's figure appeared in front of everyone.

Several mutants spread their legs and sprinted.


A strong wind blew her long hair, and several people had disappeared before Fati's eyes.

And her figure also disappeared, rushing to the control area together.

This time the enemy was very weird. He sneaked into the base quietly without being noticed by anyone.

Had it not been for someone to be attacked suddenly, they probably wouldn't know that they had been invaded by now.

"How did you find it?" Jing Yuan was waiting for a reply in the Beizhou laboratory.

Why is it suddenly exposed to the company's research on nanoengineering.

With the other party's technology, it is impossible to find nanoworms.


The engineer turned his head, looking at her helplessly and embarrassed.


The engineer scratched his head and said helplessly: "It's violent, there is a short-term out of control state, will be a senior researcher..."

The reason why it is called the raging nanoworm is because the nanoworm will enter a raging state.

Once out of control, it falls into a violent state.

No one knows what they will do better than Jing Yuan.

After all, the entire project was established and perfected in her hands.

It was all right after sneaking in the passage for so long, but when he lost control, he ran into someone.

The whole person, including the bone scum, becomes the nourishment of ‘violent’.

It was the accident at this moment that allowed them to expose themselves.

Decker actually had a life locator in his researcher's body.

Even the bones are gone, and the locator implanted under the skin is naturally no exception.

The life signal of the senior researcher disappeared in the base? ? ?

This is no small matter...

Immediately aroused the attention of the monitoring room, and the alarm sounded because of this.

Jing Yuan stood there with no expression on her face, but she was almost laughing in her heart.

Should this be considered bad luck for the other party, or is it bad luck?

It was a problem with my own nanoworm, which happened to hit a hapless person.

Add two by two-exposed.

Except for a ‘bad luck,’ what else can she say?



The grand performance ended in a reluctant farewell.

In the background, I irrigate with big mouthfuls of water to replenish the large amount of water passing by the body.

At this time, there is no need to care about the problem of edema!

Next is the salted fish moment. She wants to rest on the beach for half a year to be a salted fish with no desires.

After drying on the left, then on the right.

Until the two sides are golden, think about it and work again.

"Where is Qin?"

After waiting for a long time, I didn't see him appear, and he was a little curious.

The spectators outside are all gone. Could it be that they went to the parking lot?

"Mold, I know where he is." The assistant had a weird expression and pointed out with a smile on his face.

In the empty auditorium, there was a lone figure in the center of the front row staying on the seat.

His head leaned on his shoulders, his body slid down for a while, and he was paralyzed in the seat without an image.

"Is he asleep?" Momo couldn't believe it.

Someone fell asleep at her concert.

Moreover, in a strict sense, this person is still her man.


Moyu embraced his hands, a pair of long legs with nowhere to rest, and his toes nodded forward.

I really want to hang him outside the chair and kick him in the dangling crotch.

Let him wake up and figure out what he is doing!

"Hi, why are you all out?"

Seeing that he was about to fight, Qin Yu opened his eyes abruptly and stood up.

The map is drawn, and the rest is left to them.

"Are you sleeping well?"

Moyu looked at him with a smile, tenderness between his eyebrows.

But Brother Yu felt a biting chill, a chill rushed from the tail bone directly to the back of his head.

The whole person shuddered in place, pleasing to hold on to the mold: "I'm not sleeping, it's work."

The moldy eyes were slanted, and two words were written in the corner of the light: Ha ha!

I believe you a ghost...

"It's You know that Beizhou is not at peace right now, and that happened in the morning."

Thinking of the previous declaration of the White House, the disappearance of the fleet and so on.

Looking at his serious expression again, Mildew asked suspiciously: "Really?"


"Well, I will forgive you this time."

Momo lowered his embracing arms, moved his right hand forward, and stretched out his index finger to hook his chin.

"Tonight, I want you to compensate me with everything."


Qin Yuxie smiled and said, "Woman, you are floating."

Seeing the two tit-for-tat, the sisters hugged each other and trembled.

I always feel that something terrible will happen.

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