Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 1160: It's cool to have a backing

The next day, the sky was clear.

Moldy muscle strains on the inner thigh, you need to stay in bed for a few days.

After her personal doctor asked about the situation, she advised her to be the best goldfish in the near future.

Young to young, we still have to know how to control!

Dayan Mar's lifeless provocation ended in wounded and bedridden.

Qin Yu, who left the hotel, was also alone.

The performance of the sisters in the concert was recognized, and they were promoted with adverts and tweets.

Under the overwhelming propaganda, the sisters naturally want to take action.

The famous senior executive vice president personally led the team to let the sisters stabilize their current popularity status.

As long as you can digest the benefits of this concert.

They can become one of the hottest girl groups in the Asia-Pacific region, and they can be considered half-footed on the front line.

Therefore, my sisters were called away in the middle of the night.

If Yu Ge's abacus fell to no avail, the result was that the mold was almost abolished.

In the next few days, Brother Yu has been waiting for news from Jing Yuan.

They had already figured out the internal structure of Fort Decker.

Although the loss of three power armors is worth it.

In addition, Ilibera's report appeared in front of him again.

The woman clearly noticed that the power armor lost the nuances in the middle.

Want to find out the truth, ask the bottom line!

"Boss, do you want to reply?" Xu Meixin stood by and waited for his instructions.

If you don't reply, Ilibela will definitely continue to report.

"Let her go to Jingyuan."

Qin Yu rubbed his forehead and asked, "How about the longevity experiment?"

"It has progressed to the seventh stage, and the experimental body is performing well."

The seventh stage means that the subject has received seven dilution injections.

After another eight injections, the results of the experiment can be obtained.

Everyone will wait and see whether the diluted ‘gene drug’ can achieve the desired effect.

However, before that, the demon hunting expedition and sailing of "Golden Demon" will also enter the next stage.

The star domain where Futra is located, the A1 galaxy.

After 20 years, the Church of Marvel Science and the Iron Eagle Alliance completely conquered this galaxy and set off for the unknown galaxy.

The two sides are now giants that dominate millions of planets.

The planet referred to here is a planet with life forms.

If you count the harsh environment, the planets that cannot survive, and have no development value, the number can reach astonishing hundreds of millions of units.

Demon hunting expedition and sailing, also draw the end here.

The new expansion pack, Great Crusade·Tinder is officially launched.

It is their new task to spread the fire of civilization to the unknown star field and find more life races.

During this period, the settlement center also ushered in the first big blowout.

Countless games go to the settlement center to exchange various resources, equipment and properties accumulated over the years.

Tang He was also among these people and took a flying car to the settlement center.

Looking at the busy empty road in the sky, the bustling scenery of flying cars ups and downs, I was full of sighs.

A few years ago, who would have thought that waste would be what it is today.

"Hello, welcome to the settlement center, please choose your needs."

Entering the hall, a virtual projection appeared in front of you.

Relying on the personal terminal connected to it, Tanghe chooses to exchange equipment and follow the arrow displayed on the terminal to the counter.

The equipment exchange is at the deepest part of the third floor, with only four windows.

When Tang He came, only one of the four windows was in use, and the other three windows were all empty.

But the staff inside, still maintaining a warm smile, sitting on their posts.

Seeing someone coming again, three young ladies with good looks and builds, their eyes glowed at the same time.

The words on the face are all "Choose me, choose me, choose me, choose me..."

After a pause, Tang He walked straight to the opposite window No. 2.

"Hello, sir, what kind of business do you need to handle?"

Miss No. 2 got up and bowed, and after she re-settled, she waited for his reply with a sweet smile.

If you change to a bank counter sister, just this smile can be selected for the most beautiful smile job award of the year.

"Hello, this is my redemption list."

Before coming, Tang He did his homework and recorded all the things he wanted to exchange.

Just move your finger and send the record to the other party.

The list projection appeared on the desktop, and Miss No. 2 said gently: "Please wait a moment."

The settlement center also has its own rules, not everything can be exchanged.

Some threatening weapons and explosives are all prohibited items!

However, Tang He did not have these items in his exchange list.

The only thing that made him uncertain was the ‘exoskeleton’ device at the top of the list.

Tang He didn't know whether it was a contraband.

In terms of threats, it is comparable to Superman after wearing it.

But its use also varies from person to person, and there are no weapons on it.


"Why not?" The middle-aged, who was doing business next door, slammed his fist on the table angrily.

"Sir, please keep calm!"

Miss teller smiled stiffly, looking at him nervously.

"It's just a power arm, there is no threat, why can't it be taken out?"

"The power arm you have is a combat type. Exchange of such items is prohibited. This is a rule."

The man said blushingly: "Please, I really need it."

"Sorry, if you have something to say about it, you can go to the fourth floor to appeal."

The cabinet sister apologized to him helplessly.

Although she is sitting inside and the other person is outside, there is actually no difference between the two.

Her job is to receive and explain the rules to clients.

As for what can be changed and what cannot be changed.

The system has the final say, they don't even know where the things are.

Let alone any illegal operation!

"Mr. Tang He, the review of your list has ended, are you sure you want to redeem it all?"

Tang He, attracted by the next door, looked at No. 2 and nodded: "Yes, all exchanges."

"Okay, the cost is 132,500."

"The cost of the exoskeleton is 101,300..."

After reporting the cost details, Miss No. 2 looked like he was struggling with something.

"Is there anything you don't understand?"

Tang He nodded and said, "Um, my exoskeleton should also be a combat type."


"Why can it pass the review!"

Tang He doesn't understand, is there a difference between the fighting type and the fighting type.

The threat of the opponent's power arm is stronger than the entire exoskeleton?

"Yes, you are a service member, so you have a higher level of authority."


Tang He was stunned, and asked, "You mean serving in the game counts as well?"

"Yes, the system shows it like this." Miss Sister No. 2 looked weird.

It was the first time that she encountered this situation, and the people who came before did not prove it.

After scanning and verifying, the corresponding permissions can be opened.

Tang He has never seen anyone who directly obtains permission like this.

However, the system will not go wrong.

She only needs to follow the process to complete the work, "At 2:13 pm, your redemption items will be delivered to the registered address."

After completing the formalities, Tang He also turned around a little confused and left.

People stopped the way without taking a few steps.

Taking a closer look, it is the eldest brother who handled the business next door before.

"Brother, I'm not malicious, I just want to inquire about something."

The other party nodded and bowed, posing very low.

The eyes that looked at Tang He were filled with flattery and worry, for fear that he would be rejected.

"What's the matter? Brother, you ask." Tang He stopped.

"Thank you, thank you brother." The other party first thanked him before uttering his doubts.

Why can he exchange the exoskeleton? The older brother heard the conversation between the two.

"I don't know it myself, it should be related to the game career."

"What do brothers do in the game?"

"Canned food." Tang He smiled.


The eldest brother's expression was startled, thinking that this is the self-deprecating name of the orbital downhill Marine Corps.

Because, when descending from orbit.

They are like airtight cans.

Falling from the sky, you can only bet that you won't be hit.

Over time, there will be a joking title of "canned food"!

Confirming that he is the ‘Mighty Marines,’ Big Brother’s expression is even stranger.

"Brother Buman said, I also belong to the Marine Corps."

"Oh? A colleague in the church?"

Hearing him mention the ‘church,’ the eldest brother was stupid: "Brother, are you from the Science Church?"


"Fuck, I'll just say..."

Big brother understands, it has something to do with the profession!

A strong background is the key.

I have to describe it, that is, the regular army and the militia, the gap is so big.

The only Iron Eagle League that can rival the Scientology Church has not yet recruited official members of the Marine Corps.

It's just a way of hiring to replace various job vacancies.

It's a bit of a temporary worker!

Anyway, there is no formal establishment, and the core team has always maintained a fixed number of people.

Don't underestimate it as just temporary workers, countless players break their heads and want to squeeze in.

The same is true for the eldest brother, but unfortunately he was brushed off three times in a row.

Now, I can only go around with the group.

The spacecraft in the monsters, especially the small spacecraft, are already popular products.

Nowadays, as long as it is an old player, it is not a problem to buy an old small spaceship!

That's how the elder brother's team is. A few people pooled together money to buy a small, obsolete transport ship.

Spending money on the black market to strengthen their motivation has become their vehicle for adventure and the most valuable asset of the whole group.

Leaning on this ship, I have traveled to many places.

The A1 galaxy is too Even if it is the Church of Science and the Iron Eagle Alliance, they dare not say that they have walked everywhere.

Therefore, as long as you search carefully and add a little luck, you can also eat it.

Don't dare to say that you are rich and expensive, it's okay to support your family!

This time, they found an abandoned base.

A lot of treasures were found inside, and what the eldest brother got was the power arm that he wanted to exchange before.

"Urgent money?"

Seeing his bitter face, Tang He wondered if there was any story in it.

The fact is as he thought, the eldest brother is indeed in a hurry to use money to see a doctor for his daughter.

"Originally I wanted to sell it in the game, but when I looked at the price, the difference between the two sides was a little one hundred thousand."

The elder brother smiled bitterly and shook his head, if it weren't for the price to be too low, it wouldn't be enough to make up for his daughter's surgery.

He would rather earn less, and he would make a move as soon as possible.

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