Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 1161: What life looks like

Tang He thought for a while and said, "In this way, let's add a friend, I want your power arm."

"Brother, are you serious?" Big brother's excited eyes were red.

"Well, as long as you don't fool me." Tang He joked.

I happen to have to buy a power arm to modify the exoskeleton mecha, it doesn't matter where I buy it.

According to him, that power arm is really good.

Satisfy your own needs while creating value, helping others, and getting satisfaction, why not do it?

"Definitely not, you know when you see something."

"If it wasn't for treating my daughter, I would definitely keep it for myself."

"Okay, add a friend!" Exchange electronic business cards, Tang He went to the station and took the car home

The eldest brother also hurried to the hospital and ran into his daughter's attending doctor in the corridor.

"Mr. Ho, how is your money together?"

"Doctor, no surprise, I can hand it in this afternoon."

"That's good, Xiaoxiao can't wait anymore."

The eldest brother nodded, his tone of voice was slightly choked and said: "But... this money is only enough to pay the previous debt, the operation..."

"Don't worry about the rest, as long as you pay the arrears, I will arrange the operation."

"Thank you, thank you doctor."

The eldest brother held the opponent's hand in tears and shook it up and down vigorously.

"You're welcome, this is my job." The doctor nodded slightly and left.

Wiping away the tears, rubbed his eye sockets vigorously.

The eldest brother controlled his emotions and opened the door of the ward: "Xiaoxiao, Dad is back."

The bald girl lying on the single hospital bed sat up happily: "Dad."

She was pale, but her eyes were full of expression, Xiaoxiao has become accustomed to life in the hospital.

As long as she can be with her father, she is not afraid of anything.

"Xiaoxiao is hungry?"

The eldest brother hugged his daughter, feeling sad, and almost burst into tears again.

"Dad, the nurse aunt praised Xiaoxiao, saying I am brave!"

"Really? We Xiaoxiao are the best behaved."

"Well, Xiaoxiao needs to be strong and don't cry for injections."

I can't help but burst into tears.

The eldest brother patted his daughter on the back: "Xiaoxiao, my father will definitely heal you."

"You will definitely be cured. When the disease is cured, we will go home together, go home, woo woo..."

After so many years of hard work, give up everything.

He finally saw a glimmer of hope, and his hollow heart felt fulfilled again.


Xiaoxiao nodded vigorously, and said with a gloomy little face: "Then, where's mom? Will mom come back?"


The eldest brother wiped his tears and squeezed an ugly smile to comfort him: "Mom is going to make money and treat Xiaoxiao's illness."

"When we are cured, will we go to my mother again, okay?"

Looking up at her father, Xiaoxiao knew her mother was gone.

Because she is sick, mother doesn't want Xiaoxiao and father anymore.

She accidentally heard this when the nurse sister was talking with the doctor.

However, facing her father's comfort, Xiaoxiao smiled brightly: "Well, go with father."

As long as you are with Dad, you can do anything...

Once he got home, Tang He landed in the game first.

The eldest brother is already online, and the data of the power arm has also been sent.

The power is increased by 20 times, equipped with intelligent assistance, and six external slots are available for modification.

The movable detachable port avoids the risk of not being able to match the exoskeleton model.

"I want it, 230,000." Tang He gave the price.

This price is not the highest price in reality, but it is already a sky-high price in the game.

Before him, the highest offer the eldest brother received was 130,000.

"Okay, thank you brother." The eldest brother is not a hypocritical person.

He wrote down this kindness, and he will repay it if he has a chance in the future.

Give things to the planet, the stronghold of the Church of Science.

Tang He, who received the news, also put the money into the other party's actual account.

This saves him from redeeming and saves a fee.

Informed the location of the planet where he was, and learned that it would take half a month to get things.

Tang He got off the game and went to the kitchen to cook dinner with his girlfriend.

"Xiaoya, my mother is urging again, when will we get married!"

Put the washed vegetables in the basket to control the water, and Tanghe took the fish out to clean up, and marinated the flower knife with the ingredients.

"My parents are also urging, every day they say waiting to hold their grandson." Xu Ya said speechlessly.

They think about the world of two people for a few years, and then consider the matter of getting married and having children, can't they?

My parents talked all day, let myself hurry up and get the marriage done.

Such a good man, don't miss it...

Tang He is quite good, but he is not bad, right!

I really don’t know what my parents are worried about, they are feeling better!

"If we don't do it this year, we can wait for the child's affairs."

Tang He knew that she didn't want to have a child so early, and he did the same.

I'm still a child, and I haven't made myself clear or qualitative.

How to teach children to grow savagely, just to live?

To do this, Tang He would rather not have children.

"I told my mother the same, and the child is not just raising it."

"You have to teach him how to behave in the world, be responsible for the future, and make him a useful person."

Tang He put the marinated fish on a plate and put it in the steamer.

"As I thought, in any case, let's have the final say on this matter, and wait until we are ready to rebirth."

"If you can't explain, just push it on me and say I don't want it now."

Seeing how he giggled, Xu Ya gave him a charming look.

"Forget it, I have to really say that, my mother should talk to you."

"Just talk!"

Tang He hugged her hippiely and confidently said, "Auntie likes me a lot."

"That's normal, and it's not enough when it comes to grandsons."

Even her dear daughter has to stand aside in front of her grandson.

There are fish and meat, Xu Ya opened a bottle of red wine from a friend and placed two white candles.

A sumptuous and romantic dinner, that's it.

"By the way, I just received a piece of equipment, 230,000 yuan, let me talk to you."

Tang He remembered the previous transfer and habitually greeted Xu Ya.

"You decide the game, but I don't understand it!"

Picked him a piece of fish and put it in a bowl, Xu Ya mentioned about the house.

"Recently, the surrounding housing prices have risen again. Do we want to buy another set?"

The community they live in belongs to the best school district, and the next door is the No. 1 Middle School in the South District, one of the best middle schools in the Northwest.

Even many well-established famous schools are incomparable. Those who are rich and those who have relationships send their children there.

Moreover, the learning atmosphere is particularly good, and no one plays with you when you are poor in study. Xu Ya thinks this is quite good.

In case they want to have more children in the future, no more places will be enough to go to school.

The boss can’t go to a prestigious school, and the second and third can make arbitrary arrangements.

"How many are you planning to give birth?" Tang He raised a glass and touched her, feeling very happy in his heart.

No matter how many more, he is the only child.

It is true that a person is a bit lonely, especially in the current environment, and I have not known the door to door or the door to door for ten years.

You said that you don't have a partner, just like him and Xu Ya.

What's the matter at home, there is not even a negotiator.

The two of them are pretty good, they have a company with each other, and they also have reliable friends.

If social relations become more indifferent in the future, it will be much harder for the child to be alone.

"It's always good to prepare first, be prepared!" Xu Ya said with a chuckle.

"Okay, then buy another set. I remember there are still vacancies in the real estate east of the school."

"Then you go and have a look tomorrow, I will ask for leave if there is something suitable."

Xu Ya still has to go to work, this kind of thing is naturally handed over to Tang He.


After a meal, the two of them packed the dishes to the kitchen together.

Xu Ya put on her apron and cleaned, but Tang He was a little restless.

Easy to think...

So what. U U reading www.uukanshu. cm

He hugged her from behind, shaking his hands restlessly.

Xu Ya's cheeks flushed and wanted to push him away, but her hands were occupied.

"Don't move, I have to wash the dishes!"

"You wash yours, you are the most attractive like this."


The kitchen lights went out, and the mosquitoes lying on the ceiling heard the ping-pong sound.

Then the house began to shake, and there was a strange and terrifying moan.


The panicked mosquitoes tried to find an exit, but headless flies flew around.

Suddenly a strange stone fell from the sky, covering the sky and the sun.

When Kistler left, only a small pool of blood and mosquitoes crushed corpses were left on the table.

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