Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 927: Rescue and accidental products

   17 light-years away, the Xihe, summoned by the command, returned to the earth at the limit speed.

  The city of miracles, the apron!

   On the empty platform, an aircraft suddenly appeared.

   It feels like it just stopped there, but everyone didn't notice it.

   "Boss... I won't let you down again this time." Shi Cui vowed to say in front of the aircraft.

   "Anyway, be careful." Qin Yu patted his shoulder and said.

   Shi Cui showed a touch of excitement, but quickly pressed it down.

   This time, he will never disappoint the boss again...

   boarded the Xihe, and in a blink of an eye, they had reached the sky above the bald eagle.

  The streets and lanes, including the private monitoring equipment in the building, have been invaded and controlled by Kirin.

   Soon, the trail of Fink and his party was found.

   They were trapped in an abandoned building on the outskirts of the city. The people around them suffered heavy casualties, and there was an elite team in charge of protecting him.

   Outside, two mutants with a group of deformed bodies are searching his tracks.

   It seems that the other party is here specifically for BlackRock.

   Has its own unique power already formed in the body of Mutation?

   Observing these, Qin Yu couldn't help but fall into thinking. This is not good news for mankind!

   is a variant that is polluted and always affected by whispers.

  The attitude towards humans is like humans treat livestock.

   When you want to eat chicken, have you considered the feeling of chicken?

  Humans, to the mutants!

   is a chicken that can be slaughtered at will. As for its own ideas, the mutator does not care or pay attention to it.

   Food should look like food...

  In the abandoned building, Fink looked nervously at his only support: "Captain Mark, what should we do?"

   "Stay quietly." Mark is not in the mood to explain to him how bad the current situation is.

   Next, if there is no support, the probability that they will survive is almost zero.

   I have tried all possible Marks, but there is only hopelessness in my heart!

   The signal is blocked, and the teams from various places can support.

  Because of various reasons and difficulties, they are all in the process of performing tasks...

   Now, the only thing they can rely on is themselves and the people around them.

   No one can help them, and Mark will never give up.

   Even if his heart is full of despair, he still has to find a breakthrough point and strike a chance of winning.

   "Map." Mark asked the map to be placed in front of him and began to look for a possible way out.

   "Here~" Suddenly, Mark pointed to the slum two blocks away.

   There is a mixture of fish and dragons, densely populated, old buildings spread in all directions, and the route is very complicated.

   If it is not for the people who have lived in it for a long time, it is impossible to find the right path.

   Moreover, the gangs entrenched have a strong concept of territory.

   If someone breaks in suddenly, he will fight back immediately!

   As long as they can escape to the slums, provoke a fight between the gangs and the mutants.

   Maybe they can find the last chance!

   "Ready to set off, use incendiary bombs to attract the attention of those monsters." Mark gave the order.

   A team member ran to the next floor, placed the incendiary bomb and the bomb together, and set the range of the original road after the time was set.

   Two minutes later, a violent explosion suddenly sounded from the building next door, and the flames skyrocketed.

   The mutants who searched outside were really attracted by this sudden change.

   Just as they turned to the next building, Mark led the team and quickly left from behind.

   "Hurry up, hurry up." His mouth kept urging, and everyone shuttled between the alleys.

   is the main street in front of you, as long as you cross it and pass through that alley, you can reach the slum area.

   Then, you will be saved.

   The light of hope is right in front of him, and Mark can't help but smile at the corner of his mouth.

   Immediately afterwards, the smile solidified on his face, and the pace of advancement stopped abruptly.

   "Captain Mark, why did you stop?" Fink, who was protected in the middle of the team, said anxiously: "Quickly leave here, we are almost there."

   "...This time, I really can't escape." A solemn tone came, and Mark raised his gun and aimed forward: "Ready to fight."

   In front of the main streets and alleys, the gentle white man smiled playfully.

   Seeing Mark and the others, who were stuck in the alley and were like a mouse crossing the street, raised their feet and stepped closer.

   a huge bulge on the shoulders, and then the chest...

   The skin on the surface of the legs and arms was split apart by sudden explosive muscles. In just a few seconds, the opponent changed from a human form to a twisted monster.

   A fist covered with tumors is like a spliced ​​tumor.

   With the waving of the arm, a large amount of yellow pus was scattered everywhere, everything that was splashed by it.

   all gave out white smoke and made a corrosive "Zizi" sound.


   After seeing this scene, Mark ordered an attack. The fire was everywhere, and countless bullets leaned forward like rain.

  At the same time, the expressions of the two team members became tangled.

   The arm holding the gun was also shaking slightly, and the muzzle of the gun gradually turned back to his companion under the confusion of the brain.

   "Be careful~" Fink shouted abruptly.

  The instinct from battlefield experience made Mark perceive the danger.

   lowered his head and rolled forward, the bullet grazed the back of his head and hit the wall. At the same time, the three team members also vomited blood and fell in the convulsion.

   bang bang~

   turned around, the bullet penetrated the eyebrows of the two contaminated team members.

   Crazy eyes spread rapidly, and people fell to the ground...

   "Damn it!" Seeing only the last player and himself, Mark couldn't help cursing.

   "Captain." The remaining team members called out Mark's name in pain, and the gun in his hand fell.

   held his head in both hands, knelt on the ground in wailing, making a terrifying scream.

   "Mark, Captain Mark, he, he is contaminated...Quickly, get rid of him." Fink shivered and avoided.

   At the same time, he turned his gaze away, not looking at the approaching mutant and the Marines struggling to deform on the ground.

   "Ah~" Mark roared angrily, but it didn't help the distortion that was happening in front of him.

   Looking at the mutant close at hand, Mark suppressed the crazy gibberish in his mind with his steel-like will.

   pointed the muzzle straight at him, squeezed the trigger, still making an angry roar in his mouth: "Ahhhhh, give me death."

   bang bang bang~

  The bullets opened numerous holes in the body of the mutant, and the splashing pus was mixed with blood that seemed to be diluted by water, and it gurgled down.

   But his progress was not affected in the slightest.

   Facing the rain of bullets, the moment he was approaching Mark suddenly accelerated.

   That twisted, long tentacles, swollen and pus-filled middle finger, the palm of the little finger like a sharp animal claw pinched his head.

   "Excellent seed...Join the chaos and become the subjects of the great chaos!" The mutant said with a grotesque smile.

   Mark, who was pinched his head, moaned in pain.

   It's dead, it's dead this time.

   Mark, who put his face against the wall, trembled like a mosaic.

   The wall was stunned by him. One can imagine how hard he was and how desperate he was!

   bang, click~


   The strange sound that came suddenly, accompanied by violent vibration, seemed to happen behind him.

   Mark's groan also became softer, no longer as heart-piercing as before.

   "Huh? What happened?" Fink carefully observed the direction of the sound from the corner of his eye.

   The smooth and dust-free metal came into view, making his heart instantly excited.

   "Ha, miracle... it's the miracle boy, I love you, the miracle boy, can you hear me?"

   Fink stepped forward and hugged [Creator], yelling in excitement, and shouting at its electronic eyes: "I love you, kid, hahaha..."

   In the next second, [Creator] pushed him away with a cold mechanical arm, allowing him to fall to the ground.

   With his pupils contracted, he walked towards Mark who was curled up on the ground.

   "Roar~" With a roar, the contaminated team member surrendered to Chaos.

   stood up distorted and deformed, and roared hoarsely at the iron bump that had come from nowhere.


  【Creator】Stopped, his arm suddenly lifted, palms pinched his head.

   Squeeze inward without any hesitation, bang~

   The watermelon exploded, and the twisted thing that had lost its head fell to the ground slantingly, turning into a pool of flowing mud.

   The moment his body was contaminated, he was already dead.

   solved the trouble, the creator continued to walk towards Mark, bent over and pinched his head to lift him up in the air.

   Relax is like carrying a piece of air, without quality!


   The sudden sound stopped [the creator]'s actions, and Shi Cui, wearing a white coat, walked from the end of the alley.

   "With my own will, resisting the pollution and erosion of chaos...what a powerful willpower."

   Shi Cui looked at Mark with admiration, the pair of eyes were squeezed into the deformed eyes, revealing a strong unwillingness to fight.

   reminds him of the self before, the despair at that moment and the gratitude of being reborn after being redeemed...

   "Take him on the plane." Shi Cui gave orders to the creator.

   Shichoi decides to bring Mark back to the hive. As for him, he will eventually become an experimental subject and a member of the Miracle Group.

   depends on his willpower, UU reading www. How powerful is!

After dealing with the accidental product of Mark, Shi Cui bowed and smiled at Fink, who was clinging to the wall with a nervous expression: "Mr. Fink, I am from the city of miracles. On behalf of my boss, Mr. Qin Yu will take you to Daxia. …"

   Looking at Shi Cui's smiling face, although it feels like a monster covered in human skin, it gives people a strong sense of anxiety.

   At this moment, Fink has no other way to go.

   There are strange sounds of abnormalities and distortions everywhere, and the fall of the entire city will happen sooner or later.

   If he doesn't leave now, his previous desperate fate is his final fate.

   returned to the former abandoned building, all the way up to the rooftop, Fink saw a few blood piles that had been crushed into sludge on the road.

   "A few dishonest little fleas, for the sake of safety, I just got rid of them."

   Shi Cui smiled slightly, and apologized: "I'm sorry, I'm still adjusting to this new body. It is inevitable that I can't control my power, and it's too bloody."

   Listening to Shi Cui's patient explanation, Fink's legs trembled uncontrollably.

   Why the more he explained, the stronger his inner anxiety and fear.

   Please, stop talking, just leave now!

   Going on, Fink worried that he would lose the courage to leave with him.

   That is the instinctive alertness that would rather face death than stay in the same place with him, like a piercing police siren constantly surrounding him.

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