Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 928: Enter the copy

  ! In the city of miracles, the returning Xihe appeared on the tarmac again.

   disappeared suddenly as before, and appeared again suddenly!

   Stepping down from Xihe, which is full of futuristic science fiction, Fink's heart is full of astonishment and surprise at the moment his feet are down to earth.'s so quiet!

   The fragrance of birds and flowers, the children chasing in the garden in the distance, the old people walking.

   The relaxed performance when people talk, and the peace and tranquility from the heart!

   Is it really Daxia here?

   "Welcome to the city of miracles." Shi Cui said with a smile at Fink.



   Twenty minutes later, Fink sitting in the office still couldn't believe it, so he escaped from hell.

   What makes him even more helpless is that the country he once regarded as proud of, now what he says from his mouth is "hell..."

   The one who was proud and struggling for, disappeared overnight, but Fink had not much time, half of his foot stepped into the loess pile.

   At his age, encountering such a thing... Isn’t it a sorrow!

   If possible, Fink is willing to spend a lifetime of wealth to get the world back on track.

   This sudden change, for the first time, made him realize his insignificance.

   "Qin, this is like the Garden of Eden, it is so are such an amazing young man."

   Fink said with emotion, and his eyes were filled with the appreciation of the elders for the younger ones.

   "You should walk around and see, Daxia's 80,000 li mountains and rivers are more spectacular and more like a paradise!"

   Qin Yu was not surprised by Fink's fuss.

   Not to mention that the bald eagle has become a battlefield. Even before it becomes a battlefield, the foundation and humanities are far worse than Daxia.

   Not to mention that the gunpowder is full of smoke now, I don’t know how long it will take to return to peace.

   has become a monster paradise, it is not without such a possibility!

   The situation worse than the Bald Eagle is its two neighbors.

   Mexica and Dabaina!

   Dabaina's situation is similar to that of a bald eagle, and while resisting stubbornly, he seeks help from the father of the country of corruption.

   Mexica's show operation is going to be eye-opening, after discovering that it can't resist the pollution of the mutant.

   Several drug lords even chose to surrender, hoping to open a new era by this.

   Who is messing with? Since'Chaos' is so strong, it's okay to change to a boss.

  Don't say it, this trick works pretty well, the mutants quickly take over the power of the city and preach chaos.

   Batches of aberrations and anomalies began to go online.

   In this regard, various countries strongly protested and threatened Mexica with force to resolve these silly brains as soon as possible.

  Especially the bald eagle, hesitate to use nuclear peace as a threat.

   Mexica is her own back garden. Her troubles haven't been solved yet, and a monster base suddenly pops up behind her.

   How can the bald eagle suffer this grievance? If you dare to resist, I will quell you.

   Don't look at the bald eagle now being beaten all over his head, but that's because the incident was too sudden and the enemy was too weird.

   Plus, the battlefield is in my own yard, so I can’t let go of it.

   Changed to Mexica, but there was no such scruples, two nuclear weapons were leveled, and the missiles washed the ground.

  What chaos, mutation, distortion, all brother...

   Now everyone is exercising restraint, and Daxia will extend a helping hand to the bald eagle in the future.

   Daxia must not be able to sit back and watch the bald eagle and perform a shave on Mother Earth.

   Just like any country will not let it go, the Western Hemisphere is completely occupied by monsters.

   Now, everyone is just buying time.

  Barrow, Baimaozi, Smecta, these were all brought to their own camp when the bald eagle was overwhelmed.

   Neon and Dai Xiaoziwan Bay are getting better and better now!

   If you beat it for a while, you will be able to return to the embrace of a loving mother...presumably the above preparations have already begun.

   As for other small countries in the surrounding area, nowadays, they are also looking forward to the big summer!

   Dare to be disobedient, and pull it out is a meal of loving care from a mother.


  ...The flames bring lightning, so everything is fine.

   "Dad." Bella, who rushed to the city of miracles, flew into his father Fink's arms.

   In this world, her only relative is her father.

   no matter how bad and rebellious the character is, she can't stop her love for her father.

   That is the most important bond in her heart...

   "Hu...Bella, my baby girl."

   hugged his daughter, Fink's face showed a smile from the heart for the first time since his escape.

   Xu Meixin, who had brought Illibela, closed the door, leaving time for the father and daughter.

   Back to the office, Xu Meixin saw Qin Yu sitting on the sofa, watching the 3D projection in the center of the room.

   Six customized open game cabins, no need to bind an account, anyone who enters them can use the game cabin to enter the game.

   uses the same technique as the World No. 1 Budokai, but fine-tuned the appearance.

   makes them look more handsome...

   After all, this time-limited copy is to be broadcast to the world.

   And, it represents the glory of the winner, too sloppy can be sorry for being a champion.

   Wandering toads, long-legged buns, big dark devil, evil spirits, bear kids, little-headed sons and big-headed daddy.

   The six players put on the "game clothes" specially provided by the company. The inner lining is soft black armor, and the outside is covered with a transparent glittering object like glass.

   With the help of the staff, he entered the game cabin and lay down.

  "Now that the six players are ready, they will directly enter the limited-time dungeon for this exploration.

  In other words, what kind of copy it is...I am also starting to be curious now. "

   In the small window of the live broadcast, Chu Yu gave an explanation with a smile on his face.

   This time, her career can be said to have shined, and she was also named the goddess of the game along with Savannah.

   Two female anchors are responsible for the game commentary, which is rare in the history of games.

   But since it was the boss's order, just listen.

  Besides, this is not a big deal, it is nothing more than being teased about "LSP."

   As for who this LSP refers to, you know everyone!

   "Oh, here comes~" In Chu Yu's excited expression, the screen switched to the entry special effects.

   Arcs traveled through time and space, and finally landed on a mysterious planet.

   When the arc fell, the dazzling white light illuminated the screen, making it hard to see anything.

   When the white light disappeared, what appeared in front of everyone was a white and bright passage, and at the end was a mottled and plain dark black door.

   "Fuck, devil, how did you become a robot?"

  The angle of view shifted, and Jian Toad looked at the robot with "Dark Devil" on his head and shouted in surprise.

   "So are you..." The Dark Lord said coldly.

  His character design is very cold, and he is never allowed to tease him. Hundreds of millions of viewers are watching him!

   can't make a comparison, can't make a comparison...

   The Dark Devil is in self-hypnosis, while the others are checking their new body. ’

   "This is too handsome, but the head of this mantis is too low." The long-legged steamed bun was speechless.

   is clearly a simulation robot that cannot be more subtle, every part of the body is so dexterous and real.

   Why is it matched with a mantis triangular head?

   "So, what is our mission?" The taciturn evil spirit is more concerned about this mission.

   Limited-time copy, I don’t know what good things are in it!

   Not only did the Miracle Group be tempted, they offered a cash reward of 5 million yuan per person, but they hadn’t prepared such sophisticated equipment. ’

   "Here, I found the portal of the dungeon." The child bears his hands on the edge of the door and window, looking inward with excitement.

   The "Star Gate" in the center of the room was shining with a halo of morning stars, showing a scene of scorched earth inside.

   Isn't this the portal of the dungeon!

   "Hey, it's seems we have to open the door first... leave it to me, I'm the best at organizing."

   The stray toad fumbled on the door, knocked back and forth again, looking for the suspicious button.

   In the next second, Xie Wu already pointed to the top of the gate and said, "Isn't that written?"

   "Open Sesame!"

   As Xie Wu shouted out the "signal" written on the top of the gate, the black gate that fits seamlessly shuddered.

   Then there was a sound of stirring gears, and the door pushed out a few centimeters first.

   then automatically moved to the right. At this time, everyone noticed the slideway against the wall through which the door opened.

   "emmmm~" The wandering toad stood awkwardly in place. At this moment, he felt that he should live on another planet.

   On the earth, he has lost the right to choose a mate, mate and pass on from generation to generation.

   "Haha, the cheap toad is so funny... all get out of the way, I'm good at this... open the door with sesame, hahaha..."

   "Miracle Company is good or bad, this is not to pit us toad... However, the toad is really nasty, hahaha..."

   "Hey, they are so handsome now, I really want a set."

   "My sister is 177 in height, 56 in weight, and 111 in leg length. She has a fair complexion and big waves. Who can give me a piece of this equipment, I will be his girlfriend~"

   "Go away, if I have this a woman is a Jill! One big long leg with one knife, kill indiscriminately!"

   The barrage was instantly captured by a straight man. As soon as the girl's speech appeared, it was covered by a group of group screens of ‘this he is not more scent than a woman’.

  A group of female players are embracing their hands in front of the computer, their chests undulating and sulking.

   In the live broadcast room, six players have lined up to enter the Stargate. ’

   Qin Yu in the office also stood up excitedly, prepared for so long, just for this moment.

   What kind of world is behind the ‘Star Gate’ and whether there is life?

   What is chaos, Yu Ge's inner curiosity is no less than the audience before the live broadcast.

   After a short period of garbled interference, the picture is clear again.

   And the desolate world that appeared in front of you stunned everyone before the live broadcast.

   The twisted and twisted, ups and downs of the earth, the mountains are like monsters and monsters that have been frozen.

   Above the sky, there are ‘stars with thorns all over the body like a pufferfish. ’

   A strange green mist drifted above the sky, without clouds, wind, and no signs of life.

   Whether it's the ground under your feet or the starry sky looking up...

   only gives people the feeling of endless silence and despair. This is a dying universe!

  ------Off-topic ------

  PS: I am adjusting my work and rest, the update is a bit messy, and the coyote will recover as soon as possible!

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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