Leon was basically used to the effects of the phantom transfiguration, and looking at the familiar Hogsmeade in front of him, Leon proposed to Snape.

“Would you like to go to the three brooms for a drink?”

“No, there are still many things to prepare, don’t you go and inform the people who need to be invited?” Snape shook his head and declined.

“yes, forget about that.” Leon slammed his head, just caring about teasing Snape, almost forgetting about business, and hurriedly rented a carriage with Snape and rushed towards Hogwarts.

As soon as the carriage arrived at Hogwarts, Leon jumped out of the car and ran towards Hogwarts.

Snape looked helplessly at the box containing the two’s dresses in his hand, shook his head, and then followed into Hogwarts.

As soon as Leon entered Hogwarts, he went straight to Professor McGonagall’s office, although Professor McGonagall was not there before leaving, but now, maybe he will return.

Sure enough, as soon as he knocked on the door, Professor McGonagall opened the door for Leon, and looked at Leon with a look of disgust and said: “Next time you use my fireplace, can you pay a little attention, the ground is full of ashes, are you in such a hurry?” ”

“Well, the situation is indeed quite anxious, and I didn’t get the ash, it was Professor Snape.” Leon decisively threw the pot to Snape, who was not here.

“Okay, so, what the hell are you guys in such a hurry.” Professor McGonagall asked rhetorically.

“Tomorrow, Professor Snape and I are going to attend the Merlin Badge Ceremony of the Merlin Knights, and we are in a hurry to buy dresses.” Leon replied, and then said to Professor McGonagall: “The ceremony can be observed, so I plan to invite you to accompany me, I wonder if you have time?” ”

“Of course, tomorrow is a day off, I am honored to receive your invitation, but is it too rushed in terms of time, such a big thing, at least three days in advance.” Professor McGonagall said to Leon with a happy look when she heard this, and then put on a disgusted face: “You can’t find anyone, so you think of inviting me, a lonely old professor, to make up the numbers.” ”

“Whatever, I also found out today, the invitation letter was sent to Professor Snape a week in advance, but he didn’t pay attention to it, Professor Snape only found out today, I am glad that I found it early, otherwise I found it that day or waited for Professor Dumbledore to come to us to know about this matter, that would be a real shame.”

Leon is not a dumping pot this time, this matter is really Snape’s pot.

“It does seem like the style of Siples, well, I forgive you, I will be ready for tomorrow’s attendance.” Professor McGonagall patted Leon’s shoulder and congratulated with a look of relief: “Congratulations, Leon, at your age, you can receive the Merlin Medal, which is an unprecedented achievement in the wizarding world, and you will be the youngest Merlin medal holder ever.” ”

“Thank you for your blessings, Professor McGonagall, I will always be your student no matter what, and now I am going to inform Professor Flitwick and Hagrid.” Leon replied with a smile, and then left the office under Professor McGonagall’s gaze.

In fact, it doesn’t matter if Hagrid invites or not, after all, now Leon can enter and exit the Forbidden Forest at will, but considering that this is too realistic, Leon still decided not to be the kind of person who crosses the river and demolishes bridges, anyway, there are many places, so he should take Hagrid to lively.

And as a candidate for the future professor of magical animal protection class, Hagrid also has the value of making friends, just the unicorn blanket sent by Hagrid last Christmas, you can see how rich Hagrid’s family is, this kind of local tyrant friends, the more the merrier.

However, because of the principle of proximity, Leon still went to invite Professor Flitwick first, and no one was found in the office, but a kind student of Lacquevenlau told Leon that Professor Flitwick was now reading in Lacquevenlaw’s lounge, and Leon immediately went straight to Laccloaulo’s lounge.

It was still the bronze eagle who guarded the door of the Lakvenlau lounge: “If you don’t say it, you say my name; You have to say it. But it would be a miracle if you could say my name in words. ”

This is the standard routine of the entry test, and the bronze eagle of Lakvenlau likes to come to this set to come up with a riddle to test the wisdom of the little wizard who wants to get started.

“Silence.” Lyon is also not ink, this kind of riddle is not difficult to come to a thousand, after all, Western puzzles are too graphic.

“Correct answer.” The bronze eagle affirmed, and then opened the door to the Laquevenlaw’s lounge, and Leon walked directly inside.

After all, it was not the first time to come to Lakvenlau, so Leon found the common room with a light car, and sure enough, he saw Professor Flitwick reading, and immediately stepped forward to give Flitwick’s classroom a hug.

“Oh, Leon, why are you here, it’s really rare, there are actually other academy little wizards who can pass the question of the bronze eagle, yes, you already have the qualification to join Lakvenlao.” Seeing Leon, Professor Flitwick said with great joy.

“Professor, I have come to invite you to attend the ceremony of the award of my Merlin medal tomorrow.” Leon said bluntly.

“May I?” Professor Flitwick was shocked when he heard this, after all, this is a qualification that only close relatives and friends have.

“Of course, you have always been my mentor and friend, and this Merlin medal, and your help, how could I not invite you.” Leon naturally would not be polite, and all kinds of good words would come with his mouth open, coaxing Professor Flitwick’s face to be full of excitement.

“Yes, I will definitely go, I am proud of you, Leon! I knew you would get ahead! Professor Flitwick replied with an enthusiastic expression.

“Then I’ll invite the others.” Leon nodded at Professor Flitwick, and then asked with an embarrassed expression: “Well, if the person I’m looking for is in the girls’ dormitory, I shouldn’t be able to go in.” ”

“Of course, no matter how much I admire you, but trespassing into the ladies’ boudoir is not a good thing, you better find a female student to help you notify.” Teacher Flitwick quipped to Leon.

“Okay.” Leon also felt that he had asked a very idiotic question, and then stood at the door of the lounge and waited, just in time to see a Lakvenlau girl who was about to come in, and immediately asked for help.

And with the assistance of Professor Flitwick, the girl did not refuse, of course, if there were no Professor Flitwick, the girl should not refuse Leon’s help, because she also asked Leon to help him sign his name, and the place to sign was, of course, the book “A Song of Ice and Fire”.

“I didn’t expect that students were also buying this book.” Seeing that this book actually appeared in Hogwarts, Leon sighed a little emotionally, but he didn’t expect that the little wizards really liked this kind of book.

I just don’t know if the appearance of this book at Hogwarts will make the previous things happen, after all, before the book was published, in order to examine the audience of this book in the wizarding world, Leon posted the first ten chapters in the common room of each house.

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