But Leon thought about it, it seemed that it didn’t matter if it was exposed, the deans of the four major colleges, there were at least three who befriended him, and Ms. Sprout of Hufflepuff would not care about Leon’s absurdity, because she was a standard old good person, and what Leon did did not threaten the safety of the little badgers.

Without letting Leon wait long, the Lakvenlaw girl who was asked to inform Penelo came with Penelo, and when they met, Penelo was still a little confused why Leon came to Laquevenlau to find herself, but when she learned that she was invited by Leon, the whole family could go to the Merlin medal ceremony in Lyon to watch the ceremony, but she was happy.

“To make it clear in advance, the purpose of my invitation is because of Hanpot, of course, not to make him ugly, but just to let him describe his feelings and pain after becoming a werewolf, so as to awaken the understanding and sympathy of the wizarding community for the true situation of werewolves, and also to make wizards less afraid and hostile to werewolves.”

Leon said, and added: “So I invited you and your family together, I need you to accompany Hamport, bring him courage, and also let you add some warmth and resonance to this matter from the perspective of a victim’s family.” ”

“I can understand your thoughts, your thoughts are noble, Leon. Thank you for speaking up for the victims of the Werewolf Curse and their families. Penelo replied with a serious nod, as Lakvenlaw, she was good at putting aside questions to see the essence, so she understood what Leon meant.

Although there may be some Leon’s careful thinking here, but it is all irrelevant, Leon invented wolf poison, and is willing to speak up for the werewolf group to do public relations, which is already a great thing, at least Penelo knows that even if the brother really exposes the identity of the werewolf, it will not cause everyone to shout and beat in the future.

So her senses for Leon are even better, and the mind that this boy has may be the most beautiful one she has seen so far.

“Then, looking forward to your attendance at tomorrow’s award ceremony, I have a gift for all the neglected and sucked werewolf curse victims, hoping to bring you a little comfort.”

Leon finally revealed a little news to Penelope, and in Penelope’s curious eyes, he left Laquevenlau and went to the library.

Hermione was over there, after all, this little Gryffindor witch’s favorite thing was books and knowledge, and Leon felt more than once that Hermione was more suitable to enter Rakvenlaw.

Sure enough, in the library, next to Leon’s usual location, Hermione was obediently holding a book “Analyzing the Nature of Magic”, reading it attentively, Leon immediately stepped forward and put forward his own invitation, and Hermione readily agreed.

“Do I need to order a dress?” Tomorrow’s occasion seemed quite formal, and Hermione, who knew that she was going to the ceremony, asked a little nervously.

“Of course, if it’s convenient.” Leon replied with a smile.

“Okay, I’ll ask my mother to prepare a set for me.” Hermione immediately put down the book and began to prepare for tomorrow.

As for questioning Leon why he didn’t invite his parents, Hermione didn’t think about it at all, after all, her parents were just ordinary people, and letting them go to important occasions that were wizards, Hermione was the first not to agree.

After being at Hogwarts for so long, Hermione had long been familiar with the mentality of wizards, and she was not comfortable putting her parents next to wizards who did not know if there were pure-blood supporters, it could cause them harm.

The destination of Leon’s last trip was, of course, Hagrid’s cabin outside the Forbidden Forest, but this time when he went to Hagrid’s side, Leon met Harry and Ron, as well as a red-haired youth.

“Hi Leon, this is Ron’s older brother, Charlie Weasley who studies dragons in Romania.” Seeing Leon, Harry immediately enthusiastically introduced Leon’s identity as a red-haired young man.

“Oh, you’re Leon, nice to meet you, George and Fred have mentioned you to me more than once, and of course, so is little Ron.” Charlie greeted Leon warmly.

“Hello, I’m also glad to meet you, you came here to take Norber?” Leon responded with a smile, and then looked at Norber, the fire dragon the size of a calf that Hagrid was holding.

“Yes, if you don’t take it with you, when Noble’s enters the rapid growth period, Hagrid may be in big trouble.” Charlie nodded and replied.

As the protagonist of this time, Noble has no idea what he is going to face, and Hagrid is holding Noble with a reluctant face: “Let me accompany this child for a while, okay?” ”

“There is no such thing as a banquet in the world, Hagrid, let it go early, it’s good for you and Nober.” Leon helplessly dissuaded Hagrid.

“However, I still can’t bear it, oh, it’s still so small, it went to the habitat of the fire dragon, I’m afraid it will be bullied.” When Hagrid heard this, he couldn’t help but shed large tears.

“I’ll take care of it, Hagrid, trust me.” Charlie replied helplessly, he had already said this sentence no less than three times.

“By the way, Hagrid, I came to you this time to invite you to attend the Merlin medal ceremony tomorrow, if you are still obsessed with the parting with Nober, you may not have time to prepare.” Looking at Hagrid, who was crying more and more fiercely, Leon could only sacrifice his own big killing weapon.

“What, Leon, you actually invited me to your Merlin medal ceremony? Oh my God, this is a qualification for best friends and family, I’m so happy, Leon, I’m actually your best friend. When Hagrid heard this, he was suddenly surprised by the sadness, and then said excitedly: “What should I prepare?” Oh, a dress is a must, I also need to take a shower and tidy up my beard and hair. ”

“So, let Charlie take Norber, you have other things to do, don’t you, Hagrid.” Seeing this, Harry hurriedly reminded Hagrid.

“Well, my sweet little Noble, follow your Uncle Charlie to Romania, I’ll visit you when I have time.” At the mention of Nober, Hagrid became sad again, but because of the good news of the invitation, it made his mood stabilize a lot.

This also made Charlie Harry and the others also breathe a sigh of relief, Charlie quickly stepped forward to release a few stun spells on Norber, and then put it in a cage specially designed to transport fire dragons, and used the levitation charm to control the cage to fly beside him and said: “It’s time for me to go, my companions are still waiting for me outside the Forbidden Forest, we have to return to Romania before the Ministry of Magic notices.” ”

“Goodbye Norbo.” Looking at Noble who was sleeping in the cage, Harry Ron said goodbye one after another, Leon did not speak, just watched quietly, regretting in his heart that he seemed to have lost the body of a fire dragon, which is a pity.

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