“Stay calm, some people, will pay their price.”

Leon comforted the blood-cursed orc girl, and then looked at her still heaving chest, she still couldn’t seem to calm down.

In response, Leon could only throw a stuporing spell and force it into a deep sleep, and then turned around and rushed to the headmaster’s room.

He needs Dumbledore to provide some information about Travers, if necessary, it is not impossible to pull Dumbledore on board, the pressure to rashly attack a pure-blood family is actually quite large, with the old bee to carry it, Leon will be more or less relaxed.

It’s not that Leon is in a hurry to be righteous, nor is Leon sympathetic to what happened to this girl, Lyon simply thinks it’s profitable inside.

Leon had the idea of ransacking pure-blood families a long time ago, after all, these ancient family backgrounds are terrible, and God knows how much wealth they have treasured.

The second point is that the appearance of this blood-cursed orc girl has something to do with the old hunter, although I don’t know why the old hunter would know that he would definitely meet this girl, and also buried the cause and effect for it, but since he pushed this matter in front of him, then Leon can’t leave it alone.

And one thing Leon can confirm is that this family seems to be studying blood spells, as for what to use this spell for? Leon doesn’t care much.

He needed a reason to do something to the pure-blood family, and it was obviously a very appropriate reason, just because Leon had recently lacked money for krypton gold.

Since the last ten consecutive days, Leon has not experienced the happiness of krypton gold for a long time, and those delicious potion recipes and various special potions in the store need money, and as for where this money comes from, now Leon has found his eyebrows.

If you ask, what are the two biggest obsessions in Lyon right now?

One is money, the other is to find the old hunter who defrauded him and give him a shuttle.

And this matter happens to be closely related to these two obsessions, so Leon naturally will not miss this opportunity.

Outside the principal, the ugly stone head still guarded the door, and as soon as Leon wanted to try the code, the door of the principal’s room opened.

And in the headmaster’s room, not only Dumbledore, but also Snape.

“Oh, our protagonist is back.” As soon as they met, Dumbledore said with a calm face and a serious expression.

“What are you thinking? Actually killed the administrator of the Traverse family with a death spell? Are you looking to get into Azkaban? Compared to Dumbledore’s gloom, Snape was more angry and worried.

Leon glanced at Dumbledore and spoke directly, “Are you angry at me for using Avada Kill?” ”

“Give me a reason,” Dumbledore did not answer directly, but looked at Leon with a serious face, although he was angry, he still wanted to hear Leon’s reason.

“The Travers family is studying blood spells, and they are also using wizards as experimental targets for blood spells.”

Leon also did not have ink, and directly explained that although it is not appropriate to turn his face with the old bee now, but this time the performance of the old bee disappointed him, if there is something to help himself in the future, then the old bee must give the right price.

“This is a very serious allegation.” Dumbledore was relieved to hear this, if so, he could understand Leon’s behavior, although the use of the Death Charm was not a good thing, but at least the starting point was good.

“The girl I brought back is proof, I believe her, if you don’t believe it, you can use the Dementor.”

Leon had no ink, and directly stepped forward to grab Dumbledore and Snape, and a phantom transfiguration appeared in his dormitory.

Since he didn’t plan to make a deal with the old bee, Leon naturally wouldn’t care about the exposure of one of his hole cards, which was also a warning to the old bee to let the old bee know that Hogwarts’ restrictions on phantom transfiguration did not exist at all for Leon.

If Dumbledore can’t kill himself directly, then consider the possible retaliation he may launch later, which is also one of the warnings and threats.

Sure enough, Dumbledore was shocked that Leon’s ability to ignore Hogwarts’ phantom transfiguration confinement without the help of house-elves and magical beasts, but then he stopped thinking about it and turned his eyes to the blood-cursed orc girl lying on another bed in Leon’s dormitory.

After all, for Dumbledore, Leon was forced to get used to whatever he did now.

“Her blood spell has penetrated deep into her marrow, and it will take a long time.” Dumbledore gave the verdict with just one glance.

“Would you believe it if I said, this is no more than a year?” Leon pondered the time since the old hunter suspended animation and speculated.

“Impossible.” Dumbledore shook his head and denied it.

“Check her memory, you’ll know everything.”

Leon simply pouted at this, fools will never believe things they cannot understand until the truth emerges.

Dumbledore was not entangled in what was not to use the Dementor at will, and directly invaded the brain of the Blood Curse Orc girl, of course, it was gentle snooping, not violent collision.

After all, he is this age, and he is still a bend, and he bumps into Greenwald.

In a moment, Leon noticed the sudden change in Dumbledore’s face, and then the majestic magic power hit everything in the room, obviously, Dumbledore’s mood swings are very large now, so big that he can no longer control his control of magic.

This magic is very strong, but Leon feels that he can easily resist, it seems that the gap between himself and Dumbledore is not too big, which makes Leon’s heart a lot calmer.

“How dare they!”

Dumbledore suppressed his low growl, even if Snape on the side did not use the Dementor to check the memory of the blood-cursed orc girl, he knew that what Leon said was true, and the reality was far more terrifying and cruel than Leon described.

After all, even the always gentle and gentle Dumbledore can burst out such anger, you can imagine what shocking things Dumbledore saw in the memory of the blood-cursed orc girl.

“Now, do you still think the Death Seeking Curse is excessive? If I had drilled my heart curse, I wouldn’t have let that guy die so easily. ”

Although Leon didn’t know what the Blood Curse Orc girl had gone through, just by the look in the eyes that these two had just met, Leon could probably guess the extent of the tragedy.

A girl who is not even afraid of the curse of complete animality, but feels that it is good to lose her mind and forget everything, even a fool knows how desperate and helpless she really is.

“They have to pay a price.” Dumbledore raised his head and his expression returned to calm again, but his trembling hand showed that he was suppressing his anger.

“So, I plan to kill their entire clan directly, Professor, are you interested?” Leon asked with a sneer.

“Count me in.” Before Dumbledore could say anything, Snape took the lead, no matter what, he would always stand by Leon’s side, it was his duty and enlightenment.

Dumbledore didn’t say anything more, just nodded: “Then let’s go together.” ”

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