Such a simple sentence, but it may represent the destruction and disappearance of a pure-blood family.

At this time, Dumbledore no longer cares about his image and reputation, he urgently needs to vent now, and the terrible pictures in his memory are still vividly remembered.

One child after another was helplessly hit by the blood curse, showing the characteristics of belonging to the beast, and the spellcaster continued to urge the influence of the blood curse, completely ignoring the screams of those children, and indifferently recording the so-called experimental data.

Even in order to get the detailed data of the beast faster, they would even use the Soul Reaper Curse to force these poor people to repeat the blood spell transformation, and even directly repeat the blood spell to strengthen the curse effect of the blood spell.

Why the Traverse family studied the Blood Curse, Dumbledore did not know the reason in his memory, but he only needed to know how many innocent people the Traverse family had murdered for the Blood Curse, it was enough.

This time the phantom transfiguration was completed by Dumbledore using Fawkes, after all, he did not have Leon’s ability to ignore Hogwarts for phantom transfiguration, and could only rely on Fawkes’ help.

As one of the ancient pure-blood families, Dumbledore naturally knew the address of the Traverse family of the same level, and the three came to a valley in the blink of an eye.

This is not a busy city or a wizard’s town, surrounded by deserted mountains and meadows, the ancient castle of the Traverse family, standing alone in the canyon.

It is precisely because of this isolation that Travers may have enough concealment to study the blood spell with confidence.

Looking at the castle in front of him, Dumbledore spoke: “Quick victory, leave a living mouth as evidence, we must stand on the moral high ground.” ”

“It’s not like your style, Professor Dumbledore.” Leon complained unceremoniously.

“I’m just on the side of justice, and it’s good for us all.” Dumbledore replied calmly, at this moment, he seemed to be planning a showdown with Leon.

If it weren’t for Ariana’s blood sacrifice that made Dumbledore repent, Dumbledore and Greenwald would probably have dominated the wizarding world now, so never think that Old Bee is an amiable person.

“You come, I’m coming?”

Looking at the magical defense enchantment that shrouded the entire castle in front of him, Leon asked directly without nonsense.

“Together.” Dumbledore said, then directly took out the old wand, the majestic magic power turned into an extremely terrifying energy impact and crashed into the enchantment, for a great wizard like him, it was meaningless to use a spell or not.

Leon was also not polite, and finally the flash was directly charged, and the brilliant pillar of light gushing out of his unfolded arms rushed straight to the enchantment, and Snape on the side was stunned.

Compared with these two extremely gorgeous attack methods, he hesitated for a long time, but still threw a few shots without a shadow, which can be regarded as a sense of participation, proving that he is not an addition.

Soon, under the full output of Leon and Dumbledore, the enchantment collapsed directly, and the shattered crystalline magic quickly weathered, exposing the ancient castle it had protected for thousands of years to the two of them.

And the people of the Travers family are not fools, the enchantment has been breached, and they naturally rushed out to see who is so bold.

But when they saw that it was actually Dumbledore who was the leader, they were stunned.

“Am I right, it was Albus Dumbledore who attacked us?”

“That’s right, and Siprus Snape.”

“That boy, it’s Leon Chris! Damn, it was he who killed Astor. ”

Several wizards of the Travers family saw the invaders talking and couldn’t understand what was happening, but in the next second, four consecutive green Arvada nibbling melons directly attacked them.

It’s Leon! His life-seeking spell directly triggered the quadruple casting of multiple casts, and each gnawing melon found its belonging, and there was an extra mending knife.

Or how to say that people are watching the sky, Leon has mastered multiple casting spells for a long time, and quadruple casting has been used several times, and this time it triggered quadruple as soon as he raised his hand, which shows how unlucky the people of the Travers family are.

But these wizards are not vegetarians, and in the face of the big melons that come head-on, their rich combat experience tells them that they can dodge and avoid the attack track.

After all, the direct spell attack method of nibbling a big melon is too stupid for a creature with combat intelligence.

But at the moment when they were about to act, they found that their legs were inexplicably entangled in the crazy weeds on the ground, and they couldn’t move at all.

The next moment, they could only watch the death curse hit their chests, strong pain and unwillingness welled up in their hearts and brains, but they could only be forced to accept their imminent death.

“The power of nature.”

Dumbledore’s eyes were sharp, he noticed Leon’s small movements, and at the same time felt a little afraid, even if he encountered this kind of restriction, it was not easy to escape easily.

Not to mention that he had seen Leon burst out with the power of this natural magic in full force, and now he regretted that when Leon found him before, he did not choose to trust Leon, which may have a certain impact on the relationship between the two.

“Two professors, I am only suitable for violent assault, and the traps on the road, I have to ask you.” After getting these three dead miscellaneous hairs, Leon took out a mango and a bottle of small blue knocked down, the words of nature and the ultimate flash, but they are all blue consumers.

He has to slow down, after all, DPS can’t finish playing by himself, what if the old bee finally throws the pot to himself?

To be a person, you must know that the rain and dew are evenly wet, and the risk is evenly shared.

Dumbledore and Snape did not refuse, magic surrounded the whole body, encountered a trap to dismantle one, very efficient, especially Dumbledore, the magic passed everywhere was a mess.

“One bottle per person, don’t be polite with me, just treat me, next time you want it, you have to spend money to buy it.”

Throwing a small blue bottle towards Dumbledore and Snape, Leon said very proudly.

“What kind of potion is this?” Looking at the strange little bottle in his hand, Snape asked for the first time.

“Just taste it? Can I still hurt you? Leon complained wordlessly.

Snape did not hesitate, directly drank it, and instantly knew what kind of medicinal effect this was, but because he knew, his mouth was almost closed in surprise.

“When did you develop a potion that can achieve a mana restoration effect?” This kind of thing, even in the ancient magic world, where potions is the most prosperous, is an extremely precious top-level potion. ”

“Of course it’s recently, Professor Snape is interested, you know, magic is the root of wizards, this is a hole card that can make you turn around and re-assert when your magic is scarce, it’s very cheap, only need two hundred gold gallons a bottle, for the sake of our good relationship, I will give you one hundred and fifty-one bottles, the cost price has been.”

It costs a hundred points to buy from the mall, after all, it is the most basic green quality small blue bottle, and it recovers up to one hundred and fifty mana points, or continuous recovery, but as the only supplier, the price is naturally set by Leon itself.

Leon thought that instead of buying the materials themselves, it was better to buy and sell the finished products directly from the mall, and it was much more convenient for the middleman to earn the difference than to work hard to find the materials to boil the potion.

And two hundred gold gallons are really not expensive compared to Xiao Life, try to ask besides yourself, who else in the current wizarding world can take out a potion that restores the magic effect?

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