Knowing that he has no future, but when it comes to children, Tronde still wants to fight for the last period of peace and safety.

Even after that, the child may not remember his father, forget the glory of belonging to the Traverse family, and lose his qualifications as a human being.

For Tronde’s reaction, the three of Leon looked up at him, but it was only a glance, what Tronde did, or that sentence, could not be washed.

“I have a deal here, do you want to hear it?”

Because it was Leon who woke Tronde up on his own initiative, Dumbledore and Snape chose to remain silent and let Leon come to talk to Trond.

“I’m not interested.” Tronde stared at his child, not caring at all what Leon wanted to say.

“Don’t worry, I’m talking about this child’s business, I can get him out of the curse effect of the blood curse, and there are two methods, are you really not interested?”

Leon smiled at Trond and asked, his expression was very kind, but Dumbledore and Snape shivered inexplicably when they saw this, and Leon said the same to them at the beginning.

As a result, one poor house is gone, and one is also broken, although the result is good, but they have already cast a psychological shadow on Leon’s trademark smile when talking about business.

“You?” Tronde was stunned when he heard this, and then looked at Leon with disdain, obviously not believing Leon’s words.

“Anyway, you’re about to have nothing now, and even if the Ministry of Magic won’t take your life, I’m not going to let you go, so it’s not a good thing to try, isn’t it?”

Leon was not angry about this, still kept smiling, do business, and anger can generate wealth.

“I have nothing to say.” Trond continued to keep a straight face, looking like he was killed and didn’t communicate.

“Then I can send your child away first, anyway, he is suffering from living now, it is better to die as a human being.” Leon still had a smile on his face when he heard this, but the fake wand in his hand was already pointed at the blood-cursed orc child lying on the bed.

“Albus, this is your Hogwarts student?”

Seeing that Leon was about to tear up the ticket without saying a word, Trond was about to fight back angrily, but Snape removed all of Trond’s strength with a softening charm on the side, and he could only collapse to the ground and roar at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore shook his head, he knew that Leon would not kill him, and all this was done to stimulate Trond’s cooperation to achieve the purpose of the deal that Leon wanted, although the means were somewhat despicable, but Dumbledore could not say.

And Snape unconditionally supports Leon, anyway, Tronder is not a good person, Snape has no mercy for him at all.

“How to cooperate?”

Seeing what Leon did, even Dumbledore and Snape could only stand by and choose not to act, Trond was desperate, and then he could only compromise helplessly, and at the same time ignited a glimmer of hope.

After all, this young man who even Dumbledore couldn’t stop, what if he could really create a miracle?

He also knows some of Leon’s deeds, after all, although the place where he lives is remote, the owl can always find it here and deliver all kinds of newspapers ordered by Tronde.

Trender, who has a ghost in his heart, knows most of the news from the outside world through various newspapers and magazines, on the one hand, he can know whether his research on the blood curse has been exposed, and on the other hand, he also wants to find out whether he can crack the blood curse.

Naturally, he also saw Leon, who had occupied the headlines of the newspaper for nearly a month, although he did not care about Leon’s achievements, but he also had some impressions, knowing that this kid was very capable.

At the end of the day, I am the fish for the chopping board, and Tronde can only compromise, and the dead horse is treated as a living horse doctor.

“One is a very dangerous method, I can’t guarantee the success rate, but there is a small possibility that he can free the blood curse, the cost is extremely small, the other is an efficient and safe means of 100% medicine to eliminate the disease, and permanently eliminate the influence of the blood curse, but the cost is very high, which one do you choose?”

Seeing this, Leon withdrew his fake wand and continued to chat with Tronde with a smile.

“The second, the second, as long as you can save him, I am willing to give everything!”

Trond replied without hesitation when he heard this.

“A very wise choice, then, as a price, all the property of the Traverse family will belong to me, are you willing to pay such a price?”

Hearing Trond’s choice, Leon smiled even more happily.

It is much easier to take this property reasonably and legally than to take it down a crooked way later, although Leon hates trouble, but he does not hate solving trouble.

Tronde trembled all over when he heard this, his face turned pale, you know, if he really agreed to this request, then the Travers family would be completely finished, and everything accumulated by the thousand-year family would be handed over.

But when he saw that the only child who belonged to him on the bed was almost invisible, Tronde closed his eyes in pain for a long time before he spoke in a weak and hoarse voice.

“Can I trust you?”

“You can always trust my professional integrity, just like Professor Dumbledore and Professor Snape, they paid the same price as you and got the opportunity to make up for the regrets of a lifetime.”

Leon pointed to Dumbledore and Snape, and the two nodded very cooperatively, and Dumbledore also spoke.

“Travers, you can trust him, as long as he wants to, nothing is unsolvable, I can guarantee that all your crimes have nothing to do with your child, I will find a suitable environment for him, forget everything, and live well.”

“Thank you, Albus.”

Receiving Dumbledore’s affirmation and assurance, Trond’s expression improved a lot, and then looked at Leon, then at the child on the bed, and finally spoke.

“Sign the contract.”

“I like yours crisply.” Leon directly threw out a spell and stopped lifting the softening spell on Tronde.

Then he turned his gaze to Snape, also because he was not good at making magic contracts, so he could only turn to his own headmaster.

But Snape also spread his hands to show that he was not very good, but Dumbledore took out a piece of parchment from the storage device on his body, began to write, and in a moment, he showed the finished product in front of the two.

Leon glanced at it, the rules were simple, Trond handed over all the wealth of the Traverse family to Leon, and Leon was responsible for removing the blood spell from Trond’s children.

Other than that, there are no decorative patterns or meaningless motifs left on the contract.

Rao so, Leon still used magic to go through the parchment contract, and released the Ten Thousand Spells and the Manifestation Charm to avoid the hidden regulations that might be hidden on the contract.

This operation made Dumbledore’s eyes jump, and Leon actually maintained such a guard against him, which made his heart more or less hurt.

After all, the most basic trust between people, why is it not visible at all in Leon? This is also too realistic.


The year is approaching, all kinds of entertainment are coming non-stop, for next year’s work and life, I have to give up some update time, but I am energetic to ensure that it is updated, and I will make up for the lack of these days when I have time, sorry.

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