Confirming that there was no problem with the contract, Leon handed the contract in his hand to Tronde, but Tronde didn’t bother to look at it, and directly signed his magic mark and name.

Seeing Trond so decisive, Leon was a little speechless, is Dumbledore’s credibility so good?

But this is not something he wants to complain about, and after Tronde signed the contract, Leon finally left his name.

In an instant, the contract was formed, and the contract burned in the void, and then turned into two rays of light and poured into Leon and Tronde.

Leon stretched out his hand and dangled in front of Tronde for a moment, and Tronde reluctantly took off the pendant around his neck and opened it, revealing the blue-black key inside.

“Underground 117 vault, everything is there, including the title deed of this house, gold gallons, collectibles, works of art, etc.”

After Tronde finished speaking, he looked at Leon, and the meaning was clear, that is, he paid the price, and now he changed to Leon to fulfill his promise.

“Exchange everything that belongs to me in the castle for chips.”

Lyon was not polite and activated the exchange service of the equivalent exchange directly in his heart.

In the next second, Dumbledore Snap and the three found that a vast sky appeared above their heads, and even the child lying on the bed was gone, and they were directly lying on the slightly wet soil, looking miserable.

The luxurious manor-shaped castle that should have stood on the ground was directly gone, and the earth seemed to have been dug up out of thin air, and there was a scene similar to a crater downstairs.

Only Leon Dumbledore and the others, as well as a blood-cursed orc lying on the ground, as well as the innocent little wizards lying on the side who had not yet been killed, and the corpses scattered not far away proved that they were still in the location of the castle.


The castle of their own estate disappeared, and the Trondes were stupid and did not understand what was happening at all.

And Dumbledore and Snape shook their heads strangely, secretly saying that Leon really plucked his goose, and the next second he just got the permission, even the people’s hometown was emptied, without hesitation at all.

Lyon, on the other hand, looked at the 220W chips in his hand, his eyes shone, an ancient castle and all the decorations and finances inside it, in exchange for more than two million chips, and there was a large wave of gold gallons waiting for him to harvest in the treasury of the Traverse family.

But since the money is collected, things have to be done, although I don’t know if the binding force of the contract can interfere with the self who is possessed by the system, but Leon is not the kind of person who will break the contract, and directly launched an equivalent exchange.

“In exchange for the curse and influence of the blood curse on the young man in front of me, it has completely disappeared.”

The next moment, the 200,000 ah chips were directly consumed, and at the same time, the young man who had fallen under the blood curse in front of him oozed a large cloud of inky black blood and was directly evaporated, and the feathers on his body were also falling off rapidly, revealing the skin that belonged to a human and the appearance of a human being.

A brown-haired boy with a face that looked very similar to Tronde appeared, except that he was not wearing clothes on his body, and he looked no different from ordinary people.

“The blood spell is really gone!”

Seeing his child recover, Tronde woke up from his daze, and then rushed over and held the teenager in his arms, crying bitterly.

And Leon secretly lamented that the consumption of this blood spell was really too expensive, and the price was almost not much different from the resurrection.

However, considering that the blood curse is a permanent curse that can be inherited according to the bloodline, it is also understood that the reason why removing the blood curse is so expensive.

“I thought your deal with those big people was limited to resurrection.” Dumbledore walked up to Leon’s side at this time, looked around and spoke.

“As long as you give money, you can say anything.” Leon didn’t explain much, after all, the more he explained, the more troublesome, it was better to pretend to be mysterious, anyway, Dumbledore couldn’t ask for proof.

At the same time, he is now incomparably inflated, two million chips in his hand, equivalent to ten million gold gallons, not to take the lottery, it is enough to deal with Dumbledore alone.

Killing a Voldemort who killed a Horcrux dog is only 70W chips, Dumbledore is no matter how cowhide, Leon is estimated to be only a million chips consumed, if the old bee is a demon with himself, Leon can directly spend money to send him on the road.

Dumbledore looked at Leon when he heard this, and did not feel contradictory because of Leon’s answer, he had long known Leon’s character, and this crazy act of hiding hole cards was indeed Leon’s style.

However, he still asked curiously: “If I want to buy Voldemort’s life, I mean the real kind of death, how much do I have to pay?” ”

“Five million gold gallons, completely solve all hidden dangers, Horcruxes are useless.” Leon will not be polite, and he will ask for 300,000 more chips when he opens his mouth.

“Voldemort probably never dreamed that five million gold gallons would buy his life.”

Dumbledore sighed unconsciously when he heard this, and at the same time he was a little moved, after all, five million to buy Voldemort’s life is really tempting.

After all, he really does not lack money, what is lacking is time, he is afraid that after his death, no one can suppress Voldemort, if he can do it once and for all while he is still alive, he is naturally happy to see it.

However, considering that Leon is here, as long as he gives money to deal with the crisis caused by Voldemort, Dumbledore is not in a hurry, if he still felt that Voldemort was a threat before.

So now, Voldemort is a small trouble for Dumbledore that can be erased at any time, and for a while Dumbledore actually felt a little relaxed.

Snape, on the other hand, secretly speculated about his property on the side, found that there was not enough money to buy Voldemort’s dog’s life, and then looked at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore noticed Snape’s gaze, knew Snape’s thoughts, nodded, and shook his head again, Snape immediately understood what Dumbledore meant: “You can kill, but it’s not time yet.” ”

“What if I want to remove the Dark Mark from me?”

At this time, when Snape knew that Voldemort was no longer a threat, he couldn’t wait to roll up his sleeves, revealing the black demon mark on his arm and asked.

After all, this mark is a hidden danger for Snape, Voldemort will track him through this mark, this is not what Snape wants to see now, he can’t die now, because Lily is still around.

“This is cheap, five thousand gold galleons.”

After consulting the equivalent exchange, Leon came to the conclusion that it only needed a thousand chips, and immediately replied to Snape.

“Five thousand gold gallons?”

Snape was a little dazed when he heard this, since Lily’s resurrection, he had used many methods to remove the influence of the Dark Mark, wanted to completely erase it from his body, and also consulted with Dumbledore.

But this personal magic mark seemed to be some kind of profound ancient magic, and Dumbledore could not find any reliable solution, even if it was a curse, it was meaningless.

But now that he learned that it only took five thousand gold gallons to lift the Dark Mark that countless Death Eaters who were not very loyal to Voldemort tried their best to lift, Snape felt a strong sense of unreality.

The omnipotent Dark Lord who once remembered did not seem to be so powerful.

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