Just when Snape was still lamenting that times had changed, Dumbledore suddenly spoke, “The people from the Ministry of Magic are here.” ”

Hearing this, Leon raised his head to look out of the pit, and sure enough, more than twenty Aurors who were waiting for him appeared at the mouth of the pit, and Leon also saw Fudge, the Minister of Magic, who was in the crowd, and Umbridge, who had a relationship.

“Dumbledore, I need an explanation.” Looking at the potholes in front of him and the corpses all over the ground, Fudge’s face changed.

He had originally received a call for help from the Travers family, saying that the family station had been attacked and rushed with the Aurors, but seeing Dumbledore appear on the scene, Fudge felt that he was in big trouble.

But Fudge was more excited in his heart, if Dumbledore did not give a suitable reason, then perhaps his plan to attack Dumbledore could be advanced, and he who had already established himself in the Ministry of Magic no longer needed to rely on Dumbledore’s face.

And in the British wizarding world, those who hold authority only need to be such a one.

“Maybe you need to ask Mr. Trund Travers.” Dumbledore didn’t explain much, but pointed to Trond, who was holding his son and crying bitterly, and asked.

“I was invited by Mr. Trond, and he reported to the Ministry that this place was attacked, and if I remember correctly, this was supposed to be the residence of the Travers family, but what about the station?”

Fudge looked around, a little dazed, especially seeing Dumbledore’s fearless appearance, the little nine-nine in his heart was directly defeated, and something seemed to be wrong with this matter.

“Dumbledore led people to attack my castle and destroyed everything, and they killed the corpses on the ground!”

Seeing Fudge, Trondlong shouted, and then ran directly to Fudge’s side, holding his son deadly, looking at Leon and Dumbledore with a look of sadness and resentment.

“Some people can’t see the situation clearly.” Leon quipped to Dumbledore with a smile, and then with a wave of his hand, Trond and his son flew towards him.

“Leon Chris, what are you doing?”

Seeing this, Fudge questioned, he felt that his authority was offended, after all, he was here, Tronde ran to his side to seek refuge, and Leon actually shot directly, isn’t this hitting himself in the face?

“This is my booty.” Leon ignored Fudge’s anger and replied lightly.

“You!” Fudge glared angrily at Leon, Leon actually dared to provoke him in person, if it weren’t for Dumbledore’s side, he would have already beckoned the Aurors to do something to Leon.

“Minister Fudge, he’s ignoring your authority, Aurors, hurry up and subdue this impudent thug!”

Fudge didn’t dare to do anything, but his sycophant Umbridge was on his toes beckoning the Aurors to attack Leon.

Aurors, you look at me, I look at you, I didn’t dare to make a move for a while, after all, there was Dumbledore at the bottom of the pit.

And Fudge’s suppressed anger because of Dumbledore’s presence was even more angry because of the Aurors’ performance, and although he was dissatisfied with Umbridge’s behavior, he still felt that Umbridge was thinking about himself.

“Leon Chris, put down Mr. Travers, everything here must be handled by our Ministry of Magic now.”

As if to save face, and as if to make a statement, Fudge ordered to Leon.

Leon rolled his eyes, and then didn’t bother to look at Fudge, just at this time Tronde had flown to his side, he directly stretched out his hand to pinch Trond’s neck and said: “You seem to have forgotten that you just looked embarrassed.” ”

“Damn it, get me under control of this brat!” Leon’s renewed disregard completely ignited Fudge’s anger, and Fudge roared as the Aurors of the conductor attacked Leon.

The Aurors hesitated for a moment, but still chose to strike, but they did not use any too aggressive spells, which were basically disarming and petrification spells.

As soon as Snape wanted to help, he was stopped by Dumbledore, and Snape asked angrily, “Albus, what are you doing?” Just let them attack Leon? ”

“Leon will solve it, the Ministry of Magic also needs to know Leon’s strength, this time I helped him block the trouble, but the next time Fudge goes to trouble Leon alone, it will not end well, they need a lesson and knowledge of Leon’s strength.”

Dumbledore explained with an indifferent expression that if Leon was just an ordinary little wizard, he would protect Leon.

But now Leon is already a terrible lion, and it is time to let others know that the majesty of the lion is not something that can be offended at will.

This is also Dumbledore’s consideration for Leon, after all, Leon’s character will cause big trouble sooner or later, and he can’t always be in front, but he just needs to let people know that Leon is not easy to mess with, then many things in the future are natural.

Dumbledore can have a transcendent status in the wizarding world, not only because of his title and glorious deeds, but simply because he is very strong, and no one in the strong wizarding world dares to touch him.

As for Leon, Dumbledore also felt that he needed to show his skills and strength to win the same treatment as himself.

Leon thought the same thing at this time, and the ironclad spell was directly jacked up, bouncing back all the spells that attacked him, making those Aurors jump for a while.

However, the villains are all elite Aurors with rich experience in battle, and they did not make a farce of being killed by the rebound curse.

And Fudge looked at Leon’s ironclad spell that had been attacked more than twenty times without fluctuations, and he was a little stunned, he tried to ask if he could stop more than twenty Aurors from attacking at the same time, but the young wizard in front of him blocked it so lightly?

“Is it another Dumbledore?” Fudge’s heart was already terrifying at this time, and the strength that Leon showed at his age was too terrifying.

But what almost broke him was that this was just the tip of the iceberg of Leon’s displayed strength, and almost after the Aurors got rid of the curse of bouncing back, the earth began to roll, and countless vines rose up, binding all the Aurors into rice dumplings.

Not to mention resistance, the wands in the hands of the Aurors had been disarmed by the vines, and the initiator Fudge clearly discovered that after all, the other party had no intention of concealing it.

The attacker was none other than Leon, because in addition to binding the Aurors, all the remaining vines gathered around Leon, forming a green throne that held Leon high.

“If I want, you all have to die, but I’m a person who doesn’t like to kill innocents, so it’s just a warning.”

Sitting high on the throne, Leon pinched Tronde’s neck with one hand, looked down at Fudge Umbridge and the Aurors at his feet, and spoke softly.

Although Leon said it very simply, with the current scene and the vine-woven crown, everyone had a sense of oppression in the face of the real emperor, and Fudge’s body was already wet with cold sweat.

And Umbridge, already paralyzed to the ground, when has she seen such a big scene, in her understanding, magic is just a simple way to throw a spell and hit the target.

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