At the same time, Leon is a little regretful, a long time of using Shenfeng Wuying has formed a habit, if just backhand is a doomsday, wait a short time, fresh roasted snake meat can be served

“Looks like it’s time to get serious.”

Leon squinted at the mouth of the pipe with the complete incision, his eyes narrowed slightly, originally he almost forgot that there was such a thing in the school, and now it came out to brush the sense of existence on its own, and was still playing its own ideas, but it was interesting.

Without hesitation, Leon directly opened the word of nature, the floor tiles under his feet were directly broken through by vines, and a slender vine drilled into the pipe, and with Lyon’s urging, the vines grew infinitely, extending and growing infinitely in the pipe like a snake.

At the same time the passivity of perfect-level herbology, the Great Druid launches, Leon feels the feedback given to himself by the vine as a plant, while continuing to command the vine, capturing every corner.

If someone looks at Hogwarts’ huge and complex pipe system from the perspective of God at this time, they can see that at this time, with Leon as the center, countless vines are spreading and growing freely in the pipe.

Even if it encounters a fork in the road, the vine will directly derive another new growth vine to grow, and in less than thirty seconds, all the pipes on the surface of Hogwarts are occupied by vines, but there is no trace of the basilisk in it.

After eating two mangoes and replenishing a bottle of powerful mana recovery potion worth two thousand consumption points, Leon continued to urge the vine spread of nature’s word to spread, this time in the direction of underground pipes.

With the invasion of vines, Leon finally traced the trail of the basilisk through the feedback of the vines, which was located in an underground chamber, and Leon speculated that it should be the secret room of Slytherin.

The basilisk also noticed the appearance of vines, but its simple brain could not understand why there were traces of plant growth here, but when the vines wrapped around it, it also knew that the person who came was not good.

Before the vine wrapped around it, the basilisk opened its blood basin and tore towards the vine.

But Leon, who caught the basilisk track, did not think so, and under his urging, the vine split in two, divided into four, and swelled extremely thick, launching an attack on the basilisk from four directions at the same time.

The basilisk is not easy to mess with, the venom in the mouth is extremely corrosive, basically bite which vine, that vine will wither, but soon the withered part will be replaced by a newborn vine, for a moment, in the face of infinite growth of vines, the basilisk can only be completely bound in the package of vines.

From a distance, the basilisk at this time looks like a green python, but unfortunately, the scales of the basilisk are too tough, and the spikes spawned by Leon on the vine cannot pierce its skin, but can only bind it and drag it to the surface.

The power of a plant is terrifying in its savage growth and tenacious personality, such as the grass that can lift the floor tiles and the green bamboo that burrows through the rock wall.

Especially in the case of someone manipulating, the basilisk was directly dragged out of the surface by the vine wrapped in vines, and all the land and buildings passed on the way were overturned and smashed on the grass of Hogwarts and Black Lake.

This location is also directly above the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets.

Of course, such an exaggerated movement naturally disturbed countless little wizards who were teaching in the classroom, after all, the movement brought by a creature as large as the basilisk dragged out of the ground was comparable to a three- or four-magnitude earthquake.

“All professors protect the students and don’t let them out of the classroom, the situation is dangerous now, all the little wizards give me to obediently hide in the classroom, don’t try to leave!”

Dumbledore’s voice resounded throughout Hogwarts, soothing restless students and confused professors, while with the help of Fawkes, the Phantom shifted to the grass next to the Black Lake.

At the first glance, Dumbledore saw the basilisk wrapped in long strips, but he couldn’t tell what it was, after all, the vine was wrapped too tightly, and he could only see that this play was quite large and quite long.

And Leon also appeared at Dumbledore’s side at this time.

“What is this?” Dumbledore asked, staring at the vine.

“Basilisk.” Leon replied directly, “As I once said, the Slytherin pet hiding in Hogwarts was also because of the last Eight-Eyed Spider Riot. ”

“How did you think of catching it, and the movement that came out was too big, the school’s defensive magic array was almost triggered, if it weren’t for me suppressing it with the authority of the headmaster, you would be attacked by all the magic puppets in Hogwarts at this time.”

Dumbledore looked at the terrible vines that seemed to be strangling the basilisk, and reminded Leon with a solemn expression.

“It attacked me first, I was just a legitimate defense, and there is such a basilisk hidden in the campus, aren’t you afraid of any danger to the little wizards?” Leon asked rhetorically.

“I’ve been tracking its tracks, but since the last time you told me, nothing has been found, and I thought it had left Hogwarts.” Dumbledore explained.

“Professor, you’d better leave first, I’m afraid you will be afraid of the next scene.”

Feeling the struggle of the basilisk inside the vine and the strange roar coming from inside the vine wrap, Leon reminded Dumbledore.

“Can you do it alone?” Dumbledore asked with some apprehension.

“It’s just a basilisk.” Leon said, reminding Dumbledore, “Close your eyes, I’m going to release it.” ”

In the next second, the vines retreated directly, after all, these vines did not pose any fatal threat to the basilisk, and even trapped this big guy was a little reluctant.

The basilisk definitely does not have such terrifying strength and size, Leon suspects that this basilisk is modified by Slytherin, as the Great Serpent Pill of the wizarding world, Slytherin is definitely capable of doing this thing.

The basilisk got rid of the shackles of the vine, and did not launch a counterattack against Leon for the first time, but wanted to escape, but unfortunately, Leon, who had already been ready, pointed directly at the basilisk and said softly.


In the next second, the basilisk of Leon’s finger was covered by a huge red inverse pentagram, and countless crimson flames surged out of the pentagram, wrapping the basilisk in it, and the basilisk could not move or struggle.

Even the right to wail was taken away, and they could only stay where they were imprisoned, enjoying the burning of hellfire.

At the same time, only the basilisk covered by the inverse pentagram was burning, and the grass on the side did not feel the temperature of the flame at all, fluttering in the wind, and the air was filled with the pungent smell of sulfur and the smell of burnt grease.

“Hellfire!? Inverse pentagram, is this magic from hell? “Dumbledore, as a knowledgeable person, naturally saw the heels of this inverse pentagram at a glance.

It’s just that he has always thought that hell is just a legend, and the understanding of death in the wizarding world is always the domain of death and the dead alone, and hell, Dumbledore has always thought that it is just an imaginary location made up in Muggle theology.

But when the characteristics of the real anti-pentagram, sulfur, and hellfire are gathered, or come from the hands of Leon, who has a relationship with a bunch of ‘big guys’, it is difficult for Dumbledore not to let himself believe that hell really exists.


I thought I would have to queue up, but in the past I was pricked, and the brothers only got two injections and hurried to make up one, safety is the most important.

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