The horror of hellfire is that it not only burns the material, but also has the burning of the soul, and the pain caused by the torture of the soul is completely beyond the limit that the body can bear.

But the effect of doomsday is to completely suppress everything about the judged, unless you can break through the shackles of this anti-pentagram array, you can only obediently bear the erosion of hellfire, until the double destruction of soul and body.

To sum up in one word, that is, there is bitterness that cannot be screamed.

“Is this someone’s shot, or your own magic.”

Seeing that the basilisk had been burned to reveal its miserable appearance, Dumbledore unconsciously took a small step back and asked with a jealous face.

“Own, Master Inheritance Doomsday Guard, Lucifer.”

Leon replied with a smile, and sure enough, once it came to areas that Dumbledore couldn’t understand, the old man was a little flustered.

And Leon’s answer is not faulty, this ability is the demon king of the seventh purgatory of a certain game world, and the stunt of a certain doomsday guard with the same concept and meaning as the fallen angel, of course, people are also called Lucifer.

“Lucifer Morning Star? The son of the morning, the fallen angel king who led a third of the angels to defect to heaven and into hell because he questioned God’s rule? ”

Although he had always talked about the theology of the Muggle world as a pastime, Dumbledore’s cultural heritage of reading books made him immediately understand the meaning of Lucifer in Leon’s mouth.

“Sort of.” Leon didn’t know how to explain it, anyway, the name setting was similar, and Dumbledore could understand it as he wanted.

“If hell exists, what about death? What about the realm of the dead? ”

Dumbledore was a little dazed at this time, after all, he felt that what he knew and what Leon showed had a strong contradiction.

Death he had seen, just when Leon resurrected Arianna, and now hell is also emerging under Leon’s magic, he does not understand what the world of the dead is, is it hell, or another space.

“What is there to wonder, hell to hell, death to death, and there is no conflict, there are still ten temples of Yan Luo in the east, do you think that there will be hell over there?”

Leon rolled his eyes at Dumbledore, and he didn’t know whether Dumbledore, the old man, knew that he had lived long enough, was going to be cold, and began to fear death, or simply fell into the entanglement of the academic field, but this did not prevent Leon from fooling the old bee.

Dumbledore was even more confused when he heard this, Christianity used to be the main denomination in England, but during the Reformation in the 16th century, England’s new aristocracy and bourgeoisie wanted to strengthen the royal power, weaken the church, and get rid of the control of the pope.

In 1533, King Henry VIII forbade the Church of England to pay tribute to the Holy See. The following year, Parliament passed the Supreme Act, which stipulated that the Church of England should have the King as the supreme head of the Church of England and establish the Church of England as the state religion.

Does the current Anglican Church have a system and doctrine different from the mainstream, does this mean that Britain is out of the Holy See, and at the same time out of the control of heaven and hell?

And did the Grim Reaper also take over the land of England, grasp the authority of death, harvest the souls of the dead, and be independent of hell?

The more Dumbledore thought about it, the more he felt a headache, this kind of theological things, he always couldn’t understand, originally he thought that these were just a means of controlling the people in the old times, but now everything he encountered and witnessed seemed to prove that these legends were true.

“So, are we abandoned by God?”

For a long time, Dumbledore asked slowly.

“Are you still Christian?” Leon looked at Dumbledore in amazement and quipped.

“God is just some kind of ancient eternal being, and so may the angels, like Arlo last time, belonging to the special being of the spirit of nature, and once you are taught that you have the power beyond the limits of life, you cannot claim to be God.”

Lyon’s thought is still traditional oriental thought, so Lyon does not believe in gods and Buddhas, does not believe in fate, and can arrange the so-called gods at will.

After all, in ancient and modern mythology, all the descendants of dragons are representatives of self-improvement, they resist injustice, they rebel against heaven and earth, they only believe in themselves, believe that people will conquer the sky.

For example, when the flood came, Westerners built ships and prayed to God to protect the last spark of life, but Easterners directly chose to control the flood and fight for life, showing a generous appearance of fighting with heaven and endless happiness.

This is why Westerners cannot understand Easterners, and why Leon has never believed in gods and Buddhas, and the ancestors have already told themselves that it is better to ask God than to ask for yourself.

Therefore, Leon does not pay much respect to the so-called gods, so he took it out to fool and ridicule Dumbledore, he did not panic at all, but found it very interesting.

“No, it’s just a feeling.” Dumbledore shook his head and looked at Leon, at this time he finally figured out how he was guarding against Leon was also a meaningless person.

People’s vision and communication circle are completely different from themselves.

Perhaps in the future, he can only stand at the peak he thinks, looking up at Leon higher, thinking about it this way, Dumbledore has a feeling of heroic twilight.

Leon, on the other hand, did not pay attention to the careful thinking of the old bee, and looked at the basilisk under the anti-pentagram star, which had burned to the bone, and sighed.

After all, he couldn’t try what the basilisk meat tasted like, after all, the basilisk seemed to be born from eggs hatched by toads.

Leon was curious whether the basilisk tasted like a dry pot bullfrog or a kung pao chicken.

Moreover, the skin of the basilisk also has excellent magic resistance, and is extremely tough, Leon, who has mastered the language of runes, has always planned to create a set of inscribed runes for himself, and the magic resistance is extremely high anti-magic robes.

Unfortunately, the current basilisk has burned to the bone, and this bone may not be saved, and the hellfire is still licking the last basilisk remnant, which means not to burn clean.

“Alas, it’s sloppy, I already knew that I would kill it in another way.”

In the face of such an excellent, treasure-covered basilisk was so ruined, Leon was very distressed, but things had already happened, and he had no way to reverse time, he could only watch the last traces of the basilisk carbonize and dissipate under the burning of hellfire.

“It’s really terrible magic, only burning the marked target, much more controllable than the Fire Spell.”

After the basilisk was completely burned, the inverse pentagram disappeared, and the hellfire also disappeared, looking at the area where the basilisk was originally imprisoned and burned was completely unaffected, Dumbledore sighed.

“I would like to learn a fire spell, would you like to teach it?” Hearing this, Leon turned to Dumbledore and asked rhetorically.

“Obviously you already have such terrible magic, why do you still cling to these black magic?” Dumbledore asked suspiciously to Leon.

It’s not that he doesn’t want Leon to learn black magic, after all, Leon’s ability to control black magic seems to be stress-free, and the last time he besieged the Travers family, Dumbledore had seen Leon take the spell of general attack.

But Leon’s subsequent state of mind was as calm as if he had hit Hatche, and there was no problem of mood swings that other wizards had after overusing black magic.

He just wondered why Leon had watermelons, and wanted sesame, the uncontrollable flame of fierce fire, and Leon’s mysterious hell magic, the gap was too much.

“Multiple attack methods are always beneficial, and the fire temperature is high, so I can use it to forge extremely heat-resistant materials?” Leon explained casually.

“I’ll give you a book after that, and you can study it yourself.”

Dumbledore sighed, he really didn’t expect that Leon learned the Fire Curse for this kind of thing, and suddenly felt a little unable to keep up with Leon’s thinking mode, so he could only answer to Leon perfunctorily, and then took Fawkes and left the scene.

“Remember to repair the damaged place, otherwise I will settle the loss fee with you.”


Rest and rest, my arm is a little sore, today four more rows, I want to go to play two Dota at night.

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