As for the 327-meter-high Tianqing?

Lin Tianwei ignored it completely.

The strength of combat power does not entirely depend on body size.

The seemingly terrifying giant tree spirit had a size that could completely crush Lin Tianwei, but he was easily killed by him.

Compared to not knowing the so-called Tianqing, he was more interested in the progress of Legisamon's mission.

Those six secret keys may be the things that can really bring you some fun.

Yes, those are the six secret keys!

By chance, Lin Tianwei learned the importance of the secret key in his hand.

Combined with six other keys of the same material, you can get a critical key.

After opening the corresponding treasure chest, you can easily obtain the legendary Alpha Gene.

This powerful gene extracted from the giant beast in the universe.

Learned that extraordinary genes and extraordinary bodies are powerful talents extracted from the giant beasts of the universe.

Lin Tianwei is naturally very interested in the final Alpha gene.


Collecting keys is just too boring.

Lin Tianwei thought it would be better to throw out bait and let the six secret keys and treasure chests come to him on their own initiative.

As for the so-called bait, it is naturally the secret key held by Lin Tianwei.

After all, Lin Tianwei felt that if he did not throw out this secret key as bait, the entire United States would probably fall into despair.

Because they simply did not have the ability to obtain this last secret key from Lin Tianwei.

In other words, even if they collect the treasure chest and five secret keys, they still cannot obtain the Alpha gene.

This feeling of being just one step away is really too despairing.

It's just that throwing the secret key out of thin air is a bit too deliberate.

So Lin Tianwei arranged for Legui Salmon to go undercover in the United States.

When the time was right, he came to him with six secret keys and a treasure chest.

Get yourself a powerful alpha gene in one fell swoop.

Generally speaking, this kind of opportunity to penetrate into the enemy's interior is very rare.

But the United States can't help but have great ideas about Lin Tianwei's farm.

He has been trying his best to instigate everyone on the farm to rebel.

Legisamon, who once belonged to the United States and possessed great strength, naturally came into their eyes.

The opportunity was naturally the emergence of T metal.

This material can be used as a common source of bugs in awakening beast material transplant surgeries.

Naturally, it is a perfect match for Legisamon, who has obtained the eyes of a six-eyed demon spider.

No threats, no coercion.

The United States even took the initiative to provide transplant recovery surgery services to Legisamon.

Trying to wrap a layer of T metal on the eyes of the six-eyed demon spider as a protection.

However, how could they imagine Lin Tianwei's terrifying transplantation technology.

Even without the assistance of T-Metal, Legisamon would not be affected by the eyes of the Six-Eyed Demon Spider at all.

A transplant that will be affected is a failed transplant in itself, an operation that is extremely rubbish.

In other words, in Lin Tianwei's eyes, they were complacent and thought they had mastered the best transplantation technology.

It's just clown behavior.

But we could take advantage of this opportunity to perform the operation and send Leguisamon undercover.

It can be regarded as just playing into Lin Tianwei's hands.

So, with a glorious mission, Legisamon went to Las City, a city where he had lived for a long time.

The surgery went smoothly.

With Legisamon's active cooperation, it can even be considered painless.

But just as the operation was about to end, Gonzaro came to the operating room.

Under normal circumstances, in order to prevent bacterial infection, it is impossible to allow strangers to enter the operating room.

But it's different now.

The physique of the awakened person is extremely strong, and they are not afraid of infection from these ordinary bacteria at all.

This feature greatly reduces the difficulty of surgery.

Facing the awake Leguisamon, Gonzalo issued a soul torture: "Leguisamon, do you still remember your faith?"

"As a priest of God, do you still have a firm belief in God in your heart?"


I do have faith.

But it’s definitely not that incompetent, useless God.

However, Legisamon originally planned to be an undercover agent, so he naturally followed Gonzalo's words.

But he never expected that the other party would not give him any substantial benefits.

Instead, he plans to use this illusory God to CPU himself.

It was absolutely disgusting.

In this regard, Legisamon misunderstood Gonzalo.

As one of the top people on the farm, Legisamon's treatment can be said to be a little better.

In this case, inducing the other party may not be a good choice.

After much deliberation, they could only start in the illusory direction of faith.

In other words, this is Gonzalo's helpless choice.

Even after saying this, he felt a little tired.

He is obviously the lord of a city, why do he come here to do this kind of thing of coaxing children with lollipops.

It was extremely boring.

How could Legisamon eat the cake he painted? The other party was not an idiot.

However, after Gonzaro's shocked gaze, he saw that Leguizamon's expression became confused and he murmured:


Afterwards, Legisamon fell into a long silence.

Even after the Six-Eyed Demon Spider's eyes were covered with T-metal and transplanted back, he was speechless.

Of course you have to do a full set of performances.

It would be nonsense if Leguizamon agreed to Gonzalo's conditions without even thinking about it.

Showing appropriate hesitation, hesitation, and entanglement is the most confusing performance.

Sure enough, after seeing Legisamon's confused expression, Gonzalo's eyes were literally shining.

He never thought that he actually had hope of instigating Leguisamon to rebel through his simple test.

Thinking of this, Gonzalo decided to pursue the victory and said, "Have you forgotten the solemn oath you made in front of the statue of God?"

"Have you forgotten your simple faith?"

"Material may have the ability to corrode everything, but I believe that a noble soul will never be confused."


Gonzalo simply tried his best to successfully instigate Legisamon's rebellion.

You know, Legisamon is an extremely powerful superpower.

In the ranking list of superpowers, he can definitely be ranked in the top three.

This alone gave him enough value to be incited to rebel.

Not to mention, Legisamon is also related to obtaining the secret key, which is extremely important!

Under Gonzaro's constant CPU, Legisamon's eyes became more and more confused.

It was as if something in my heart was about to be activated.

With this in mind, Gonzalo decided to launch a fatal blow, directly hitting Leguisamon's defense, saying:

"Legisamon, look what's over there?"

Under Gonzaro's guidance, Legisamon looked at a corner of the operating room.

But there appeared a white-skinned bird-man with two pairs of wings.

Gonzalo said in a seductive voice: "Leguisalmon!"

"God saw the confusion in your heart and sent His angels, two-winged angels, to save your confused soul."

“If you still truly believe in God, God’s messengers will answer the questions in your heart.”

As soon as Gonzaro finished speaking, the birdman walked up to Legisamon.

Holding a Bible in one hand and a wreath in the other, he said, "My child, God senses your confusion."

"But it doesn't matter, as long as your heart still belongs to God, God will forgive you."

"May God be with you."

As soon as he finished speaking, the birdman made a gesture in the void with his hand.

A beam of light fell from the sky and hit Legisamon directly on the head.

This beam of light is extremely soft, but it contains powerful power.

Quickly soothing Legisamon's injuries caused by the transplant surgery.

Warmth, kindness, and compassion for the world.

It seems to be the same as the legendary angel, the messenger of God.

In this regard, Legisamon was quite disdainful.

It's just a cover-up.

It's just a special effect created by using an ability similar to the power of life and adding a white beam of light.

It seems to be so bright that it can even illuminate the entire world.

The energy contained in it is quite rare.

After about ten days and a half, you can have the energy of Lin Tianwei with a wave of his hand.

However, as an actor, Legui Salmon showed enough admiration for this beam of light and murmured:

"Angel? He's actually a messenger of God."

“God is merciful and never hesitates to release His Holy Light to those who believe in Him.”

Hearing Leguisamon's words, the birdman was ecstatic and said: "My child, you are right."

“God will use His Holy Light to save everyone who believes in Him.”

"I hope you will respond to God's expectations in the same way."

Respond to expectations?

Nature is to do things for God.

Legisamon's eyes gradually became clearer and he said, "Lord Angel, Mr. Gonzalo."

"What happened today is really hard for me to accept."

"If possible, I would like to be alone first."

"Do you understand how I feel now?"

"The feeling that the God you have always believed in suddenly appears in front of you."

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Birdman and Gonzalo showed great understanding and said:

"Mr. Legisamon, we will give you time to adapt."

"I hope that after a while you will be able to realize what your true faith is and return to the embrace of the Lord."

After saying that, the two people and the doctor who performed the transplant left the operating room.

The home court was given to Legisamon.

What happens next becomes much simpler.

Holding back the nausea in his heart, Legui Salmon perfectly played the role of a lost lamb who returns.

He began to be brainwashed by his faith and became a betrayer of the farm.

Naturally, Legisamon's first task was to obtain the key.

This magical object that Lin Tianwei once obtained from the southern treasure house is naturally Gonzalo's first target.

After all, other supplies on the farm can be obtained through formal transactions.

There is really no need to waste the life of such an important chess piece, Legisamon, over such a trivial matter.

Of course, no matter how much he covets the key, Gonzalo would not dare to risk such disgrace to directly offend Lin Tianwei.

Otherwise, if the key is not obtained and the city of Ras is destroyed for the second time, it will be a loss more than the gain.

"You just need to find where the key is, you don't need to do anything superfluous."

At least if he had the strength to completely destroy Lin Tianwei, all Gonzalo needed was information about the location of the key.

So when Legisamon came to him with the key, he was still a little confused.

Even the ghosts are coming out.

Trembling, he said: "Leguisamon, didn't I tell you not to do unnecessary things?"

Steal directly from Tiger King?

What's the difference between that and seeking death?

The most important thing is that now this stolen object appears in front of him.

Once discovered by the Tiger King, Las City may once again face the tragic ending of having its boats and oars wiped out in ashes.

Gonzalo was so overwhelmed with fear that he failed to catch the special box containing the key in front of him.

Let such an important treasure fall directly to the ground.

I don’t dare to take the things given to you, you are really a coward.

Legisamon was sarcastic in his heart, but on the surface he was extremely surprised and said: "Mr. Gonzalo, why are you doing this?"

"Why don't you take the treasure I picked up with great difficulty in the Temple of the Tiger King?"

"This is a priceless treasure, not a hot potato."

Picked up?

Gonzaro's trembling hands finally recovered somewhat.

But then he looked at Legisamon with suspicion, how could he pick up such a heavy and precious key at will.

Seemingly sensing Gonzalo's doubts, Leguisamon explained: "I don't know what kind of treasure this key is."

"But I feel that no matter how powerful the Tiger King is, he is just a tiger. How can he possibly understand human creations?"

"The reason why I took the key away in the first place was probably just because the box containing the key was beautiful."

"After researching and finding nothing, it is natural to discard it."

Leguizamon's explanation instantly made Gonzalo react.


How could a tiger understand the importance of keys.

Even he couldn't understand such a complicated machine creation, so how could King Tiger understand it.

Thinking of this, Gonzaro felt that he could do it again, and bent down to pick up the key that he had just abandoned.

But he found that there was a hand faster than him and snatched the key first.

Who is Legisamon if not the quick-eyed and quick-handed?

Gonzalo asked doubtfully: "Leguisalmon, what do you mean?"

“Give me the key and God will remember your great service.”

"After you die, God will let angels take you to heaven where you will be carefree and even your soul can be liberated."

Although I really want to grab the secret key directly, considering the huge gap in combat power between the two.

Gonzalo finally endured it and made a big deal about Legisamon.

If he can talk nonsense, he will never do it directly.

The person who can become the lord of a city does not have a simple role.

Know what you should do. (End of chapter)

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