But Leguisamon said with a confused look on his face: "This is what God wants me to find, so naturally it can only be dedicated to God."

"Or a messenger from God."

"Gonzaro, although you are the lord of a city, there is absolutely no way I will let you rob God's items."


"I think what Mr. Gonzalo said is very correct. The Tiger King is a false god and cannot be compared with the merciful God."

"So I plan to abandon darkness and embrace light, and go directly to the only true God, God."

"Mr. Gonzalo, I believe that the merciful God will not refuse my surrender."

Legisamon's words made Gonzaro's hands tremble immediately.

He just wanted to get the secret key from the farm, but he didn't want to get into trouble with Legisamon.

Although a powerful superpower would definitely make Gonzalo envious, but that was definitely not the case now.

By taking in Legisamon, wouldn't that be telling everyone that he was the one who was causing trouble?

Once he attracts the hatred of the Tiger King, he will definitely die without a burial place.

Looking at Legisamon's expectant eyes, his response was stuck in Gonzalo's mouth, unable to come out.

The secret key is indeed very attractive, but it is not enough for him to fight for it with his life.

What's more, if there is only one secret key, it will have no effect at all.

Thinking of this, Gonzaro smiled and said, "Leguizamon, you are right."

"This is a gift that should be given to God, not something that I can touch."

"However, Lord Angel has been busy recently and is temporarily unable to lead you back to the embrace of the Lord."

"I will let you return to the arms of the Lord after I get a concrete reply."

Legisamon nodded slightly, pretending to be looking forward to it, and said, "Then I'll wait and see."

After sending Leguizamon away, Gonzalo was in trouble.

It is not a good thing if the fish takes the bait too smoothly and takes too much initiative.

After much thought, he decided to contact Ismail.

Since the two good things of Legisamon and Secret Key are a bit hot.

Then it would be better to trade with the bold Ismail.

I heard that Ismail is collecting secret keys recently, maybe she will be interested in this deal.

Thinking of this, Gonzaro dialed Ismail's phone number.

As soon as the call was connected, Ismail's cold voice came and said:

"Gonzaro, why are you calling me?"

Gonzalo didn’t waste any words and said straight to the point: “The secret key.”

"I wonder if you are interested in the secret key."

Secret key?

Ismail was a little surprised.

She didn't remember that Gonzalo's family owned two secret keys.

Thinking of this, she asked in surprise: "Is it just an accident that the last time the secret key was stolen, and you actually hid the secret key somewhere else?"

Thinking of this possibility, Ismail breathed a sigh of relief.

Don't confront Lin Tianwei, this is definitely extremely good news for her.

Although I haven't seen that huge tiger for a long time.

Humanity has not only developed powerful mechas, but has also gained a lot from the research on awakened beasts.

Everyone has confidence.

If that tiger was still as strong as before, it would definitely be killed instantly.

But how could Lin Tianwei be as strong as before?

Just the amount of food that continues to go unconsumed is an extremely terrifying figure.

As long as King Tiger is not a freeloader and eats so much food and digests it, there is absolutely no way he will not grow at all.

Maybe the other party has grown to a length of seventy or eighty meters and has more power?

Ismail assumed the worst.

After all, Tiger King always manages to surprise.

However, she never imagined that she had indeed guessed Lin Tianwei's growth.

But you can't guess how far Lin Tianwei will grow?

Seventy or eighty meters in length?

How much do you look down on tigers?

When Lin Tianwei's true form comes to the world, it will definitely shock the Blue Star.

Gonzalo said calmly: "It is naturally impossible for our family to have two secret keys."

"Last time, the secret key belonging to our family was successfully stolen by the thief Tiger King."

"But it doesn't matter. Our family is extremely powerful. It's extremely easy to get the secret key back."

"No, I heard that you are collecting secret keys, so I asked you if you are interested."

Faced with Gonzalo's lies, Ismail didn't believe a word he said, and said with a dark face: "Speak like a human being!"

Not to mention whether Gonzalo has the strength to take back the secret key from Lin Tianwei.

Just based on what Ismail knew about him, he knew that he would never have such courage.

So cowardly.

This is what Ismail said about Gonzalo.

According to Ismail's guess, Gonzalo would be so eager to trade with him, so this secret key must be hidden.

Maybe there is a huge pit waiting for you.

But when he thought about the four secret keys he already owned, Ismail was unwilling to give up this secret key.

Just need to get another secret key.

If you find the legendary treasure chest, you will be able to obtain the most powerful gene from the giant beast in the universe...the Alpha gene.

Such a huge temptation that Ismail could not refuse.

Gonzalo smiled awkwardly and said, "After all, I still can't hide it from you."

Knowing that he could not deceive Ismael, Gonzalo stopped cheating and told the truth.

Emphasis was placed on promoting Legisamon, a powerful thug.

A superpower with one of the top three abilities in the superpower rankings.

No matter where he is, he is a popular figure.

If the risk hadn't been too great, Gonzalo would never have let Legisamon go.

Legisamon controlled by faith?

Ismail's face was full of suspicion.

No matter how false this thing sounded, she was extremely hesitant.

What conspiracy might be hidden in this matter?

After thinking for a long time, Ismail said: "Gonzalo, are you sure that the key is genuine?"

When Gonzalo heard this, he knew that Ismail was interested in the secret key, and immediately patted his chest and assured: "The real thing, it is definitely the real thing."

"More real than real money and silver!"

"That's our own family's thing. How could I not understand it?"

"I don't even need to touch it. I can tell if it's true or false just by looking at it with my naked eyes."

"Ms. Ismail, this is a huge deal."

"As long as you can afford the price, I will transfer the secret key to you along with Legisamon."

After receiving Gonzaro's confirmation, Ismail gritted his teeth and directly agreed to Gonzaro's request.

Even though I know this may be a temptation.

But for Ismail, the secret key is a bait that is absolutely impossible to refuse.

In this case, she had no choice but to take the bait.

Thinking of this, Ismail said solemnly: "I am willing to accept the secret key, but it does not mean that I am taken advantage of."

"Whether this is meat or potatoes, I believe you know better than me."

"Five hundred million dollars, this is my bottom line."

"If you want to bargain, I can only refuse the deal with you."

“Another way to get what I want.”

Now that he knew the location of the fifth secret key, Ismail was actually not that anxious to obtain it.

Humans have countless ways to get what they want from their fellow humans.

In other words, as long as Ismail wanted to, she would not be completely unable to obtain the secret key even without paying such a high price.

Although it is a bit shameless to send out desperadoes such as killers or bounty hunters.

But there is also a huge probability of obtaining the fifth secret key.

Although Gonzalo is cowardly and greedy, he is not stupid at all.

He naturally understood the meaning of Ismail's words.

The threat is beyond words.

In addition, Ismail offered enough chips, even higher than the price Gonzalo imagined, so it was naturally impossible for him to refuse.

Seeing this, Gonzalo said decisively: "Okay, I agree to this deal."

"As for items, I need a large number of tissues from powerful awakened creatures."

"At 10% off the market price, I believe you won't give up on such a large purchase."

As the first person to study mutant beasts, Ismail became the main force behind Plan B after it was implemented.

Most of the body tissues of powerful awakened beasts on the market were also made by Ismail.

These organizations are all very popular.

An ordinary awakened person, with the assistance of T metal, can easily possess abilities like an awakened beast.

Such a huge temptation makes those rich people stop being human.

Choose to fall into the arms of the awakened beast and replace a large number of tissues in the body.

An organization replaced by a powerful awakened beast.

In a sense, they have gradually become inhuman.

Became a half-human, half-machine, half-animal being.

It can be considered a kind of hybrid.

This has also resulted in the body tissues of powerful awakened beasts becoming a valuable but unmarketable good.

To get it, you need to buy it at a price that far exceeds the market price.

This is also the reason why Ismail is so wealthy. The price of 500 million is available at any time.

Compared with receiving the sword directly, Gonzalo can make another profit in exchange for the Awakening Beast Organization.

The value of this transaction may range from $500 million to $1 billion.

For Ismail, it is a very good thing to be able to reduce his financial pressure by selling some goods.

This deal is a win-win.

Ismail naturally agreed readily.

In this way, Ismail has obtained five secret keys.

It is only one step away from being combined into the key to the treasure chest.

The powerful Alpha gene really makes countless people look forward to it.


Compared to the silent battle between Gonzalo and Ismael, the other battle was much more intense.

This is the Forest of Mist, the feared second human restricted area.

There is a thick fog all day long, which can block all means of exploration.

It's completely impossible to see what's inside.

However, it is such a terrifying forbidden place for humans that welcomed countless guests today.

Or maybe it's not people, but countless huge mechas.



The "U.S.0128" symbols on the chest are particularly conspicuous.

This is a standard mecha belonging to the United States.

With a height of 18.5 meters, it looks like a demon about to destroy the world.

There were no high-tech thermal weapons, just two machetes similar to daggers.

Under the terrifying power of the standard mecha, this cold weapon made of Fengjin modified from super alloy has great power.

It can easily split a mountain dozens of meters high.

However, there are more than three hundred such terrifying things in front of us.

They stand neatly outside the forest of mist, like savage beasts, about to devour everything in sight.

However, in their eyes, the seemingly calm misty forest in front of them is the real scourge.


The blood-red mecha standing at the front moved.

This mecha is larger than other mechas, with a height of twenty meters.

The number on the chest is an extremely bright 001.

It can be seen that it is the captain of this mecha team.

Through the huge body of the mecha, you can see that the core part is an egg-shaped round warehouse.

This is where the mecha's cab is located.

It is filled with a light yellow nutrient solution that looks like egg white.

It also contains a large amount of oxygen, making the driver feel as if he is living in amniotic fluid.

Respiration can be achieved simply by exchanging substances with the nutrient solution.

Instead of simple and primitive large screens and joysticks, all mechas are controlled through spiritual connection.

These pilots are like the original cloned tiger pilots, able to command the huge mechas in their own posture.

It was as if he had a stronger body again.

Not only that, these mechas are not simply enlarged versions of humans.

Under the unique design of the scientists, the driver has a terrifying range of vision.

It is also able to complete many incredible actions.

It's just that if you want to fully utilize the strength of these mechas, the requirements for the pilots are also very high.

The mecha pilots here can be said to be the elite among pilots.

In other words, in order to conquer this mysterious forest of fog, the United States has dispatched the vast majority of its combat power.

As the captain of this team of mechas, Frank looked solemnly at the foggy forest in front of him.

There is absolutely no problem in saying that this place is a place of devils that devour all things.

So far, no living thing has been able to come out of here alive, which is simply unbelievable.

That vague boundary is like a natural chasm, separating the whole world into two worlds.

Without hesitation, Frank said: "Brothers, what we are facing is the terrifying human restricted area, the Forest of Mist."

"Capturing this place will be a great honor for all of us."

"Don't be afraid, trust the mecha we pilot."

"All fear comes from insufficient firepower."

"Using the powerful power of the mecha to tear everything apart, this is what we should do."

"Don't act rashly after entering the Mist Forest. Try to observe the surrounding situation and find a way to break the situation."

"That's what we're going to do."

After boosting the morale of his men, Frank no longer hesitated and took the first step resolutely by controlling his own blood-red mecha. (End of chapter)

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