Start extracting talents from Siberian tigers

Chapter 219 Yearning for freedom

It was during this siege of the Crazy Zoo, with the assistance of the super mecha army, that Milosh had the opportunity to come into contact with the ninth-level awakened beast.

Thinking of this, he looked at the powerful silver fox with burning eyes.

If you can contract such a powerful awakened beast, your strength will not only skyrocket, but your worth will also rise.


Miloš even began to look forward to it.

He hoped that the silver fox would rather die than surrender, so that he could get the chance to contract with it.

If I can successfully contract with it, maybe I can also contract with the Tiger King who is also at the ninth level.

At that time, with the powerful strength of the Tiger King, maybe he can hope to inherit the Tiger King's farm and become the lord of a city.

With the acquisition of powerful power, the desire in Milosh's heart began to expand.

However, it is still unclear whether he has enough strength to support his own desires.

Just when Miloš fell into longing, the peripheral battle was about to come to an end.

Just as these awakened beasts were worried at the beginning, they were indeed no match for the huge mechas in front of them.

It's just that they were limited by the silver fox's orders, and they didn't dare to resist even though they knew they couldn't do anything.

They can only attack these mechas involuntarily.

In the end, the battle ended after the mecha troops suffered losses of less than thirty mechas.

The remaining mechas, led by Frank, launched another attack on the Crazy Zoo.

In this battle, the United States will completely wipe out this forbidden area of ​​humanity within their borders.

Declare the strong power of America to the entire Blue Star.

Powerful enough to destroy everything!

At the heart of Zootopia.

The silver fox's perception is far more powerful than anyone imagined.

It had already received the news the moment its men were defeated.

Choo Choo Choo.

The silver fox ordered again.

Although there were only two subordinates left, the Awakened Tiger and the Alpha Wolf, the Silver Fox was not panicked at all.

In other words, breaking it into parts is the best choice now.

Now that these terrifying upright apes have shown great strength.

Powerful enough to destroy Crazy Zoo.

Then staying here any longer is just a cocoon.

Unless it has the ability to sweep everything.

However, it is obvious that it does not have this ability at all.

Otherwise, they would not be broken through by the mecha troops and rush directly towards the core.

The experience before the world mutated told Silver Fox that he should never underestimate the abilities of these upright apes.

That's why it remains hidden behind the scenes.

This time it would not reveal its existence at all unless it had to.

And now that it has been exposed, it means it is no longer safe.

It's time to leave!

With a slight leap, the silver fox jumped onto the head of the awakened tiger again.

Although the Awakening Tiger is huge and difficult to hide, it is very convenient as a means of transportation out of here.

At this moment, the alpha wolf let out a low whimper.

The silver fox seemed to have no intention of taking it away.

Instead of feeling lucky, the alpha wolf became extremely frightened.

Without the protection of the silver fox, it is nothing more than a lamb to be slaughtered in front of the terrifying Ape erectus.

However, the silver fox had no intention of answering it. Controlling the awakened tiger, he ran towards the distance at an extremely fast speed.


Once far enough away, even the Awakening Tiger can be discarded.

How could it bring along this troublesome alpha wolf?

These seemingly powerful awakened beasts are originally just tools used by the silver fox to protect itself.

Once a tool loses its value, there is only one possibility of being discarded.

This is also the reason why silver foxes have not evolved towards huge size.

Sometimes, being small makes it easier to hide oneself.

When the time comes, find a few more puppets to control it, and it will be able to live comfortably again.

The movement of the silver fox undoubtedly attracted the attention of the three people.

Hudson reminded: "Lord Etna, the silver fox seems to be preparing to escape. Do we need to arrange troops to intercept it?"

"If these powerful awakened beasts decide to escape, we really may not have any way to restrain them."

"Especially the silver fox is relatively small. If you really want to hide it, it's really hard to find."

Etna shook his head and said, "Escape? It has no chance of escaping at all."

"As early as the moment it was exposed, it was already in our possession."

As soon as he finished speaking, as if to support Etna's words, a mecha unit appeared within the sight of the three of them.

Although there were only fifty of them, they formed a huge encirclement, which just happened to trap the silver fox.

Seeing this, Etna burst out laughing and said, "You still have too little experience."

"We in the United States never fight a war we are not certain of."

"As soon as you take action, you are absolutely sure of it. You will never stop until you launch a thunderous strike to completely wipe out the enemy."

"Silver Fox's failure has long been doomed, let's just watch the show."

Etna is also very proud of his words.

His so-called complete assurance is nothing more than deception.

Every plan against Lin Tianwei ended in failure.

And it ended in a very tragic failure.

But if you selectively ignore these failures, you can still be considered completely sure.

This is very much in line with the American character.


The silver fox trapped in the encirclement suddenly had his pupils trembled.

It never expected that it would be encircled and suppressed by mecha troops.

And it was surrounded and suppressed by fifty mechas. This was definitely super VIP treatment.

The mental power was activated again, and it tried to use this invisible attack method to break through these huge mechas.

It can sense the fragile life in these mechas.

If we could go straight to Huanglong, this matter would be much simpler.

However, as an important tool to compete with Lin Tianwei, protection against mental shock is also a key project of these mechas.

Spiritual shield!

Under the protection of this special material, the mental impact of the silver fox has no effect on the driver at all.

They could only watch helplessly as these mecha troops continued to shrink their encirclement.

Surrounding it and the awakened tigers it controls.


"You'll have a better life than you have now, and you won't have to worry anymore."

Etna's voice came from the amplification device carried by the mecha.

Although it was in American, Etna believed that Silver Fox could understand it.

Even if he doesn't understand, he still has backup methods.

After Plan B has been implemented for so long, if you can't even communicate with the awakened beast, then it is really a failure.

Obviously, as a silver fox with super intelligence, it can understand Etna's words.

Because after hearing Etna's words, its expression obviously changed.

This also made Etna relax a lot.

Being able to understand and be wise means that there is room for negotiation in this battle.

There is a high probability that Silver Fox will accept his surrender.

With the powerful combat power displayed by the Silver Fox, even with fifty mechas, it is impossible to win without injury.

For the United States, which is in a critical period, every resource is precious, and there is no need to consume it internally.

Etna's idea is very good. It is true that the smarter the creature, the more afraid of death it is.

But he still underestimated the silver fox's intelligence.

The silver fox knew that if he fell into the hands of these terrifying upright apes, a fate even more miserable than death would await him.

You can't live but you can't die!

Give it a try, you must give it a try!

If unable to break out, even if he chooses to commit suicide, the silver fox will not choose to fall into the hands of the terrifying Ape erectus.

Thinking of this, the silver fox's eyes became firm.

The mental power began to explode, and it began to control the body of the awakened tiger for a final counterattack.

A counterattack that will determine its life or death.

Facing mechas less than twenty meters tall, the Awakening Tiger's huge body occupies a natural advantage.

What's more, it also enjoys the bonus of the silver fox's spiritual power.

As human creations, mechas are physically powerful and can even use special customized weapons.

But it has a fatal flaw, that is, the strength has been fixed the moment the construction is completed.

There is absolutely no possibility of using supernatural powers.

The driver's ability acquisition can make the mecha's performance even better.

But it can never exceed the upper limit of the mecha.

If used excessively, if nothing else, the mecha itself will collapse due to being unable to bear it.

Therefore, building a larger and more powerful mecha is the ultimate goal of Project M.

These seemingly huge mechas that are more than ten meters high are just low-end research results.

The final result of Plan M, the Tianqing, is still lying somewhere in the United States.

Waiting to be filled with spiritual shield before you can show your true power.

Otherwise, you will encounter spiritual awakened beasts like Silver Fox.

No matter how strong your body is, it is useless if you don't have enough mental defense to match it.

The silver fox is indeed a fox, extremely cunning.

It seems that he is not responding to Etna's solicitation at all, but he is actually looking for an opportunity to take action.

Finally it found a suitable moment, controlled the body of the awakened tiger, and delivered the most violent blow to the mecha next to it.


It was an extremely terrifying collision sound.

In this kind of one-to-many battle, sharp claws are not as useful as tiger paws.

Not only will it wear out, but it may explode with full force without causing fatal damage to these mechas.

After all, fatal injuries in the traditional sense are no longer applicable in the new world.

Silver Fox's strategy is undoubtedly very correct.

Even with a special shock-absorbing device, facing the slap of the awakened tiger's palm with a force close to a hundred tons, it can only be defeated with regret.

Dang even looked like a broken rag doll, his whole body dented after being beaten.

Terrifying vibrations spread along the mecha's body towards the cockpit.

Although it failed to kill the driver instantly, it still made him fall into a coma.

Together with the dilapidated mecha, it completely lost its combat effectiveness.

It seems that the silver fox's victory is average, but this is just the beginning of the battle, and the outcome is still unknown!

"Since you chose to fight, don't blame our men for being ruthless."

"If you don't cherish the opportunity to surrender, you are asking for death."

Etna's cold voice came from the loudspeaker.

He felt that this silver fox was really a little ignorant.

But they didn't expect that they were the ones taking the initiative to provoke the silver fox.

He even had to pretend to be compassionate.

Once you take action, you will never show mercy.

Silver Fox understands this very well.

So after launching the first attack, it launched a second attack within a short period of time.

Even though they were well prepared, because the distance was too close, one mecha was still defeated by the Silver Fox and lost its combat effectiveness.

However, just when it was about to repeat its old tricks, it found that it was greeted by a huge wind-gold dagger.

These mechas finally responded to its sneak attack and counterattacked immediately.

Not just Wind Gold Dagger.

There are even mechas holding longbows and special guns in the distance.

They have set their sights on the silver fox that is moving quickly.

Once given the opportunity, they would not hesitate to launch a fatal attack on the Silver Fox.

The battle between the Silver Fox and the melee mecha was in a stalemate.

Both sides go back and forth, trying to win or lose, but no one can completely destroy the other in a short period of time.


Finally, a long-range mecha holding a longbow found an opportunity to attack.

As soon as his right hand was released, a huge arrow was shot towards the location of the silver fox fox.

To capture the thief, capture the king first.

Human beings understand this truth better than all creatures, so they don't care about awakening tigers at all.

All attacks are always directed at the silver fox.

The silver fox's ears twitched slightly, and it was obvious that it had discovered the arrow that was speeding towards it.

It's just that even if it is discovered the first time the opponent launches an attack, this arrow is still not something it can avoid.

With the support of the melee mecha, the arrow, which was ready to go, inevitably launched a fatal attack at the silver fox at an extremely tricky angle.


What followed was a sound like an eggshell breaking.

Although the arrow hit the direction of the silver fox, it was blocked by the terrifying mental shield.

But this time, even the mental protective shield exerted by the silver fox fell apart under the arrows and was completely shattered!

It's even more because the release of the mental shield made it slightly looser on the Awakening Tiger.

As a result, he fell into the crazy attack of the melee mecha.

What's more, there are long-range mechas in the distance looking for opportunities to attack.

Dead end.

The silver fox was destined to have no chance of escape.

Like a snowball that keeps rolling, the advantages of the mecha troops are getting bigger and bigger.

Once it reaches a critical point, it will completely crush the silver fox.

Although the silver fox was helpless, he could not prevent this from happening. In the end, he could only watch the melee mecha eat away at him bit by bit.


The awakened tiger instinctively let out a howl.

It was a wind-gold sword that struck its body.

Even with the protection of the silver fox, a deep visible bone-deep scar inevitably appeared on its body.

Scars enough to affect its mobility.

Facing the seriously injured awakened tiger, the silver fox was also extremely decisive.

Without any hesitation, its body turned into a silver lightning and quickly sprang out.

Running in the gaps between the mechas with an extremely flexible posture.

He actually used a simpler method to try to escape from the siege of these melee mechas.

It's just that it's still a little too naive.

Since he was preparing to hunt this powerful lord of the restricted area, how could Etna not have a complete plan.

As an excellent data analyst, what he is best at is finding the best solutions through data analysis.

This situation was already expected when he saw the true form of the silver fox.

This is also the reason why this mecha army has so many long-range mechas.

The silver fox is very fast.

But arrows and cannonballs travel faster.

Even if he frantically uses his mental power to accelerate himself and jump quickly, it is impossible for the silver fox to dodge all long-range attacks.


There was another sound of eggs breaking.

That was an arrow that hit the direction of the silver fox again and was stopped by the mental shield.

The silver fox even used the arrow's help to move farther away.

Yet more attacks were already sniping in its path.

That was a terrifying cannonball.

Even before the explosion, there was already lightning and thunder.

This is a terrifying plasma bomb.

At the moment of the explosion, an extremely terrifying plasma area will be formed, destroying all living creatures within the range.

Of course, Etna would not be naive enough to think that the plasma bomb could kill the silver fox.

He wouldn't even use such a powerful weapon if it was that powerful.

After all, his goal was to capture the silver fox alive, not to kill it directly.

Death penalty can be avoided, but living crime cannot be escaped!

Facing such a terrifying plasma bomb, even if the silver fox would not die, he would definitely be seriously injured.

Coupled with the paralysis effect that may be triggered, it is the best way to capture the silver fox.

However, the attack that everyone had high hopes for failed.

The powerful mental shield once again exerted its power, allowing the silver fox to avoid a fatal blow.

However, it can be seen from its gradually becoming heavier breathing that using the mental shield is also extremely draining on it.

If you can't escape from the encirclement of these humans before your mental power is completely drained.

The only way waiting for the silver fox is to be captured alive.

Looking at the distant and unknown road, the silver fox felt extremely regretful at this time.

Regret that it has been too indulgent in this city, leading to the bulldozing of high-rise buildings that should have been the best obstructions.

Only ruins were left.

With the help of the cover of high-rise buildings, it may have a real hope of escape.


Despair gradually flooded the silver fox's eyes.

With the dual consumption of physical and mental power, those mechas are getting closer and closer to their location.

It knew it had no hope of escape.

Give me freedom or give me death!

Even if he dies, he will never fall into the hands of these upright apes!

With a ruthless look in his eyes, the silver fox made a difficult decision.

This time, facing the arrows and cannonballs attacking it, it actually chose to welcome them.

The speed dropped suddenly.

The silver fox's body was instantly pierced by two arrows.

Its not-so-large body was nailed directly to the ground, completely ruining any hope of escape.

Not only that, but two plasma cannonballs followed closely behind, hitting the silver fox's body directly.

In an instant, the plasma covered the entire area where the silver fox's body was and began to fatally corrode its body.

However, even in the face of the erosion of plasma, the silver fox did not make any sound.

Instead, he showed a look of relief and just stared at the sky blankly.

Welcome your own death calmly.

Death is never the scariest thing.

The sharp teeth of the silver fox exerted force and bit off its tongue in an instant.

Not only that, the terrifying mental power followed closely and exploded instantly.

However, the target of the attack was not these huge mechas, but the small body of the silver fox itself.

When everyone was caught off guard, the silver fox actually chose to self-destruct.

Under the terrifying mental attack, even the silver fox, who was an awakened spiritual beast, vomited blood.

His eyes widened, he instantly lost his energy and was about to lose his life.

"Damn, you're so damned!"

"You actually didn't follow my plan."

"Why don't you just surrender and catch me?"

"As long as you are obedient, we will definitely raise you well."

"I will never have to worry about food or drink in the future."

This sudden change made Etna couldn't help but roar.

The expression of wisdom on his face finally faded away, turning into a face full of anger.

If the capture of the Silver Fox failed, the operation succeeded in destroying the Crazy Zoo.

But compared with America's losses, it can only be described as failure.

Those huge mechas are expensive to build, and are far from being comparable to the bodies of these awakened beasts.

Etna imagined many possibilities, but he never thought that the silver fox would take the initiative to die.


How could he, who was so arrogant, understand how important freedom was to these souls who longed for freedom.

In the eyes of the silver fox, who is himself a captive creature in the zoo, freedom is more precious than anything else in the world.

Even more important than its life, it is worth everything it pays for.

That's why it chose to commit suicide at this critical moment.

Even if it dies, it does not want to return to the hands of these erect apes.

Become an existence whose life is played with at will by them.

Etna was extremely angry and shouted loudly: "Save, go and save this silver fox."

"We must not let it die so easily!"

"It has no right to choose death without my command."

Etna's simple words revealed a biting chill, which was extremely ruthless.

He wanted to completely deprive the Silver Fox of his power to die.

Let it understand that in the face of power, even death becomes a luxury.

As long as he is powerful enough, he can completely dominate the lives of other creatures.

Etna's ruthless orders were quickly carried out.

The mecha closest to the silver fox broke out with terrifying speed and quickly came to the silver fox, regardless of the damage to its body.

Using both hands, the mecha pulled the silver fox out of the ground along with the arrow.

It was also taken away from the plasma bomb area.

Rescue awaits the Silver Fox.

Its unexpected rescue represents a rescue that has ruthless contempt for life! (End of chapter)

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