Start extracting talents from Siberian tigers

Chapter 220 Sword Points to the Farm

far away.

Under Etna's order, a helicopter quickly flew towards the location of the silver fox.

As a very useful means of transportation a long time ago, helicopters have always been the most commonly used means of transportation in the United States.

With the continuous development of new technology, today's helicopters are even more terrifying.

The size is no less than that of previous aircraft, but it has more powerful maneuverability and can face more scenes.

There are a large number of healing power users on this helicopter, which acts as battlefield backup.

When they arrive, they may be able to save the silver fox's life.

The helicopter moved very quickly and soon reached the ground. Stepping out from above was a team of fully armed healing power users.

They wear white doctor's robes and claim to be angels who save lives and heal the wounded.

Soon, he came to the silver fox carrying a lot of professional medical equipment.

It might be very troublesome to save ordinary awakened creatures.

After all, under the influence of Beta genes, most awakened beasts have become extremely huge.

But Silver Fox is different.

Being smart, it did not choose to blindly pursue huge size, but chose a mini version that is more suitable for hiding.

This small size is very convenient for rescuers with healing abilities.

It's just that the silver fox probably never thought until his death that he had not escaped the vicious hands of the United States after all.

As the captain of this medical team, Lopez chose to use self-healing energy on the silver fox as soon as he arrived.

This energy is simply omnipotent and can greatly enhance the target's vitality and have a very powerful healing effect.

After all, the self-healing ability of awakened creatures is terrifying. As long as they maintain their lives, they can basically survive.

But Lopez quickly frowned.

He found that the silver fox's condition was actually a little different from what he imagined.

It doesn't look like an awakened beast with powerful self-healing ability at all.

On the contrary, it is more like an ordinary beast before the world mutated, and its self-healing ability is extremely low.

This situation is extremely abnormal and would be impossible to occur under normal circumstances.

It was as if every cell in the opponent's body was resisting self-healing.

Lopez's eyes flashed with excitement.

Are there any creatures that refuse treatment?

The less you want to live, the more I will let you live.

Just thinking about this kind of twisting of the will of life makes Lopez excited.

"Captain Lopez, the Silver Fox's Tongue has arrived. What should we do next?"

At this moment, Lopez's assistant handed over a bloody tongue.

It was the one that the silver fox bit off at that time.

Not chewing it up and swallowing it directly may be its biggest mistake.

The silver fox is indeed a powerful awakened creature.

The tongue, which had been separated from the body for several minutes, was still fully active.

It can still be used after being connected.

Lopez made a judgment in a split second and ordered: "Pry open its mouth and put its tongue back."

"If you use life energy to quickly stimulate the growth, I believe it will heal soon."

"Don't be afraid of hurting the body of the silver fox. This fox is a spiritually awakened beast."

"As long as the brain is intact, other parts of the body can be destroyed at will."

"The only thing we have to do is make sure it doesn't die."

Although the silver fox is powerful, he is already on his deathbed.

Even in order to pry open its mouth, these people even used huge mechas.

Although the mecha is powerful, it is still very difficult to perform micro-control due to its large size.

Coupled with Lopez telling them to be bold, they no longer had any scruples.

With a crisp click, the silver fox's mouth was instantly broken into pieces.

The other half of the tongue hidden inside was exposed.

Without even a simple cleaning, Lopez slapped back the mud-covered tongue.

With the violent infusion of life energy, the tongue began to heal quickly as Lopez expected.

Eventually the bleeding stopped and the biggest wound was blocked.

The next thing will be much easier to handle.

That was to restore the damage to the silver fox's brain.

Thinking of this, Lopez asked the assistant beside him: "What are the results of the mental scan."

"What is the state of the silver fox's brain?"

The assistant's voice trembled a little as he said, "It almost turned into a ball of paste."

"It's hard to imagine how cruel you must be to yourself to be able to get away with this vicious attack."

"But if you just need to maintain the most basic functions, it may be feasible to forcefully activate the self-healing ability."

"Instead its memory is completely unimportant to us."

Lopez nodded, agreeing with his assistant, and said, "But this alone is not safe."

"Take a natural fruit and force-feed it to this silver fox."

Natural fruit?

A flash of surprise flashed in the assistant's eyes. It was a super treasure, and it was actually used on a dying fox.

Natural fruit, as the name suggests, is a fruit produced by a natural tree and possesses extremely terrifying vitality.

Even though it's just a small one, it can achieve the effect of flesh and bones of the living dead.

After all, this is something that comes from another equally powerful lord of the restricted area, Ziran Shu.

The entire United States barely obtained less than ten, which shows how cherished it is.

After all, not everyone can be like Lin Tianwei, who can blackmail countless natural fruits at will.

But then he realized that this was no ordinary dying fox.

This is the powerful master of the forbidden area, the ninth-level giant beast, the master of the crazy zoo forbidden area!

If it is to save such a powerful target, it is very reasonable to use natural fruit.

Thinking of this, he carefully opened the tool box he carried with him.

In one of the exquisite glass bottles, an emerald green fruit was lying there quietly.

As soon as the natural fruit was put into the silver fox's mouth, it seemed to melt and turned into a pool of emerald green liquid that quickly integrated into its body.

As if it was spiritual, the emerald green liquid containing powerful vitality began to gather towards the silver fox's brain.

Continuously healing the brain that has turned into paste.

Coupled with the infusion of various healing powers, the silver fox's body actually began to slowly recover.

The powerful self-healing ability of the awakened beast may be the key to saving lives at other times.

But when this silver fox has given up on life, it has become a burden.

Even though its will yearns for freedom, it doesn't want to fall into the hands of these upright apes.

But its body instinctively wants to survive.

The awakened beast's powerful vitality exploded, and the silver fox's injuries actually began to stabilize.

Even Lopez had a hint of joy in his eyes.

He once again saved lives and injured patients who needed saving!

But Lopez still underestimated the silver fox's determination to yearn for freedom.

In order to commit suicide, it not only actively faced arrows and plasma bombs that were already deadly to itself.

He also decisively bit off his own tongue.

He even used mental shock to hit his most deadly brain, directly blasting his brain into pulp.

Such a horrific injury would be difficult to recover even if all the healing power users tried their best.

As time went by, the silver fox's condition became worse and worse.

No sign of full recovery.

On the contrary, there was a problem with the healing power users who had been treating the silver fox.

The cold sweat on their foreheads showed that they had consumed a lot of energy and would definitely not be able to hold on for too long.

This situation is simply a slap in the face to Lopez.

The silver fox used its strong willpower to tell him that it was not a life that could be played with at his will.

Sighing, Lopez shook his head and said, "I did my best."

"But the fox's injuries were too severe, and its will refused to survive. Treatment was completely ineffective with twice the result."

"The bottom line is the trend of our personnel being exhausted."

"Once the continuous supply of life force is lost, it may be the time when the silver fox dies."

As if to confirm Lopez's words, the weakest healing superpower suddenly rolled his eyes and fainted.

Like dominoes, three more healing power users fell down.

Such a scene made Etna's face turn ashen, like the blackest and blackest pot bottom.

If the silver fox dies, doesn't it mean that everything they put into this battle was in vain?

Fetching water from a bamboo basket is all in vain!


How is freedom as important as life?

Etna couldn't understand the silver fox's thoughts at all, but he was helpless.

After all, he is not a powerful healer.

Even Lopez said there was nothing he could do, so there was nothing he could do. He could only watch the silver fox slide into the abyss of death little by little.

Maybe even God is on the side of this stubborn being?

But just when he was about to give up treatment, he heard an obscene voice saying:

"Don't want to live? Hehe, I have plenty of ways to make it want to live."

"Life is precious, and it is not a good habit to give up your life so easily."

Having said this, Milosh said flatteringly to Etna: "Lord Etna, please allow me to give it a try."

"If we can succeed and stimulate the silver fox's will to survive, we may be able to cooperate with Mr. Lopez and survive."

"As for my last contracted awakened beast, the awakened tortoise that is only at the eighth level, please ask Lord Etna to send someone to kill it."

"Don't worry, it will never have the slightest idea of ​​resisting under my orders."

Having said this, Milosh looked at the dying silver fox with a burning face.

If you can contract this powerful ninth-level awakened beast.

He couldn't even imagine how much benefit he could gain.

Of course, he also knew who was in charge here, so even at such an urgent moment, he did not make any decisions.

Miloš's words actually opened Etna's mind.

They may have another way to twist the silver fox's soul and let it live to become their thug.

After all, he originally planned to let Milosh give it a try at the critical moment.

It's just that I was so frightened by the possibility of failure that I lost my mind and forgot about it for a while.

Thinking of this, Etna nodded without hesitation and said, "Okay, just do what you said."

"America will remember your sacrifice."

"Although the eighth-level awakened tortoise will die as a result."

"But don't worry, even if you fail to save this silver fox, we will definitely find an excellent replacement awakened beast for you."

"I order you to go all out!"

Etna's promise made Miloš absolutely ecstatic, and the last of his worries had been put to rest.

He immediately nodded and bowed to Etna.

The moment he sensed that the spiritual link with the awakened tortoise was broken, Milosh took action against the silver fox.

As his strength became stronger, he became more and more skilled in the application of his special ability.

It is no longer as triggered by instinct as it was in the past.

Now Miloš can completely specify the target and quickly make a contract.

Of course, he must be strong enough to suppress the target's spirit and make the contract successful.

Under normal circumstances, it would be impossible for Milosh to successfully contract the silver fox with his half-hearted mental strength.

But it's different now.

The silver fox was on the verge of death and drained the last bit of his mental energy to launch a suicide attack on himself.

This resulted in its ability to withstand the Milosh Contract to be pitiful.

Facing Milosh's erosion, the silver fox's body trembled instinctively.

It was as if he was afraid of the coming of something terrible.

It's just that it is at the end of its strength and has no chance of escaping from Milosh's clutches.

As the spiritual link is established bit by bit, the silver fox is about to enter an abyss called enslavement.

Just when Milosh was trying hard to contract the silver fox, its eyes suddenly opened.

Two lines of clear tears slid down the corners of his eyes.


The silver fox made two shrill screams, but due to the damage to its tongue, it could only make some noise.

It never imagined that these people could be so cruel.

Even the right to die was ruthlessly deprived.

He wanted to attack himself and commit suicide again, but found that he could not mobilize any power now.

All he could do was make a shrill hissing sound, like a cuckoo crying for blood, which was extremely desolate.

In the end, the silver fox's cry became weaker and weaker until it finally disappeared.

This also means that the silver fox's spirit has completely lost its ability to resist.

When the silver fox stopped crying, Milosh's contract was completed.

It has become Milosh's contracted beast, and its life and death, and even its will, are no longer up to it.

"I'm so annoyed, shut up."

"You are not allowed to say a word without my order."

"Now I order you to do your best to survive!"

The silver fox's pitiful cry received no sympathy.

Instead, it annoyed Milosh so much that he immediately ordered it to shut up.

It really didn't want to hear that unpleasant noise anymore.

Perhaps the silver fox didn't have much power in his body at this time, and Milosh didn't get much power feedback.

But that didn't stop his excitement.

This is an awakened beast up to the ninth level, and it was actually successfully contracted by him and became a slave under his control.

More importantly, he could feel the growing power transmitted from the silver fox's body.

This also means that the silver fox is recovering and becoming stronger.

He is about to have a powerful Tangled Awakening Beast.

Awakening tortoise?

Go to hell!

Fortunately, he gave up quickly, otherwise how could he obtain such a powerful awakened beast?

Miloš has even started to have sex, if the silver fox can be successfully contracted by him.

So doesn’t it mean that...

Doesn't it mean that even the terrifying Tiger King himself can also get the contract?

At the thought of this possibility, Milosh was so excited that he almost jumped up.

As for the contract with the Tiger King, what should the Silver Fox do?

Wouldn't it be better to just kill this stupid fox?

Doesn't it want to die? Then fulfill it yourself.

Perhaps instead, you will be grateful for your kindness and be grateful for the liberation of its soul.

Thinking about it this way, Milosh felt that he was really a kind person.

Suppressing the joy in his heart, Milosh respectfully said to Etna: "Lord Etna, you are fortunate to have lived up to your command."

"I can feel that the silver fox's vitality is gradually becoming stronger."

"It should be back to health quickly."

Before Etna could start asking, Lopez said with equal joy: "Sir Etna, what he said is basically correct."

"With the active cooperation of Silver Fox, its injuries have begun to heal significantly."

"Although I won't be able to return to full strength for a while, at least I'm out of danger."

"It only takes a month for me to completely cure it."


The silver fox is alive again?

Etna never expected that there would be a turnaround in conquering the silver fox.

It is true that there is no way out of mountains and rivers, and there is another village with dark flowers and bright flowers!

The cooked duck flew back again.

Immediately praised: "Milosh, Lopez, you did a very good job."

"America will remember your service."

"Don't worry, your benefits will definitely be indispensable this time."

Speaking of this, Etna's eyes suddenly turned to the distance.

Turned in the direction of Tiger King Farm.

There lies their ultimate enemy of the United States.

The time has finally come to dispel the horrific nightmare that has enveloped the entire United States.

Thinking of this, Etna murmured: "One month?"

"That's just right. Plan M and Plan B still need some preparation."

"After one month, it will be time to launch a fatal blow to the Tiger King Farm!"

Thinking of this, Etna's eyes regained confidence and said: "One month, we in the United States have to wait for a month."

"Bring back the awakened beasts captured this time, don't even let go of the corpses."

"They're all great materials."

"Whether it is used as a pet or as a material for transformation, it is an excellent choice."

Although Etna's words were simple, they revealed an extraordinary meaning.

The United States has been brewing an attack plan against Lin Tianwei, and has no intention of letting him go or compromising.

This is also a matter of course.

Non-my family, its heart must be different!

The miserable fate of the awakened beasts in Crazy Zoo is their true attitude towards the awakened beasts.

He hasn't attacked Lin Tianwei yet, just because he feels that the power he possesses is not strong enough.

How can you allow others to sleep peacefully on the side of the couch?

Even a small place like Sakura Island would not allow this to happen, let alone the United States, which is known for its brutality and domineering nature.

The reason why Lin Tianwei was not attacked before was simply that the time had not come yet.

This time, they gained greater power.

That restless heart was getting more ready to move.

Five days!

Ten days!

Fifteen days!

Twenty days!

Twenty-five days!

As one month gets closer, the entire United States has obviously fallen into an increasingly tense atmosphere.

This atmosphere undoubtedly means something big is about to happen.

At Tiger King Farm.

Euro is also very worried.

All signs indicate that the United States is brewing big moves.

Just like the big move that wiped out the crazy zoo.

But all his information channels failed to get any news.


No, this is definitely not an illusion.

It's just the calm before the storm.

Thinking of this, Euro looked at Rosa with a worried look and asked, "Rosa, do you have any information over there?"

"I think the current situation is really weird."

"The United States must be brewing something big, but we don't even get a hint of it."

Only then did Euro realize how ridiculous his infiltration plan was.

The truly confidential matters were simply not information he could obtain through infiltrators.

Even the Tianqing, which was chasing the wind and shadows, only obtained the news at the cost of Rosa's exposure.

And the message has yet to receive any feedback.

Because Lord Tiger King didn't react at all.

Of course this is not entirely Euro's fault.

The so-called penetration is to moisturize things silently.

A penetration plan that lacks time to execute is doomed to fail.

Thinking of this, Euro had another headache.

The situation was imminent, but Lord Tiger King did not make any move.

It's like he doesn't know anything about the weird situation in the United States.

Such a situation made him really unable to help but worry.

Arrogant soldiers will be defeated!

This is the lesson China has learned after countless failures.

Gritting his teeth, Euro decided to go find the Tiger King again.

Even if it makes Mr. Tiger King unhappy and makes him disappointed in himself, he must do it.

Faced with Euro's inquiry, Rosa sighed and said, "Sorry, my baby Euro."

"Since I was exposed, my intelligence network has been quickly shattered, and I can't get any confidential information at all."

"If I hadn't taken the risk of being exposed, maybe this wouldn't have happened."

"I never thought..."

Although Rosa didn't finish her words, Euro understood what she meant.

In fact, even he could not imagine that Lord Tiger King would remain indifferent.

Thinking of this, Euro said to Rosa: "Rosa, this is not your fault."

"Since we can't find the reason, we can only strengthen our own defense."

"Go and arrange the defense line of Tiger King Farm. Make sure there are no omissions."

"At such a critical moment, we must first stop all non-essential activities and minimize the entry and exit of suspicious people."

"I will go and report what I discovered to Mr. Tiger King." (End of Chapter)

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