Facing Euro's nervousness, Rosa smiled slightly and said, "Euro, I think your worries are really unnecessary."

"With the current strength of our Tiger King Farm, we are not afraid of the so-called mechas at all."

"You must know that the little ants are ants of Karma Fire, even more terrifying ants than the previous Karma Fire Ants."

"As an existence that can support a forbidden area, it is not weak at all."

"Although time has allowed humans to develop many powerful new technologies, it has also given these awakened beasts more time to develop."

"Not only are there more in number, but the individual power of these Karma Fire Ants has become extremely terrifying."

"In addition, most of the materials of the mecha are originally taken from the carapace of the Karma Fire Ant, and are naturally restrained by it, so there is no need to worry at all."

"I know you are worried about the Tianqing."

"But it's impossible for such a huge mecha to be dispatched without any movement at all."

"We'll just adapt accordingly when the time comes."

"If it's impossible, we can't do it."

Unlike Euro, who followed Lin Tianwei from the beginning, Rosa does not have that strong sense of identification with Tiger King Farm.

The reason why she is here is just because Euro is here.

Facing Rosa's comfort, Euro smiled bitterly.

If things could be as simple as imagined, then it would be too much to take for granted.

But he didn't blame Rosa for it.

After all, Rosa was the one who was dragged into the water by herself.

She had the best idea.

When the time comes to escape, she may not have any psychological burden.

As for yourself?

Naturally, I want to stay and live and die with Tiger King Farm and Mr. Tiger King.

He and Tiger King Farm have been completely integrated for a long time, and it is impossible to separate them.

Thinking of this, Euro comforted Rosa and said, "Rosa, you are right."

"Perhaps we are simply too worried."

"Okay, you go and do your work first, I have something else to do."

"When I have some free time in the evening, I will have an in-depth discussion about intelligence with you."

After saying this, Europa set foot on the road to the Tiger King Temple, ignoring Rosa's already crimson eyes.

The building at the heart of Tiger King Farm shines in the sunlight.

Although a long period of time has passed, the Temple of the Tiger King has remained in the same state as when it was first built.

The new one does not look like a building that has been eroded by time.

But the people at Tiger King Farm all know that it is just the mighty power of Lord Tiger King.

Protecting this not-so-large Tiger King Temple is just a piece of cake.

But even the powerful Tiger King cannot be the opponent of the Tianqing, which is several hundred meters high, right?

What's more, America seems to have captured the lord of the restricted area of ​​Crazy Zoo, and its power has been greatly strengthened.

With all this going on and on, how could Euro not be worried?

However, just when Euro was about to approach the Tiger King Temple, he found an invisible force blocking him outside.

This familiar feeling made Euro's pupils tremble.

This is undoubtedly the method of Lord Tiger King.

Sure enough, almost at the same time, Lin Tianwei's extremely majestic voice sounded in Ouluo's mind, saying:

"Back off."

"Stay well in the farm, this will be the safest place on Blue Star."

"It was in the past, it is now, and it will be in the future."

Lin Tianwei's unquestionable tone made countless things that Ou Luo wanted to say aborted, so he wisely closed his mouth.

Thousands of words are stuck in my throat!

That's all, that's all.

It's just a matter of giving back this lost life.

Thinking of this, Ouluo's heart became calmer.

Once a person is fearless, he will never be confused again.

What he needs to do is to try his best to arrange the defensive strength of the Tiger King Farm.

Use Tiger King Farm’s strongest attitude to face the storm that may come.

This is the only thing Euro can do.

Ou Luo left, but Lin Tianwei opened his eyes like beacons and murmured: "Tiger style?"

"There is one more interesting toy. I really hope it can bring some fun to my boring life."

"America? Since you are seeking death, you have repeatedly challenged my majesty."

"Then don't blame me for being ruthless this time."

"I will let you know that the majesty of the Tiger King cannot be violated."

In fact, with Lin Tianwei's current strength, very few things that happen on American soil can be hidden from his eyes.

He knew all the information that Ou Luo couldn't find out despite all his efforts.

The United States is indeed making big moves, and they are very scary moves.

It also hides a terrifying secret weapon...Tiger!

Time may be the most powerful weapon in the world.

While continuously increasing Meili's solid strength, Lin Tianwei's strength has also reached its peak.

Now, he has finally fully utilized his extraordinary super doubling talent.

It has grown to the limit of its current stage.

Unless he obtains a powerful talent that he does not possess now, Lin Tianwei's strength has been locked up.

But Lin Tianwei didn't care at all.

With his current strength, it can be said that he has no rivals above Blue Star.

Whether you can obtain more powerful talents or not will make no difference to you now.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei looked at the sky, secretly thinking that perhaps only the vast universe was his goal.

It's just that his current strength is not enough to break through the universe.

After all, Blue Star is just a member of the vast universe, and can even be said to be the least powerful member.

You must know that just the genes extracted after the death of the cosmic behemoth can cause such a terrifying mutation in Blue Star.

Not to mention in its heyday.

Maybe it's a terrifying giant beast that can swallow Blue Star in one bite.

This is why Lin Tianwei allowed Blue Star to develop freely.

With his strength, he could actually intervene in Blue Star's development long ago.

But under the influence of gamma genes, every life is a possibility.

It is possible for powerful talents to be born.

Just maintain enough population and creature numbers.

Even if Blue Star is just an ordinary planet, it can still give birth to powerful talents for Lin Tianwei to hunt.

This seems to be Lin Tianwei's breeding farm.

A breeding farm with powerful talents.

As long as he has enough time, Lin Tianwei can continue to strengthen without limit.

Until the limit of the gamma gene is reached, no talent valuable to Lin Tianwei can be born.

By then.

Perhaps it was when Lin Tianwei took the first step towards the sea of ​​stars.

As for the so-called "Tiger Style"?

It is a weapon that the United States secretly researches to use against Lin Tianwei.

It is a mecha as huge as the Tianqing.

It's just that one corresponds to the human form, and the other corresponds to the tiger form.

It would be too naive to think that they only prepared the Tianqing for Lin Tianwei.

Lin Tianwei's fighting prowess made everyone fear him.

MacArthur didn't even dare to attack Lin Tianwei before he was absolutely sure.

The so-called Tianqing is just a smoke bomb released.

Black Devil and Tiger Style are the final products of Plan B and Plan M.


The power of Tianqing is not weak either.

It's just slightly weaker than Tiger Style.

After all, as the apex predator in nature, tigers have always been a symbol of strength.

What's more, Lin Tianwei's shadow hanging over the entire United States made the United States finally position this beast-form mecha in tiger form.

Of course, although "Tiger Pose" is a tiger form, it is not a pure tiger form.

After all, mechas are mechas, and they are separated from the category of living things.

After research and data analysis by professors, Tiger Style was born out of tigers, but is completely different from tigers.

What he wears is no longer tiger skin, but various high-tech weapons.

Spikes, claws, teeth, steel needles, long whips,...

Every part of the body is a weapon in Tiger style.

It is even equipped with various thermal weapons in special parts, which greatly enhances the power of the Tiger.

In a sense, the Tiger is more powerful than the Tianqing.

After all, the design of being on all fours is more stable, so it can naturally crush the Tianqing in human form.

Able to carry out more exaggerated transformations.

But Tianqing is different.

In order to maintain balance, many functions can only be sacrificed.

But this is a mecha made by humans after all.

Innately adaptable to the human form.

This also results in the human form being more capable of bringing out the mecha's strength.

After all, not everyone can control a mecha in beast form.

As for the Tiger driver?

That was a supernatural being named Tiger.

His special power is the ability to transform into a terrifying tiger.

Yes, he was the one who gained the ability to transform into a beast after the cloned tiger army was destroyed.

At first, he could only transform into a beast.

As his powers continue to strengthen and his body adapts, Tiger's powers have also evolved.

Allowing him to directly transform from a human into a tiger.

From spirit to body, he has become a real tiger.

However, this ability has almost no effect.

A tiger that is two to three meters long may be very powerful for ordinary awakened people.

But he is definitely at the bottom among superpowers.

Just when Tiger fell into despair and thought he was going to become a waste-like existence, Professor Janos found him.

Let him take part in another driving experiment.

A true experiment in piloting a mecha.

The purpose is to be able to develop powerful beast-form mechas.

After all, beasts have proven over countless years of history that they are the absolute kings in hand-to-hand combat.

However, due to the lack of suitable drivers, this plan has not made decisive progress.

After all, no matter how much people change, they are still essentially human, and many of their instinctive habits will still remain.

This habit may not matter in normal times.

But in a war that determines America's survival, any small mistake can be absolutely fatal.

MacArthur simply could not allow such a mistake to exist.

If he can't find a suitable driver, he even plans to build two Tianqings.

The power that can be completely mastered is the power that truly belongs to you.

MacArthur understood this very well.


Tiger's appearance gave everyone hope.

This experimenter who once participated in the cloning tiger driving experiment was himself a tiger lycanthrope.

With the double superposition, maybe he can control the legendary beast-shaped mecha.

Facts have proved that Professor Janos’s judgment was normal.

In the simulation experiment of driving a beast-shaped mecha, Tiger showed his super talent.

Especially when driving a tiger-shaped mecha, his control of the mecha is particularly flexible.

It can even be said that it is a completely authentic performance.

If it weren't for the countless ferocious weapons on his body.

It may even make onlookers think that the behemoth in front of them is not a mecha, but a real tiger.

It was under this circumstance that the Tiger Plan was born.

Trying to build a beast-shaped mecha as huge as the Tianqing to compete with the terrifying King Tiger.

Coupled with the most shining result of Plan B, Black Evil, MacArthur already had three trump cards in his hands.

No, MacArthur also had an ace up his sleeve, which was the terrifying silver fox.

After being contracted by Milosh, the silver fox's self-consciousness was annihilated and he was successfully domesticated and became an American dog.

Became a member of the plan to fight against Lin Tianwei.

Under the terrifying accumulation of resources throughout the United States, the Silver Fox's recovery speed is much faster than imagined.

It only took half a month to fully recover.

Not only that, with the accumulation of a large number of natural materials and treasures, the silver fox also began to grow rapidly.

The body stretched rapidly, and soon it grew from five meters in length to a full ten meters in length.

The combat effectiveness has at least quadrupled.

Its terrifying mental power also makes people more and more fearful.

Fortunately, the silver fox was already on a leash by Miloš, so it was impossible to do it again.

Now it is just a very useful tool in the hands of the United States.

In the command room.

Adolf said with excitement: "General MacArthur, the long-prepared plan has finally come to be implemented."

"All the conditions are ripe, and it's time to use all our strength to completely destroy the Tiger King Farm."

How could Adolf not be excited?

In order to prevent rumors from leaking out, few people know about the existence of Tiger Style and Heisha.

Even he was kept in the dark.

But he didn't expect that MacArthur gave him a direct blow during the conversation just now.

Let him know the terrifying power that the United States truly possesses.

In his opinion, it was a terrifying power that could destroy everything.

Since there is such a terrifying power, there is no need to hesitate in executing the plan to attack the Tiger King Farm.

Directly sending troops to attack and quickly push the Tiger King Farm is the best option.

Faced with Adolf's proposal, MacArthur did not respond directly.

His index finger tapped rhythmically on the table, making a dull sound.

It was clear that MacArthur was waiting for others to speak out.

Seeing that no one spoke, Radho hesitated and said, "I think our behavior is somewhat inappropriate."

"Indeed, we have the strength to push Tiger King Farm evenly."

"But this does not mean that we can truly capture the Tiger King."

"After all, if such a ferocious awakened beast wants to escape, there is no solution."

"Even with all the force we have, it will be difficult to capture the Tiger King."

"On the contrary, our compatriots living in Tiger King Farm will suffer unnecessary disasters. It is really not worth the loss."

"In my opinion, just cut off the Tiger King's food supply."

"No more surrender, this is also a way for us in the United States to declare our sovereignty."

"There may be two approaches at that time."

"One is that King Tiger recognizes his own strength, chooses to endure it, and implicitly expresses his surrender to us, the United States."

"The other is that he can't see his own strength clearly and thinks that we are still the weaklings who were allowed to be manipulated by him."

"Such behavior will naturally anger him."

"When the time comes, the incident of one tiger destroying an entire city may happen again."

"It's just that now we have the strength to completely crush him."

"It's just right to set up an ambush in the nearest city of Ras and catch all the stupid Tiger King in one fell swoop."

"This might be the best option."

As soon as Radho finished speaking, Oslo stood up and retorted: "Radjo, what you said may make sense."

"But what we in America need right now is not a steady and steady battle to win."

"It is a battle that completely crushes a powerful enemy and shows everyone the great strength of the United States."

"We have been suppressed under the haze of the awakened beast for too long."

"Humanity urgently needs a victory that can give everyone confidence."

"So even though the cost may be greater, I would recommend a direct attack on Tiger King Farm."

“Sometimes the necessary sacrifices are worth it.”

"Only a bloody war can arouse confidence in the hearts of all Americans!"

Oslo's words were impassioned, but ruthless in the extreme.

Just for the so-called confidence, he actually tried to exchange the lives of countless people.

Behind every war is the death of countless lives, and it cannot be smooth sailing at all.

Especially when the opponent is the once arrogant Tiger King.

If Oslo and Adolf's proposal went through, the battle would cost at least 100,000 lives.

Hearing this, Ismail couldn't hold it back and said, "Are you a little too selfish?"

"Just for the so-called confidence, you actually put countless lives at risk."

"Tiger King Farm is equivalent to a human main city, with a conservative estimate of at least 100,000 people."

"Once a war breaks out here, there will definitely be rivers of blood."

"Coupled with the losses of our soldiers, this is simply an extremely ridiculous proposal."

"I support Radjo's plan to minimize our losses."

"Population is also a vital resource in the new world and must not be given up easily."

Facing Ismail's rebuttal, Adolf snorted coldly and said: "A woman's kindness."

"Those who betrayed America and fell into the arms of King Tiger cannot be called Americans at all."

"The more they die, the better. It's best if they all die, proving to the world how stupid it is to betray humanity and fall into the arms of the awakened beasts."

"As for the death of our soldiers?"

"As early as when they become soldiers and enjoy the benefits and treatment of soldiers, they should be prepared to dedicate everything to the United States."

"They were heroes and deserved their death."

"This kind of heroic behavior deserves to be encouraged, not dismissed."

"Ismail, put away your ridiculous remarks."

"Such a willful statement will only make us feel that you are not suitable to be in this conference room."

Adolf's scolding made Ismail furious, and he immediately began to sarcastically say: "Hero? A worthy death?"

"Those two light words can determine the life and death of countless people. It's extremely heavy."

"You are really cold-blooded and ruthless. You actually talked about the lives and deaths of so many people so lightly."

"Okay, didn't you say you want to be a hero and die a worthy death?"

"As long as everyone you propose personally participates in this battle, I agree with this plan 300%."

"If the Tiger King is one of those ferocious and bloodthirsty awakened beasts who only know how to expand their territories without thinking, I will definitely support your proposal."

"But Tiger King is different. I think living peacefully with him may be the best choice."

"Tiger King Farm has grown strong enough to be self-sufficient and doesn't need much food from us at all."

“Even the focus of trading has shifted from food to other types of resources.”

"We can treat it like an ordinary city."

"Or I can accept Radho's proposal."

Hearing this, Oslo couldn't hold it back and cursed: "Stupid, just extremely stupid."

"What on earth gave you the ridiculous idea of ​​peacefully coexisting with an awakened beast?"

"I know this is just an excuse. You are just feeling sorry for those who live in Tiger King's farm."

"But since they have committed themselves to Tiger King Farm, they must be aware of their mortality."

"It has never been possible for humans and awakened beasts to live in peace."

As the two sides continued to collide, the discussion war became more and more intense.

However, what makes Ismail extremely desperate is that there are very few people supporting him and Radjo.

Most people feel that a beautiful victory should be used to declare to the entire Blue Star.

Declaring America’s supremacy.

Proclaim that the United States is still the unrivaled master of the Blue Star!

Seeing this, Ismail could only look at MacArthur as if asking for help.

Although the discussion is now intense, it is the five-star general who makes the final decision.

As if aware of Ismail's gaze, MacArthur coughed lightly and said, "Enough, the discussion has been enough for now."

"Please show your hands and vote on whose proposal you support."

“The plan to get more votes will be implemented.”

Show of hands?

What a ridiculous decision-making method, how could it be used in a meeting to decide the future destiny of the entire United States.

What's more, when will the United States take such democratic actions to make decisions?

Unless the outcome of this resolution has been determined long before the vote.

The decision maker’s ideas are inherently consistent with so-called “democracy”!

Sure enough, the final vote was undoubtedly in favor of Adolf and Oslo's proposal, a thunderous blow to Tiger King Farm.

Completely destroy this haze that has enveloped the American land. (End of chapter)

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