Start extracting talents from Siberian tigers

Chapter 226 Changes in the situation

Trapped beast?

It's just a ridiculous joke.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei looked at the extremely ferocious Tianqing.

Although the sharp spikes are terrifying, it is impossible to restrain oneself without matching powerful strength.

The reason why he behaved so weakly was because Lin Tianwei was luring the enemy.

Attracting two more stupid prey.

Just as America was afraid that Lin Tianwei would escape, Lin Tianwei was also afraid that his prey would escape.

Since they dare to take action against themselves, they will know what it means to be irresistible.

However, once Lin Tianwei showed enough strength.

A strength that is too powerful to contend with.

The controller of the United States is not a fool, and it is impossible for him to send out the intermediate force he has finally built to die.

At that time, Lin Tianwei may need to waste more time if he wants to hunt these two mice hiding in the dark.

to this end.

Lin Tianwei suppressed his strength a little.

This war that was supposed to be devastating turned into twists and turns.

It actually took two or three rounds to end, which was really a waste of time.

They thought that the reason why Lin Tianwei was able to defeat the Tianqing was just because of his richer combat experience.

But I didn't expect that this was a complete crushing of strength.

It's just that their power level is too low to see clearly.

The seemingly huge body and powerful power of the Tianqing are no match for Lin Tianwei.

Even being affected by the silver fox for a moment was just Lin Tianwei's acting skills.

A mere silver fox might be powerful enough to become the master of a forbidden area for humans.

But for Lin Tianwei, it is completely unattractive and can be easily crushed.

How could a mosquito bite affect Lin Tianwei's actions?

Seeing Tiger Shi and Heisha getting closer and closer to him, Lin Tianwei, who seemed to be in trouble, finally moved.

It's time to give these prey a shock called "Tiger King".

The terrifying power exploded instantly.

In just a moment, Lin Tianwei completely broke free from the constraints of the Tianqing.


In its heyday, it was not an enemy of itself, so how could it restrain Lin Tianwei's body with its meager strength.

According to the data, the Tianqing has a powerful force that can shake everything.

He was also victorious against an awakened beast that was larger than his own body.

But it's obvious that Lin Tianwei is a BUG.

His power is simply not within the scope of data calculations.

Use data to predict Lin Tianwei? Etna said great!


A powerful burst of power.

This time, the Tianqing became even more miserable.

Not only the limbs, but also the armor and flesh all over his body were directly shattered by Lin Tianwei's terrifying power.

Everything is in disarray.

Countless body fragments began to scatter around, turning into a rain of blood, covering the entire space.

Everything changes rapidly!

Such a terrifying change shocked the Heisha and Tiger Style who were speeding towards them.

Their huge eyes were full of doubts.

what's the situation?

Where am I?

Why are such unscientific things happening before our eyes?

Was such a huge Tianqing torn into pieces by such a powerful force?

Although Tianqing is the weakest among the three.

But it's not much weaker.

At least they couldn't easily deal with the Tianqing like Lin Tianwei.

"Retreat, retreat quickly."

"Damn it, I was fooled."

"The Tiger King never used all his power before. He has been pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger!"

Adolf's angry voice was mixed with a hint of panic.

He never imagined that such a horrific thing would happen in front of him.

Tiger King, who was suppressed just a moment ago, actually completed the counterattack in an instant.

Looking at King Tiger's calm eyes, Adolf suddenly figured everything out.

They thought they were the hunters, but they didn't expect that they were just pitiful prey in Lin Tianwei's eyes.

There will always be only one real hunter, Lin Tianwei!

Looking at the rain of blood that keeps falling, it is the wreckage of the Tianqing, which is falling bit by bit.

Such a terrifying scene left Adolf unable to resist at all.

As the ultimate combat power of the United States, the Tianqing, Heisha and Tiger are the condensation of countless resources.

It is simply impossible to recreate it in a short period of time.

So even though he knew that it was very shameful to escape before the battle, Adolf still gave the order to retreat.

After hesitating for a moment, Adolf continued to order: "The remaining troops abandoned the original plan and launched a direct attack on the Tiger King Farm."

"Be sure to distract King Tiger and give Heisha and Tiger Shih time to escape."

At this point, Adolf's voice was already trembling.

The reason why these troops are near the Tiger King Farm is just to receive the resources from the Tiger King Farm in a timely manner.

As the commander of this battle, Adolf is naturally the winner of the greatest benefits.

But he didn't expect that these troops would actually be put to a different use at this moment.

In the battlefield.

The moment they received the order to retreat, without any hesitation, both Heisha and Tiger Style chose to escape.

Lying on all fours, they were extremely regretful at this time.

One of them is a powerful awakened beast that has been transformed countless times.

One is a carefully designed war mecha.

At this time, they all had the same idea.

That's why I didn't install a few more legs during the transformation to increase the speed of my movement.

Otherwise, how could he not be able to run fast enough?

Not fast enough?

Waiting for them will be the coming of death.

Want to run?

Lin Tianwei looked at the two prey in front of him with amusement.

Once within your attack range, no creature can even think of escaping.


With a tiger roar, Lin Tianwei ran again and launched this fatal pursuit.

The first one to bear the brunt is of course the Tiger pose.

It's not that Lin Tianwei and Heisha have any feelings and want to save it for the end.

It's simply because the Tiger driving the Tiger is slower.

After all, as a mecha, the Tiger's weight undoubtedly exceeds that of the Heisha.

In this case, it is impossible to outrun the black evil.

What's more, its heavy footsteps also made Lin Tianwei very upset.

It's really noisy!

His body turned into a golden lightning, and Lin Tianwei quickly approached Tiger Style.

Tiger had completely put away the weapons on the Tiger at this time.

It is impossible for these simple weapons to cause any harm to King Tiger.

On the contrary, because it is too flashy, it will increase air resistance and affect the speed of tiger running.

Although this resistance is almost negligible for the Tiger's terrifying driving ability.

But when creatures are afraid, especially when they are running away.

Huge fear will overwhelm their sanity.

Care too much about unimportant details.

Step, step, step,...

Those were light footsteps.

Tiger's expression changed drastically.

Because he noticed that Lin Tianwei's footsteps were getting closer and closer to him.

The Tiger is America's top mecha weapon.

In terms of perception equipment, the Tiger is also top-notch.

A super high-tech perception system that adopts hybrid mechanical and biological perception.

Even Lin Tianwei's limbs barely made any sound when he stepped on the ground.

But that small voice can still be captured by neglect.

Tiger's ghost appeared, his eyes full of fear.

If you let this terrifying tiger get close to you, death will be waiting for you.

And it was an extremely miserable death.

The shattered Tianqing was his fate.

However, he had no choice but to watch Lin Tianwei getting closer and closer to him.

This is the disadvantage of mechas. The upper limit has been fixed the moment it is built.

Even if all the power systems were turned on, the Tiger's speed was almost like an afterimage, but it was still no match for Lin Tianwei, who was chasing after him.

As if he was just a poor prey about to be hunted by a tiger.

"Why are you running? Hurry up and fight back!"

"The Tiger King has been injured by the Tianqing, and the sharp spikes have pierced his flesh and blood."

"Not to mention that the spikes also contain the terrifying atoxin."

"Don't look at him now as he is mighty and domineering, but he is just bluffing."

"You two against one can definitely defeat him easily."

"Silver Fox! Speedy mental attack on King Tiger."

"Let him also taste the horror of being dominated by mental attacks."

"You two losers took advantage of the silver fox's interference with the Tiger King and found the opportunity to fight back quickly."

"Escape? That's the weakest way to deal with an attack."

"Once defeated one by one, you will have no hope of winning."

"It can only be swallowed bit by bit by the Tiger King and turned into his food."

Just when Tiger and Heisha were frightened to death by Lin Tianwei, and the only thought in their minds was to escape, Adolf's hysterical shouting came from their minds.

It's hard to imagine that he could have the same effect as a sonic attack power user just by roaring.

Tiger and Heisha were so shocked that their scalps went numb.

How could Adolf not be hysterical?

This is the moment that determines the life and death of the United States. King Tiger has already shown extremely terrifying strength and directly tore apart the Tianqing.

But the sacrifice of the Tianqing was not in vain. After paying a heavy price, its spikes finally penetrated Lin Tianwei's body.

He was stabbed to a bloody pulp.

Not to mention that the apotoxin contained in the spikes was rapidly eroding Lin Tianwei's body.

You know, that's agonist toxin!

It only takes a small drop to poison countless awakened creatures.

And the spikes on Tianqing's body are not just coated with a little bit of apotoxin.

Adolf had reason to believe that Lin Tianwei's body must have been eroded by apotoxin.

Even if it is not fatal, it should at least greatly reduce his combat effectiveness.

Adolf's roar finally alerted Tiger and Heisha who were escaping.

The opponent who is chasing you may not be as strong as you think.

At this time, Lin Tianwei's body was not as perfect as the original work of art that seemed to explode with power.

The place where the sharp thorns penetrated was bloody and bloody, and blood was constantly seeping out. It looked so miserable.

The culprit that caused all this was not the Tianqing, but Lin Tianwei's own powerful power.

While breaking free from the constraints of the Tianqing, he inevitably brought his body into contact with the spikes of the Tianqing.

Under the powerful recoil of his own strength, he was stabbed to pieces.

Smelling the strong smell of blood in the air.

It belongs to the smell of blood on the Tiger King.

Coupled with Adolf's reminder, Heisha actually gradually slowed down his escape speed.

Under Heisha's powerful perception, it clearly sensed the condition of Lin Tianwei's body.

He quickly made a judgment on Lin Tianwei's situation.

The end of a strong crossbow is definitely the end of a strong crossbow.

At least it's holding on.

Now is the best time to launch a counterattack!

A look of shame flashed in his eyes. Heisha never imagined that he would be frightened by such a disabled awakened beast.

This is simply a shame for the country that claims to be the best in the world.


Heisha let out a low whimper.

This is the unique way it is communicating with Tiger.

Although it cannot produce human speech, the special translator carried by Heisha can accurately convey the meaning expressed by Heisha to Tiger.

Fight back, fight back, fight back!

Heisha's whimpers were full of anger.


The Heisha responded with the same angry roar of the Tiger.

In just a moment, they reached a consensus.

They are going to launch a fatal counterattack against Lin Tianwei behind them!

Under the deliberate adjustment of the two beasts, the distance between them became closer and closer.

Eventually it gradually came to a relatively parallel position.

Impartially, they happened to sandwich Lin Tianwei who was chasing them behind them, forming a siege.

Behind the two beasts, Lin Tianwei's speed exploded again.

This little trick of Heisha and Tiger Style was completely noticed by Lin Tianwei.

Faced with the siege of two terrifying giant beasts, Lin Tianwei had no intention of backing down.

Even though his body was bleeding profusely.

Even though he has been poisoned by the so-called agouti poison.

Even if he will face two terrifying beasts at the same time!

Lin Tianwei will use his terrifying strength to let all living things know.

He is the absolute king standing on this continent.

Even the absolute king standing on the entire Blue Star!

With a fierce light flashing in his eyes, Lin Tianwei launched a ruthless attack on Tiger Style.

When fighting against many, defeating them one by one is always the best option.

Although the Tiger is in beast form, it is still a mecha.

Attacks like chokeholds are basically useless against it.

Even after the head falls off, it does not affect the movement of its body at all.

Therefore, Lin Tianwei's sharp claws became the best choice to deal with Tiger Style.

As long as Lin Tianwei catches him, even the Tiger's armor, which is much thicker than that of the Tianqing, will only be torn apart.

The best opportunity to attack is only once!

With the help of the acceleration caused by fast running, Lin Tianwei resolutely launched an attack on the Tiger Style.

The tiger's claws seemed to be the sharpest magic weapon and launched a fierce attack on the tiger style.

However, at such a critical moment, as if there were eyes behind him, Tiger Style also responded immediately.

Better performance than the Tianqing makes the Tiger more flexible.

At the moment when Lin Tianwei's attack was about to hit Tiger's body, Tiger's speed ushered in a small burst.

He narrowly avoided Lin Tianwei's fatal attack.

Not only that, the Tiger Style's tail, which was covered with spikes and looked like a steel whip, struck Lin Tianwei's body like lightning.

Although the Tiger is a mecha, it is also a tiger born out of nature, retaining most of the tiger's basic structure.

The long tail, which is half the length of the entire body, is the key preservation item.

It can be used as a weapon to launch a fierce attack on the enemy behind you.

The spikes on the tiger's tail shimmered with light.

Obviously, this is also a big poisonous guy.

Once it hits Lin Tianwei's body, it will definitely beat him to pieces.

Not only that, the moment Lin Tianwei came into contact with Tiger Style, the Heisha not far away had already begun to approach here.

It won't take long for a two-on-one super disadvantageous situation to develop.

Faced with the lightning-like whip and the black evil that was about to arrive, Lin Tianwei had no intention of slowing down.

It's just a toy, not worth holding back.

Is Huwei's whip very fast?

But Lin Tianwei is faster!

With a simple movement, Lin Tianwei avoided the attack of the tiger's tail, and even grabbed a claw towards the root of the tiger's tail.

As long as it hits, Lin Tianwei's sharp claws can definitely cut off the root of the tiger's tail instantly.

Dispose of this powerful weapon in an instant.

At that time, the Tiger that loses its tail will not only lose a powerful weapon.

It will also affect one's own balance and greatly affect one's combat effectiveness.

Since it is a mecha made in imitation of a tiger, it is naturally impossible to remove the tiger tail's function of assisting the body's balance.

Lin Tianwei knows the timing of his attack very cleverly.

This is the critical moment when the old strength of the Tiger Style is not gone and new strength is not born.

In addition, Lin Tianwei is far faster than the Tiger.

This blow is inevitable!

However, at such a critical moment, Heisha had also arrived near the battlefield.

With a flying swoop, he launched an attack towards Lin Tianwei's position at an extremely fast speed.

If Lin Tianwei wants to attack, he will definitely be attacked by Heisha.

A tiger's tail in exchange for hurting one's body?

Not a fool knows how to choose this uneconomical deal.

However, just when everyone had the same idea, they discovered that Lin Tianwei had no intention of dodge at all.

Still maintaining the offensive posture, he launched an attack on the Tiger Style at an extremely fast speed.

The claws are raised, the tiger's tail is broken!

With almost no suspense, Lin Tianwei's sharp claws instantly cut off the tiger's tail.

Like a gecko's tail.

The tail that had just separated from the body of the Tiger Style still retained extremely high activity and was beating continuously on the ground.

It's just that without the control of the Tiger, it can no longer pose any threat to Lin Tianwei.

Without the tail, the body balance of Tiger pose is undoubtedly greatly affected.

He staggered immediately and almost lost his balance.

Fortunately, no special circumstances were considered in the Tiger's combat parameters.

Soon the emergency plan was activated to restore balance to the body in Tiger pose again.

It's just that it's impossible to regain the combat effectiveness at its peak.

Next to Lin Tianwei, Heisha's attack also struck again.

Sharp claws, sharp teeth, these are the deadly weapons of Heisha.

Although he still maintains his wolf form.

But as a super hybrid, Heisha's attack methods and physical condition can no longer be measured by ordinary wolf-shaped creatures.

So it actually did the amazing thing of attacking with its claws.

However, Lin Tianwei was not completely unprepared for Heisha's attack.

Even the Tiger Style has a powerful tiger tail. As a genuine tiger, how could Lin Tianwei not have a powerful tiger tail?

Generally speaking, the tiger's tail mostly plays a role in balancing the body, and is only used as a weapon at the most critical times.

But Lin Tianwei's 120-meter-long tiger tail is completely different.


Even the air produced a sonic boom due to the rapid twitching of the tiger's tail.

The attack of Lin Tianwei's tiger tail is no worse than the attack of the steel tiger tail on the Tiger Style.

Even slightly stronger.

Such a terrifying momentum naturally represents a powerful force.

Hei Sha's arms are very long, but they are not as long as Lin Tianwei's tiger tail.

Along with a golden shadow, Lin Tianwei's tiger tail whipped towards Hei Sha's head.

Especially Heisha's right eye is the target of Lin Tianwei's Huwei greetings.


It's a dull pain.

Looking at the tiger's tail that was about to attack his right face, Heisha felt the wound on his right face was aching again.

Its eyes were full of disbelief.

It was really hard to understand why the tiger in front of him could do so many incredible moves.

Even if he saw it once when he was fighting the Tianqing.

Now it seems that it is still enough to scare Heisha.

Lin Tianwei's body seemed to be divided into several different parts.

Each part is an independent entity and can fight independently.

Not only that, every part possesses extremely terrifying combat power.

Just like this terrifying tiger tail in front of me.

Although it is not covered by steel or blessed by spikes.

But just relying on that terrifying power and speed is not something Heisha can resist.

If Heisha wants to continue attacking.

Getting a concussion is absolutely inevitable.

However, even in the face of such a terrifying attack, Heisha had no intention of backing down.

It overcame the biological instinct and had the courage to fight Lin Tianwei?


How could a coward have such strength?

But don't forget, Heisha is the product of Plan B after all, with countless magical genes integrated into his body.

There are also a large number of secret hands hidden in the Bruno Institute.

Just when Hei Sha was afraid and had the idea of ​​​​escape, the Yanos Cult also issued an order, saying:

"Activate the fearless gene in Heisha."

"At the same time, the hormones hidden in Heisha's body are erupted, allowing it to exert its most powerful strength."

"What a waste. Although he has extremely powerful power, he doesn't dare to fight the Tiger King."

"Fortunately, we already knew that it was a coward, and we left enough hidden tricks on it."

"In the end, flesh and blood is better."

"Through the control of special substances such as hormones, it can explode with more powerful power."

"I wanted to leave some sense to Heisha. After all, mindless fighting is not advisable."

"But I didn't expect that this idiot had no sense of fighting at all. He is just a wolf in captivity. There is a huge difference."

"Completely activate the final means and turn Heisha into a fierce war machine that is not afraid of death!"

"Perhaps in this state, it can truly exert its due value."

"The huge resources that the United States has invested in it cannot be a waste."

I have to say that Ismail was really foresighted and nailed Heisha's character.

Although he had completely devoted himself to the Alpha Gene, he still arranged for Professor Janos to monitor the battlefield.

Make the right choice the first time.

But Professor Janos didn't expect Heisha to be so cowardly.

Just saw Lin Tianwei cut off the tiger's tail in the tiger style instantly.

Coupled with that terrifying tiger tail attack, Heisha actually felt timid.

It's not as timid as a terrifying giant beast hundreds of meters long.

This behavior simply made the American personnel watching the battle furious.

What kind of idiot is this? He has grown such a huge body for nothing.

Shame, this is a shame for all of America!

However, these people have not thought about one question, which is what kind of opponent Heisha faces.

That was Lin Tianwei, the most terrifying existence on the entire continent.

Even in the wild, wolves will choose to run away when faced with a terrifying tiger.

What's more, in front of him, Lin Tianwei was a tiger that was so terrifying that it was beyond Heisha's knowledge.

Escape is naturally the first choice to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

If it were them, they wouldn't even have the courage to stand in front of Lin Tianwei.

It's just that Heisha soon lost the opportunity to choose on his own.

Because Ismail has activated the backhand placed on it.

Almost as soon as the thought of escaping arose, Hei Sha's body changed.

The gradually bloodshot eyes are the best proof. (End of chapter)

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