Start extracting talents from Siberian tigers

Chapter 227 Evil comes from courage

Facing the terrifying tiger tail attack, Heisha seemed to be in a daze, refusing to dodge.

The right paw continued to attack Lin Tianwei with an unstoppable attitude.

However, its attack soon failed.

Not because of anything else, but because Lin Tianwei's tiger tail had slapped it hard on the head.

The terrifying power erupted the moment it came into contact with the black evil wolf head.

It pumped its body so much that it changed its position involuntarily.

It was precisely because of this that Heisha's seemingly terrifying blow missed and flew to the side, grazing Lin Tianwei's body.

one time?

If you think Lin Tianwei can only attack once, you would be too naive.

The tiger's tail whipped quickly, immediately splitting the skin and flesh of Hei Sha's wolf head.


The wolf is dead and the tiger is sad!

Tiger is not a fool, how could he watch Lin Tianwei launch a crazy attack on Heisha.

After letting out an angry roar, he turned around and launched a crazy attack on Lin Tianwei.

Iron teeth and bronze teeth!

He opened his big mouth in tiger posture and bit Lin Tianwei's body hard.

Once bitten, four terrifying canine teeth would instantly pierce Lin Tianwei's body, opening four terrifying blood skeletons on his body.

Such a terrifying attack, even Lin Tianwei had to temporarily avoid the edge.

He exerted force on his limbs and jumped backwards, dodging the seemingly fatal attack in front of him.

The first moment when Lin Tianwei fought with Heisha and Tiger Style, he ended up with a complete victory.

Heisha didn't know why, even though he was just hit on the head by Lin Tianwei, he fell to the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

He showed no intention of getting up.

Such a terrifying scene made everyone take a breath.

It was as if the seriously injured beast was not King Tiger, but the two terrifying behemoths that were once intact in front of him.

"How can it be?"

"How could King Tiger have such terrifying strength?"

Oslo couldn't help but shout.

Adolf next to him was also stunned.

Why are things completely different from what you imagined?

Adolf had some doubts about life.

Shouldn't Tiger Style and Heisha work together to surround the seriously injured Tiger King and kill him with overwhelming force?

Why did he see the Tiger King defeating Heisha and Tiger Style with his severely wounded body?

This is simply an incredible scene.

"Milosh, what are you doing?"

"Why didn't the Silver Fox launch a psychic attack?"

"Why is King Tiger's attack so unaffected?"

It's human nature to blame others.

Adolf questioned Miloš almost as soon as he reacted.

Facing Adolf's question, Miloš looked at the sluggish silver fox beside him and fell into deep speechlessness.

He is not an idiot, how could he let Silver Fox retain his strength for some selfish reasons at such a critical moment.

But there is no way.

The silver fox's mental power had been almost drained, and the mental attacks were used again and again, but the Tiger King showed no reaction at all.

It's as if the so-called powerful spiritual attack doesn't exist at all.

In such a scene, it was Miloš who doubted life the most.

Why was it that King Tiger couldn't withstand the mental attack of the silver fox when he fought with the Tianqing before?

Now when fighting Tiger Style and Heisha, there is no sign of sluggishness.

Could it be that Tiger King was playing me before?

Such a magical idea suddenly appeared in Milosh's mind.

The Tiger King, who is besieged by three terrifying behemoths, actually still has time to play himself?

How ridiculous is this fact?

However, Milosh's heart told him that this was the truth.

A cruel truth to the extreme.

He seemed to see King Tiger's body elongating infinitely and becoming twisted.

It was like an indescribable monster, casting a shadow over the entire battlefield.

The difference in strength is really too big.

The seemingly seriously injured Tiger King is simply playing a cat and mouse game.

Thinking of this, while Milosh felt despair, an inexplicable sense of excitement arose spontaneously.

If, if I could contract with the terrifying Tiger King, how terrifyingly would my strength increase?

How horribly will your power and status grow?

At that time, maybe the Adolf who was shouting at him will also be severely trampled under his feet.

Thinking of this, Milosh looked at the silver fox beside him with disgust.

What a waste.

Not even as good as a Tiger King.

It cannot have the slightest impact on the Tiger King and has lost its use value.

Thinking of this, an idea flashed through Milosh's mind, and he immediately replied to Adolf:

"Mr. Adolf, I'm very sorry."

"Perhaps King Tiger was prepared after the first mental attack, so subsequent mental attacks did not work."

"But it doesn't matter, I still have one last trick."

"That is to drain all the vitality and mental power of the silver fox and let it deliver a powerful blow."

"I will let it take action at the critical moment. Please give me another chance, Adolf."

How could Adolf not know the horror of Tiger King?

The reason why he insulted Milosh was just to find someone to vent his anger on.

This is what is known as impotent rage.

Unexpectedly, Milosh actually gave him a huge surprise.

A trick?

Although this will cause Milosh to lose a ninth-level awakened beast with great potential.

But as long as the Tiger King can be completely eliminated, everything will be worth it.

Thinking of this, Adolf ordered: "Milosh, you did a good job."

"At such a critical moment, the sacrifice of a ninth-level awakened beast is worth it."

"You must seize the time and launch a fatal blow to the Tiger King at the critical moment."

"After successfully killing the Tiger King, I will definitely give you the first credit!"

First achievement?

It's just a cake.

As the commander of this battle, the lion's share of the credit for killing the Tiger King could only belong to Adolf.

What's more, his adjutant Oslo wants a share of the pie, so it's impossible for Milosh to have his turn.

But there is no need to take responsibility for saying this, and Adolf wrote a bad check to Miloš without any psychological burden.

Although he didn't believe it in his heart, Miloš still pretended to be grateful and said: "Thank you Mr. Adolf for your cultivation."

"I will definitely take action at the most critical moment and let the silver fox launch a fatal blow to the Tiger King!"

After finishing speaking, Miloš hung up the intercom, kicked the silver fox next to him hard, and said:

"Be grateful to me, you are about to be relieved."

"What a waste. You are not worthy of the noble me."

"Only an awakened beast as powerful as King Tiger is worthy of becoming my contracted beast."

"I'm really looking forward to the scene when I step on the noble head of the Tiger King."

"I believe the expressions of these people will be very wonderful when the time comes."

Thinking of this, Milosh even saw the scene where he trampled Lin Tianwei under his feet.

I couldn't help but burst out laughing.

He really wanted to find a good opportunity to deal with the Tiger King, but not to kill him, but to beat him to a serious disability.

It is convenient for you to conquer him.

It just so happens that the trash Silver Fox can play the pitiful role he had before his death.

I believe that it must feel very honored to be able to lay down its life for its master.


In the battlefield.

Facing Lin Tianwei alone, Tiger felt so stressed that he was numb.

It was promised to crush the opponent in two-on-one, but now it has become two-on-one and is crushed by the opponent.

Not only that, his teammates are also such trash.

He was hit hard on the head by Lin Tianwei's tiger tail several times, and fell to the ground with some serious injuries.

Who are you talking about?

Do you think you can still live after I die? The situation in front of you really made Tiger vomit blood.

He really wanted to ask if he could let him go if he told Lin Tianwei that he was just passing by.

Or for the sake of being a tiger, he could spare his life.

But seeing Lin Tianwei's majestic eyes, Tiger Shik knew that this was just an extravagant wish.

He could only steel himself up, show his sharp teeth, and let out a low growl at Lin Tianwei.

It seemed that he wanted to use this method to persuade Lin Tianwei to retreat.

But this method is obviously useless.

Because Lin Tianwei was walking towards him at a very steady pace.

Although it was unpleasant, it put a lot of pressure on him.

Lin Tianwei took a step forward, and Tiger took a step back.

This scene looks extremely funny to everyone, extremely ridiculous.

This battle is not like a battle where the United States declares its great power to Blue Star.

On the contrary, it is like a battle where King Tiger declares his great power to everyone.

But those who followed the battle closely could hardly laugh out loud.

No matter how bad America is, at least it is still a member of the human race.

No matter how friendly he appears, Tiger King is still a member of the Awakened Beasts.

There is an irreconcilable natural contradiction between the two.

So no matter what, everyone hopes that the United States will win.

Not this ferocious tiger in front of me.

No one knows when those sharp teeth will bite him.

Zhang Lin, in particular, was watching the battle with solemn eyes.

To be honest, in this battle, the United States showed great strength.

Each of the three giant beasts has powerful power and its own unique attributes.

It was a perfect show of strength had the fight not probably been lost.

A perfect display of power to everyone on Blue Star.

However, the United States, with such terrifying strength, overturned and became as helpless as a child under the claws of the Tiger King.

Carefully analyze the strength shown by Heisha, Tiger and Tianqing.

Zhang Lin discovered with great despair that China's strength was equivalent to that of the United States.

It might be stronger, but its strength is very limited.

If even the United States is defeated by the Tiger King, China may not be able to resist.

Although the United States was harmed by Lin Tianwei, the development of its strength was greatly affected.

But after all, he is the birthplace of mutation, and he has received gifts from the Yehuo Forest, so the speed of his strength development cannot be too slow.

Even China, which is trying its best to govern, cannot widen the gap too much.

Seeing Lin Tianwei's sudden surge in strength, Zhang Lin even felt that it was not safe even though he was separated from the United States by the Pacific Ocean.

Who knows whether this deep and terrifying Pacific Ocean can stop the equally terrifying King Tiger.

You know, King Tiger has a record of repelling giant whales in the Arctic Ocean.

No one can underestimate his water fighting ability.

Almighty, what a terrifying monster.

Now we can only hope that the United States has other means to stop this terrifying behemoth.

Corrado thought the same thing.

From the beginning, I hoped that both the United States and Lin Tianwei would suffer, and now I am cheering for the United States.

Corrado's mentality has undergone a huge change.

As a good neighbor of the United States, if even the United States is harmed, how can I be spared?

He would not naively think that the Tiger King, an awakened beast, would let him go.

By then, a new country may be built on this land.

Belongs to the country of tigers.

In fact, after the mutation reaches a certain level, even the awakened beast has enough wisdom.

Therefore, no one doubts whether a country of awakened beasts can be developed.

Zhang Lin’s thoughts and Corrado’s thoughts are also everyone’s thoughts.

When it comes to racial issues, no one expects the United States to lose.

Some people even began to pray, praying to illusory gods, begging for victory that belongs to the United States.

But no matter what others think, they can't prevent the outcome of this battle.

The only people who can affect the outcome of this battle are the two parties participating in the battle.

Just when Lin Tianwei and Tiger were playing a game of running away and chasing each other, a terrifying roar suddenly sounded nearby.


It was the sound made by Heisha, who had been silent for a long time.

It's just that although Heisha has stood up again at this time, it has undergone great changes compared to before.

A pair of eyes had completely turned into a violent blood red due to blood congestion.

There is only cruelty in it, but there is no rationality at all.

The wolf's mouth opened slightly, and saliva dripped down.

The moment the saliva fell to the ground, it had a chemical reaction with the weeds.

It's like the most terrifying strong acid, and it's like a venom containing some kind of terrifying toxin.

As a black smoke drifted past, the weeds instantly turned into ashes.

It's hard to imagine how terrible things would happen if such a terrifying toxin was injected into the body.

The greatest ability of Heisha is not its combat power, but its extremely terrifying self-healing ability.

In the beginning, Lin Tianwei even suffered a big loss.

If he hadn't taken advantage of the river water, it would have been difficult for him to defeat Heisha.

Naturally, Heisha, who was famous for his self-healing ability, could not be killed by Lin Tianwei with just a few tail slaps.

Although Heisha has a strong survival instinct, he still has some strength.

The reason why it didn't move was just because of the backhand Ismail left on it.

Although the fearless gene is activated, Heisha's sanity is gradually being digested.

While not feeling pain, he will also completely lose his mind and turn into a war machine.

The most important thing is that activation of the fearlessness gene is irreversible.

In other words, once activated, Heisha will completely transform into a war beast that has no emotions and only knows how to kill.

There is no doubt that this represents a huge risk.

Once he loses his mind, Heisha is like a beast that has completely broken free of its restraints.

Even the Bruno Institute, which has reserved countless control methods in advance, will find it difficult to regain control.

It was precisely for this reason that Ismail made a great determination and decided to activate the fearless gene.

In order to win this battle, she had made a desperate move.

Even if Lin Tianwei is defeated, maybe Heisha can become another monster.

Of course, they are also enemies, and idiots like Heisha are obviously much easier to deal with than Lin Tianwei.

Once the hormones hidden in Heisha's body are activated, they will also undergo very terrifying changes.

For flesh and blood, hormones are a very magical thing.

It allows the body to unleash its great potential.

However, this potential is a squeeze on the body.

The huge amount of hormones allows the Black Evil to explode with terrifying power, but will also damage its body.

Squeeze the potential out of every cell in its body.

It can be expected that after this battle, it will definitely fall into an extremely weak state.

As for death?

Black Evil not only has a terrifying self-healing ability, but also has the ability to resurrect. This small injury is not enough to kill it.

His nose twitched slightly, and Heisha quickly distinguished the scent in the air.

There were two behemoths in front of him, one of which seemed to be his companion.

And another aura that was familiar and disgusting to the wolf was obviously his enemy.

Yes, Ismail was fully prepared before the war began.

Apply a lot of breath to Tiger pose beforehand.

This kind of aura can make the irrational Heisha recognize it as a partner.

At least until Lin Tianwei, the great enemy, is eliminated, there will be no scene of cannibalism.

Otherwise, once the black evil spirit loses its mind and starts fighting with the tiger style, it will really be a joke.

Seemingly confirming his enemy, Heisha bared his teeth at Lin Tianwei.

There was a dangerous look in his eyes.

Lin Tianwei also looked at Heisha with interest.

In fact, all the changes that happened to Heisha were under his perception.

He is not an idiot who is so naive that he kills the enemy without finishing the last hit.

It's just that the extremely obvious changes in Heisha's body made Lin Tianwei a little interested, so he let go.

At this point in the battle, it was completely meaningless to him.

I was originally looking forward to what kind of opponent the United States could send.

But he didn't expect that his strength would be so poor, which made Lin Tianwei very distressed.

This trouble of having great power but not being able to find an opponent made him feel empty and helpless.

Being too strong may not be a good thing.

So he has enough patience with his enemies.

Let them grow even more to satisfy their desire to fight.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei looked at Tiger Style who was retreating.

Heisha has changed, but why hasn't the iron lump in front of him changed at all?

Could it be that it is a useless piece of trash?

Of course the Tiger cannot be useless.

The difference in combat effectiveness between beast-shaped mechas and humanoid mechas is not only reflected in their form.

The beast-shaped mecha also has more enhancement methods.

Going crazy like a black evil spirit is the hidden strength of Tiger Style.

In the cockpit of the Tiger, there is actually a terrifying madness potion hidden.

As long as this madness potion is injected into Tiger's body, he will instantly lose his mind and turn into the most ferocious beast.

At this time, the Tiger Style controlled by him will also become more powerful.

It's just that doing this is very useless to Tiger.

Although the effect of the madness potion is very significant, it has an extremely terrifying destructive effect on the target's body and spirit.

Although he won't completely fall into madness like Heisha.

But at least it will be completely impossible to perfectly pilot such a huge mecha in the future.

This is completely unacceptable to the United States.

As a rare beast psychic, he is also a beast psychic with the ability to drive mechas.

Tiger is quite precious.

Naturally, it was impossible for the United States to inject him with a madness agent at the beginning of the war.

However, as the battle began, after Lin Tianwei gained the advantage with a devastating gesture, the United States completely lost the opportunity to use the madness potion against Tiger.

After all, it takes a certain amount of time for the potion to take effect.

During this period of time, just like the Black Demon just now, Tiger Style will be in a very passive state.

Even if it was only ten seconds, it was enough for Lin Tianwei to kill three or five times in Tiger Style.

So this is the reason why the United States is so defensive.

As for the black evil?

It is completely different.

With its terrifying self-healing and resurrection abilities, it is not afraid of death at all.

Even if Lin Tianwei takes the opportunity to kill him, the tiger style only needs to buy it some time, and the black evil will be resurrected with more powerful power.

This is also why Ismail is so decisive.

It's too late to say it, but it's soon!

Heisha ran again and attacked Lin Tianwei.

But this time, with the addition of various BUFFs, Heisha's speed reached a very terrifying level.

A conservative estimate is that it is at least 30% faster than before.

Even though it was only 30%, given such a huge size, 30% was enough to overtake Lin Tianwei's speed.

Let Heisha crush Lin Tianwei's speed.

Heisha, who only had his bloodthirsty instinct left, was more cautious.

He did not launch a direct attack on Lin Tianwei, but instead ran around Lin Tianwei's body.

Because its perception told it that the seriously injured tiger in front of it was a very terrifying opponent.

An opponent worthy of its utmost attention.

As Heisha ran quickly, its body gradually turned into a black shadow.

Like a black belt, it surrounded Lin Tianwei.

And the encirclement formed by Heisha is still shrinking.

When the encirclement shrinks to a certain extent, that's when Heisha will launch a fatal blow to Lin Tianwei.

far away.

Tiger Shik, who was originally a participant in the battle, now turned into a spectator, staring blankly at the Heisha who was surrounding Lin Tianwei.

His teammates suddenly became more energetic, which made him ecstatic.

But this feeling of being unable to intervene also made him very uncomfortable.

After hesitating for a moment, Tiger made a difficult decision.

He planned to give up direct melee combat and use long-range attacks to assist Heisha in attacking Lin Tianwei.

As Tiger's thoughts changed, as if a certain mechanism had been touched, the form of the Tiger Style also changed.

With the crackling sound of transformation, the tiger posture quickly changed into a new posture.

An even more terrifying posture, like a war fortress! (End of chapter)

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