Seeing Lin Tianwei's cosmic beast coming back again, he felt numb.

Although Lin Tianwei has already shown similar abilities.

But the cosmic beast believed that since the other party had run away in despair, it was naturally impossible for him to come back again.

Come back again to face yourself who is too powerful to contend with.

Escape is the opponent's best option to save his life.

But he didn't expect that the other party would return to the battlefield immediately, as if he was not afraid of him at all.

Are you not afraid of your powerful self at all?

This is impossible!

However, what the cosmic beast thought was impossible actually happened in front of his eyes, making the cosmic beast feel like his majesty was offended.

But he didn't know how ridiculous its so-called majesty looked in Lin Tianwei's eyes.

A fool whose own head had been shattered actually showed his authority in front of him?

Then let him see who is the real king.

Without hesitation, Lin Tianwei's body could approach the cosmic beast at extremely fast speeds without even using any force due to his powerful water control ability.

Although the cosmic beast is powerful, it does not possess similar talents.

In addition, it is not an aquatic creature.

Although the organs of some aquatic creatures were added after Hei Sha died of Lin Tianwei.

But in order not to affect its combat effectiveness, it can barely breathe in the water.

Facing Lin Tianwei's attack, this time, it had no way to avoid it.

Soon they were bullied by Lin Tianwei again, and they were locked together again in a forceful posture.

Through the golden light representing the origin, Lin Tianwei saw the rapidly recovering head of the cosmic beast.

I have to say that the origin is really a magical thing.

Even such horrific injuries can heal quickly.

However, the time given to the cosmic behemoth was still too short.

There are still four huge holes in his head that have not healed.

That was the fatal damage caused by Lin Tianwei's four large fangs.

Without hesitation, Lin Tianwei opened his huge mouth again.

This time, he plans to do it again.

Use the same method to continue attacking the cosmic beast.

Under the influence of the talent of sharp teeth, although Lin Tianwei had just performed the toothless technique, his teeth still grew out at an extremely fast speed.

Although the new teeth are more immature, they are no less sharp.

With a cold light flashing, he bit into the head of the cosmic beast.

Those four huge holes are the best breakthrough points, enough for Lin Tianwei to break through the body of the cosmic beast with the minimum force.

Facing Lin Tianwei's huge mouth that quickly stretched out, a light flashed in the eyes of the cosmic beast, and it roared angrily:

"Naive, you are just too naive."

"Do you think you might do the same trick to me a second time?"

"You insidious and cunning ant!"

Facing Lin Tianwei's attack, the cosmic beast also had a way to deal with it this time.

In other words, if it hadn't been too careless and overconfident in its own defense the first time, it would have been impossible for it to be fooled by Lin Tianwei.

Who could have known that Lin Tianwei's seemingly ordinary tiger's mouth actually contained such terrifying power.

Neck like a snake!

Just when Lin Tianwei's attack was about to hit the cosmic behemoth, this time the terrifying behemoth burst out with its true strength at the most critical moment.

Similar to Lin Tianwei's previous talent of incarnating all things, the cosmic beast changed its body structure at critical moments.

Then at great speed, taking advantage of Lin Tianwei's failed attack, he launched a counterattack against him.

Seeing Lin Tianwei's tiger head so close at hand, a trace of pride flashed in the heart of the cosmic beast.

This is called using the other person's way to repay the other person's body.

The cunning ants also had their heads bitten into pieces. You don’t have the strength to survive like us.

Looking at the head so close at hand, the cosmic beast even felt that he had smelled the charming fragrance of flesh and blood on Lin Tianwei's head.

Take one bite, crush it completely, turn it into food and swallow it, it will definitely have a different taste.

The comfortable giant beast seems to be happier than defeating a powerful opponent.

It really hates Lin Tianwei who has made him suffer endlessly.

Faced with the huge mouth that was about to bite him, Lin Tianwei remained calm and unhurried.

It seemed that this situation was completely expected by him.

Talent: Needle Tail (Extraordinary)!

Lin Tianwei's slender tiger power turned into a weapon and stabbed hard at the body of the cosmic beast.

With the addition of various talents, Lin Tianwei came second and was the first to stab the body of the cosmic beast with the tiger's tail.

The powerful needle tail was like a meteor on the horizon and instantly concentrated the body of the cosmic beast.

Although the scales of the cosmic beast have very high defense, they cannot withstand Lin Tianwei's point-breaking attack.

Precise guidance, kill in one shot!

Lin Tianwei's attack instantly broke through the scales of the cosmic beast and penetrated into its flesh and blood.

However, this is not Lin Tianwei's main attack.

The terrifying toxin contained in the tiger's tail is Lin Tianwei's method of dealing with the enemy.

Under the squeeze of the muscles, the tiger's tail is like a needle injecting the long-lasting venom into the body of the cosmic beast.

Talent: Displacement (extraordinary)!

The more critical this moment is, the more life-and-death struggle there is and no loss can be tolerated.

Lin Tianwei, who still has three clones, naturally has to make good use of these three clones to achieve greater results.

I have to say that the space system ability is extremely easy to use.

This transformation not only allowed Lin Tianwei to avoid the deadly attack of the cosmic beast, but also allowed him to return to the farm and replenish his supplies.

The most important thing is that the moment Lin Tianwei returned to the farm, he actually felt a golden light being injected directly into his body.


Where does it come from?

Why do I also get the origin?

Lin Tianwei was not a fool, so how could he ignore his origins that were wandering all over the sky.

After all, this is a precious resource that even the behemoths of the universe covet.

It's just that the ethereal thing like the origin doesn't seem to be an ownerless thing.

Although Lin Tianwei wanted to cut off Hu, he found that he could not obtain any source at all.

It's as if these origins have been marked by the giant beasts of the universe, and they are things that do not belong to them at all.

It was this situation that made Lin Tianwei give up directly on obtaining the origin.

But I didn't expect that there would be an unexpected surprise when I returned to the farm this time.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei began to replenish food and began to inquire about the origin of the source.


It's actually him?

Lin Tianwei looked at Barrios who was busy at the side with some surprise.

This person once provided himself with magical power and improved his mental attributes.

But he didn't expect that at this time, he would actually provide himself with the original power.

It's a pity that although Lin Tianwei gained new power, he couldn't use it at all.

You can only let the original power gather in the depths of your mind, hoping to play its role at the critical moment.

Talent: Displacement (extraordinary)!

Lin Tianwei didn't have much time left. This time, it only took him five seconds to feel the collapse of No. 3.

It can be seen that this time the cosmic beast must be extremely angry.

Sure enough, when Lin Tianwei appeared in the Antarctic waters again, what he saw was the furious cosmic beast.

It was satisfied that it would work and returned the favor, but it didn't expect that it would meet Lin Tianwei, who was even more cunning.

In the end, instead of causing any harm to Lin Tianwei, he was successfully attacked by Lin Tianwei and a large amount of toxins were injected into his body.

These toxins are the power that Lin Tianwei has accumulated for a long time.

Even the cosmic beasts are having a hard time.

What's more, it's like a chain reaction.

The toxins Lin Tianwei injected into the body of the cosmic beast also triggered the annihilation virus remaining in the body of the cosmic beast.

The two cooperated with each other to wreak havoc in the body of the cosmic beast, causing terrible damage to it.

The golden light that gradually spreads all over its body is the best proof.

That was the cosmic beast using its origin to relieve its own injuries.

Looking at Lin Tianwei who had left and returned, this time, there was no surprise in the eyes of the cosmic beast.

Some are just deep hatred.

This damn tiger jumped sideways repeatedly and came back to him again.

But there was nothing he could do against him.


Maybe I should spend more money.

Thinking of this, the body of the cosmic beast glowed with golden light.

This time, he actually took the initiative to attack Lin Tianwei.

The cosmic beast was very fast, or Lin Tianwei had no intention of dodging at all.

The two collided together again.

At the moment of collision, huge force exploded, shaking the entire body of water.

Not only that, the limbs of the cosmic beast and Lin Tianwei were tightly wrapped around each other's bodies.

The cosmic behemoth snorted coldly: "This time, you damn ant will definitely not be able to escape."

"I'll show you what it means to be truly irresistible."

A huge burst of power.

This time, the cosmic beast actually displayed more powerful power than before.

The burning of the origin injected terrifying power into this huge body.

Holding the tiger in his arms and killing him, he actually planned to crush Lin Tianwei's body into pieces while alive.

Not only that, the cosmic beast once again opened its bloody mouth, leaking out its disparate teeth.

In one bite, he bit Lin Tianwei hard.

Along with it came the single horn on the forehead of the cosmic beast.

It's not a decoration.

The sharpness is even more exaggerated than the teeth of the cosmic beast, and it can easily penetrate all enemies in front of it.

Lin Tianwei never imagined that he would encounter such a terrifying awakening just after arriving here.


In Lin Tianwei's perception, he has completely lost contact with the outside world.

It was obvious that the cosmic beast had completely blocked this space in order to prevent him from repeating his same tricks.

In this battle, unless one side dies first, it is absolutely impossible to unblock the space.

There can only ever be one winner!

Faced with such a desperate situation, a trace of madness flashed in Lin Tianwei's eyes.

We finally got to this point.

The moment came when he had to fight with all his might.

Without any intention of defending, Lin Tianwei allowed the cosmic beast to attack his body.

The only movable tiger tail and tiger head turned into weapons and began the final battle with the cosmic beast.

Although his body is imprisoned, Lin Tianwei's maneuverable space is actually very large due to the countless talents outside him.

Even if his body is suppressed by the cosmic beast, he can still unleash his power to the fullest.

The body twisted strangely again.

But this time Lin Tianwei chose not to defend but to attack.

The tiger's mouth once again opened to an exaggerated extent, as if it could swallow everything completely, and Lin Tianwei quickly bit into the cosmic beast.


Almost at the same time, the teeth and horn of the cosmic beast hit Lin Tianwei's head.

Lin Tianwei's teeth also hit the cosmic beast's neck hard.

This time it can be said that both sides suffer losses.

With almost no hesitation, the two sides began to exert force on each other, biting each other's body with their hard-working teeth.

The eyes of the cosmic beast are also full of madness.

That is the joy of victory.

He did not believe that the huge tiger in front of him could possess the same terrifying power as himself.

Able to repair one's own brain through the source.

Once you bite his head into pieces, that will be your moment of victory.

As for your neck?

Even biting his own head into pieces wouldn't be fatal, let alone his own neck.

How stupid is the other party to do such a stupid thing?

But the moment the giant cosmic beast bit into Lin Tianwei's head, its expression immediately changed.

No, something's wrong.

It was completely different from the expected crunchy texture. The cosmic beast felt like it was biting into a puddle of mud.

This is definitely not the way a head should feel.

Sure enough, in its perception, it discovered that Lin Tianwei's head had become like dough and could be kneaded at will.

Such a weird form is the enemy of physical attacks.

The seemingly terrifying attack of the cosmic beast was unable to cause much harm to Lin Tianwei.

On the other hand, look at Lin Tianwei.

At the moment when the head was bitten into pieces, his teeth also bit the neck of the cosmic beast.

With a crisp click, the neck supporting the cosmic beast was instantly bitten off by Lin Tianwei.

It only took a moment for it to fall into the embarrassing situation of being separated from its head.

Talent: Thousands of incarnations (extraordinary)!

This extraordinary talent hides terrifying power, and it finally bursts out at this most critical moment.

Let Lin Tianwei rebel against Tiangang, defeat the strong with the weak, and bite off the neck of the giant beast in the universe.

Taking advantage of the cosmic beast's stupefaction, Lin Tianwei's body, which was restrained by the cosmic beast, became even more bizarrely twisted.

How could Lin Tianwei, who had countless talents of incarnation, be restrained in such a simple way.

Everything is just a scam by Lin Tianwei.

Like an indescribable thing, Lin Tianwei's body twisted strangely, separated from the gap between the palms of the cosmic beast, and re-condensed Lin Tianwei's body on the other side.

Lin Tianwei's body is intact! (End of chapter)

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