However, this seemingly flawless way of responding to the enemy is very demanding on physical strength.

The original owner of this talent collapsed because he did not have enough physical strength to support the performance of this talent.

Although Lin Tianwei has more physical strength.

But the body is also larger and more powerful.

Every time you use the thousands of incarnation talents, the consumption of physical strength is also extremely terrifying.

This is also the reason why he used the final form of this talent at such a critical moment.

On the other side, the cosmic behemoths are also in the same general situation.

With the support of thousands of incarnation talents, it would be seriously injured every time it fought with Lin Tianwei.

After all, it doesn't have as many bug-like talents as Lin Tianwei has.

With its flesh and blood body, although it possesses more powerful power, it is no match for Lin Tianwei.

If it hadn't been for the assistance of Origin, it would have fallen into Lin Tianwei's hands long ago.

However, the strength of the cosmic beast is that it possesses a large amount of original power.

This battle turned into a war of attrition.

A battle of consumption of origin and physical strength.

Which one is more powerful, the cosmic behemoth with few origins, or Lin Tianwei, who is tenacious and has abundant physical strength.

No living thing knows the answer to this question.

Even the two warring parties cannot know.

They can only collide again and again, consuming the few capital in the body.

Trying to completely wear down the opponent in this war of attrition.

half an hour.

One hour.

Three hours!

This war of attrition will undoubtedly last longer than everyone imagined.

But as time went by, the situation gradually became clearer.

It is a cosmic behemoth, which makes it even more advantageous.

In this three-hour war of attrition, the cosmic beast was also exhausted, but it was completely different from Lin Tianwei.

No matter how powerful Lin Tianwei is, all he has is the power in his current body.

The cosmic beast is different.

Although there is not much essence in its body, it can obtain the essence by constantly harvesting the lives of blue star creatures.

And the acquisition of the origin is not affected by the enchantment.

In other words, Lin Tianwei has actually been fighting a war of attrition against an opponent who can continuously obtain energy replenishment.

This kind of behavior is undoubtedly very disadvantageous.

The feedback to Lin Tianwei was that his body became weaker and weaker.

Even the body that was originally over a kilometer long began to shrink due to the intense consumption of energy, and could only barely maintain a body size of about 500 meters.

Seeing that I had the advantage, the cosmic beast also became excited and said arrogantly:

"Hahahaha, ants are ants after all, and they are destined to die in my hands."

"The biggest mistake you made in your life was not running away the first time you met me."

"And now, I'm about to harvest your life."

"It's really ironic to say that the thing you desperately protect is the culprit that ruins your life."

"Without the help of these rubbish, I might not be able to win this battle."

"Watch carefully, how I tear you and what you protect together with me."

Saying this, the cosmic beast's right claw quickly stretched out and instantly penetrated Lin Tianwei's body at an extremely terrifying speed.

The shrinkage of the body also represents the shrinkage of strength.

Lin Tianwei, who was once able to compete with the giant beasts of the universe, is now suppressed in all directions.

There was no chance to breathe at all.

However, even in the face of such a crisis, Lin Tianwei still had no fear in his eyes.

It was as if the words of the cosmic monster were just farting.


How could he die so easily?

How could I, who had countless talents, die so easily?

The so-called human escape plan is actually the back-up plan left by Lin Tianwei.

They would never have imagined that among the flesh and blood samples they transported, there was a mass of flesh and blood belonging to Lin Tianwei hidden inside.

Since Lin Tianwei was able to grow back with just a ball of flesh and blood with the help of his two talents of complete metamorphosis and rejuvenation.

So this time Lin Tianwei would definitely not die so easily.

But this plan carries huge risks.

That is, the universe is also full of dangers.

It is not yet known whether human beings, whose technology is not yet developed enough, will be qualified to survive in the universe.

However, this is the only way Lin Tianwei can think of, the way to stay at the bottom of the box.

Help Blue Star buy time?

That also helps you buy time.

It's a pity that even Lin Tianwei, who was so desperate, still couldn't defeat this powerful cosmic beast in front of him.

The power of the source is really too incomprehensible, causing the balance of victory to gradually tilt in the direction of the cosmic beast.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei sighed deeply.

He still has the strength to fight, but he has no chance of winning against the cosmic behemoth with endless origins.

fail? Maybe I will fail like that.

Taste the first failure in your life.

However, just when Lin Tianwei was about to give up, something that could change the fate of the entire Blue Star quietly happened.

That was a huge change that no one could have imagined.

at the Bruno Institute.

Looking at the death ripple that has crossed the equator and wiped out the entire southern hemisphere,

Then he looked at Lin Tianwei, who was at the end of his crossbow and seemed to have been killed by the giant beast in the universe.

Ismail took a deep breath.

Smashing his fists on the table, Ismail roared angrily: "What are you idiots still thinking about?"

"Death is indeed a very scary thing, but now we have no right to choose at all."

"Sacrifice everything to help Lord Tiger King win, and we may still have a chance of survival."

"But if you hesitate any longer, it will be the ultimate death for the entire Blue Star."

"We really don't have time!"

"Is the hesitation in your hearts worthy of Lord Tiger King who is fighting for Blue Star?"

"Shame, you are simply a disgrace to Blue Star!"

"I really didn't expect you to be so weak and incompetent when facing the life and death of the entire Blue Star."

"If you don't do this, then I will do it."

"Even if my personal power is limited and I can only help Lord Tiger King a little, it will still be ten thousand times better than you doing nothing!"

Ismail's words were deafening and enlightening, and finally moved the participants of this meeting that decided the fate of the entire Blue Star.


This is indeed a difficult choice.

But in the face of ten deaths and nine deaths, as long as you are not a fool, you will know what to choose.


Almost instantly, the vast majority of participants in this meeting made their final decision.

A decision that could change Blue Star's fate.

Somewhere in the northern hemisphere, the leader of Luo Country, Rostero, stood up excitedly.

As one of the places closest to the equator, he was the original executor of this plan.

The mottled silver hair on his head also became shiny at this moment, saying:

“I didn’t expect that I made the right choice to stay.”

"Destroy, destroy everything."

"Perhaps only by destroying everything can we usher in new life."

Thinking of this, Rostro pressed the button he had been waiting for for a long time without hesitation.

The button that determines the firing rights of all high-tech weapons in the entire area.

No coincidence.

Similar things are happening in most places in the Northern Hemisphere, especially those near the equator, and this plan has already begun to be implemented.

Never before have humans been so united in formulating a plan.

A plan covering half of Blue Star.

Countless high-tech weapons quickly streaked across the sky like meteors in the night sky.

Start shooting towards the destination.

Only this time, the target location for launching these weapons is no longer the Antarctic waters.

It's the land they live in, a land with countless creatures!

For the last dignity of Blue Star, they chose to die calmly.

That's right, just die calmly.

This will be a suicide plan that sweeps the entire Blue Star.

The purpose is to eliminate all living creatures still living on Blue Star.

Such a crazy plan is certainly not because the humans on Blue Star have gone crazy and fallen into irrational madness.

Such a desperate choice is naturally to help Lin Tianwei win this battle.

Victory in this war to defend Blue Star's sovereignty.

In fact, although the death ripples that permeated the entire Blue Star seemed unsolvable, it was not absolutely unsolvable.

Through careful observation, Ismail finally discovered an extremely terrifying truth.

That is, the dead and lifeless creatures will not turn into powder and become the fertilizer that provides the source of the giant beasts in the universe.

This was the final plan in Ismail's mind.

Just kill the creatures on Blue Star first to cut off the original source of the cosmic beast.

This kind of suicide attack is the only way to defeat the cosmic beast.

In fact, Ishmael was not the only one to discover this.

However, due to various considerations, they did not speak out in the first place.

The cosmic beast is absolutely right.

It's very ironic that even if they can't help themselves, these creatures, who are protected behind Lin Tianwei, become the sharp blades that stab Lin Tianwei in the back.

The origin transformed from their lives has become the power of the cosmic beast.

Kill Lin Tianwei and completely destroy Blue Star's power.

It is precisely because this plan is so unscrupulous and inhumane that they are so hesitant.

Destroy the Blue Star yourself and find that one-in-one chance of life.

Or just wait to die and watch Blue Star be destroyed.

Although this multiple-choice question is very simple, it is the most difficult choice.

Because humans are emotional animals after all.

No matter how correct their rationality is, their emotions are still preventing them from doing the most correct thing.


You still have time.

In Ismail's inspiring speech, they finally found the path they should take.

Blue Star's final glory should have been ignited by them personally.

Those bright fireworks are their last dignity.

The only thing they can do is use dimensions to divide the attack area.

Buy the last little time for the people on Blue Star.


This is not enough.

These weapons are not enough to wipe out all humans instantly.

Even before the world mutated, these weapons were not so lethal, let alone now in a world full of awakened creatures.

Rostro stood up again, and with a quick toggle, he connected to the entire country's playback equipment and started his last speech:

"Luo Country, no, all the residents on Blue Star."

"At this moment, we do not represent Luo Country, we only exist as a part of Blue Star."

"I know you are panicking right now, panicking about the sudden appearance of fearful weapons in the sky."

"Those are terrifying existences that will harvest our lives."

"But I ask everyone not to panic for the time being, listen to me and make the most correct choice when Blue Star needs us most."

"Death may be scary, but it's not the scariest thing."

"What's terrible is that the dignity of our entire race and our entire planet has been taken away from us."

"And now there's a demon trying to do that."

"Our hero, or the god who protects us, Lord Tiger King is fighting against this demon."

"Trying to defeat this demon that leaves us with nothing."

"However, the devil is truly worthy of being a devil. He can actually harvest our lives and turn them into his own power."

"That is to say, as long as we are alive, we will become the force to backstab Lord Tiger King."

"So I ask everyone to die calmly."

"For the last dignity of the race, for the last dignity of Blue Star, die calmly."

"Don't let your life become a sharp blade used to backstab heroes and backstab guardians."

Simple words contain a terrifying amount of information.

Before anyone could react, Rostro directly picked up the gun beside him and said:

"Everyone, let me take the first step."

With the sound of a "bang" gunshot, the world became quiet, and Rostrow's voice was no longer heard on the channel.

America's leader has gone one step ahead and practiced what he preached.

The same thing keeps happening in the Northern Hemisphere.

They also realized that the biggest problem with this plan was that the weapons were not lethal enough.

Not enough to kill all creatures in a short time.

Therefore, mobilizing everyone to die calmly is the most correct choice.

Although I don’t know how effective these words can be.

But that's the only thing they can do.

"Crazy, you are all crazy, how can something so outrageous be true?"

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it!"

"Yes, I want to find a place to hide."

"With the physical quality of an awakened person, even these scraps of metal can't kill me at all."

"TMD, are you willing to die calmly? Only a lunatic would choose to die."

Ten seconds later, a scream rang out in the silent street, followed by a figure fleeing hastily.

However, while running, this man found that his body was stopped, and he immediately roared:

"A good dog doesn't block the road, why are you, a lunatic, trying to stop me?"

"Can't you see those bombs in the sky?"

But the person opposite showed a strange smile and said, "Crazy?"

"Congratulations on your correct answer. I am a madman, a madman who is a perverted murderer."

"I'm not happy that you're blocking my way."

"There is no other way, I can only ask you to go to hell!"

As soon as he finished speaking, an incredible head flew up into the air. It was the disappearance of a life. (End of chapter)

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