Of course, the arena in front of you is just a virtual image, which can be regarded as a microcosm of the legal arena.

Competition is taking place every moment in the real law arena, and such a seemingly huge arena cannot accommodate all the competing cosmic beasts.

Both are virtual worlds, but the virtual worlds of Law Arena and Lotus Slave Market are completely different and cannot be compared to each other.

Lin Tianwei arrived in front of the arena almost without any notice.

Not only that, it is also a virtual world. Lin Tianwei cannot sense his body in the Law Arena.

It was as if he had really traveled across time and space and arrived at this magnificent arena, completely separated from reality.

Obviously, this is impossible.

It can cause such an illusion to Lin Tianwei, which only shows that the rules here are so perfect that no loopholes can be found.

If Lin Tianwei wants to leave the Law Arena, he can only use the exit channel prepared by the Law Arena for each cosmic beast.

This feeling of being out of control really made Lin Tianwei a little unhappy. Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei looked at his talent list.

Finally, I found a very suitable talent from a list of talents that were guaranteed to reach the extraordinary level.

Talent: Digitization of consciousness (extraordinary)!

Digitization of consciousness (extraordinary): Extraordinary talent, the ability to digitize one's consciousness and gain some special abilities in the virtual world.

Among Lin Tianwei's huge talent pool, there are not many talents that involve data. There is only one talent: digitization of consciousness (extraordinary).

The other talent: Core Code (Extraordinary) is still hanging on the armor to collect stamps. Lin Tianwei has no plans to seize it for the time being.

Speaking of talent: digitization of consciousness (extraordinary), we have to mention Felice again, the treasure-delivery boy.

Because this talent is exactly the talent extracted from him.

Not only did he sacrifice everything he had to Lin Tianwei, but he also bought Lin Tianwei a lot of time to operate in front of Miguel.

Racing against time, Lin Tianwei finally used his countless talents to find a way out for himself in a desperate situation.

Even after Felicie's death, he left Lin Tianwei a big surprise.

As the target of Lin Tianwei's spiritual contract, Felicie is completely his private property.

Even if he is killed by other cosmic behemoths, Felice's kill judgment will still be on Lin Tianwei. The talents he possesses will be extracted by Lin Tianwei and become his own talents at the moment of death.

However, considering Felice's weak performance, Lin Tianwei actually has no expectations for the talents that Felice can drop.

I feel that his value to me should be just this.

After all, Felice was not very strong. Even during the 200-to-1 encirclement and suppression campaign, he only dared to hide at the back of the battle. He obviously did not look like a cosmic beast with powerful talents.

Unexpectedly, he gave himself a surprise at the last moment and dedicated himself to a special talent.

Felice's so-called talent is not a clone talent at all, but another talent that can digitize his own consciousness.

It’s just that this talent is extremely unpopular and has almost no precedent in the universe.

Felice had never had a system and was unable to see the truth of his talent, which led to Felice misunderstanding his talent and not understanding its power at all.

I can only reluctantly conclude from the clones I can create through network control that this is a low-level clone talent.

The reason why it is extremely useful in the virtual world is simply because I have partial permissions in the Lotus virtual world, which has a chain reaction.

Unexpectedly, Felice, who has the ability to ritualize data, is at home in the virtual world.

If he really wanted to snipe Lin Tianwei, he would have a better chance in the virtual world than in the real world.

Anyway, Felicie is too weak, and this powerful talent can be regarded as a treasure covered in dust with him.

Letting Lin Tianwei obtain this talent is his true destiny. Only Lin Tianwei can truly play the role of this talent.

With the activation of talent: digitization of consciousness (extraordinary), Lin Tianwei activated his consciousness to suddenly change, becoming more in line with the law arena.

It's because Lin Tianwei has completely transformed his consciousness into data at this time, possessing an extremely special ability.

Free to log out.

No matter at any time, as long as Lin Tianwei's body feels in danger, he can freely log out of the Law Arena.

Although the existence of the Law Arena is a good thing for all cosmic beasts.

But this special existence similar to virtual reality is also used by some beasts with intentions.

This kind of sneak attack while the target is galloping in the legal arena is commonplace.

But if you want to use the same method to deal with Lin Tianwei, then Lin Tianwei will definitely give these old six a big surprise.

Let them understand that they are the real ones being ambushed.

Not only that, Lin Tianwei, whose consciousness has been digitized, can also manage his body in the Law Arena.

Let him act in the Law Arena according to the established pattern, and wait until his consciousness returns to the Law Arena before fully accepting the insights of the virtual body in the Law Arena.

This undoubtedly provides Lin Tianwei with great convenience, allowing Lin Tianwei to truly realize that he will never go offline in the law arena, always compete, and always become stronger.

This kind of behavior of endlessly squeezing oneself really makes capitalists cry when they see it.

The Heavenly Sea God King probably never imagined that Lin Tianwei would find a bug in the Law Arena that he was so proud of after hundreds of millions of years of improvement.

What's more, because there were many cosmic beasts staying in the Law Arena throughout the whole process, he had no chance of discovering Lin Tianwei's cheating.

After solving the safety hazard, Lin Tianwei no longer hesitated and flew towards the realistic arena in front of him.

Rules Arena?

It is destined to tremble under Lin Tianwei's pressure!

Although it was his first time to enter the Law Arena, Lin Tianwei felt very familiar.

The rules here are somewhat similar to those in the Beast Arena.

This method of participating in competition through consciousness is very much like Blue Star's long-standing fantasy, the most realistic virtual reality game.

It made Lin Tianwei feel very friendly for no reason.

"Name: Lin.

Age: 26 years old.

Strength: Universe level seventh level.

Rank: 326548721.

Points: 0.

Rating: Normal (challenge points +5%).

Note: If you are mediocre, you need to work harder to have any hope of becoming stronger. "

The moment Lin Tianwei pushed open the arena door, a panel of information about himself popped up.

Simple, direct, but a little bit not quite right.

It's really hard for Lin Tianwei to understand why he, who is so powerful, only gets an average rating.

The note at the bottom emphasizes his mediocrity many times.

It was as if he was not the chosen one with a talent extraction system, but just an ordinary passerby.

But Lin Tianwei immediately realized that the so-called evaluation and remarks should be data automatically calculated based on age and strength.

Talents, treasures and adventures are completely outside the calculation scope of the Rules Arena.

If you only consider age and strength, Lin Tianwei is indeed not the top.

In the vast universe, there are countless powerful races. Some races even have newborn babies with universe-level or even world-lord-level strength.

Under such circumstances, Lin Tianwei's seventh-level cosmic-level strength is really nothing to be proud of. It's no wonder that the Law Arena gave an average evaluation.

Of course, the King of Heaven and Sea also knows that this simple algorithm is not accurate, so the evaluation of the cosmic beast is not static.

They will change at any time according to their performance in the law arena, and there are many cosmic behemoths that range from qualified counterattacks to outstanding ones.

After showing Lin Tianwei's panel, the Rules Arena popped up a prompt again:

"The detection of the cosmic beast 'Lin' is the first time to access the Law Arena, and the novice tutorial is automatically started."

"Follow the guidance of the novice tutorial, and you will experience the unique charm of the Rules Arena."

Lin Tianwei didn't expect that there is a novice tutorial in the Law Arena. This familiar and smooth operation made Lin Tianwei feel more and more like he was playing an extremely real virtual reality game.

Following the guidance of the novice tutorial, Lin Tianwei quickly came to a room called the "waiting room".

Although it was his first time to come to the Law Arena, Lin Tianwei, who had Felicie's memory, was very familiar with it.

The so-called waiting room is the room waiting for matching and the room waiting for the competition to start.

The Law Arena will match each cosmic beast with the most suitable opponent based on its strength and needs.

Once the match is successful, the two participating parties will be transported to the arena used for competition and compete with each other until one party wins.

The winner gets points and the loser receives punishment.

The rules of the Rule Arena are extremely simple, the hard part is winning and earning points.

"Ding, you have entered the waiting room, please choose the battle template for this competition."

"Friendly reminder: Only the basic template can be selected during the novice tutorial."

Looking at the template selection panel that suddenly appeared in front of him, Lin Tianwei felt more and more like he was playing a virtual reality game.

The so-called combat template is the combination of the body template and the talent template, which is the body of a certain cosmic beast with specific talents.

This is also the reason why Lin Tianwei appears here in a state of chaos.

It's not because he is in a special state of energy body now, but because all the cosmic beasts that enter the arena of laws are in this state.

It doesn't matter what race the original cosmic beast is.

Because in the Rules Arena, you can only use the Rules Arena battle template to compete.

Minimize the gap between race and talent, have a fair competition, and understand the talent and rules in the competition. This is the Rules Arena.

Even to ensure fairness, the strength of both parties will be taken into consideration when matching opponents.

The body and talent cannot be brought into the arena of laws, but the perception of the laws and talent can.

Under normal circumstances, even if the same battle template is used, a stronger cosmic beast can display stronger strength.

Since it is a novice tutorial mode, Lin Tianwei has very few body templates and talent templates to choose from, and there are only three options for each template.

Body template (1): violent giant bear.

Strength: 750 (Excellent).

Constitution: 700 (excellent).

Agility: 115 (normal).

Mental strength: 45 (very poor).

Note: It is recommended to use agility talents.

Body template (2): Swift and agile leopard.

Strength: 330 (Good).

Constitution: 180 (normal).

Agility: 920 (Excellent).

Mental strength: 70 (poor).

Note: It is recommended to use strength or self-healing talents.

Body Template (3): Extraordinary Demonic Ape.

Strength: 450 (Good).

Constitution: 420 (good).

Agility: 430 (Good).

Mental strength: 120 (normal).

Note: It is recommended to use strength or agility talents.

Talent template (1): Strengthening (intermediate), the strength attribute is greatly improved, the specific effect depends on the physical quality.

Talent Template (2): Agility Strengthening (Intermediate), the agility attribute is greatly improved, the specific effect depends on physical fitness.

Talent template (3): Self-healing enhancement (intermediate level), self-healing ability is greatly improved, the specific effect depends on physical fitness.

While the body template attributes are embodied, there is also an additional evaluation column.

The ratings from low to high are: extremely poor (0-50), poor (51-100), average (101-200), good (201-500), excellent (501-1000), excellent (1001-5000) , top (5001-10000), extraordinary (10001-∞).

The numerical value represents the upper limit of this body. How much strength it can exert depends on the level of the user.

The level of the talent template continues to use the registration of the talent.

The three body templates respectively correspond to the strength-based cosmic beast, the agility-based cosmic beast, and the almighty cosmic beast.

And they are all melee-type cosmic beasts, unable to use mental attacks.

The suggestions for each body template are also to make up for the shortcomings of the body template and make the overall combat template more versatile.

Of course, this also means that you won't have too obvious advantages.

Faced with nine combination plans of three by three attacks, Lin Tianwei finally chose the combat template (violent giant bear + strength enhancement).

Although the suggestion of Beast Arena is good, Lin Tianwei does not intend to accept its suggestion.

No advantages means mediocrity, and Lin Tianwei will not choose such a mediocre plan.

What's more, as a ferocious beast, what Lin Tianwei pursues can only be power.

Even if there are many shortcomings, Lin Tianwei will only choose the most powerful combat template.

Under the influence of the talent template: Strength Enhancement (intermediate level), Lin Tianwei's strength attribute has skyrocketed, jumping from 750 to 900, and his strength has greatly increased.

"Ding, the battle template has been confirmed, waiting to enter the battle."

"Ding, the matching is completed, the target is the 'Novice Trial Beast', please confirm to enter the competition as soon as possible."

"After the confirmation is completed, your first competition will start immediately."

This is a virtual world. Facing an unknown competition, Lin Tianwei had nothing to prepare and immediately chose to confirm.

In a daze, Lin Tianwei found that he had arrived at another place, a huge arena, which was exactly the arena he saw when he first landed in the Law Arena.

At this time, Lin Tianwei was no longer in a chaotic state, but had already possessed his own body and transformed into a violent giant bear.

The whole body is brown and gray, covered with dense bear fur, and the muscles all over the body are bulging, looking very powerful.

Heavy, clumsy, powerful.

This was Lin Tianwei's first feeling about this new body.

As a Siberian tiger, Lin Tianwei has never experienced the body of a bear-like cosmic beast, and this is a novel experience for him.

After moving his body a little, Lin Tianwei discovered that although this body was extremely clumsy and every move was very strenuous, it was able to completely match his consciousness, like an arm and a finger.

It was as if Lin Tianwei's consciousness was not forcibly stuffed into this body, but that he himself was a violent giant bear. (End of chapter)

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