Start extracting talents from Siberian tigers

Chapter 369 Law of Innateness, Law of Talent

Although the consciousness is incomparably consistent with this body, this is a new body after all.

In addition, the violent giant bear was extremely clumsy, which was in sharp contrast to the agile body of the Siberian tiger. Lin Tianwei felt very uncomfortable in a short period of time.

Perhaps this is why the Law Arena must conduct a novice tutorial.

This wonderful state cannot be described by any words.

Without personal experience, there is no way to know how serious this feeling of violation is and how much it affects the performance of one's own strength.

It took Lin Tianwei half a minute to fully adapt to the new corpse, and he began to look forward, sizing up his competitive opponent - the trial beast.

Directly in front of Lin Tianwei, a huge meat ball was firmly attached to the ground with the help of countless tentacles. It should be the so-called trial beast.

Normal competitions have a waiting time before starting, which is precious time for competitors to adapt to the terrain and observe the opponent.

However, since the trial beast will not actively attack, and it is a novice trial, the default terrain is used. There is no so-called waiting time this time. Only the time when Lin Tianwei starts attacking is the time when the novice trial officially starts. .

Therefore, the best choice is to get familiar with your body first, and then attack the trial beast after you have complete control.

However, Lin Tianwei had no such plan.

In his opinion, fighting is the best way to become familiar with the body.

It would be better to rush forward and fight instead of just grinding and whining here.

If you hesitate, you will lose. Fighting will give you the answer you want.

Without any further hesitation, Lin Tianwei raised his thick bear paw, used his four claws together and ran forward.

Because it was too heavy and clumsy, every time Lin Tianwei walked was a heavy blow to the ground, making constant "bang, bang" impact sounds.

It seemed extremely real, as if Lin Tianwei was really in an arena.

After a short period of running, Lin Tianwei finally arrived in front of the trial beast.

Without being polite, Lin Tianwei stretched out his right palm and slapped the trial beast hard.


That was the sound of air blasting. Lin Tianwei's instant burst of powerful power caused the trial beast's body to continuously vibrate, making a huge explosion that was deafening.

However, Lin Tianwei's seemingly overwhelming attack had no effect at all.

Although the body of the trial beast was squeezed and deformed by Lin Tianwei's powerful power, under the crazy trembling of the body, the force of the attack was completely transmitted into the ground, and was eventually eliminated invisible.

Lin Tianwei's vicious slap could not shake the trial beast's terrifying defense.

It is indeed a trial beast. Although it cannot attack, it is very qualified as a passive target.

Like a roly-poly, it will quickly return to its original state as long as it does not exceed the limit of the force it can withstand.

At least it can be seen from the intact body of the trial beast that it should not have suffered any damage.

If he wants to defeat this rough-skinned and fleshy trial beast, Lin Tianwei must work hard and work hard.

In fact, the Law Arena has extremely strict requirements for the selection of trial beasts, which are strictly tailored based on the strength of novice trials. It cannot be defeated without exerting all one's strength.

If a little bit of power is wasted in the early stage, or the attack is not decisive enough, giving the trial beast enough recovery time, this novice trial is destined to fail.

In addition, most of the cosmic beasts are experiencing new bodies in the Law Arena for the first time, and even for novices, countless cosmic beasts will fail.

It is precisely because of this that the Law Arena will give each cosmic beast three opportunities to participate in the novice trial.

If you fail to complete the novice trial after three opportunities, then sorry, you will be completely disqualified from entering the Law Arena.

The purpose of the Law Arena is to cultivate powerful cosmic behemoths. Cosmic behemoths without potential cannot even be qualified to join.

Although the first attack failed, Lin Tianwei was not discouraged at all. The first attack itself was a test, to test the strength of the trial beast and to see how much strength this body could exert.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei launched another attack on the trial beast.

But this time he didn't use a blunt weapon like a slap, but his own teeth.

Since this is the most realistic virtual world, the fighting methods are naturally not limited to the simplest mutual attacks.

Faced with an immovable target like a trial beast, Lin Tianwei felt that eating was a more suitable weapon.

That’s right, just eat.

As long as Lin Tianwei's teeth are sharp enough and the bite force is strong enough to break through the trial beast's defense and tear the flesh and blood from the trial beast's body, then eating is the best weapon.

Eating can not only weaken the opponent's strength by plundering the flesh and blood, but also replenish one's own physical strength by absorbing the opponent's flesh and blood. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a bug-like skill.

It's just that Lin Tianwei's wishful thinking is doomed to fail.

The Law Arena has existed for hundreds of millions of years. If such an obvious bug existed, it would have been fixed long ago.

Lin Tianwei bit down hard on the trial beast, but not even a single tooth mark was left.

The skin of the trial beast is extremely tough, tougher than the thickest cowhide, and can absorb most of the force of Lin Tianwei's attack.

In addition, although the bite force of the violent giant bear is excellent, it is not top-notch, and it does not have the talent for sharp teeth.

Lin Tianwei tried hard for a long time but still couldn't get any flesh and blood from the trial beast.

In this situation, the best option, or perhaps the only option, for Lin Tianwei is to continue attacking.

The trial beast had no time to heal itself with the sudden and violent attacks. In the end, it could only become a dead soul under Lin Tianwei's claws due to its increasingly aggravated injuries.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei no longer hesitated and launched the most violent attack on the trial beast.

The ferocious bear's paw turned into a series of merciless slaps and shouted fiercely towards the trial beast.

That is to say, the trial beast does not have a face, and it must not have emotions, otherwise it will definitely be depressed by the endless face-slapping attacks of this kind of big dick.

Five minutes... ten minutes... half an hour...

The shortcomings of the extreme combat template were revealed at this time. Although Lin Tianwei has full attack power, his physical strength is also very good.

However, due to being too bulky and being attacked non-stop for a long time, this body had reached its limit and became out of breath.

At this time, Lin Tianwei faced a dilemma of whether to continue attacking or to stop and rest.

Continue the attack? Although it can maximize the output, it may also end up exhausted due to lack of physical strength and all previous efforts will be wasted.

Stop and rest?

Although this will allow Lin Tianwei to recover his physical strength as quickly as possible, based on the trial beast's abnormal self-healing ability,

After Lin Tianwei had rested and the trial beast had almost resurrected with full health, he was still faced with the situation of wasting all his previous efforts.

Therefore, the best choice is to use your most powerful attacks when you have the most energy and when you can save your energy as much as possible.

Continuously causing damage to the trial beast, finally breaking through the critical point and completing the kill of the trial beast.

It's just that this grinding fighting style really makes Lin Tianwei a little unhappy.

Since acquiring the talent extraction system, he has not felt this kind of predicament for a long time.

Maybe I should look for other ways, ways beyond the rules.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei immediately gave up the attack on the trial beast, began to think, and also began to restore his physical strength.

The original intention of the Sky Sea God King in creating the Law Arena was not to watch a simple competition between the giant beasts of the universe.

Understanding the laws and understanding talents is what the King of Heaven and Sea needs these cosmic beasts who have access to the arena of laws to do.

After all, even outside the novice trial, there are still a large number of body templates and talent templates, but the strength of each combat template tends to be balanced, but the focus is different.

In this case, simple competition is basically nothing to watch.

Only the laws that each cosmic beast understands, the talents that it comprehends, and the combat experience that it accumulates are the key to determining victory or defeat.

So in addition to the battle template, each cosmic beast can use another power in the Law Arena, a power called Law.

Supplemented by the power of laws, mainly based on combat templates, and combined with excellent combat experience, this is the key to victory!

As soon as he thought of this, Lin Tianwei's thoughts were opened.

The current situation is that the combat template has been determined, and even if it is changed, there will not be a big gap in combat effectiveness.

In terms of combat experience, Lin Tianwei, who has the heart of a beast and has experienced countless battles, large and small, can be regarded as experienced in hundreds of battles and has rich experience.

The next thing he needs to work hard on is to understand and use the power of the law to gain more powerful power.

Although he found a way to break the situation, Lin Tianwei fell into trouble again.

What are the rules?

How can I understand the law and use the power of the law?

Lin Tianwei subconsciously remembered the book of laws he had purchased. Although it was only the most common book of laws of power, it also gave Lin Tianwei a novel experience.

Have a little understanding of the existence of the law.

I have a little understanding of the nature of talent.

The so-called laws are the rules that exist universally in the universe.

These rules are extremely confusing, yet there are traces to follow. They have been summarized by great wisdom into countless categories, and are collectively called laws.

Perceiving the laws, understanding the laws, and using the laws are the ways to become stronger in this universe.

The so-called talent is the method of using the rules formed after countless inductions and summarizations. It is a manifestation of the rules.

This is also the reason why combination talents appear.

Talents seem to be relatively independent and cannot be integrated with each other.

But the essential laws of talent are the rules of the universe, which can be dismantled and restructured into new talents.

The production principle of talent scrolls is generally the same.

Talent is not tied to flesh and blood, nor is it tied to consciousness. It is simply a method of using the law, a concrete manifestation of it in the body.

Using flesh and blood as paper, origin as pen and ink, and supplemented by special secret techniques, the talents of these cosmic behemoths as materials can be engraved into talent scrolls that can be used by cosmic behemoths to understand their talents.

Talent is equal to the law, but talent is not equal to the law.

The reason why Lin Tianwei was not aware of the existence of the law before was just because he fell into a misunderstanding of thinking.

I only think that talent is an ability that creatures are born with, and I have never explored the origin of talent.

The reason why Lin Tianwei had this misunderstanding is also very simple, because many creatures are born with the method of using some laws and are born with their own talents.

Faced with this innate thing, few creatures will explore where talent comes from and what is the nature of talent.

They only care about whether the talents they have are useful or not.

Of course, the main reason why this happens is because Blue Star's level is too low and it does not have the basic conditions to explore the essence of talent.

Even if there are occasional creatures who want to explore the nature of talent, they are destined to be unable to discover the truth about the existence of talent.

After thinking about it, Lin Tianwei felt that his mind suddenly opened up.

Since talent is equal to the law, then in addition to combat templates and combat experience, the things that can exist in the law arena are naturally one's own talent.

It's just a talent that has been fully comprehended and traced back to the source to become a law.

Using the Laws, the cosmic beast can embody the talents that he has fully understood in the Law Arena, and in this virtual body, so that he can exert more powerful strength.

Perhaps this is another purpose of the Tianhai God King in establishing the Law Arena, which is to absorb the law insights of all the cosmic beasts that enter the Law Arena.

Although these cosmic behemoths are generally low in strength, at least in front of god-king-level beings, they are no different from ants.

However, the cosmic behemoths that can't stand the entrance to the Law Arena are numerous in number, of various varieties, and their brain circuits are even more bizarre.

With the accumulation of numbers, there is always a chance to gain some insights and take your strength to the next level.

It must be said that Lin Tianwei's thinking was extremely quick, and he quickly hit the truth about the Law Arena.

The more powerful the cosmic behemoth is, the harder it is to improve. It is even more difficult for the Tianhai God King who has reached the level of God King to improve his strength.

In this case, he naturally had no choice but to find another way, and the Law Arena came into being.

Although many cosmic beasts guessed the thoughts of the God King of Heaven and Sea, they did not refuse to join the Law Arena.

After all, the Law Arena has great benefits for them, and they simply cannot refuse it.

What's more, it's a good thing that their understanding of the law can be used by the King of Heaven and Sea. This means that their own understanding of the law is extremely powerful, has great potential, and is very likely to become a powerful cosmic behemoth. .

It can even make the Heavenly Sea God King owe him a favor indirectly.

The bestiality of a god-king level warrior is priceless.

In addition, the God King of Tianhai can be regarded as one of the God Kings with the best reputation in this universe.

It is also the main fighting force to resist the extraterrestrial demons and maintain the peace of this universe. Naturally, the stronger he is, the better.

Therefore, no cosmic behemoth would choose to refuse access to the Law Arena because of such a trivial matter. (End of chapter)

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