Disasters occur frequently in Mangxing, coupled with the extremely harsh living environment and very little food that can be used by the Mang people, the situation of the Mang people can be described as extremely difficult.

If it weren't for the benevolent Mang God who sent down his grace from time to time, the Mang tribe might have been extinct countless years ago.

Oaks originally thought that the Mang tribe would continue to struggle in this desperate but hopeful situation, but he did not expect that they would soon encounter a crisis of genocide.

The Mangshen disappeared, the Mangshen who provided them with protection disappeared.

I don't know since when, Mangshen seemed to have completely disappeared, and he never responded to their prayers or... sent down divine grace.

Without God's favor, they would no longer have the capital to fight against the natural environment of Mangxing, and their situation suddenly became embarrassing. Water and fire are not enough to describe it.

From the initial fear and panic to the current insensitivity and self-pity, the mentality of the Mang people has changed dramatically in a short period of time.

Mangshen disappeared, or died.

The Mang God has not disappeared, all of this is just a test for the Mang Clan. Only by firming up the faith in the Mang God can the Mang God send down its grace as before and bless the Mang Clan to continue to live happily.

For a time, two different ideas were born among the Mang people.

This kind of collision of ideas and beliefs is destined to be impossible to be compatible.

As a result, the Mang tribe split into two and became two factions.

One group firmly believes that the Mang God will appear again. All this is just a test of the Mang God to the Mang clan. In the face of a desperate situation, only a firmer faith can please the Mang God and allow Him to send divine favor again.

One group firmly believes that the God no longer exists, and at least is unwilling to grant divine favor to them anymore. Faced with a desperate situation, they should unite to find a way out.

Oakes, who can appear here, naturally belongs to the second faction and wants to use his own efforts to find a glimmer of hope for the Mang tribe.

It's just that he obviously failed, or is about to fail.

At the moment when despair was about to fall, he still put his hope in his faith in the God.

It's not that he no longer believes in Mang God, he just knows that Mang God may be gone, and hopes to use his own power to open up a way for the Mang clan to survive.

Being abandoned by the gods is not terrible. What is terrible is that you do not have the ability to take a bright road.

How could Mangxing, who had been carefully transformed by Mangshen, have a second path?

Even if there had been one, it had been mercilessly annihilated by the Mangshen. The only thing that awaits Oaks and other beasts is doomed to failure.

When his life was about to come to an end, Oaks decided to perform a final sacrifice, hoping that the Mang God would continue to protect the Mang people as before.

It's just that Oaks's sacrifice is destined to not get any response. After going through the tedious and complicated rituals, no matter how pious the prayer is, there will be no response from the god.

Oakes' body gradually began to tremble until he finally collapsed.

Oaks shouted loudly: "O Mang God, what did our Mang tribe do wrong, and why did you abandon us?"

"No matter who you are, as long as you can keep the Mang people alive, the Mang people are willing to give up their faith and praise your kindness forever."

After saying that, Oaks turned his back to the necklace and began to worship, praying to an unknown or even non-existent target, seeking his blessing.

Blasphemy, this is absolute blasphemy! Oakes betrayed his faith.

But in the face of Oakes' behavior, the beast behind him chose to remain silent.

Oaks just wanted to lead the Mang tribe to survive, so what was wrong with him? What's wrong with the beast?

However, considering that the suffering of the Mang tribe itself is the work of the Mang God, Oaks' actions can be considered excusable.

Faced with such a scene, in order to obtain more abundant power of faith, the best choice may be to play two roles with one god.

Black is also oneself, white is also oneself.

Use the transformation of faith of beasts such as Oaks as an opportunity to launch an epic battle of faith, or a battle of gods, on the vast star.

Through war and the collision of beliefs, the power of faith becomes more intense.

You can even taunt the believers quietly when they are fighting for themselves, and tell them the truth with a laugh:

Unexpectedly, both gods are me.

This kind of wanton trampling on the dignity of countless living beings is what God likes to do most, allowing them to find a little fun in their long and boring lives.

Shaking his head slightly, Lin Tianwei was not such a mean-spirited Siberian tiger, so he immediately gave up on this inhumane idea.

He has countless ways to have fun, and he doesn't need to base his fun on the Mang people.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Tianwei had an idea in his mind. The best entry point to change Mangxing was right in front of him.

With a thought, Lin Tianwei's terrifying mental power turned into reality, gradually condensing into a strange-shaped cloud above the location of Oaks and other beasts. He opened and closed his mouth and made a sound, saying:

"Ox, I have received your prayer. If you are willing to give up your previous beliefs and fight for me, I can send down divine grace to protect you."

As if to prove that he had the ability to fulfill his promise, a divine light suddenly fell from the sky and swayed on all the beasts.

This divine light is invisible and qualityless, but it contains huge energy. It penetrated into their bodies the moment it came into contact with the beast.

Terrifying power exploded, bathed in divine light, and the wounds on these beasts began to heal quickly, and their fatigue was swept away in an instant.

In less than three seconds, they had returned to their full glory, as if all the suffering they had suffered along the way was just an illusion.


This is a miracle.

This idea suddenly emerged in the minds of all the beasts.

But as the captain, Oakes' expression is extremely wonderful.

He never imagined that he just prayed casually in a moment of despair, and actually got a response from the New God.

Not only that, the New God seems to be extremely kind and ready to take in homeless beasts like himself.

But Oaks keenly heard something strange in the words "fight for me".

Fighting naturally requires a fighting goal.

The enemy of this new god is probably the old god known as the Mangshen.

The Mang Shen is not dead, perhaps it is just because he was trapped in a bitter battle and could not extricate himself, so it was too late to protect the Mang Beast.

It’s just that so what if you understand, so what if you don’t understand.

Looking at the necklace that had gone against him, Oaks smiled bitterly. He was the first to betray Mangshen, and he had no chance to look back.

The other party can heal all the beasts in an instant, and can definitely destroy all their beasts in an instant.

In fact, he has no right to refuse, so he can only go to the dark side.

Thinking of this, Oaks's eyes gradually became firm and he said:

"I am willing to fight for you. As long as my strength allows, I can destroy even the gods for you."

Lin Tianwei was a little surprised. The mind of this beast named Oaks seemed to be extremely flexible, and he could analyze the truth under normal circumstances in a very short period of time.

It's no wonder he became the captain of this team.

He is very aware of current affairs and makes the most correct choice at the most correct time.

After Oaks' reminder, the beast behind him finally reacted, understood the situation in front of him, and fell into a very tangled state.

This is a collision of old and new beliefs, and there is destined to be only one winner.

But since they had chosen to turn a blind eye to Oakes' blasphemy before, they had already made their choice in their hearts.

Without any surprise, all the Ze beasts imitated Oaks and crawled on the ground, declared their allegiance to Lin Tianwei, and recited new prayers.

For a while, melodious prayers could be heard endlessly, creating an effect similar to the sound of nature in this harsh thorn forest.

Faced with such a scene, Oakes was both happy and sad.

I am happy that my compatriots are also very aware of current affairs, and at least they have hope of survival.

What's sad is the speed with which they turned their backs on Mangshen. This, this, this was just too fast.

However, he had no position to criticize these beasts. He could only look at the sky with firm eyes, waiting for Lin Tianwei to issue the first mission.

Looking at these vast beasts being manipulated by him, Lin Tianwei had no intention of speaking.

These beasts look extremely ridiculous, vividly portraying the pitifulness of the weak.

But it also sounded the alarm for Lin Tianwei.

If he doesn't become stronger as soon as possible, maybe one day, like a beast, he will be crushed into dregs by a more powerful being.

He didn't want to experience the powerlessness he felt when facing Michael again.

He must keep getting stronger and stronger, strong enough to suppress all enemies.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei slowly said: "You guys are really pathetic to the extreme, being manipulated without even realizing it."

"The so-called natural disasters are nothing more than a method used by the Mang God to gain the power of faith and firmly control the Mang people."

"But you feel grateful because you were saved by him from this suffering that was caused by him, and you are grateful."

"How do you know that the so-called fighting for gods is not a new method of extracting the power of faith, or a funny performance simply to please the gods."

After hearing Lin Tianwei's words, Oaks' scalp instantly became numb, his whole body trembled, and cold sweat spread all over his body in an instant.

He never imagined that he would hear such remarks from Lin Tianwei.

It's not that he has never had similar thoughts, but he just doesn't dare to think about them.

Because he simply has no ability to resist Mangshen.

If we continue to delve deeper, it will only bring destruction to the Mang clan.

The wrath of God is simply not a power they can withstand.

I don't know what Lin Tianwei's purpose was, but Oaks also knew that he had reached a critical moment of life and death.

After forcing himself to calm down, Oaks said firmly: "It is our honor to please the gods."

"It is our honor to fight for God."

"God's will is the meaning of our existence."

As a subordinate who had just been subdued by Lin Tianwei, Oakes could not have too strong a belief.

His faith in Lin Tianwei is not even as strong as that of Mang Shen.

It's just that Oaks must maintain his firm belief in Lin Tianwei if he doesn't want to die.

Lin Tianwei naturally couldn't believe such nonsense, but he also knew that this was the only choice Oakes could make. He immediately sighed and said:

"Forget it, this is not your fault. Your strength and vision determine everything you can see."

"In fact, after Mangxing was captured and marked, you didn't have any choice."

"Being a tool to gain faith for the gods from generation to generation is the only meaning of your existence."

"Even when you were unable to provide enough power of faith for Mangshen, he gave up on you in an instant and sold you along with the entire Mangxing."

"Yes, I bought Mangxing from Mangshen."

"The purpose is also the same as that of Mangoshen, which is to gain more power of faith."

"But I am a little more merciful than Mang Shen, and I am willing to give you a little freedom of choice."

"I think you are more pleasing to the eye, so I decided that you will make the choice on behalf of the Mang tribe."

"You can choose one of the three options that you think is most suitable for the Mong people."

"The first choice is to keep the entire Mangxing as it is. I will take over from Mangshen and continue to protect the Mang clan."

"And as an insider, you must guide the Mang people to provide me with more abundant power of faith."

"The second option is that I will improve the environment of Mangxing and make Mangxing more suitable for survival. In this case, your Mang tribe will also have better opportunities to develop and reproduce."

"And as an insider, you must guide the Mang people to provide me with more abundant power of faith."

"The third option is to destroy the Mang clan and end the Mang clan's sad fate of being toyed with by the gods."

"In fact, as long as the Star still exists, it doesn't make any difference to me what race it is, whether it's the Mang tribe or something else, as long as it can produce the power of faith."

"So you are actually not as important to me as you think, so I am willing to give you a chance to escape."

"A chance to escape from this sad fate of being endlessly toyed with."

"But as a price, you must repay the cause and effect that provided me with the power of faith on behalf of the entire Mang clan."

"In other words, they can be liberated, but you can't. You must work for me forever, until you die."

"Don't worry, if you choose one or two, I will provide you with some necessary help so that you don't die too tragically."

Oakes felt that Lin Tianwei was indeed too kind and actually allowed himself, as a plaything, the opportunity to choose one of three options.

Although every choice is a bitter choice, Oaks has no choice.

But compared to the confused gods of the past, for Oaks, this is simply a gift from God, a supreme divine grace.

Comparing the three options, Oakes's favorite is the second option.

The harsh environment and frequent natural disasters on the planet are unquestionable disasters in the eyes of every beast.

If the environment of Mangxing can be improved, I believe that Mang beast will be able to live a very happy life.

This only requires a little bit of faith in the gods. In Oakes' eyes, this is undoubtedly a sure-fire thing.

But by choosing the second option, you also chose Mangxing's tragic fate.

The Mang tribe will no longer have a chance to escape, and can only become a tool in the eyes of the gods that can continuously produce the power of faith forever.

This fate is extremely sad. Only the third option can save the Mang people from this tragic fate.

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