Start extracting talents from Siberian tigers

Chapter 373 Experimental Planet

But the price of the third option is also the most tragic of the three options.

Choosing it means that the Mang tribe will no longer exist and will disappear forever in the long river of history.

After all, the gods will not waste any resources to raise worthless beings in captivity. The inability to become pigs that produce the power of faith for the gods also means that the Mang tribe will no longer have any meaning in existence.

In comparison, letting Oaks work for the gods forever is not a price, but more like an honor.

After all, no matter what the truth about the god is, since the other party has the ability to control everything, Oaks should respect him as a god.

Lin Tianwei seemed to have three choices, but each one was extremely difficult, which really made Oaks unable to make a choice.

He was extremely regretful at this time, regretting why he wanted to provoke this new god.

If you don't know it, dying in ignorance is actually a kind of happiness for yourself.

His shoulders are not strong enough to bear the weight of the fate of an entire race resting on him.

However, he had to make a choice.

Because the god who was about to decide his fate had already appointed him, and he could not escape or escape.

In the end, Oaks showed an extremely bitter smile and said, "Can I have a second chance to choose?"

The reason why Oaks asked that was obviously because he had already made a choice in his heart.

The third option was the option he should choose the most.

Although there will be short-term pain, it is countless times better than the constant long-term pain.

However, he was unwilling to give in and still wanted the Mang clan to enjoy a short period of happiness.

Even if these happy times are extremely false and pure illusions, Oaks is willing to let his compatriots experience them.

But Oakes' question was not answered.

Lin Tianwei just let the other party make a choice, and was not kind enough to let the other party bargain with him.

He has always been a Siberian tiger who speaks his mind.

After much hesitation, Oakes finally chose the third option, saying, "I choose the third option."

"Destruction may be a terrible disaster for a group of people, but it is not the most terrible disaster."

"Eternal servitude is."

"This is the only choice I won't regret."

Now that the other party has made a choice on behalf of the Mang clan, it's time for Lin Tianwei to keep his promise.

He is willing to give the Mang people a hearty relief.

With a thought, the tiger claws formed by condensing mental power directly grabbed Oaks in his hands.

Oakes didn't dare to move, and couldn't move.

Obeying Lin Tianwei was the only choice he should make.

Looking anxiously at the star that was getting farther and farther away from him, Oaks was both looking forward to and a little afraid of what might happen next on the star.

Talent: Time Acceleration (Extraordinary)!

The terrifying talent power derived from the talent: Time Acceleration (Extraordinary) is constantly pouring towards the vast star.

That's right, Lin Tianwei actually planned to refine the vast star into his own talent star.

After absorbing a small amount of Miguel's energy, Lin Tianwei's inner world was somewhat restored.

At least it has barely reached the point where it can refine the talent stars.

Although Mangxing did not show any characteristics that matched his talent: Time Acceleration (Extraordinary), Lin Tianwei still decided to give it a try.

Of course, he did this not because Lin Tianwei was ill and rushed to seek medical treatment, but because Mangxing's situation was extremely special.

In order to allow Mangxing to produce more power of faith, every owner of Mangxing will choose to apply a time acceleration array to Mangxing in order to shorten the birth cycle of the power of faith.

This also leads to the subtle compatibility of Manxing with time acceleration.

Although Mangxing is not very powerful, you can also try to fuse it with the talent: Time Acceleration (Extraordinary).

Anyway, even if the refining fails, Lin Tianwei will only lose a worthless planet. After all, Lin Tianwei originally purchased the Star to obtain the Faith Receiver.

Trying to refine the vast stars into gifted stars is just using waste.

The failure of refining was nothing more than the loss of a worthless planet to Lin Tianwei.

The successful refining was an unexpected surprise for Lin Tianwei, which meant that Lin Tianwei would have greater strength.

Coupled with the special nature of the talent: time acceleration, once the refining is successful, Mangxing will have an extremely special role.

In Oakes' horrified eyes, as the talent of talent: time acceleration (extraordinary) continued to be poured into the star, extremely terrifying changes took place on the star.

The first thing to change is the rotation speed of the star.

As if it suddenly gained some kind of acceleration power, the rotation speed of the star skyrocketed in a short period of time, reaching a terrifying speed that even Oaks couldn't see clearly.

Under normal circumstances, if a planet suddenly accelerates to this level, this terrifying speed alone is enough to cause the planet to disintegrate and turn into countless dust wandering in the universe.

Of course, the situation in Mangxing is obviously different.

Under the terrifying acceleration, Mangxing showed no signs of self-destruction and almost no changes.

No, there is still a change, that is, everything on the star is accelerated.

The originally well-organized food seemed to have been pressed on the accelerator button, and began to accelerate crazily, with afterimages appearing in front of Oaks.

At first, Oakes thought this was just his illusion. How could a huge planet be accelerated by time so easily.

But I didn't expect that this was the truth of the matter.

With the blessing of the talent: Time Acceleration (Extraordinary), the time belonging to the star begins to accelerate crazily.

Although it is not as exaggerated as a blink of an eye, a full year has passed in just one minute.

At such a fast speed, Oaks could barely glimpse part of the star.

It is from these fragments that Oakes came to the truth of the matter.

Because every time he glimpsed a fragment of Mangxing, he would find that the situation of the Mang clan was getting worse and worse.

Without the blessing of Mang God, the extremely harsh environment in Mangxing has simply become a nightmare for the Mang tribe. Every breath is a kind of torture for the Mang beast.

If it hadn't been for a long period of cultivation, the Mang tribe had barely adapted to the harsh environment on the Mang Star, and just breathing would have been enough to wipe them out.

Although they still cannot change their fate of destruction, under normal circumstances, the Mang tribe can still survive for a long time.

At this time, it will take at least several decades before the Mang tribe is destroyed.

However, under the influence of the power of time, and under the witness of Oakes' eyes, something terrible is happening.

The Mang tribe is dying at an extremely fast speed. In less than half an hour, the Mang tribe has come to an end.

With the death of the last Mang beast, the Mang tribe was also declared completely extinct, leaving only Oaks, the only source of fire.

This scene had a huge impact on Oakes' young mind. There was nothing more cruel than watching his own race being completely destroyed.

But Oaks couldn't blame Lin Tianwei because it was all his own choice.

Between lingering for breath and complete liberation, Oaks chose complete liberation on behalf of the Mang tribe.

He should have had a similar awareness at the moment of making the choice.

Suffering can destroy a living being's will, but it can also make a living being's will become stronger.

Oaks's eyes gradually became clear from numbness, and he continued to look at everything under him.

He has become enlightened.

He knew that there was absolutely no reason why Lin Tianwei asked him to witness all this.

He will continue to watch and witness to achieve Lin Tianwei's expectations.

Although the Mang tribe has perished, the acceleration of time has not ended.

The existence history of a race may be very long for a life, but it is a drop in the bucket for a planet.

The destruction of the Mang clan was just something Lin Tianwei did casually by refining Mangxing.

Next is the real life and death moment for Mangxing.

Whether Mangxing can withstand the talent: the power of time acceleration (extraordinary) is the key to whether Mangxing can survive.

With the infusion of a large amount of talent, Mangxing finally burst out with a crackling sound because he could not bear the terrifying power.

That was the terrifying sound that erupted when the planet was collapsing and cracking.

In less than half an hour, Mangxing, who was originally extremely healthy, had become riddled with holes.

Even more terrifying, disasters that could destroy the planet began to erupt, mercilessly destroying the promoted species on the vast star.

Even the creatures hidden deep in the rock crevices were not immune and were directly destroyed by the terrible disaster before them.

Another five minutes passed.

Five short minutes were like five long thoughts to Mangxing.

At this time, the star is no longer as healthy as before, as if it has been attacked by some kind of terror. Only a few ruins are left to prove that it was once a planet.

The power of talent that reaches the extraordinary level is still too powerful, at least for such an ordinary planet, which cannot bear it at all.

However, just when Lin Tianwei thought that the refining of the talent stars had failed, things took a turn for the worse.

The remaining Mangxing seemed to be the most essential part, and it actually withstood the erosion of the talent: time acceleration (extraordinary) power.

The initial frenzy has become more stable, the rotation speed has become slower and slower, and the flow of time has gradually become normal.

Mangxing even began to absorb the ruins it shook off and began to repair its own body.

In the end, after shrinking by a full 99%, Mangxing completely stabilized, announcing the success of refining the talent star.

It will have a new name, the Time Accelerator Star.

At this time, the Time Accelerator Star is slowly recovering. After it has restored enough vitality, this planet will also breed life again.

Due to the special circumstances of the Time Acceleration Star, it has been almost completely integrated with the talent of Time Acceleration (Extraordinary).

This means that this talent star will be able to accelerate any time within the scope of the talent: Time Acceleration (Extraordinary).

This will be a perfect experimental place. Under the influence of time acceleration, the time acceleration star can allow Lin Tianwei to conduct experiments.

Once a mistake is made, or the direction of evolution is not what he wants, Lin Tianwei can directly overthrow it and start over.

An experimental planet with unlimited possibilities, this is definitely a research place that all researchers dream of.

This is also the reason why Lin Tianwei kept Oaks.

He couldn't keep an eye on the time accelerating star at any time, but he could keep an eye on his experimental site on his behalf.

It was precisely in order to make Oaks more qualified that Lin Tianwei took him to witness the destruction of a planet with his own eyes.

A planet that was destroyed along with its own race.

After such an experience, Oaks's heart will become extremely tough and he will become a qualified research assistant.

"You remain on this planet as a guide."

"Once life appears, you must do a good job of guiding life to reproduce and believe in me."

"Depending on how much power of faith you gain, I will give you a certain reward."

"If you do well enough, I won't be able to reward you with a planet as a breeding and habitat for the Mang race."

"You have to remember that the Mang clan has not been destroyed. You yourself represent the Mang clan."

Facing Oaks, who was still in a confused state, Lin Tianwei directly issued an order to guide the new life to believe in him.

And casually threw out a faith collector.

He believed that Oaks was no stranger to the Faith Collector whom he worshiped day and night.

Lin Tianwei never hesitates to reward outstanding subordinates.

After all, to him, Oakes' pursuit was nothing more than something he could accomplish with the wave of his hand.

After receiving Lin Tianwei's instructions, Oaks finally recovered from his confusion.

Although his heart was not broken by the destruction of the Mang clan and Mangxing, such a miracle still had a huge impact on Oaks's young mind, causing him to be unable to recover for a long time.

He felt as if his view of animal life had been crushed into powder by violence and then reshaped, becoming fragmented.

After receiving Lin Tianwei's order, Oaks seemed to have a new animal target again, his eyes gradually regained their luster, and he murmured:


"My God, I will complete my mission and guide more lost lambs to fall into the arms of my God."

"Mang clan? A familiar yet unfamiliar name."

"After seeing the greatness of my God, I suddenly felt that my previous pursuit seemed a bit ridiculous. Only following the pace of my God is what I should do."

"No matter what, I am still a member of the Mang Clan. Continuing the Mang Clan can be regarded as repaying the karma between me and the Mang Clan."

"New life? I really look forward to what kind of new life will be born on this ruins."

Having said this, Oaks looked expectantly at the lifeless land in front of him.

Although the land was now barren and it didn't look like it could give birth to new life, he believed that Lin Tianwei would not lie to him. He just had to wait patiently and there would always be a satisfactory result for him.

ten years? century? millennium? Ten thousand years? Even billions of years.

He will wait until life is born in this barren land. (End of chapter)

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