Roberto had a strong momentum and put tremendous pressure on Lin Tianwei just by standing.

I just don't know how powerful Roberto, this huge forest giant, will be in actual combat.

In a sense, as Lin Tianwei is the king of the forest, the forest is undoubtedly his home court.

This upcoming competition in the forest will determine who is the real king of the forest.

It is a forest giant that represents nature and hugeness, or it is a Siberian tiger that represents strength and agility.

The waiting time was fleeting, and at the beginning of the competition, Lin Tianwei launched a teleportation attack on Roberto.

It is impossible for Lin Tianwei to miss such a good offensive opportunity if he strikes first and then suffers.

However, even though Lin Tianwei's attack was extremely decisive, his attack still failed.

The moment Lin Tianwei disappeared, Roberto also disappeared.

It's not teleportation, nor is it blending into the environment. Instead, it's like a special ability similar to using plants to teleport.

Not only Roberto's body disappeared, but also Roberto's breath.

No matter how Lin Tianwei perceived it, he could no longer sense Roberto's aura, as if the other person had completely disappeared in the forest.

Wood escape?

It seems that this seemingly clumsy giant forest giant is more flexible than he thought.

The forest is his good helper.

In the forest, he can use plants to cover his aura, and he can also use plants to teleport to anywhere he wants to go.

Talent template: Spirit of Nature (Extraordinary)!

In order to cope with crises that may occur at any time, Lin Tianwei's seemingly small body carries countless talent templates.

The most suitable talent template for this situation is naturally the Spirit of Nature.

I just don’t know if this talent template derived from the Blue Star plant can communicate with alien plants.

If you are not proficient in the language of alien plants, this talent template may not have the effect Lin Tianwei imagined.

Failed! Communication is ineffective.

Lin Tianwei felt that the spirit of nature could be used, but it was suppressed by more advanced talent templates, causing these plants to not respond to him at all.

Lin Tianwei was able to reluctantly extract the life energy of this forest through the spirit of nature for his own use.

If Roberto intervenes, Lin Tianwei may even fail to draw.

In the competition of talents, Lin Tianwei felt suppressed for the first time.

But it doesn't matter. Although he is suppressed in a certain talent, Lin Tianwei also has a large number of other types of talents.

It is completely possible to rely on the numerical advantage to crush the opponent, and it is still unclear who will win.

But the top priority is naturally to find Roberto's specific location.

Otherwise, no matter how high Lin Tianwei's supply is, it will be in vain if he cannot hit the enemy.

He also had to be wary of Roberto's attack that might be launched at any time, and was completely passive.

Thinking like this, Lin Tianwei directly opened the spiritual realm, a new talent formed by the mixture of vision and mental power.

As an evolved form of sight, the spiritual realm allows Lin Tianwei to gain a broader field of vision.

Even in an area where vision cannot be seen, Lin Tianwei can still see everything around him clearly with his mental power.

However, it was Lin Tianwei who had such powerful insight,

There was nothing he could do about Roberto, who was hidden in the forest and integrated with the entire forest.

The plants were still the same plants, but Roberto's figure was completely missing, as if Lin Tianwei's enemy had never existed from the beginning to the end.

With excellent hiding skills, it's no wonder Roberto chose the forest as his home ground.

As long as there are plants, he is invincible.

Thinking like this, the flames of destruction belonging to Lin Tianwei rose again.

Since these plants are ignorant and not only unwilling to be his helpers, but even want to help others, Lin Tianwei doesn't mind burning them.

Flame has always been the best way to deal with plants, not to mention the enhanced version of flame like the Flame of Destruction which is even more powerful.

Without hesitation, Lin Tianwei's body shook slightly, and a large amount of flames of destruction were shaken off and fell into the undefended forest.

With just a slight contact with the flames of destruction, those seemingly huge towering trees seemed to have been drained of their life force and withered instantly.

The burning that eventually turned into the flames of destruction made this cluster of flames of destruction become even more intense.

In the face of the terrifying flames of destruction, no plant can survive for more than half a minute before it will completely turn into ashes.

With Lin Tianwei's location as the core, a large black area was quickly cleared, which was extremely eye-catching in this vibrant forest.


Lin Tianwei's behavior of randomly destroying the forest undoubtedly angered Roberto who was hiding in the forest. With an angry roar, a sudden change occurred.

The originally peaceful plants began to grow crazily, as if affected by some kind of force, and soon a plant cage was formed where Lin Tianwei was.

If it were an ordinary plant cage, it would only be completely burned through by Lin Tianwei's flames of destruction.

But this huge plant cage in front of me is completely different.

Facing the burning flames of destruction, the plant cage shone with a bright green light, resisting Lin Tianwei's flames of destruction with its strong vitality.

Although the Flame of Destruction possesses the characteristics of the Law of Destruction and even has the bonus of the core code, it is full of destructive power.

But this seemingly small plant cage is also not simple. It is actually made up of all the plants in the entire forest.

As long as the Flame of Destruction burns a few plants, more natural energy will be extracted from other plants to instantly repair the place burned by Lin Tianwei.

In other words, Lin Tianwei will once again face the situation of being the enemy of the entire forest.

This is also expected. The enemy will not choose the forest as the venue for no reason. After all, the venue is also included in the difficulty.

But Lin Tianwei was a little curious. Could it be that Roberto just wanted to use these plants to waste his energy?

If this is the case, he will definitely be disappointed.

This is not the first time Lin Tianwei has made an enemy of the entire terrain, nor will it be the last.

In order to prevent himself from being passive in this tug-of-war, Lin Tianwei specially loaded himself with several talent templates for restoring and storing energy.

Talent template: Energy absorption (extraordinary)!

Talent Template: Charged Cells (Extraordinary)!

Talent template: Energy storage substance (extraordinary)!

Lin Tianwei's own energy is extremely strong, and coupled with the three extraordinary talent templates, even an entire forest cannot and may not be able to defeat Lin Tianwei.

After all, as a terrain, the plants in this forest cannot be too powerful, and the assistance they can provide Roberto cannot be exaggerated, otherwise it will affect the balance of this competition too much.

Roberto's idea was certainly not to use these plants to consume Lin Tianwei's physical strength.

This jet-black flame of destruction is extremely draining of physical strength at first glance, but Roberto is not a cosmic beast who will be fooled by its appearance.

By observing the consumption rate of the plants, he came to the conclusion that the energy contained in the Flame of Destruction was not very powerful.

Is the enemy too weak to unleash a decent attack?

How could Roberto underestimate an opponent who could match him? Naturally, he would not believe such a nonsense answer.

Then there is only one possibility: the other party is hiding his clumsiness or maintaining his physical strength.

Roberto had reason to believe that even if Lin Tianwei burned down the entire forest, it would not consume much energy.

Supported by this idea, Roberto decided to take the initiative and take the initiative while the home court was still there.

Otherwise, once the forest is destroyed, it will be meaningless to choose the forest as a competitive terrain, and you will no longer be able to get any help from the plants.

Wood escape!

Just as Lin Tianwei expected, Roberto could indeed teleport through plants.

It was through the ubiquitous plants in this forest that Roberto launched a sneak attack on Lin Tianwei.

A pair of sharp claws quietly popped out of the plant cage and attacked Lin Tianwei with lightning speed.

However, it was Roberto's prepared attack that failed. Lin Tianwei's body just flashed slightly and appeared in another place in an instant, avoiding Roberto's sneak attack.

In fact, Lin Tianwei has been guarding against Roberto's possible sneak attack.

He did not believe that this plant cage was simply to consume his physical strength.

Sure enough, after Lin Tianwei deliberately exposed a flaw, Roberto was fooled and launched a fatal sneak attack on Lin Tianwei.

Although Roberto was well hidden in the forest with the cover of plants, he would inevitably reveal himself at the moment of attack.

For Lin Tianwei, who has a spiritual realm, there is no way to hide, and it is impossible to be attacked by a sneak attack.

Not only that, Lin Tianwei's teleportation position was just right, and he launched an impartial counterattack against Roberto, who was sneaking up on him secretly.

However, Lin Tianwei's attack also failed and was dodged by Roberto.

The forest is Roberto's home field. In the forest, it is impossible for him to be hit.

In just a moment, Roberto had integrated into the plant cage and disappeared completely.

Such a scene gave Lin Tianwei a headache.

After the ranking soared, the opponents Lin Tianwei encountered also began to increase in intensity.

These opponents may not have strong offensive abilities, but their hiding abilities are definitely outrageous.

Otherwise, they would not have been able to successfully climb to such a ranking.

Prioritize saving your own life, and then wait for an opportunity to attack the enemy. This is the way to survive in a weird environment like the Law Arena.

This is also the reason why there is a decisive battle setting.

Without the function of initiating a decisive battle, many cosmic behemoths of equal strength could not tell the winner even if they fought to the death.

Just when Lin Tianwei thought he would receive another application for a decisive battle, the battle situation suddenly changed.

Talent Template: Space Distortion (Extraordinary)!

Roberto naturally knew that a simple plant cage could not trap a slightly more powerful cosmic beast. His real trump card was this extraordinary talent template that could distort space.

Lin Tianwei, who is extremely sensitive to space, immediately noticed something was wrong. The space in the plant cage seemed to have changed in some way.

Trying to activate teleportation, Lin Tianwei found that although he could still use teleportation, because the space had been distorted, the results of teleportation would be completely unpredictable.

Not being able to teleport to the destination you want to reach is just the slightest accident.

In the most serious case, Lin Tianwei may even be swallowed up by the turbulence of space and torn into countless pieces in an instant.

In this case, Lin Tianwei couldn't even break through the talent template: Space Tear (Extraordinary).

Only by relying on the extraordinary perception and understanding of space can it be possible to find the most suitable route for teleportation from the distorted space.

But it is obvious that Lin Tianwei's understanding of the laws of space is not very strong, at least not strong enough to be able to move instantaneously in distorted space.

Therefore, Lin Tianwei was equivalent to having his teleportation talent sealed in disguise.

Of course, corresponding to this is Roberto's similarly sealed space talent.

However, Roberto also possesses the special teleportation skill of Wood Escape, so it can be said that space distortion has no impact on him at all.

Only Lin Tianwei's injured world was achieved.

Roberto even took advantage of the moment when Lin Tianwei was exploring the space to launch a sneak attack on Lin Tianwei.

A sharp claw, a terrifying claw attacked Lin Tianwei.

Although Lin Tianwei had excellent insight, he was still a little late and was directly hit by Roberto's claws, tearing five huge gaps in his body.

If it were just a simple physical attack, Lin Tianwei wouldn't even need three seconds to fully recover from his injuries.

But how could Roberto's attack be just a simple physical attack?

Life energy.

There was terrifying life energy attached to Roberto's claws. When it hit Lin Tianwei's body, it also left the life energy behind.

The moment the life energy entered Lin Tianwei's body, it turned into plant seeds, plant seeds containing huge life energy.

It quickly took root and sprouted, constantly eating away at the energy in Lin Tianwei's body.

In just the blink of an eye, Lin Tianwei's back was covered with dense plants, constantly eating away at his vigorously growing plants.

Lin Tianwei didn't even have time to pull out these plants before Roberto's second attack came quietly.

The indestructible plant cage, the weird space distortion ability, the ubiquitous wood escape, and the terrifying parasitic seeds.

Lin Tianwei seemed to be in a desperate situation.

Talent Template: Speed ​​Burst (King)!

Escape? Backing off?

No, offense is Lin Tianwei's only answer.

Perhaps because of the lessons learned from previous sneak attacks, this time, although Lin Tianwei was still hit in the chest by Roberto's sharp claws.

But with the terrifying speed bonus, Lin Tianwei also seized the opportunity to counterattack Roberto.

Talent template: Claws (Extraordinary)!

This time, Lin Tianwei finally used his sharp claws.

It was obvious that sharp claws were a more suitable attack for Lin Tianwei's current situation than blunt force damage such as bear paws.

With a flash of cold light, Lin Tianwei's attack worked. A huge arm was cut off directly by Lin Tianwei's sharp claws and fell to the ground with a dull collision sound. (End of chapter)

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